cTSO0ll0 Paqe'l of 2 Pennsylvania Departrnent of Environmental Protection Standard Detail RePort complairit lnformation EP Nc Rgnl Off Wiliamspt 265864 Relaled Complnt Entered By: BARBAM L SANIONICO ER Related Source: Date Received: ou24l2w9 Abbrv Description: Spnng tYater Long Description: FYI: Complnt ld: county: Municipality: ld: None : qe2rfeld (Y/N): N Affer Hourslnd (Y/N): N Phone Call Acknowledged: 0&2412009 the - btl C,mpt has offrce space at !^/ith thlgjnto called He _ may also be calling. tur . V. 1. 1 Date v,/orks for Conductility reading was taken on 8/24 from a sp,ing at lmaled downhill from an acti\e deep ltell Reading well in excess of 2400 [4icmsiemens per centimeter' Acti\€ well ddlled is one of se\eral we{ls dilled in the atea and lhere are o\er 12 more planned ior near future This is a \€ry acti\e gas well ddlling area. The spring was tested prior to drilllng so he has a baseline \'tater sample for comparison. Name: OP EN _S OU RC E Site Location: CompanY: 8.'Q? t',t- e-l\lail: Mobile Phone: Home Phonel _( Work Phone: Daie/Time Received: 24-AUGO9 02:36 PM Confidential(Y/N): Yes Ext - Respondble Partv lnformation Name: Home Phone: company Name: ErL - Mobile Phone: Permitf: County: Municipality: C'tl"J ' l*"t\ NAub&cr'l c t4tDr ''ui\\ co I lr"{ 9er*pl.s !5 ADGeil e aso o,/ t6*rtGz,po1: l"l c.'^l{ l^ u,o.lc z nn :a-rnPle fu s-\lr r3\9;U;\ \+ sh""[! I cJ.J ieso lo *6u..s'/ IiJTNPMAIION Resal 5 -/Z -,n PenrElvanla Dopadtrent of Envionme ntal Potecdon standad Detall REPort Rasoort-* lnfomtatlon Coflplaint T}?o: 2 ol & Gas Pdlrtion Adgn€d: 0€,12412f@ Oab R6€Pon9 Dus: 09/07/2009 Dato R€3P Dat Fld Ros9on*: Dab Relolvod: ttEt RFG.rsd: REftir€d To: _g ->t/- u7 _ //1F//a br€$!c.g!er!!c$.s Oat h€sh V. 1. 1 PdoritY Prcgram; thL lmtdig.led: AEiglted: Viol.fon(Y/N): I nveshqalion Id: lnspacior: oFACI':i ln+€cdon ld: lr$radigaton Dosatipdon: End of Repori * OP EN _S OU RC E * ** *K "or\ Moshantrotr District Office 186 Enterprise Dr. Philipsburg' PA 16866 Fax 814-342-8216 May 18,2010 Re: ComPlaint No. 265864 V. 1. 1 Water Quality Lawrence TwP , Clearfield CountY - Dear _ - : OP EN _S OU RC E at the The Departrnent has collected a final follow-up sample ofthe water supply gas well d lling activities , in response to the August 24, 2009, complaint that recent in surface wate6 ofthe conducted by EOG Risoulces,Inc was resPonsible for increased conductivity on March 30' 2010 Trout Run watershed. Please hnd the analyical repofts for that sample, taken analysis to the most attached to this letter. I have also included a table comparing the March sarnple .""*t p.io, .u-pt" tuten by the DePartment on December 15, 2010 and the pre-drilling sa"nple that you June 8' 2009 had aralysed, independently, by Mountain Research, LLC ofDubois on Decemebr 15' 2009 The analyical results show that parameters have continued to dlop since the sp ng Co-pl"a to the pre-drilling sample, the March 30,2010 sample.shows "u-pt". t; being at its baseline. All parameters but Aluminum and Manganese have .atJi l, ,"lutiu"ty "tosewater standards. As already mentioned in a letter dated February l6' 2010' and fat"r, *i ti" a;nting never fall within based on the pre-drilla:rd other background information, these two parameters may that drinking waler standards. The departnent will not take any fifther samples in relation to the April 24, 2009 complaint' spring and provide the However, E6G will continue to monitor the water quality you notice Department with their analyses results. Please do not hesitate to contact the Department if sping water. any more changes in ' at Ifyou have any additional questions or concems, please call me at 814-342-8148. Sincerely, Jessica D. Miller Water Quality Specialist Oil and Gas Management Enclosures ccr Jessica Miller I Predrill I (6-8-09) {8-2s-09) (MG/L) TDS (MGIL) 91.8 2.21 3.13 <.02 3.057 <.02 2.38 0.0799 t5 8.t22 l0'1 7.151 0.106 0.55 r 388 0.563 24.69 <0 21.21 c 0 36 I 2.26 0.481 '704 IJUE U.U I 4.356 61 16.9 10.9 t.r. 1.106 1.12 rc.2 4.347 0.329 0.oz 7.39 0.224 0.416 402 0.19'7 0.1'19 0.13 8 u2 100 5.09 ]'l67 0.78l o.29 0 0 0 0.4 608 4.6 207 4.9 r44 80.9 5 5.3 <.02 0.044 <.02 52 (3-30-2010) (12-1s-09) (10-22-2009) (11-s-2009) (10-9-09) (9-4-0e) t73 ND Mansanese Sa!uDles Taken BY t95 Potassium (MG,&) Iron (MG/L) Calcium (MG/L) Barium (MG/L) M ,,"; S-.,-.. Jessic{'Miller V. 1. 1 Laboratorv Results Sampl€ Point(Date) J 33.8