Global Climate Information Project PRESS ADVISORY O cto b er 2 2 , 1 9 9 7 C ontact: R ichard P o llo ck A d rien n e C isneros C atherine P u lley E ric M iller 2 0 2 -3 8 3 -9 7 0 0 REACTIO N TO PRESIDENT C LIN TO N ’S GLOBAL CLIMATE PO LIC Y W ashington, D .C . - The fo llo w in g authorities can be reached for in terview s and rea ctio n s to P resident C lin ton ’s g lo b a l clim ate ch an ge p o lic y address: Karen Kerrigan, Small Business Survival Committee -phone: 202-785-0238 Dennis Stolte, American Farm Bureau Federation -phone: 202-484-3600 Andrew Card, American Automobile Manufacturers Association -phone: 202-326-5538 Thair R. Phillips, The Seniors Coalition -phone: 703-591-0663