E tE INVESTIGATION REPORT flfiI]JHdlY,?,I:i?,",, 1211612AM 12:59:4T PM PRorEcrroN Comolaint lnforriration 82'10 - EP DOGO NCDO Dstr Off 286492 County: Susquehanna Enlered By: RUIH E PRIESTER Sourcei LTR Oate Rec€ived: 12120/2011 Complaint ld: Related Complaint ld: Munlclpality: Franklin Township Atter Hours (Y/N): N ER Relatod (Y/N): N Date Acknowledgod: Abbreviat€d Oescrlptlon: water surges oul oi ihe well head Site Location: R€sponslble Parly lnformation Name: Home Phone: company Name: WILLIAMS PRODUCTION APPALACHIA LLC P€rmit#: Coung: Washington Addr633: '1000 V. 1. 1 Long Descrlptlon: water surues oul of the well h€ad Ext: Mobil€ Phon€: Municlpallly: TOWN CENTER sutrE lirork Phone: 130 CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Resoonse lnto.mation Prlorlty: 2 Ref6ned To: OP EN _S OU RC E Program: Oil& Gas Complaint Type: WaterSupply Daie Re6olved: 04/2412013 Dat€ R€sponse Assigned: 1212012011 Date Reponse Due: 01/03/2012 Date First Response: 122212011 lnspector: RYAN C KLEMISH Comments: Supervisor: MICHAEL T O'DONNELL INVESTIGATION REPORT ffiP.:^I]I::{IY"?,I:1?*,, 12h61201412:59 47 PM lnv€stldatlon !nfomation DateAssigned:1212012011 Datelnvestigat€d:1212212011 Violation (Y/N): N ln3p€ctor: RYAN C KLEMISH lnvestlgation ld: 300780 oFACTS ln3pection ld: TvP3: Site Visit tnvesflgation Oescription: DEP site visit to obtain initial water well sample for analysis. Resulls pending. lndoor screening and wellhead space screening conducled. oate lnv€stigated: 03/06/201 Violatjon (Y/N): lnv*tigation ldr 2 Tvpe: sile visit N 300781 V. 1. 1 1 ln3pector: RYAN C KLEI,i SH eFACTS lnspecllon ld: oate As3lgned: 1 2201201 lnvestisation Descrlpilon: DEP silevisitto obtain additlonal waler well sample ior analysis. R€sulls pending. DareAssigned:'12120/2011 lnspector: JENNIFER W MEANS eFACTS lnspection ld: Datelnvestlgated:03/16/2012 vlolatlon (Y/N)r lnvestigation ld: 300782 lnvestigation Descriptlon: WPX rcqu€sled to conduct investigationas DateAssign€d:122012011 lnspector: ERIC [,4 ROONEY eFACTS ln3pectlon ld: p,er rcq!nemenls of78.89- Oate lnvestigated: 04/2412013 vlolatlon (Y/t'l): N lnvestlgation ld: 300783 Type: Other D EP investigation conducied of water well, n€arby gas wells, hisloical data, area wat€t source sampling and anatysis, n;-impact delermination letier mailed 4/24113, DEP investigation does noi indicale lhat gas welldilling has impacled the watersuppiy. Complaint closed. OP EN _S OU RC E tnvestigation D6crlption: N Type: Other ffi pennsylvania DEPARTI'4ENT OF ENVIRON14ENTAL PROTECTiON DISTRICT OIL AND GAS OPERATIONS Aoril 24. 201i Re: 58 MAII Pa C.S. # 7012 3050 0001 4215 0365 $ 3218 Detqmination Complaillt No. 286492 Frrnklin Twp., Susquehama Countl' Dear V. 1. 1 CERTIFIED OP EN _S OU RC E The Department has iavestigated the possible degadatiotr of yo]]r water. supply well located at FraDldj! Twp., Slsquehanoa County, in respoase to a" lZlZ0/2011 complaint that recent gas well drillinp; activities may have affected yollr water supply wel1. The Department has siace been conductiag an investigation which hcluded evaluating the integrity of nearby gas wells a.lrd the collection of samples ftom your home water supply oE 72/22l\0ll a\d,3 /6/2012. The samples were submitted to the Departrent's laboratory in Harisburg for analysis, atd the aaalltical repots for the samples were previously submitted to you. As previously shared with yoq the sampie results showed several compounds elevated above Deparhent statrdards. Badum was present at 5.405 arrd 5.228 mg[- which exceeds the primary madmum contaminaqt level O4CL) of2 Elg,ry-, a:rd kon, Maoganese, Total Dissoived Solids (TDS) and Cbloride exoeeded secondary MCLs. Prima{y MCLs are intended to reflect potential da,r]gers to hriman health, wbile secoldary MCLs reflect the aesfhetics ofthe water (i.e. ta.ste, smell, etc.). Additionally, the sample results showed methane is present at 38.9 and 5g.4 ms/L in yolr water supply. The presence of dissolved methane i:r yow water supply, aod all other compolnals exceedjng pdmary MCLs ald,/or secondary MCLs, appear to be rclated to backgrolad conditiorr. Furtler, the Deparhent did not document a]1y naturally occuning phetonenon that cor.tid bave caused the itrghg of water ftom the weil or the ciaim of air the q'ater lines. At this time, the Departrcnt's investigatioD does not indicate thal gas weu ddlling bas ifipacted your waler supply. t Methane is the predonrioant component ofqatual gai. Fedeml water stzndard limitations have not been established for methane gas. The level of concem begins above 2g mg/l methane, vr'hich is referred to as tle saturation level. At this level, uoder normal atmospheric pressure, the vater calaot hold additional mettrare in solution. This may allow the gas to come out of the \ alei ard concentrate in the air space of your home or buitdiag. There-is a physical dalrger of fue or explosion due to the migration ofnatural gas into vater wells or tbrough soits into dweilings where it co'ld be ignited by sowces that are present in most homee/buildings. NaturaL gas ca.n also cause a tbreat of asphlxiatio4 although tlis is extremely rare. 208 Wes! Third SbEet lSuite 101 I Wi iamsporr, pA 17701_6448 570.327.3636 Fax 570.327.3565 ."".,"""".,.rr""..& wvi'w.depweb.stare. pa.us 4t24t2013 Wheu the Department is made aware ofmethane Levels greater than 7 mg/l, we notifu the water supply owner of the hazards associated with methane in their water suppLy Please be aware however, that the methane levels ca:r fluctuate. This means that even with a reiatively low level of methaoe, you should be vigiLant of changes in your water that could indicate ar ilcrease in methane concentration. V. 1. 1 It is the DeptubrxeDt's rccommendalionthat all water wells should be equipped with a worki4 vent. This will help alleviate the possibility of concetrhating these gases in ateas where ignition wouLd pose a ttreat to Li-fe or property. Please note tbat it is not possible to completeiy elimi-nate the hazards of having natural gas in your water supply by simpLy venting your well Should you have al]y questions conceming this matier, please feel fiee to contact Edc Roooey, P.G. at 570-346-5543. lkk* OP EN _S OU RC E Silcerely, EaviroDmeatal Pro glam MdBager OiI and Gas \4anagement cc: Marc B . Cooley Edc RooDey, P.G. Mchael O'Donnel] William Kosmer, P.G. Sfuuon.SteinbiicFr:-Geofftey Ayers CoBplaint lile #286492 Attomey Dubanevicb, on behalf ofl N Uzo As-tult Tgort?J' pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONI'IENTAL PFOTECTION { DISTR]CI OIL AND GAS OPERAT1ONS May 22,2012 Rb: 3090 0000 s31s 4017 58 Pa.C S g.3218-Deteftination CamDlalnt No. 286492 Frarklir lwp.. Susquehanna Couniy Dear Tlie Deparhnent continues to investigate the possible degradation of the u'ater sLrppJy well located zt " at which the . reside, and which owns), in tespoBse to a complaint that recent gas well drilling activities mav have zffected that well On Maich 1 6, 20 I 2 the Department coll€cted ar isotopic sahple fiom the water suppiy at that to Isotech Laboratoies, Inc. for analysis. The ana114ica1 :rcport for ttre sainple is included witli this letter. pleas€ nole tial the Departmeot has noi &awn aDy coDclusioas based on tlis data, alld is providing it to you for your infolrration. pursuant to your request, the Department is providing these sample results to yop, and the Depaftnent has nol senl the resulls to OP EN _S OU RC E ' V. 1. 1 CERTIFmD MAIL NO. ?010 prbiiety. The sample was submitred Should.you have ary questiotrs concet11ing this matter, please feel fie€ to contact either Geofftey J. Ayers or Anne C. Shapiro al570,321.6568. Surcerely. :Michael O'Donnell Water Quality Specialist Supervisor Eastem Oil a,'ld Gas District EncLosures: l,aboratory Isotopic Results ccr . . Geofftey J, Ayers, Esq. Arme C. Shapiro, Esq. MarcB, Cooley William Kosmer, P.G. Complaint File # 286492 . 101 penn Avenue I Room 400 Scranton, FA 18503,2025 570.346.5530 Fax 570.963.3421 1"."r--**"""*@ www.depweb.state.pa. us Job 243/.54 Sample Narne/Numberl 17876 r 3185-31612,001 Company: PA Dept ol Envircnmental Prolecliorl Dale Sampled: 311612012 Containe( Cali's Bond Bag Field/Sit6 Namei Franklin Fofts Sampling Point: Date Feceivedl #: DaleRepo(ed: 4to4t2012 Chemical Componeni V. 1. 1 Lab #: 613C 6D 5l1gl2o12 6no %" cabon MoExil€ nd Fb&ogen Suffide -__ tly*ogert - na t'SEogen 22.A5 cattron Doide Metrane 0.052 70.34 Eflane 0.400 OP EN _S OU RC E Argon o)rygen 0.0685 nd 0.290 6.00 Edryl€ne - 40.49 nd 0.0041 nd Isoiutane Ntrtane - nd nd Iota{ BTU/cu.ft. dry @ 60deo F & 14.73psia, calculated: .720 Specfic g.avity, calculated: 0.686 nd = not delecied. na = not anallzed. lsotopic composition of hydrogef is.elative lo VSllOW. lsotopic cornposition ol carbon is relative to VPDB. lsotopic composition of oxygen is retative to VS[,{OW, except ior carbon dioxide which is relative to VPDB. Calcutations tor BTU and specifrc gravity per ASTM DS58B. Chemical c6mpositrcns ar-o normalizd to 100%. f,tol. % is approximatety equaito vot.:U". qr m. Tram I . Isolacr- 53mph: Sample Eompla FleId Samping Ga Hranc. Hag Speal?a aw Haf'um diiL'?un th Nu. J?urna Halt! I).an Ne-?ns Pulnl Dale Dale Gray Indur 245454 Ems-alm-Um manure 0:50 FranMInFarm ?rm-20:2 0060: nd 0.200 0.00 0.052 12.05 mi mm 0.400 ml 0.0041 nd nd nd nd ?nd? nd 5mm: 42.23 420.0 ?10.40 0.000 720 '5 0r 9? ?Faded from ?~an by Medan-Mn Anal-{uh Mn Dana-216:1 forhellum added [a create Add-?30" 0? hail-ll? M93195 W1 ?hm? '0 dsiaci I'Idlum and may nanln Iha a.th In delec? hydrugan. nd a m1do?la-z11-d, n: grammar! tttM) WvlL'LZ(W1)\ pennsylvania OEPARTI4ENT OF ENVIRON14ENTAL PROTECTION DISTRICJT OIL AND GAS OPERATIONS 6: ,l ft -{vLn!a tL,ir April 10,2012 cERTrrrED MArL NO. 7009 APR 16 1680 0002 0993 4882 u-"- ., .. . ir r,:o "- tr 2ti2 Re: V. 1. 1 liryrd "- Act 223, Section 208 Determination Complaint No. 286492 Fra,'rklin Twp., Susquehanna County De"r OP EN _S OU RC E The Department is investigating the possible degmdatior ofyour water supply in response to a 12l20l2olI complaint that recent gas well drilling activities may have affected your water well. The Department collected sarnples from your home water supply on3/612012. The samples were submitted to the Departrnent's laboratory in Harrisburg for aralysis. The anal)'tical reports for the samples are included, as well as docunents that will assist you with interpreting the sample results. The sample results showed several compounds elevated above Deparhnent standards. Barium(Ba) was present a1 5.228 mg/L which exceeds the primary ma-{imum contaminart level CMCL) of 2 mg,4-, ard Chioride, Iron(Fe), Total Dissolved Solids(TDS) and Aluminum exceeded secondary MCLs. Primary MCLs are intended to reflect potential dangers to humal health, while secondary MCLs reflect the aesthetics ofthe water (i.e. taste, smell, etc.). Additionally, the sample resuits showed methane is present at5 8 .4 mg/L in your water supply. Even though it is our understanding that your private water rvell has been taken off-line, you should still be aware ofthe foilowing information. Methane is the predominant component of natujal gas. Federal water standard limitations have not been established for methale gas. The level ofconcem begins above 28 mg/l methane, which is refened to as the saturation level. At this level, r.rnder normal atrnospheric pressure, the water cannot hold additional methane in solution. This may allow the gas to come out of the water and concentrate in the air space ol your home or building. There is a physical danger of fire or explosion due to the migration of natural gas into water wells or firough soils into dwellings where it could be ignited by sources that are present in most homes,/buildings. Natural gas can also cause a th.reat ofasphlxiation, although this is exhemely rare. When the Department is made aware ofmethane levels greater than 7 mg/I, we notify the watet supply owner of the hazards associated with methane in their water supply. Please be aware 101 Penn Avenue I Room a00 570.346.5530 Fax 570.963.3421 h e! 6 Scranton, PA 18503,2025 Reo.ed rD. Parr!5d www.depweb.state.pa.us -2- April 10,2012 however, that the methane levels can flur "r**G,r," j[:iil";"tH;s$il i]:iliffi:"'ft",:"#ffi:'' '_,'a,i?ffiil;il Sincerely, ,/rnff\ Water Quality Specialist Easrem Oil a.Dd Gas District Enclosures: Laboratory Analltical Resu.lts "How to htelprct A Water Alalysis Report,, Michael O'Dormell William J. Kosmer Complaint File #286492 OP EN _S OU RC E cc: V. 1. 1 The Deparhnent is continuing to investigate. Should you have any questions concemrng this mafter, please feel free to contact me at 570_346_5539. Date of Issue: 03/1-4/2A12 t2: 03 :30 PAGE 1 of 3 DEP Bureau Of taboratories - Harrisburg P. O. Box 1451 2575 Interstate Drive Harrisburg, PA 11105-1467 Contact Phone Nunber: \'lli ) 346-',7 2AD AnafyticaL Report Sample TD : 3185 Status: 106 of Sample Co]Iecto.: Ryan C Klemish Date Samp]e was Co]Iected: A3/A6/2A72 01:35:00 Nalrle county: Municipality: FOR And cas MErt V. 1. 1 Oif PM NOT INDICATED NOT INDICATED SLate: OP EN _S OU RC E Sample Medium : cround warer Sample Mediur Type: Water: location: NOT INDTCATED Reason: Routine samptjng Iaboratory completed Sample rD: Suite Legaf Seaf: T042083 I 02012002003 METH Intact: Test codes/cAS* - Descriprion Analyzed '7 turalyst Methane /01 /2a12 02: 00 AM 1 4440 Ethane 03/01/2072 02: 00 AM '7 4986 Propane YES Test Reported Resufts Method 4A2B a3 o3/a]/2072 02:00 Al,l 58 DACI,EMENS BOL BOL6O19 DACLEMENS BOL BOL6O19 DACLEMENS BOL BOr6019 400 436 Completed ucll uc/L (Q) 14.2 UG/L (U) PA PAGE 2 Of 3 Analytical Report FOR Oil And cas Mgmt IDr 3185 105 Status: ConDLeted V. 1. 1 Sample OP EN _S OU RC E The results of the analyses provided in tshis fabor:atory report refate only to the sanpfe(s) identified in the report. Unless otherwise noted, the results presented on this faboratory report meet a1t the requiremenLs of The NELAC Institute {TNt). Sanpte was in acceptable condition when received by the Laboratory. Any exceptions are noted in the report. -esLs noted with an "*,' are noincluded in our N,l NELAP Annual Cer:tified parameter List. Taru Upadhyay, Technicaf Director, Bureau of t abor:atories PAGE 3 of 3 Analytical Report Sanple ID: 3185 FOR Mgmt V. 1. 1 OiL And Gas status: conpleted 106 ORGANICS IABORATORY OUALIE]ERS U - Indicates anafysis was performed fo-r the conrpound but it The sampfe quantitation limlt is reported. J - Indicates presunptive evidence of a quantificatron limit, but conpound. OP EN _S OU RC E N Indicates an estimated value, below the above the nethod detection linrit. was not B - This flag is used when the analyte is found in the associated btank as welf as in the sample. E P 253 This flag identifies compounds whose concentrations exceed the cafibr.ation range of the instrument for that specific analysis. This flag is used wlth a target analyte difference cofumns between when there is greater than the resutts obtained from the prinary and for duaf colurnn analysis nethods (i.e. pesticides, triazines, . The reported value is the average of the two resulls. PCBS, elc) Q This flag identifies the average of multiple resutts frorn nultiple analyses/ or the average of the averaqes of duat anatysis X cotumn meLhods. _ - {Underline) fLag. a The conpound is present at the amount reported. No Non-target analytes co eLute with compound. Identification unable to be confirned. Date of Issue: 04/A1/2012 12:A4t2I PAGE 1 of 2 DEP Bureau Of P. O. Box 14 6l l,aboratories Ilarrisburg 2 575 Interstate Drive Harrisburq, PA 11105-1461 Contact Phone NunLber: \'1I1) 346 12AA Sample Name of SanipLe ID: 3185 CoffecLor: Status: Conpfeted 107 Ryan C Klemish Date Sarple was collected: 03/06/2A12 01:35:00 pM Slate: NOT INDICATED NOT INDICATED OP EN _S OU RC E County: Municipality: V. 1. 1 Analytical Report EOR oil And cas Mgmt Sample Mediun : cround Water Sample Medim Type: Water Location: NOT INDICATED Reason: Routine Sarpling laboratory sanpfe ID: CompLeted Standard Analysis: Legaf Seal: 1042084 Legal Seal: 1042085 I-egaf Seal: 1042086 And Time TesL codes/cAs+ Analyzed 01055M Mn 12012A06694 946 Intact: Intact: rnract: - Descr:iption AnaLyst yES yES yES Test Method in MG/L 03/08/2012 10:00 A.M 0t00?fl Ba in MCIL 03/A8/2O72 10:AA AJa 01045M Fe in MG/L 03/08/2012 10:00 l\M 01082M Sr in MGIL 03/08/2012 10:00 AX Reported Results 0.03 MG/L MOBERCASH EpA 200.7 MoBERCASH EpA 200.7 MoBERCASH EpA 200.7 MOBERCASH EpA 200.7 5.22e yG/L 0.62 MG/L 3.38 MG/t PA TDS !4180 c 00940A CHIORTDE 1164 MG/L C a3/O9/2Or2 O2t38 PM CRADEK SM 4500-cL 00900 Hardness T 03/08/2012 10:00 AM MOBERCASH SM 2340 B pH 00{03 A3/O'1/2012 A1:44 PAGE 2 af Pl( GDE]-ONG SM 45OOH-B 14L.-1 MG/L '79 MG/L 8.3 pH unirs 2 V. 1. 1 70300 03/01/2OI2 12:00 I$'1 LWIIKINSoNSM 2540 Analytical Report FOR Oil And cas Mgnt Sample ID:3185 Status: 107 comDLeted Date Test Codes/CAs* Analyzed Corunents ** Time Limit Eor Test Exceeded OP EN _S OU RC E *+ - Description Reported Resul!s Analyst Test Method 00095 SPc !a 25. O c 03/21/2012 03:28 PM GDEI,oNG SM 2510B OO41O AT,KALINITY A3/A1/2A12 alt44 Ptrt cDEloNG SM 23208 718]0 BROMIDE A3/0'1/201,2 O4t55 ptlj EVoDOprvEcEpA 300.0 82019 TURBIDITY 03/O7/2072 12:28 PM TvORoBEyCHEpA 180.1 OO53O T SUSP SOLID 03/01/2A12 72:0A N4 LWTT,KTNSONUSGS I-37G5 0114?H SEIENIUM T A4/05/2A12 A2t29 PM DSOT,ENBERGEPA 200.8 O1OO2H ARSENTC T A4/05/2012 A2t29 pM DSOLENBERGEPA 200_8 OO945A SULFATE T A3/\2/2A12 A5:0O Plri RRANGET EpA 3t5.2 OO92]A MAGNESTUM T 03/08/2012 10r00 Al.t MoBERCASH EpA 200.7 01105A Ar,Ul..trNUl'1 T 03/A8/201.2 lAt00 t.Jti MoBERCASH EpA 200.7 00916A CALCIUM T 03/A8/2072 LATAA pf,,l MoBERCASH EpA 200.7 OO937A POTASSIUM T 03/08/2012 10r00 A.ll MOBERCASH EPA 200.? 01132A LITHIUM T 03/08/2012 10:00 Ay MOBERCASH EpA 200.? 2110. O0 unhos/cm 205.6 MG/L 4.5]O MG/L 13.95 NTU 6 MG/1, <.1 UG/L <3.0 UGIT. <15.0 MG/]- .366 MG/L 4 426.000 ucll 24,6AA MG/L 2.161 MG/L 645.000 UGIL 00929A SODTUM T AM 03,/08/2012 10:00 01092A ZrNC T 03/08/2012 10:O0 Al, 3?0.000 MOBERCASH MG/L EpA 2OO.? <10.0 uGlL MoBERcAsH EpA 2OO.7 V. 1. 1 The resul"ts of the anafyses provided in this laboratory report relate only to the sampLe(s) identified in the report. Unless otherwise noted, the results presented on this laboratory report meet all the .equirenents of The NELAC Iostitute (TNI). Sanple was in acceptable condition uhen received by the laboratory. Any exceptions are noted in the reporC. Tests noted lrith an ,,*" are not included in our N,t NEhAp Annuat Certified parameter l,ist. OP EN _S OU RC E Taru Upadhyay, Technical Director, Bureau of taboratories Alt2n cwq ffiP,snH"Y-lY.?^Tli"1'",. L{bp?L * DISTRICT OIL AND GAs OPERATIONS February 1 6, 20 I 2 Re: V. 1. 1 CERTTFTED MArL NO. 7011 1s700001 69746816 Act 223, Section 208 Detemination Compiaint No.286492 Frarklin Twp, Susquehanna County Dear OP EN _S OU RC E The Departmetrt is investigating the possible degradation ofyour water supply in response to a 12120/2011 complaint that recedt gas well drilling activities may have affected you! \r/ater well. The Deparknent collected samples ftom yoru home water supply. The samples were submitted to the Department's laboatory in Harrisbug for analysis. The analltical r€ports for the samples are included, as well as documents that will assist you with interpreting the sample results. The Deparftnent is contiouirg to irvestigate. Should you have any questions conceming this maftei, please feel ftee to contact me at 5 70 -346-5539 . 4 Sincerelv. /2.v-,\ Ryan Klemish Water Qualiry Specialist Eastem Oil and Gas District Enclosures: Laboratory Ajral]'tical Results "How to lnteryret A Water Aaalysis Report' cc: Michael O'Donnell WilliaE J. Kosmer Complaint File #286492 101 Penn Avenue I Room 400 I Scranton, PA 18503-2025 s70.346.ss30 Fax 570.963.3421 **- -.""" ""-S www.depweb-state.pa.us 'Date of Issue: 02/L4/2DI2 04.:O2;35 PAGE 1 of 2 DEP Bureau of l,aboratorie; - Harrisburg P. O. Box 1467 2575 lnterscate Drive Harr isbu r9, PA 1/105-t4G? Contact Phone Number: 11L'71 346-120O Sample Nane of Sampfe IDr 31.85 Status: 061 Collectori Ryan C Ktemish coltected: 12/22/2O:t]- 02:Og:00 Date sanple was County: Municipality: NOT INDICATED Location: ltater Compfeted pM State: NoT INDTCATED Sample Mediun : cround Samp]e Medium Ttrpe: warer V. 1. 1 Anafytical Report POR oil And Gas l.lgmt PA NOT INDICATED OP EN _S OU RC E Reason: Routine Sampting Iaboratory Sample ID: Completed Suite: Leqal Seal: I012099 And Time Test codes/CAS* Anafyzed 02011010816 METH Intact: YES - Description Reported Results Anatyst Test Methoci 14A28 Methane 12/23 /201t 12:00 AM 74840 Ethane L2/23 /2A7r 12 i 00 A.ll '7 49A6 Propane t2/23/20rt 12: 00 AM 38 CLIAO BOI BOI6O19 CI,IAO. BOL BOt6019 CLIAO BOt 80],6019 900 uclT- 'tt -6 uG/L L4.2 IJG/L {u) Date PAGE 2 of 2 Analytical Report EOR Oil And Gas Mqmt ID: 3185 status: 067 Completed V. 1. 1 Sample The results of the analyses providect in this laboratory report retate only to the sahple(s) identified in the report. Unless otherwise noted, the results presented on this .Iaboratory report meet afl the requirements of The NELAC Institute (TNI). Salnple was in acceptabte condition lrhen received by the Laboratory. Any exceptlons are noted j.n the report. Tests noted nilh an ".', are not included in our NJ NELAP Arlnual Certified parameter List. OP EN _S OU RC E Taru Upadhyay? Technical Director, Bureau of Laboratories PAGE 3 of 2 Analytical Report FOR oil And Gas Mgmt ID: 3185 067 Status: Conpleted V. 1. 1 Sample ORGANICS LABOFATORY QUAI]]F]ERS U - Indicates analysj.s \ras perforned for the compound but it was not detected. The sanple quantitation lifiit is repolted. J - Indicates an estimated value, below the qlrantification limi.t, .but above the method detection timir. N - Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound. - This f.Laq is used uhen the anafyte is found in the associatect bfank as lrell as in the sample. OP EN _S OU RC E B E _ This f.Iag identifies compounds whose concentratj.ons exc€ed the calibration range of the instrrment for that specific anafysis. P _ This f.Iag 25C is used with a target anafyte when there is qreater than difference between the results obtained fron the primary and confirtnatlon for duaf colunn analysis methods (i.e, pesticides, triazines, etc). The reported value is the average;f the two results. columns PCBS. Q - This flag identifies the average of nultiple results from nultiple analyses, or the averaqe of the averaqes of duaf analysis methods. (Underline) - The -fIag. a compound is present at the amount cofumn reported. No X - Non-target analytes co-elute eith compound. Identification unable to be confirned. bate of Issue: A2/I1,/2072 12:A2:34 PAGE I of 2 DEP Bureau Of P. o. Box 1457 Laboratories - Harrisburg 2 515 Interstate Drive Harrisburg, PA 17105 - 14 67 Contact Phone Nunber: l' t'l ) 346-1200 Oi.L And Gas Mg'Int Sample ID: 3185 058 Status: compfeted Name of Sanple Collectot: Ryan C Klenish Date SanLpIe was collected: 12/22/2011 02:08:00 County: Municipality: NOT INDICATED NOT INDTCATED Sanple Mediur : cround Water Sanp]e Mediurn Type: water Locati.on: FOR V. 1. 1 Anafytical Report pM NOT INDICATED OP EN _S OU RC E Reason: Routine Sampling l,aboratory Sanp.Le ID: I201103?316 Standard Analysis: 946 Legal Seal: T012100 Legal SeaI: 1012101 Lega] Seal: 1012102 And Tine Test Codes/CAS+ Analyz ed Intact: Intact: Intact: - Description Analyst YEs YES YES Test Method Reported Results A2O19 TURBIDITY 104. 32 NTU 180-1 12/23/20II 72t14 PM TVOROBEYCHEPA 24 MG/L OO53O T SUSP SOL]D 12/23/2AaI 12t00 I*4 LWILKINSoNUSGS I-3755 <'1 UG/L 01147H SEI,ENIUM T 02/06/2072 03125 PU DSOLENBERGEPA 200.8 <3.0 UGIL O1OO2H AJ{SENIC T A2/06/2A1-2 A3t26 PM DSOLENBERGEPA 200.8 <15.0 MG/L OO945A SULFATE T 0l/a4/20t2 01..51 PM BKROVTC EPA 3?5.2 4.]38 MG/L OO927A MAGNESIUM T L2/21/2017 7A155 l*1 RWHEELER EPA 200.7 ALUMINUM T 12/30/2AII IOt47 l\ta 00916A CALCTUM T 2O13.OOO I]G/L R9JHEEIER EpA 200.7 12/3O/2All \A'41 I^I'I RWHEEIER OO937A POTASSIUM T FIt T N4 00929A SODTUM T 12/3O/2O7\ IAt4\ pN 72/21/2A77 1At55 01132A IITHIUM 12/2'7/20II IA..55 PAGE 2 OT 24.900 MG/L EPA 200.7 3,220 IIG/j" RVIHEEIER EPA 200.7 670.000 UGIL Ri4HEEI,ER EpA 200.7 383.000 MG/r RIiHEELER EPA 200.7 V. 1. 1 O11O5A 2 Analytical Report FoR oil And cas MEnt sample And Tine Test codes/cAsS - Description Analvst slatus: 068 Test Method Reporled EesuIts OP EN _S OU RC E Anal yz ed ID: 3185 01092A Z]NC T 12/21/2017 1Ot55 P,t'r RWHEELER EPA 200.? Mn rn MGIT, 12/21/2011- I0t55 l.l1 RWHEELER EPA 200.1 0100?M Ba in MG/! 12/21/2OI7 7Ot55 l',tri RwHtEl,ER EPA 200.7 01045M Fe in MG/j, L2/21/2071 70.55 I{1 RWHEEI,ER EPA 200.7 01055M <10.0 0.05 MG/L 5.405 3.23 UG/I, MG/L t4G/L 3.51 MG/r, 01082M Sr in MG/L 12/2'1/2OII IO:55 IN RWHEELER EPA 200.? 1L02 MG/L 10300 TDs "6180 c 12/23/2A11 12tO0 t',v IWILKINSONSM 2540 C 540. 9 MGIL oo940A CHIoRIDE a1/u,/20L2 o1 .11 PM CRADEK SM 4500-CL 82 MG/L 00900 Hardness T I2/3O/2OII 1014I Att RWHEELER SM 2340 B 8.3 PH units OO4O3 pH t2/23/2OII A2:35 PM GDELoNG SM 4500H-B ** Corrunent ** Time Limit Fol Test Exceeded sPc G 25.0 c 72/23/2O7I A3t05 PM GDELONG SM 2510B 00095 2000.00 umhos/cn OO41O ALKAIINITY 72/23/20).I 02:35 PM GDELoNG SM 23208 71810 BROMTDE oI/a5/2ar2 72:A0 I'J4 FVODOPTVECEPA 300.0 2A2.2 4.4 MG/L MG/L compleled V. 1. 1 The lesufts of the anaiyses provided in this ]aboratory report retate onfy to the sarnple(s) identified in the report. Unless otherwise noted, the results presented on this ' laboratory report neet atl the requ.irements of The NELAC Institute (TNI). Sarnple vras in acceptabfe condition when received by the Laboratory. Any exceptions ate noted in the report. Tests noted with an "*,' are not incfuded in our NJ NEtAp Annual Certified parameter List. OP EN _S OU RC E Taru Upadhyay, Technical Director, Bureau of Laboratories