rMr OennSvtVania pf ir"onrurm'ot INVESTIGATIoN REPoRT e''1r*or".,wo. p:sst4. pM ",h6t2a14 Complaint lnformatlon 8210 - EP DOGO NCDO Dstr Ofi 285757 Counly: Susquehanna Enterod By: RUTH E PRIESTER Sourc6: LTR Date Received: 12D012O11 Complalnt ld: Related Complalnt ld: Munlcipality: Flanklin Township Aft€r Hours (Y/N): ER Related (Y/N): N N Dato Acknou,ledged: Slte Location: R€3ponslble Panv lnformation V. 1. 1 Abbrevlated Description: Foraboullhrceweeks h€rwale.is glay Long D*criptlon: Foraboul lhr€ewe€ks herwaleris glay. She says ther€ is drilling allarcund herand believes it is Williams. Ext: Company Name: Moblle Phone: Permit#: Municipallty: county: Resporce lnformetlon Prlorlty: 2 Program: Oil& Gas Complaint Type: Water Supply Date Resolved: 04/241201 3 OP EN _S OU RC E Date Response A68igned: 12120/2011 Date Ropons€ Due: 01/03/2012 D.te Flrst Response: lrupector: Comments: 1 2221201 1 RYAN C KLEltilSH Superulsor: MICHAEL T O DONNELL INVESTIGATION REPORT ffiPf^*m{lY"?*i,?,,,,, 1211612014 12:59:47 PM lnvestigatlon lnformatlon Dat€A$l9ned:12l20/2011 lnsp€ctor: RYAN C KLEMISH eFACTS lnspection ld: l2l22l2111 Typoj Site Visit Violation (Y/N): N lnvestlgation ld: 300784 DEP site visil lo obtain initial waler well sa mple foranalysis. Results p€nding. lndoorscreening and wellhsad space screening c.nducled. 1 lnspector: RYAN C KLEMISH eFACTS lnspection ld: oate Assigned: lnv€3tigate 1 2201201 oato lnvestigated: 03/06/201 violation (Y/N): 2 Type I site visit N lnvestlgation ld: 300785 V. 1. 1 lnv4tigation D6crlptlon: Oate lnvestigation Oescription: OEP site visit to obtain additionalwater wellsample for analysis. Results pending. oateA6sign€d:122012011 lnspecto.: JENNIFER W l',lEANS gFACTS lnspectlon ld: oate lnv$tigated: 03/16/2012 Violation (Y/N): N lnve3tlgatlon lcl: 300786 Typo: Other lnvestisation D6crlptlon: WPX request€d lo conduct investigation as per requirements of 78.89. 122012011 lnspector: ERIC tl ROONEY eFACTS lnspsction ld: OateAs6igned: Date lnvestigatecl: Violation (Y/N): 04/2412013 N lnv€stigation ld: 300787 Typer Other OP EN _S OU RC E lnvestigation Description: DEP investigaiion conducisd of wate r well, nearby gas wells, historicai data, area watet source sampiino and analysis, non-impacr delermination leller mailed 4/24113, DEP invesliqation does noi indicate lhal gas welld lling has impacted the walersupply. Complaini closed. w pennsytvania DEPAFTI'lENT OF ENVIRON!]ENTAL PROTECTION DISTRICT OLL AND GAS OPERATIONS April 24, 2013 Re: 58 Pa. C.S. $ 3218 V. 1. 1 CERTIFED MAIL # 7012 3050 0001 4216 0341 Detemimtion Complaht No: 285757 Fraaklin Tvp., Susquehanna County Dear l OP EN _S OU RC E The Deparbaent has investigated the possible degradatioo ot youl water supply well located at , Franllin Twp., Susquehanna County, in response 1p a 1212012011 complaint that recent gas well drillilg altivities may have affected your water supply q,e11. The Deparbaetrt has since beetr conducting a.n investigation which included evaluating the iategrity of nearby gas wells and the collection of samples ftom your home water supply on12122/2011 atd 31612012. The samples were submitted to ttre DepartDxent's laboratory in Harrisbug for analysis, aad the aoal).tical repofs for the samples werc previolsly submitted to you. As previously shared with you, the sample results showed several compollDds elevated above Departnent standards. Baium was present at 4.539 arJd,4.337 mg1- which exceeds the primary ma-rimum contamiDant level O,ICL) of 2 mg,/i-, and AJuminum, hor- Mangaaese, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Chloride exceeded secondary MCLs. Pdmary MCLs are iatended to rcflect potential dangers to humaa healt\ wbile secondary MCLS rcflect the aesthetics ofttre water (i.e. taste, smell, etc.). Additionally, the sample results showed methane is presed at 58.3 and 70.6 mg,T- il your water supply. The presence of dissolved methane in your water supply, the turbidity or cloudiness, the suLfiI odor, a.:rd all other compounds exceedilg primary MCLs and./or secondary MCLS, appear to be related to baclqround conditions. At this time, ttre Deparhaent's investigation does Dot indicate tlat gas well drilling has impacted your water supply. Methaae is the predomiaant componeEt ofnatural gas. Federal water sta.[dard LimitatioDs have not beer established lor methane gas. The level ofconcem begils above28 mgA metha:re, which is referred to as the saturation level. At tbis level, under normal atlospheric pressure, the water cannot hold additional methale in solution. This may allow tle gas to come out ofthe water aud conoentnte in tle air space of your home or building. There is a physical danger of fue or explosion due to ttre nigration ofnatural gas into water wells or tbrough soils into dwellings where it coutd be ignited by sources that are present in most homes/buildiogs. Natural gas can also cause a threat of asphyriation, although this is etremely rare. 208 Wesi Third Streer I Suile 101 Williamsporr, 570.327.3536 Fax 570.327.3565 .D PA !770!-6448 www.depweb.state. pa.us 2_ 4/24120t3 Whetr the Deparheat is made aware of methane levels greater than 7 mg/l, we Eoti{y the water supply owner ofthe hazards associa&d with methane in their water suppl-y.' please be aware howeve! that the metha.oe levels can fluctuate. This means that even ivith a relatively low level of methane, you should be vigila't of cbanges in your wate! that co'rd ildicate an increase in metba.ne conceotratioo. V. 1. 1 It is the Deparhelt's recommendation that all water weUs should be equipped wittr a working vent will help alleviate ttre possib ity of coocentrati,'g these gases in areas where igaition .This would pose a-ftr_ eal to life or propelty. please note tbat it is tot po;ibb to completely elininate the bazards of having natural gas in your water supply by simply venting your welt. Shorlld you have any questions coucemiag this natter, please feel fiee to coDtact Eric Roooey, P.C. at 570-346-5541 / Sincereiv. .t, -\ , eh//4tu//k-'-, li OP EN _S OU RC E fen-nifer W. Meaas 'Environmental Program Manager Oil and Gas Maoagement Marc B. Cooley Edc RooDey, P.c. Michael O'Don.oell William Kosmer, P.G. .SliardniStohb6herG Complaint File #285757 Hffiafsgl pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRON14ENTAL PROTECTION DISTR]CT OIL AND GAS OPERATIONS May 22,2012 Re: 4024 V. 1. 1 cERTrtgD U.qtl No. 7010 3090 0000 931s S32i8 Detemination ComplaintNo. 285757 t rafldrn I \1p.. 5 usqueharula ( ounly 58 Pa.C.S Dear The Depart'nent has investigated the possible degradation ofyour water supply well located at , in response to a complaint that recent gas well drilling activities may have affected the water supply well. On March 14, 2012 the Department collected an isotopic sample ftom the water supply at this property. The sample was submitted to Isotech Laboratories, Irrc. for analysis. The anall'tical report for tle sample is included with this letter. Please note that the Departloent has not drawn a-ny conclusions based on this data and is providing it to you for your infomation. OP EN _S OU RC E - Should you have any questions conceming this matter, please feel Aee to contact me at r'<70) J46-s5lb Sincerely, Michael O'Donnell Water Quality Specialist Supervisor Eastem Oil and cas District Enclosures: Laboratory Anal)'tical Results cc: Marc Cooley William Kosmer, P.G. Compiaint File # 285757 101 Penn Avenue I Room 400 s7o.346.ss3o I Fax Scranton, pa 18503-2025 s70.963.3421 t"". - *'r* **€b www.depweb.slate.pa.us 243453 Lab #: Sarnple Nam€/Nurnber: Job PA Dept of Envkonmental Protection Date Sampled: 311412A12 Location: Form atio./Depth: Sampling Point: Dale Recdived: 4/O4t?012 Component _ cadroo Monoxide Ghemical mol. % ria t{eliffin 0.0533 nd Fqd.oSen - 6i3C %" 6D %" 5tt9t2012 6r30 0.689 14.42 54.62 OP EN _S OU RC E Glgejr Date Repoared: nd HJ&oge-n Sdfide V. 1. 1 Calj-s Bond Bag Field/Site Name: Argon 17A76 G-3185 31412 001 Company: Container: #: Ieroge.t csrbon Dioxile _ 0.081 30.06 Elflane Eft/ene PrqEle 0.0716 nd 0.0007 Pr@l.,lene Iso bulane nd nd t't-ttlE$e nd nd F{e)€nes + To nd nd dlB-U.u l or)@60d.oF&1d.-jpsia crtcJt"ted .06 Specific qravity, calculated: 0.866 nd = not detected..na = not.anati?ed. tsotopic cornposition oi hydrogen is relative to VSMOW. tsotopic c,omposition of ca,6on is relative to VpDB. lsotopic composition of o.-xygen is relative to VSIVOW, exceptfor cErbon dioxide which is relative to vpDB. caldrlatons for BTU and s;;fic qravty per ASIM D3s88_ chemical Lornposiions a.e ro'maJzeo ro 100'b. Mot qo is dppror.n a(e,j/ eq jd .o /ot.!.. Isaiech Gas Dal: Jab Slunpla ?mupln Sam in; l'l?l spawn H-Ium I Numb "Illa Tina I'nht Dal; 1L 'h ?5 i 'li. 14 ?Fp ?3 Vs (Iliul 24345:: 41 2-uu1 I mu 1? 13.03 r-hrsk?n Parka. ail-19: 5,053; L. an 1.4.42 El 051 54 a: mi 30.05 aha nd LI one61942012 ?46.55 438.9 0.865 Ema Anaw?s '5 Dr 1mm water by hen-11pm. Anubis! hn ?cnn-n {nan fe' he?u'n ?Mn-1k: are?ah: hme?ap-qu ur? hullnn lh- [a dnlud nlLv- hnluln and may FIqu ID 41-: lu ueiocl . datecled - m: lunged (ceE Cawlt*zg€tsl pennsytvania DEPARTI\4ENT OF ENVIRONIlENTAL PROTECTION DISTRIqT OIL AND GAs OPERAIIONS May 16,2012 Re: Itr{IL NO. 7010 3090 0000 9315 3942 Act 223, Section 208 Determinatior Complaint No. 285757 Fralklin Twp, Susquehanna County Dear V. 1. 1 CERTIFIED OP EN _S OU RC E The Departulent is investigating the possible degradation ofyour water supply in tesponse to a 12/20/2011 complaint that recent gas well ddlling activities may have affected your water well. The Department coilected samples ftom your home water supply on 3/14/2012. The samples were submitted to the Depa.-1ment's labomtory in Harisburg for analysis. The aral)4ical repofts for the samples are included, as well as documents that wi[ assist you with intepreting the sample results. The sample results showed sevetal compounds elevated above Departnent standaJds. Barium@a) was present at 4.337 mg,{- which exceeds the primary maximum contaninant level (MCL) of2 rngll, and Chloride, hon(Fe), Manganese(1r4n), pH, Totat Dissolved Solids(TDS) arrd Aluminum exceeded secondary MCLs. Primary MCLS are intended to reflect potential dangers to huma[ health, while secondary MCLS reflect the aesthetics ofthe water (i.e. taste, smell, etc.)- Additionally, the sempie results showed metha.ne is present at 70.6 mgA_ in your water supply. Even though it is our unde$tanding that your private water well has been taken off_line, you should still be aware ofthe following fuformation. Methane is the prcdominant component ol natwal gas. Fedetal water standaid limitations have not been established for methane gas. The level of concem begins above 28 mg/l methane, which is rcferred to as the satu.ration level. At this level, under normal atmosph€ric prcsswe, the water cannot hold additional metharie in solution This may aliow the gas to come out ofthe water and concentrate in the air soace ol your home or building. There is a physical dalger of fire or explosion due to the migration of natunl gas into water wells or tbrough soiis into dwellings where it could be ignited by sources that are_prcsent in most homesbuildings. Natual gas can also cause a threat iasphlxiation, although this is extremely rarc. 101 P€nn Avenue I Room 4OO I Scranton, pA 18503_2025 570.346.5530 Fax 570.963.3421 ."*_^.""."*.€b www.depweb.state.pa,!s -2- il/iay 16,201,2 When the Department is made aware of methane levels greater than 7 mg/1, we notit? the water supply owner ofthe hazards associated with methane in their water supply. please be aware however, that the metlane levels can fluctuate. Please note that it is not possible to completely eliminate the hazards ofhaving natural gas in your water supply by simply venting yow well. Sincerely, ----?i :*?"', RyaE Klemish Water Quality Specialist Eastem Oil and Gas District Enciosures: LabontoryAtallticalResults V. 1. 1 The Deparbnent is continuing to investigate. Should you have any questions conceming this matter, please feel free to contact me at 570-346-5539. "How to lnterpret A Water Analysis Report', OP EN _S OU RC E cc: Michael O'Donnell William J. Kosmer Complaint File #285757 ' Date of Issue: 05/15l2012 PAGE 1OI 3 DEP O2:05:28 Bureau Of Laboratories - Harrisburg o. Box 1467 25 /5 Int ers Eate Drive P. Hdr ri sbu19. PA I7105-146? Contact Phone Number: ('1I11 346-1200 . Sampte ID: 3IB5 tOB V. 1. 1 Analytical Report FOR Oil And Gas Mglnt Status: Complered Nane of Sample CoIIecLor: Ryan C Kternish Date Sarple lJas Collecred: A3/L4/2072 09:54:00 County: Susquehanna Hunicipality: Frankl.in Tl rp ;\M State: RESI DENCE AA OP EN _S OU RC E Sample Mediun : cround Watet Sample Uedium Tllpe: Water l,ocation: NOT INDICATED Reason: Conpfdint Laboratory Sample ID: Completed SUitE: Legal Seal: 1012530 a20t2OO239O METH Intact: yES Test Codes/CLS# Description Jqnalyst Anafyzed 4828 ?4840 '7 Methane Alr CT IAO Ethane 02:00 AM CLIAo Plopane 02:00 Alt cl,IAO Test Method 10600 uclr, 03/15/2012 02:00 BOt 8016019 03/75/2072 BOr 80],6019 149A6 O3/I5/2OL2 Reported Results 433 Bot Bol,6oL9 UC/L (O) a4.2 UG/L lnl Date PAGE 2 of 3 Analytical Report FOR Oif And Gas Mqht rD: 318 5 Status: Conpleted 108 V. 1. 1 Sarnple results of the anatyses provided in this taboratory report relate onfy lo the sarple(s) identlfied in the report. UnIess otherv,rise noted. the results presented on this faboratory repor:t neet all the requirements of The NELAC JnstituLe (TNI). Sanple r,,as in acceptable condition l,]hen received by the l,aboratorJ. Any exceptions are noted in the report. Tests noted q,iLh an."{" are not included in our N,J NELAP Arnual Certified parameter List. The OP EN _S OU RC E Taru Upadhyay, Technicaf Dltector, Bureau of Laboratories PAGE 3 of 3 Analyticaf Report FOR Oil And Gas Mgmt ID: 3185 108 Statusr Completed V. 1. 1 Sanple ORGANICS I,ABORATORY QUAI,I FIERS U - Indicates analysis ras perforrned for tbe compound but it vas not detected. The sanple quantitation 1lmit is reported. J - Indicates an estimated va1ue, belor, the guantification Iinit, but above the method detection fimit. N - Indicates presunptive evidence of a coropound: OP EN _S OU RC E B - This f1a9 is used l.,hen the anatyte is found in the associated blank as well as in the sample_ E - This flag identifies compounds v'hose concenttatj.ons exceed the calibration range of the rnstruhent for thal'specific anatysis. P - This ffag j.s used with a talget ana]yte when there is greater than difference bet\,reen the results obtained from the primary conflnnation columns PCBS, Q for dual etc) . column analysis methods (i.e, The reported value is the average a and pesticides, triazines, of the trro results, - This flag idenLifies rhe avelage of nuttiple resulls fror. multiple ana.Lyses, or the avetage of the averages of duaf column anal ysis methods. _ - (Underline) - The compound is present at the anount reported. fIa9. No X - Non-target analytes co-elute ,ith compound. Identification unable to be confirned. ' Date of Issue: 05/16/2012 PAGE 1of 2 02:05:54 OI LaboreLories - Ha-risburg O. Box 146r 25?5 In!ersLaLe Drive Harrisburg. PA 17105-146? DEP Bureau P. Contact Phone.Nuhber: (7Ll) 345-7200 ID: 3185 S:mple status: 109 oI S.nple CoIlecLor: Ryan C Klemish Date Sample was Collectedi 03/14/2072 09:54:00 Name County: _-1 Twp RESIDENCE completed AM State: Susquehanna Municipality: Franklin V. 1. 1 analyticaf Report FoR OiI And Gas Mgmt PA OP EN _S OU RC E Sa$ple Mediun : cround Water Sa$p]e Medium Type: Water Location: NOT INDICATED Reason: conPlainr labolatory Sa*np1e ID: I2012008003 completed Standard AnaLysis: 945 Legal Seal: 1012531 Legal Seal: I012532 l,egal SeaI: 1012533 And Tihe Test codes/cAsll Ana I yzed Intact: Intactr Intact: YES YES YES Reported Besufts - Description Anafyst Test Method 00940A cHr,oRrDE 03/20/2012 O3t20 ItM CRADEK s}l 4500-cL 00900 T PM Hardness 03/L6/20t2 12 2A RWHEET,ER sM 2340 431,0 MG/t 115 MG/L B 8.5 pH units 00403 pIl 03,/19l2012 01:39 PU GDETONG sM 4500t1-B ** Cornnent ** Tine Lillit For Test Exceeded sPc C 25,0 q 03/2A/2aI2 12tr! PM GDELoNG sM 25108 00095 1852,00 unhos/cn Date 2O5 .6 MG/L OO41O ALKALINITY 03/19/2AI2 OIt39 PM GDELONG SM 2320B 3.592 rtG/L 118 70 BROIIrDE A3/a6/2072 A1.22 r,tt EvoDoPIvEcEPA 300.0 A VG/L OO53O T SUSP SOLID I,WILKINSoNUSGS I 3765 A3/75/2AI2 12taA I$ 2 af 2 V. 1. 1 PAGE Anal.yticaf RePort FOR oil Sample And Gas ID: 3185 109 Mgmt Slalus: Compleled Date And Tine Test codes/CAs{ - Description AnaLyst Test Reported Results Melhod <1 UG/L T PM DSoIENBERGEPA 200.8 3.800 ucl! 01002H ARSENTC T 200.8 O2..5'7 PM DSOLENBERGEPA A4/T6/2A12 <15'O MG/L OO945A SULEATE T EPA 3t5.2 O6t5I PM RRANGEL A3/23/2012 1.070 MG/t aa921A I.IAGNESrW T EPA 200 7 PM RWHEEIER A3/16/2A72 I2:2A 276, OOO UG/L O1]O5A ALLMTNUM T EPA 200.7 Ptrt RWHEEI,ER 03/16/2AI2 12120 34.800 MG/L 00916A CALCTW T 7 EPA 200 PM RWHEEI,ER A3/f6/2072 72:2A 2.605 MG/L 0O93lA PoTASSIU}I T EPA 200.1 03/\6/2A12 I2t2O PM R!'IHEELER 519, 000 uGlL 01132A LTTHIUI4 T EPA 200.7 03/76/2012 72.20 PM RWHEEIER 214.AaO MG/L 009294 SOD TM T EPA 200.? 03/16/2012 72t2A PM RWHEELER < 10. 0 uG /L 01092A zlNc I EPA 2OO.] A3 / 16 / 2AI2 :12I2A PM RWHEELER a.I2 MG/L 01055M Mn in MG/L 1 EPA 200 A3/76/2012 l2t20 PM RWHEEIER 4.331 MG/L 01oo?M Ba in MG/L 03/16/2012 12t20 PM RWHEELER EPA 200.1 0. ?4 MG/t 01045M Fe in MG/rA3/16/2A12 12t2A PM RWHEEI,ER EPA 200.? 5.01 MG/L o1o82M sr in MG/L A3/16/2A12 12t2A PM RIdHEELER EPA 200 7 958 MG/L 70300 rDs G180 c 2540 c LWILKINSoNSM 12:00 l\a 03/f5/2OI2 0114?H SELENIUM OP EN _S OU RC E A4/16/2A72 A2t51 . 42019 TURBIDITY 03/15/2012 A4:21 PM TVOROBEYCHEPA 180.1 11.10 NTU results of the analyses provided in lhis laboratory report relate only lo the sanp.re{s) ldentifled in the report. UnIess otherwise noted, the !esuLts presented on this faboratory r:eport meet aLl lhe r:equirements of The NELAC lnstitute (TNI). Sample !,,as in acceptable condition rhen !eceived by lhe Laboratory. Any exceptlons are noted rn the report. Tests noted wiEh an "*" are not included in our NJ NELAP Annual Cer!ified Paraneter List. V. 1. 1 The OP EN _S OU RC E Taru Upadhyay. Technical Director, Bureau of Laboratories NM" W Ctri*lL a8{1e-? nr:I-l-u,,?, ^*R ., n".g DISTRICT OIL AND GAS OPERAT]ONS February I 6, 20 i 2 Re: Act 223, Section 208 Determination ComplaintNo.285757 Fra*lin Twp, Susquehanna County Dear V. 1. 1 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7010 3090 0000 9315 4277 OP EN _S OU RC E The Departrnent is investigating the possible degradation ofyour water supply in response to a 12/2012011 complaint that recent gas well ddLling activities may have affected your water well. The Depa.rtment coLlected samples ftom your home water supply. The samples were submitted to the Department's iaboratory il Harrisburg for a:ralysis. The analltical leports for the samples are included, as weLl as documents that wiil assistyou with interpreting the sa.nrple results. The Department is continuing to investigate. Shou.ld you have any questions cotrceming this matter, please feel free to contact me at 570-346-5539. Sincerely, 4B* %,r'4 Ryan KJemish Water Quality Specialist Eastem Oil and Gas Dist ct Enclosures: LaboratoryAnal)'tical Results "How to Interpret A Water Analysis Report" cc: Michael O'Donrlell William J. Kosmer Complaint File #285757 101 penn Avenu€ Room 400 Scranton, pA 18503,2025 s7o.346.ss3o I Fax s70.963.3421 .** * ".".- *..€B www.depweb.stare.pa !s Dats of brue: 141612014 12:51 DEP Bur€au of Labor.torl63 - .1 1 Htlnkburg IELAP - accr€dltod by P-o. Bor '1467 NJ OEP. Labordory Numbcr: PA059 PA DEP LAP - DEP L.b lD: 22-00223 contrct Phone l,lllmbor: N.m (717) 3a6.7200 o.t coll.ci.d: a.Dpl.lD:3165065 V. 1. 1 2575 lntoErrt€ Drlve H.frl3burg, PA 17105-l{67 1u2212o11 11:55:@ Nt Lrb Smpl. lD: O20ii010615 ot S.mpl. ColLctor Ryan C Kl€mish Dd. R@lvsd: Counry: NOT INOICATEO PE N_ SO UR CE f unlclp.llty: NOT INDICATED S.mpl. f.dlum: G@nd Wal€r S.hpL f.dium Typ.: -Waie. locltlon: NOTINDICATED R...on: Ro0ri.6 s€mpling Prcjcct NOT INDICATEO Snlt : METH L.g.l S..t 10121)95 lnt ct Yer 14oUG/L (A) 14.2 UG/L (U) 1V2312o1112:@ N 12n3EAl12:OOttM ctlAo CIIAO 1cf2 An.ltnl@l Report For Oil And Gas Mgml Dat€ ColLct d: 1222no11 11:55:oo AM of the 2009 TNI slandard. Sample was in ac.eplabl€ condilion sfi€n r€eived by the LaboEtory. Any exceptions denoles lesis lhat lhe labdalory is not a@edited for Laboralory isa@€diled by NJ NELAP. paameler ml ofl€r€d by PA LAP LabSahpt€ ae to: 02011010815 noted in th6 €port, V. 1. 1 aru Upadhyay, Technhal Direclor, Bureau ot Laboratofes ORGANICS LABORATORY QUALIFIERS U- lndi€tes analysis was pedomed ior lhe Mpound bul J - lndicates an eslimaied value, N- belM lhe quanlilatjon tt was nol delected. The emple quantnaljon timil is reponed. limit, bul above lhe melhod detection limil- lndi€tes Dresumplive eviden@ ol a como@nd B - This nag is used when lhe analy,le is foond in th€ E - This flag idenlilies @mpounds whose P - This nag is used wilh a as&cialed blank as wel as in lhe samgre. orcenlralions €x@ed the calita{on range aveEge of mit ple results Lom multiple analyses, X - Non-rdgel anatytes ccetuld wilh d f@ lhe pnnary and connrmation cotumns tor dual @tumn anatsis meihods the ave69o ol the aveEges of dual coluhn anatysis methods. compound ldentifi€tion wble to be connrded PE N_ SO UR CE Thas flag idenlilies the inst@ent tor that specifc ahatysis. tapet amMe when there js s€at€t lhan a 25% difierence between th6 results obla ned (e,9. pesticides, ldazines, PCBS, etc) Q of th6 2ot2 l!ru€: 1211612014 12 51:14 OEP Bur€au of Laboralorle! - Hanl3burg - P.O. Aox la67 2575 lnt rdlts Oriv. fll.rl$urg, PA 1710$l{67 l{ar D.r. co 3185 066 ot S.meL Cotctor t Rc.hEil: tt *nd: 12122no11 11:55:M AM Ryan C Kbmish County: NOT INOICATEO L.b &mpL lO: 120ii037317 NOT INDICATEO PE N_ SO UR CE Iq.Llp.ltty: by NJ DEP - L.bor.lory Numbcr: PA059 PA OEP LAP - OEP Llb lO: 22{0223 Cont cl Phon l{umhen (t1fl ZS-72@ 8$pL lO: .ccrdll.d '{ELAP V. 1. 1 w D.t3 ot 3.mpl. X.ttlum: GNnd Wal6r X.rlluh lyp.: Watd S6d. - NOT INOICATEO NOI INOICATED 946 l. !. s..t: L{dAxt l. fd8..1 lot2o96 1012097 l0t209a lnrxt lnLct hbcrt Y6s Y63 Y.6 1 ol2 Analy$calReporl For Oit And Gas t gnt Lab S.hple / CAS l - lt .crlpds R.pqnd OI1O5A ALUMIM'M, TOTAL (WATER A WASTE) AY EP R-dn 281.000 UC'/L O1OO2H ARSENIC. TOTAL (WATER & WASIE)BY ICPMS OlOOru BARIUM,IOTA! 71870 in MGVL (WAIER & WASTE) AY ICP AROMIDE BY ON CHROMATOGRAPHY 009164 CALCIUM, TOTAT (\ /ArER E WASTE) BY tCP 00900 FrARoNEss,lolAL(cALcULATED) 0t045M tRoN, TOIAL lN MG/L (WATER & WASTE) OI I LTPIUM TOTAL '124 MAGNESTUM. ol055M BY tCP IIt 3.5 MG/L 0110512012 12 AA AM 12/z,2o11 11:00 Ar RWHEELER EPl-200.7 t-09 MG,! 12127Dn11 11:40 AM RWHEELER EPA 200,7 511 000 uG/L 12t2Tt24111100 AM RwllEELER EPA 200.7 12n7DO11 was 1., By rcP SPEC FjC CONOUCTTVITY @ 25.0 C 01042M STRONTIUM, TOIAL L. M6/L (WATER A WASTE) BY CP T.r.l chlo.i.ia-c-6Lrimrri. 7O30O IOTAL DTSSOLVEO SOLTOS @ 130C Tot l s{fa@oh.inatic OO530 TOTAL SUSPENOED SOL DS TURAIDITY, NEPIIEIMEIRIC 01O92A ZINC.IOIAL (WATER &WASIE) BY ICP Taru Upadhydy Tcchnrcal Onedor. Bur.au ot laboratores EPA 200_7 Nn 2 731 MGiL 273 000 MG/L 12I23t411 92,43 PM GDELOiIG sM 4500H€ 0206/'2012 03:26 PM DSOI€NB€RG EPA 200.6 GDELONG sM 25108 CR^DEX sM 45@Ct E 12/2112011 1100 AM 12rnno11 O3:8 ?M 510 MG/L 12/2712011 11:00 AM 418,0 MG/L 011112012 946 MG/L 12t2312011 12:00 AM <'t5,0 Mc,! 25.t3NTU 6:4a PM sM 2540 C B(ROVtC EPA3752 12t2312O11 12:C4 AM LWILKINSON uscs 1223f2o11 1219 PM TVOROBEYCH EPA100.r 01/Oal20i2 01 :54 PM 12t27/20111144 AM the 2009 TNlsrandard ssmple was n a@eplable co.drto. when r.celved by lhe Laboralory Any exccptronsare noted in tha rapon 'dercres resrs rhallhe laboratoys nol accredited tor Laboralory ac.rod led by NJ NE LAP parameter not ofler€rl by PA LAP 's - RWHEETER Rwl]EELER SEIENIUM, TOTAL (WATER E WASTE) BY ICPMS I 11:OO PE N_ SO UR CE 1'I OSOI FNEERG 36.200 tt/tc/L Ttn€ limil Fq T€tt E:c€€