Wisconsin Public Utility Institute About Index Contact Us hbuut us Institute Members . Hission Sustaining Direct? Membership is maintained at four levels: Sustaining, Contributing, - Mag Associate, and Standard. - American Transmission Companv Staff - Madison Cas Et Electric Co. Executive Board The financial commitment - we Enorgf? Manning Committees associated with each level can be . Wigc?nsfn Public sowica Co. Charter found under Membership - Keel Energy: Wormw- Members of the Wisconsin Public cuntnbunng Utilitv Institute come from the energy, telecommunications, consumer advocate, consulting, financial and legal communities. All members receive the same benefits. Dur members provide the financial support and expertise that are needed to fulfill our Mission. - Dafrvland Power Cooperative - Deloftte - Dominion Resources Michael Best and Friedrich Parrino ?trategfc Consulting Group WPPI Energv