3ecp.gT/fnoronni7Ki ■ ■■■■■■■ I I I GTMO REVIEW J o i n t S t a ff E x t e r n a l R e v i e w o f intelligence Operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba t}2(i 2012 DIA reviewed document and. determined some portions exempt from pubiic release//wcj//3 April 2014 cxA DECLASSIFIED IN FULL Authority: EO 13526 EO 13526 1.4(c)<25Yrs Chief, Records & Declass Div WHS AUG 1 5 20K Office of the Secretary of Defense C Chief, ROD, ESD. \V1 IS ^ Date: Authority: EO 13526 Declassify: Deny in Full: Declassify in Part; y, S" y +M(S) 6/26/201 AGENDA I I POLICY I N T E L L I G E N C E O P E R AT I O N S TRAINING PERSONNEL acondTi.uoieiMs. 2f)12 DECLASSIFIED IN FULL Authoniy: EO 13526 Chief, Records i Declass Div WHS AUG 1 5 2014 ■ 6/26/201: DECLASSIFIED IN FULL Authority; EO 13526 Chief. Records & Declass Div, WHS AUG 15 2014 accncTf/rjoroRN;/)-! i POLICY ft :h 2012 *""rT—fii?rnfThi • -n 6/26/20: autiMiJJHUtUw JS LONGTERM GWOT COMMITMENT ■ ■■■■■■ I I K j r j S 0W.ss26b)C6) Observation: There is no overarching coherent GTMO plan (policy, facilities, public affairs, C2). The "Immediate" startup of GTMO operations, short term fundin^ocus^n^l^^ is" facilitiesw'"""*' lll^mi^^milllll^No of efr^ Recommendations: Build USG public policy strategy • Media strategy with nested PSYOPS plan • DSD-PA. OJCS.SOUTHCOM. JTF mcv Stratec hi hi lliimillllliilii i 6 26 2012 DECLASSIFIED IN PART Authority: EG 13526 Chief, Records & Declass Div, WHS "a*®:AUG 1 5 2014 [We must realize that our nation faces an entirely new threat framework and if we plan to win this struggle we must invest both human capital and infrastructure in this! They can provide us with insight into a world whose stated goal and intention is the destruction of the United States and we ignore such a valuable resource at our own peril. :11.IV6/26/20 BgeneTiiMijpoF^igljXT yC- POLICY: DETENTION FACILITIES ■■■■■■■ I I Observation: Current detention facilities provide only two levels of segregation - general j s and maximum secui C^^HCc) /.2(i2»l2 •Current military operations necessitate greater capacity overall; a medium security facility might be built for much less $$$. Building a medium security camp would envision more communal living arrangementsfot ^^Him^m^rthose pending final decision on transfer recommendation.! • Require expanded capacity to allow for maintenance plan - units completed a few months ago are already rusted by heads & sinks. The exterior of all the general population facilities is also degraded. The overcrowding restricts the ability for easy maintenance. DECLASSIFIED IN PART Authority: EG 13526 Chief, Records & Declass Div, WHS Date: AUG 1 5 2014 . ., ., ., 6/26/20: "^OLICY: transfer & RELEASE ' v m 3 K^4(a)f w^mmm ■■■■■■■ i i i i -^^^smenst atGTMOseth tei successful transfer policy implementation O f o m 5P.-KO p Observations: Transfer/releases have not occurred - Risk assessment/management Is Key to QX/\ 5 U*5<5 ' 5Z/>)jU)/ o o= r =^ B> idatlons: —" CJl 0.oS t/i r x o ? 5^3 2.^S 09 t/> c/> o should evaluate law enior assessment crlleiia. provide standard of Investigation C O —r 6/26/20 '■n f i m m r g i w i K i i . POLICY: MILITARY COMMISSIONS O JS WW(^$)^S\)^.C.5S^(^>)CS) O ^ D S i S S S ff.ag-p CO o ~n — S-og Recommandatlons: - Develop & promulgate DOD's prosecutorial strategies - Define Military Commission concept of operations r»o ®® CO S S O ®" — CD ro "5 2 . " S^ CO Ci9 t / i C O •The delay in the transfer/release assessments by law enforcement is directly •A stated prosecutorial strategy, which speaks specifically to coordination with DOJ would allow all prosecutors, both at DOD and DOJ, to focus on the cases they will handle in the forum for which they are responsible. A lead prosecutor would implement the overall strategy, to facilitate prioritization of existing criminal cases, and to direct the transfer assessment by determining which cases have no ' 6/26/20 prosecutorial value. Prosecutors .could more quicMy .dispose of cases resulting in plea bargains (e.g. Walker-Lindh; JS N(4(g) DECLASSIFIED IN PART Authority: EG 13526 Chief, Records & Declass Div, WHS ■52*®=AUG152014 6/26/21 LI POLC I Y!N I TERAOENC^» ■i ■ ■ MIILI.i lUIUlim<)l4 ' 35 (-^^65)+ $"U'M.S9iCb)(5) OA '-^a) OSD I'S (c) Recomm&ndatlon: Formalize relajjonsl DECLftSSIFIED IM PART Authority: EO13526 Che i f,Records&Deca l ssDvi,WHS >artic)patir>g agencies (DoD lead?, pH^ J[ i m B ^^ould be enhanced by moreTbrmal delinealloi^f duties & responBlbilitles by each a g e n c y. Date: AUG 15 2014 [or other formalizina oraanization) would formalize the forts ot non-UOD players] Interagency participation is required in detainee operations not only in broadiy protecting US nationai security interests but aiso on how to use foreiqn delegations and who to reality, at the lowest level all GTMO players report excellent cooperation. 6/26/20: POLICY: PUBLIC POLICY PLAN 9• OS III Observatlo^i! Currently no tiSG Public PolicyStrategy exists. OSD-PA. SOUTHGOM-PA. JTFs all operate Independently with no overarching Recommendations: - OSD-PA lead effort in coordination with Joint Staff and SOUTHCOM staff to construct "USG Public Diplomacy Strategy" - Protect detainee operations - Build responses to potential scenarios ■No guidance to SOUTHCOM from Higher 'Combat Gamera/OSD-PA problems •Need a nested overarching strategy which incorporates ail aspects of public policy, media, and detainee operations •Hurricane, Natural disaster, detainee death, enemy attack, accidents DECLASSIFIED IN PART Authority: ED 13526 Chief, Records & Daclass DIv, WHS Date:AUG 1 5 2014 i,LLKET//MOruKN)JX T ■ ■■■ I I I INTELLIGENCE O P E R AT I O N S 6 26 2012 declassified in full Authority; EO 13526 Chief, Records A Declass DIv, WHS AUG 15 m 440ULI.no IS (4(5)+ s D'3.C. 55Z.Cb)L5) DECLASSIFIED IN PART Authority: EO 13526 Chief, Records & Declass Dlv, WHS Date: ^yg 15 2014 •DXA 5 a.S.C. S5Zlt)){?i^^ ^ .scmq w, (V n.7, ..s :0 ?9 l-l >393); mu 35 Ma 5524:, DIP: ELLSL. awn?535m: _z 33 25.2.? mo 2:2. .883? 223? Es 2% use as 3% (•4(^ftU^)iSOM.552iCfo)05) DECLASSIFIED IN PART Authority: EG 13626 Cho i f, Records & Deca l ss Dvi, WHS 'AUG 15 20H 05 5W<.5SWW(S) sccRCTTTnnruRJWJtt I N T E L O P E R AT I O N S : P S Y O P S / I O ■■ n i l ^ O O ^ O oj =r c m Ws o S ego f— CD o e i7 •• ~~ Recommendations: ^ 3.5s ft^MSS S o §3 ^ o o>g D> —I c / > O c/> 6 2(1 2012 sjiPRrri'iNeroHn<7)/ (0 U^<- •^tc) o o ^ o S s & K ?.a g 3> sos.>c/> OC/> S S;i5 ^ 5-o5 i-S o 0> CO ^ TO This observation boiled-down to one issue enior manager of the C O j C a : Thc nests tasking review and assignment, in the element that can most quickly and aut^ritativel^^^^H^^HjjH^^ft ^This saves time and also result^^HjB^^^^^^^^^^^^Pl^king 6/26/201 rejection/acceptance authority is.now in SOUTHCOM J2, Page determined to be Unclassified Reviewed Chiet ROD, WHS^ lAWEO 13526, Section 3.5 AUG 1 5 20K 1. 6/26/2( aCGRET/nUOPOKN/J. INTEL OPERATIONS: ICF ■ ■■■■■■ n i l Observations: Lack of intelligence contingency funds CSJ\ WCt") (ICF) adversely impacts intelligence operations. 9 06.C.5S2i)H5)} to OSol'^Cc)-)SU^-c-SQ, Aimy has the responsibility to fund^^JJinterrogation operations. Reportedly Army Intelligence Command encountered coordination issues within the Ann^gieml Counsers ofTice that delayed provision of ICF t(j H B M Per thejmBGeneral Counsel, 27/1440 Aug, the issue is resolved. Army INSCOM was developing procedure on how todispe^and account for GTMO ICR Because no funds have been received b}jH^Hfcis observation should be continued until verification is received tha^^^^HactuaUy receives ICR Recommend withdrawal of this observation upor^Si^Snded. DECLASSIFIED IN PART Authority: EO13526 Chief, Records & Doclass Div, WHS Date: AUG 1 ^ 2014 i O P E R AT I O N S ; FA C I L I T I E S III J5 !W 5U.$.C. ssLhiXhyi lo 0«. HT-X Recommendations: - Approve larger building or construct new SC rrrriniWWi 6 26 2012 &■ DECLASSIFIED IN PART . Autbority: EG 13526 Chief, Records & Declass DIv, WHS Date: AUG 1 ^ 20U Ml i jipm 6/26/201 III TRAINING » c o r > LTi i n u r u M ' j . ' . A i ' 6:(>20I2 DECLASSIFIED IN FULL Authority: EO 13526 Chief, Records & Declass Div, WHS AUG 1 5 2014 1( OEOnCT//NOf C/K iJ^mi 05 WHCs) D3?150«. BZ.W, olift-HZIV m 5 b'$..0 lOb^-CHi^ fOollS) 6^(1'^01^ 9 C 9 R f e 4 M 4 fi U U M k U j M < establish a Terrorism University to provide a "common orientation curriculunTibr GTMO personnel - Te r r o r i s m 1 0 1 - Al-Quaida 101 - Cultural orientation - The Mideast - Islam 101 - Databases/dataminin DECLASSIFIED IN PART Authority: EO13526 Chief, Records & Declass Div, WHS AUG 1 5 2014 6/26/20] - Analyst Tools Page determined to be Unclassified Reviewed Chief, ROD, WHS IAVIfE0 13526,SeeHefl3J OateiAUG 1 5 2014 7( 6/26/20 ULUULIWIJUl aUiyi/K1» TRAINING! LESSONS LEARNED ■■■■■■ i i i i • Observation: "Lessons Learned" are not being captured at Joint or Service Levels. • Recommendations: - Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) should visit 05 tmi5) and publish - Joint Uniform Lessons Learned System (JULLS) should review organization. Joint operations - Service Schools harvest current operations for Lessons Learned and TTP -Jntel School, MP School. OSI. CID •Army G3 has sent "custodial custody*' team to GTMO to look at the confinement operation. DECUSSIFIED IN PART Authority: EO 13526 Ch^, Records & Declass Div» WHS Data: AUG 15 2014 i OCORCT/ti JOTM/g; current/future framework ■■■■■■■■ I I I /OU'HHlij js i-mh 5 b'^'05M(S) OS^Slj'W. gs-Lm)) 6 26 2012 J L i i ) l l L I ^ < U l U l W. j J k l DECLASSIFIED IN PART Autfiorlty: EO13526 Chidf, Records & Declass DIv, WHS AUG 1 5 20]4 I W • CURRENT/FUTURE FRAMEWORK ■ 08) ■■■■■■■ I I I Expand Arabic language thru-put capabilities - Incorporate mor^ultural sensitivity and historical backoroundMoHR^rabic courses. Courses must: Include more interrogator booth praclical exercises, "terrorism" training scenarios and "working with translators" segments Current 1hru>pul exceeds recommended instructor/student ratios Should language be required 6 2h 2012 DECLASSIFIED IN PART Autbority: ED 13526 Chlpf, Records & Declass Div, WHS AUG 1 5 2014 ■■■■■■■ n i l PERSONNEL 2012 O To n f c t a i o r o n M i i w . DECLASSIFIED IN FULL Authority: EO 13526 Chief. Records & Declaes DIv, WHS Date: AUG 1 5 20K m c h L n m u i - o m i i w ' PERSONNEL: TOUR LENGTHS JS III • Observation: Curreni tour lengths do not enhance intelligence ofierations. Recommendations: Tour lengths must be based on mission requirements. Hshould designate - "Key bilets", Leadership ~ i(2 year PCS accompaniedT' -^'Essential billets"] 1 year PCS unaccompanied)" taTT support personnel (179 day tours) - OPR. Naval Base GTMO evaluate capacity to support Ion two year accompanied tours VtiWWOnM iiKU 6 26 2012 DECLASSIFIED IN PART Authority: EG 13526 Chief, Records & Declass DIv, WHS Date:AUG 1 5 2014 6/26/20 s e e R C Tw i e m r r n r x r PERSOA/A/EL: FORCE S7RCC7CRE ■ ■■■■■■■ I I I 05 WHIS) • Recommendations: - Approve recommendedBBPour length changes O g w Q 3 : gg . m - Leverage more "coaiition support" (linguists) - Army evaluate force structure for long-term GWOT - Expand/Grow inventory of "high demand/ low o •' 3 2 3rn " ®^ o^ cj-i Se/> s density" MOSs s m v m i T O m R i T S x r ft 2(1 2012 - 2 ^ aa-« ^ s s g Ck> c/t —« •For the past ten years, the Army has complained about the same "high demand/low density" MOSs. Only action has (/> been to further reduce the inventory of these exact MOSs with -Primarily Intelligence and MiUtary Police specialties } 6/26/201 -Despite many volunteers FORSCOM has refused all requests Page determined to be Unclassified Reviewed Chief, ROD, WHS lAWEO 13526, Soetten 3,5 "»»»:AUG 1 5 2014 9. ^ieeRCTWNor'OMWM PERSONNEL ■ ■■■■■■ I Observations; nraaiflonall^actical POW interrogation has requirecronly SECRET. • Recommendations: - Upon Identification for GTMO assignment] - OCMI. USA Intelligence Center examine requirement 6:h 2012 DECLASSIFIED IN PART Authority; EG 13526 Chl^, Records & Declass Djv, WHS Date: AUG 1 5 2014 6/26/ PERSONNEL: LINGUISTS ■ lllll Observations: The Global War on Terror presents an entirely new requirement for linguists. - Continually expanding future requirement for Arabic speakers - Both military and contract linguists - Formerly Insignificant languages and dialects now key &SDV4tc) (Pashtu, Darl, Uighar) - Machine language translation technologies Recommendations: \ntpul tu uocoiiinluLlafe demaha >^"ogratns (bonus/incentive pay) ^gy researci iressive r r r n n r T. i i i i i f n r m n i f u i ' . i T r 6 26 2012 - 26 July memo Mr Tenant to Rep Sherwood Boehlert DECLASSIFIED IN PART Authority: EO13526 Chief, Records & Declass Div, WHS AUG 1 5 2014 % . - •• » - . ! - *" 3 -r t • «V J ' . f - ; ■ -'fij . •, J" •4-^ "i r- ■ Vj«' , ■} *, 4 ^ ^ M . I.- . ' • -• "A St i % i "f'. . "^n : .v "« ' .<1 I i i