INVESTIGATION REPORT ffi $i^iln"'JlYJ,[i?,,,,, 12J1612014 12 59:47 PM Comblalnt lnformatlon 8210 - EP DOGO NCDO Dstr Otf Related Complaint ld: Complaint ld: 286101 Municip6llty: County: Susquehanna AturHours Enlorod By: RUTH E PRIESTER (Y/N): N ER Related (Y/N): N Sourc€: LTR Date R.c€iv€d: 01/06/2012 Date Acknowledged: Re6PonBibl€ Party lnfornatlon Company Nam€: WILLIAL4S PRODUCTION APPALACHIA LLC PA 15317 RBoons. lnformttlon Ptiotltyt 2 Ext: Munlclpality: County: washington Addrgss: 1000 TOWN CENTER SUITE 130 CANONSBURG- V. 1. 1 Abbrevlated D€scrlption: Waler is bubbly and leavss Black slaining on standing. Water also appoars lo be cloudy Lons De3crlption: Waleris bubbly and leaves Black slaining on slanding Water also appea6 lo bs cloudv Oat€ Referrod: Program: Oil& Gas OP EN _S OU RC E ' Complalnt Typc: Waler Supply D.te Resolved: 04/241201 3 Date R€sponse A6slgnod: 01/06/2012 Date Repons€ oue: 01,2012012 Date First R€ponse: 01/1 1/20'12 lnsP3ctor: RYAN C KLEMISH Supsrvi3or: LIICHAEL T O'DONNELL INVESTIGATION REPORT ffiP,:^:rffi{!Y"?,I:in- 12116t201412 59 47 PM lnvestloatlon lnfo.rnation 2 C KLEMISH Dat€ Asslgned: 01/06/201 lnsp€ctor: RYAN eFACTS lnspection ldr Oate lnvcstigated: 01/1 1/201 2 Typ€: Sire Visit Violation (Y/N): N lnvestigation td: 300788 lnvestigation Descrlptlon: DEP slle visit to obtain iniUal waler well sample for analysis. Resul s pending.lndoor screening and wellhead space sseening conducted. lnspector: RYAN C eFACTS hspaction ld: lnvestlgatlon De3cription: DEP sil€ visil io obtain Dato tnvesfigated: 03/06/20 i lnvestigatlon ld: 300789 add itional water OateA3slgned:01/06/2012 lnspector: JENNIFER W I,IEANS eFACTS lnsp€ctlon ld: 2 Type: Sito Visit Violatlon (Y/N): N V. 1. 1 2 KLEMISH Date A3signed: 01/06/201 well ssmple for anaiysis. Rosutts pending. Date hvsstigated: Violation (Y/N): 03/16/2012 N lnve3tigation ld: 300790 Type: Other lnvestigation Descrlptlon: WPX rcquested lo conducl inv€stigation as per rcquirements of 78.89. 01/06/2012 ROONEY ld: Dat€ As3igned: lnspecton ERIC M eFACTS lnspectlon lnvestlgallon D$crlptionr DEP investigation Datehvestigated:04/2412013 vlolation (Y/N)r N tnvesttgaiton tdr 300791 Type: Other OP EN _S OU RC E cond ucled of water well, nearby gas wells, histoical data, arca waler source sampling and analysis, non-impact delermination letter mailed 4/24113, DEP investigation does noi indicalo lhat gas w€lldrilling has impacted the waters!pply. Complaini clos€d. w Aptil 24 , pennsylvania DEPARTI'4ENT OF ENVIRONI-lENTAL PROTECTION DlSTR CT OIL AND GAS OPERATIONS 2013 CERTIFIED MAIL # 7012 3050 0001 4216 0358 Re: 58 Pa C.S. V. 1. 1 l' $ 3218 Deteaoination Complaint No. 286101 Fraokli:r Twp., SusquehalDa Couty Dear I OP EN _S OU RC E The Department has investigated the possible degradation of yow water supply well iocated at . Franklin Tq,p., Susquehanna Couaty, in response to a i/6/2012 complai.nt that recent gas well drilling activities may have affected your water supply well. The Deparbaenl has since beeD conductilg ao i::vestigatioo *trich included evaluatirg the ir1tegrity of trearby gas wells and the collection of samples Aom your home water supply on lllll21l2 afrd,3l6l2\I2. The samples were subEitted to the Deparbneot's laboratory in Harrisburg for analysis, and the alalytical reports for tie samples were previously sub!tritted to yor]. As previously shared with yoq the sanople rcsults showedseveral compounds elevated above Depalhneat staodEds. Bariu.m was present at 4.23 ar:d 4.24 mglL which exceeds the pdlury maximum cont"minant leveL (MCL) of 2 mg,{-, al1d Iron" Total Dissolved SoJids (TDS) a:rd Cbloride exceeded secondary MCLs. Primaty MCLS are intended to rcflect potential daDgers to huma.:: healtb- *'tile secoqdzry MCLs reflect the aesttretics ofthe vate! (i.e. taste, smell, etc.)Additionally, the sa.o.ple resl ts showed metlane is preseat at 3 9.8 ar1d 52.1 mgll in your water supply. The presence of dissolved metbaoe ir your water supply, tle turbidity or cloudiness, the sulir odor, and all other compouads exceedilg primary MCLs and-/or secondary MCLs, appear to be related to background cooditions. At this time, the Deptu-tloent's investigatioD does not indicate thal gas well drilling has impacted your water supply. Methaae is tle predomiaaDt c-omponent ofnalura.l gas. Federal water st ndard lim.itations have not been establisied for metbaae gas. The level of concem begim above 28 mg,{ metha:re, qtich is reibned to as the saturation level. At this level, under tromal ablospheric pressure, the water caD.not hold additional in soiution. This may allow the gas to cone out of the water and cotrceaftate il the air space of your home or building. There is a physical danger of fue or explosion due to the migation of natural gas into water wells or thou€h soils into dwellirgs nfiere it couLd be ignited by sources that are present in most homes/buildings. Natural gas ca:r also cause a tlreat of asphlxiation, although this is extemely rare. When tle Departcoent is uiade aware of leveJs greater than 7 mgA, we Dotfy the r"Jer supply owner ofthe hazards associated with methaDe in thet water supply. please be apare ' 208 West Thiri SFeet I Suite 101 570.327.3636 Fax S70.327.3555 Pnnbd Williamsport, oi P.q..d P.oe. (I,q PA 1770\-644A -2- 412412013 however, that the methale levels can fluctuate. This lireaDs that even with a relatively low levei of metlare, you should be vigilaat of ch:ages il] you! water that could hdicate an iacrease in mel}ane coo.eDhatioo, V. 1. 1 It is the Depa..tment's recommendation that all water wells should be equipped witb a working vent. This will help alleviate the possibilty ofcorcentratitrg these gases in areas where ignition would pose a titreat to life or propefy. Please note that it is not possible to compietely eliminate the hazards of haviag natural gas iD yow water supply by simply venting your well. Should you have any questions coDcerotrg this matter, please feel ftee to contaot Eric Rooney, P.G. at 570-346-5543. OP EN _S OU RC E Enviroomenlld Program Marager Oil and Gas Management Marc B. Cooley Edc Rooney, P.G. Michael O'Donnell Williao Kosmer, P.G. ii ft lrc,tr- bleltroacaer-. aomptaiot File #286101 n)ep-o otE Cmltzrntor pennsylvania DEPARII'IENT OF ENlIIRONI''IENTAL PROTECTION DISTRICT OlL AND GAS OPERATIONS l/a5 22. )012 Re: V. 1. 1 CERTTIIED MAIL NO. 7010 3090 0000 9315 4031 58 Pa.C.S $ 3218 Detemination Complaint No. 286101 Fralklin Twp., Susqueharma County Dear OP EN _S OU RC E The Delartment has investigated the possible degradation ofyour water supply well located at ., in response to a complaint that rec€at gas well drilling activities may have affected the water supply well. On March 16,2012 the Deparhnent coliected an isotopic saaple ftom the water supply at this property. The sample was submitted to Isotech Laboratodes, Iuc. for analysis. The a.ral14ical report for the sample is included \tith this letter. Please note that the DepartmeDt has aot drawn any conclusions based on this data and is providilg it lo 1ou lor your information. Should you have any questioni concening this matter, please feel ftee to contact me at (570) 346-5536. Sincerely, Michael O'Dooaeli Water Quality Specialist Supervisor OiL arrd Gas Maaagement Enclosures: Laboratory Amlltical Results Marc Cooley Wiliiam Kosmer, P.G. Complaint File # 286101 101 Penn Avenue I Room 400 Scranton, PA 18503-2025 570.346.5530 Fax 570.963.3421 PrrnEd 6t m Pecyde! PaeerGd www.depweb.sta! 243455 Sample Name,4',lumber: Job PA Dept ol Eflvironmental Protection Date Sampled: 311612012 Container: Cali-5-Bond Bag Field/Sile Name: Location: Form ado ry'Depth : Sampling Point: uo4t20 t2 Date Reported: chemical 613c %" mor. % Component Garbon MonoJdde Hydrogen Sulfide nd Helium 0.0105 nd - Hydrose! 6D %" 5/A912012 5i30 0.889 19.99 73.39 OP EN _S OU RC E Argon 17A76 G-3185'31612 002 Company: Date Rec€iYed: #: V. 1. 1 Lab #: Oxyqen llt ogen Carbon Dioxile Methane '- 0.0187 nd Flhane Efiy'ene 0.0002 Propane Fropylene lsutane N$dane Is+pefitne N{efltane He)@nes + 0.056 5.65 nd _'-- nd nd nd nd 58 Total BTU/ drv @ 60deg F & 14 73psia, calculated: Speeific gtavity. calculated: 0 975 nd-notdetecleo'na-notanalred'lsotopicmmposoonolhydtogenisreladvet,VsMow'lsotopic lor or &ygon it t"t"dve to VSMOS evcepl ..omoosirion ol carbon is retative ro veoe. rsot-o-pic ilnio.'tio'i chemical D35aS per ASTM qravlv t#"int u s+rich is relative to vpoB caro][ioir-s "na ^'Ann to 100% Mol % is approximatelv equal to vol v' ;;;;;;;;;;;,'nized '[iei I .n i ?vW?M?fnl. 555%: 'n I . . mm.- laniech Gas Data .. . . I. Jot:- I??lnch Sumplu $alnplu Sample- Fielrl GI: Ha Hz Ar 0; E301. CI Cg Cu - lizH. n64 IC. n?g G.-I- MS 500. INCH BTU Hallum Name Dale Tlrm: Ngrnu F'olrll ?rDala Vu 5i. Gruvl?l-r' fnmur" 21mm 3?3155?315111002 3:16:2312 10:45 Enrka $312312 (?11435 and 0mm 0.053 n-d 0.0137 nul' rul nd nd nd $912012 415.20 ?234.5 53 nmulysl?i c' gas [mm waiter by rm has been mlrnalcd for hean ?nd la meal: hullLim nugalas lha lu dulcc-I nellva hallurn and ran-,- neualn Llus Ia rlalacl hydrogen. nd nal l'l? ncJ. analy?rul ffi NUBD pennsylvania Iflt\.{L*dtblDl DEPARTI.lENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DISTRICT OIL AND GAS OPERATIONS April 11,2012 CERTIFIXD MAIL NO. 7009 1680 0002 0993 4899 Act 223, Section 208 Determination Complaint No. 286101 Franklin Twp., Susquehanna CounqT Dear V. 1. 1 Re: .j.!ll _, - - OP EN _S OU RC E The Department is investigating the possible degradation ofyow water supply in response to a 1/6/2012 complaint that recent gas well ddlling activities may have affected your water well. The Departunent collected samples ftom your home water supply ot\31612072. The samples were submitted to the Depsrtment's laboratory in Harrisburg for analysis. The analytical reports for the samples are included, as well as documents that will assist you with interpreting the sample results. The sarnple results showeil several compounds elevaied above Departrnent standards. Barium(Ba) was present at 4.24 mgA, which exceeds the primary maximum contaminant level (MCL) of2 mg[-, and Chlo d€, kon(Fe) and Total Dissolved Solids(TDS) exceeded secondary MCLS. Primary MCLS are inteoded to reflect potential dangers to human health, while secondary MCLS reflect the aesthetics ofthe water (i.e. taste, smell, etc.). Additionally, the sample results showed methane is present at 52.1 mg& in your water supply. Even though it is oul understanding that your private wate! well hai been taken off-line, you should still be aware of the following information. Methane is the predominant component of natural gas. Federal water standard limitations have not been established fot methane gas. The level of concem begins above 28 mg/l methaae, which is refened to as the saturation level. At this level, under normal alrnospheric pressure, the water canrot hold additional methaae in solution. This may allow the gas to come out ofthe water and concentate in the air space of your home or building. There is a physical danger offire or explosion due to the migration of nah[al gas into water weLls or thLrough soils into dwellings where it could be ignited by sources that are present in most homes,tuildings. Natural gas can also cause a threat ofasphlxiation, although this is ertremely rare. When tlle Department is made aware of methane levels grcater than 7 mg/I, we notifu the water suppLy ovner of the hazards associated with methane in their water supply. Please be aware I Room 400 I Scranton, PA 18503-2025 570.346.5530 Fax 570.963-.3421 ""*,**,.*",*€b April -2- 11, 2012 however, that the methane levels can fluctuate. Please note that it is not possible to completely eliminate the hazards ofhaving natural gas in your water supply by simply venting your well. Sincerely, 4.71 Ryan Klemish Water Qnality Specia.list Eastem Oil aod Gas Distdct Encloswest LaboraloryAnal],ticalResults "How to Interpret A Water Analysis Report,, Michael O Donnell William J. Kosmer Complaint File #286101 OP EN _S OU RC E cc: V. 1. 1 The Department is continuing to investigate. Should you have any questions conceming this matter, please feel Aee to contact me at 570,346-5539. ' Date of Isslet PAGE 1 Of 2 DEP Bureau Of A4/O"1/2072 72:04:21 Laboratories - Harrisburg O. Box 1467 2575 tnL-rstrre Drrve P. Harrisburg. PA 1t105-1461 contact Phone Nr.rrber: l'tIl) 346-120A Oi1 And Gas Mgmt sanpte rD: 3185 104 V. 1. 1 Anafytical Report FOR Starus: compfeted of Sanple ColLector: Ryan C Klemish Date Sampfe was colfected: A3/06/2OI2 Namb County: Susquehanna Municipality: Franklin Tvp State: OP EN _S OU RC E RESIDENCE PA Sampfe Mediun Sampfe Medium T!'pe: Location: NOT INDICATED Reason: Ror.rtine Sampling T,aboratory Sarple ID: r2012006G93 Conpleted Standard Anafysis 946 Legal seal: 1042080 T,egaf Seal: 1042081 Leqaf Seat: 1042079 And Time Tesl codes/CAS+ Analyzed yES yES yES - Description Reported Results Analyst Test Method 18?O BROMIDE pM 00916A CAI-CIIrM T 03,/08/2012 09:50 AM OO937A POTASSILIM T 01/08/20-2 09r50 AI1 01132A IITHTUM T 03/0A/2012 09t50 pM ? rntacr: Tntact: Intact: 03/O1/2A12 04t42 5,330 TVODOPTVECEPA MG/L 300.0 20.300 MOBERCASH MG/T_ EpA 200.? 2.905 MG/L MOBIRCASH EpA 2OO.l I83.OOO uc/L MoBERcAsH EpA 200.7 Date . AA929A SODIUM T p.l.{ 03/08/2012 09:50 PAGE 2 of 435.OOO MGIL I.IoBERCASH EPA 200.l 2 O11 And Gas Mgmt Status: Completed Sanple ID: 3185 104 V. 1. 1 Analytical RePort EOR A3/06/2012 Date And Tine Test codes/cAs$ - Description AnaLysL Test Reported Results Method OP EN _S OU RC E 010924 ZINC T 10.000 UGIL A3/08/2072 O9:5A P]'1 MoBERCASH EPA 200.7 ** corunent ** Dilrited For Analysis, Reported Fo. Orlginal concentration The actua} vafue based on diluiraon of the sample is 01055M Mn in MG,/T, O.a2 MG/L 03/08,/2012 09:50 A].1 0100?M Ba in MG/r03/08/2012 09:50 AM 01045M Ee in MG/r MoBERCASH EPA 200.? MoBERCASH EPA 200.7 03/08/2012 09:50 AM MoBERCASH EPA 200.7 03/08/2012 09:50 A1"{ MoBERCASH EPA 200.7 01082M Sr in MG/T, 4.24A A3/A1/2AI2 12 AO pf,v LWILKINSoNSM 2540 rurc zNT=