Search Warrant Served on Google for WikiLeaks Journalist Kristinn Hrafnsson's Personal Data in US Government "Espionage" Probe WikiLeaks release: January 25, 2015 Keywords: Google, warrant, WikiLeaks, Kristinn Hrafnsson, Espionage Act, search, seize, United States, Iceland, Grand Jury, CFAA, Conspiracy, data, privacy, journalist, communications, email Restraint: Originally: Contempt of court; Now: Still under seal but target can distribute Title: Notification from Google / Search and Seize Warrant Date: December 23, 2014 Group: United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia Author: The Honorable John F. Anderson – United States Magistrate Judge Link: Pages: 4 Description On 23 December, 2014, Kristinn Hrafnsson, spokesperson at the publishing organisation WikiLeaks since 2010, received notice from Google Inc. that her Google account(s) had been subject to a search and seize warrant for a matter pending in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, which is conducting an ongoing "espionage" probe with the US Department of Justice into WikiLeaks and its publisher, Julian Assange. The warrant demands that all information pertaining to the account(s) be handed to the US government, including email contents, metadata, contact addresses, draft emails, deleted emails, and log-in IP addresses. The warrant was issued to seize "evidence" related to the alleged violation of US federal laws, including violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (18 U.S.C. §1030) and 18 U.S. Code §793, also known as the United States Espionage Act. From: Date: 23/12/2014 Subject: [0-5929000005525] Notification from Google To: Dear Google has received the attached legal process for information related to your account in a matter pending in the US. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia. The legal process was initially subject to a nondisclosure or ?gag? order that prohibited Google from disclosing the existence of the legal process to you. The Court has since issued a second order permitting Google to disclose to you a redacted version of the legal process. Under the terms of the order, you are permitted to disclose these materials to whomever you choose. To comply with the law, Google has provided responsive documents pursuant to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. See 18 U.S.C. 2701 et seq. If you have questions regarding this matter, we encourage you to contact your attorney as Google is not in a position to provide you with legal advice or discuss the substance of the process in our possession. Regards Google Inc. Legal Investigations Support A0 93 (Rev 12/09) Search and Seizure Warrant 1: MES DISTRICT COURT for the Eastern District of Virginia In the Matter ol?the Searcl of (Brie?y describe the property In be 5' richrd or identify the by name and ld'c'n) Case No. 121ZSW InlOrmation i i that Is store a. premises controlled I: (Boogle. Inc. SEARCH AND SEIZURE WARRANT To: Any authorized lam cnl'orccme otl'tcer An application by a federal hm enforcement of?cer or an attorney for the government requests the search ol'thc following person or property loot etl in the Nort?rn . District of q_ _Calitomra_ (Menu/r the person or describe the proper!) to .wurc hard an.) We in I lnfonnation associated with the e-marl a drass&that l8 stored at premises owned. maintained. controlled. or operated by )oqle. Inc . as further oescnbod lr? Attachmert A. The person or property to be se re. ted. described above, is believed to cottooal pmon or desert: the property It) seized)? fruits. and instrumentalities otu olatlons ol ?8 U.S.C. 371. 641. 793(d). 793(9). and 1030. 1 tian that the or an: recorded testimony. establish probable cause to search and seize the person or property. YOU ARE COMMANDED tr execute this warrant on or before (no! (0 exec 1'4 days) ?nin the daytime 6:any time in the day or night as I ?nd reasonable cause has been established. Unless delayed notice is authori. ct below, you must give a copy ofthc warrant and a receipt for the property taken to the person from whom, or from whose premises, the property was taken. or leave the c0py and receipt at the place where the property was taken. The of?cer executing this warm I, or an of?cer present during the execution ol'thc warrant, must prepare an invent as rethmd rom return this warrant and inventory to linited States Magistrate Judge .39? - (naqu fl I ?nd that immediate noti?catio ma) have an adverse result listed in 18 U.S.C. 2705 (except for delay of trial). and authorize the of?cer execuli 13 this to delay notice to the person who, or whose property, \s ill be searched or seized (thee?It the @pmpnart- ha: Jfor days (no! to arr-mi 30) ['luntil, the factsjusti?ing. the later speci?c date of Date and time 2 ?Tt scour..- . . (?ity and state: a The llono_rgble J_ol\n F. Magistrate dodge Primed mun..- uqd ml: . ATTACHMENT A Property to Be Searched This wammt applies to nr'ormation associated with?that is stored at premises owned, mnintainct controlled. or operated by Google. Inc.. a company headquartered at 1600 Amphitl Ct:th Parkway. Mountain icw. CA. For the above-listed ac-: :itnt, (iooglc. Inc. is required to disclose the following infomiation to the govemment a. l'hc contents ol e-mails associated with the account. including stored or preserved copies oi?e?mails sen to and from the account. draft e-mails. deleted e-mnils. entails preserved pursuant to a requesl mide under 18 2703?), the source and destination addresses associated with each :-mail, the date and time at which each c-mail was sent, and the si7e and length ol?cach e-mail; b. All records or 0 re: information regarding the identi?cation of the account. to include full name, physical add ess. telephone numbers and other identi?ers, records of session times and durations. the date on which the account was created, the length of service. the t) pes of service utilized, the address .scd to register the account. log-in IP addresses associated m?th session times and dates, accour status alternative c-mail addresses provided during registration, methods of connecting. log file and means and source of payment (including any credit or bank account number); c. All records or otl or information stored at any time by an individual using the account, including address hool: contact and budd) lists. calendar data, pictures. and ?les, and includng any informm on and any prescrxul pursuant to a rcqucsl made under 2701(0; d. All records pen inmg lu cummunicmions (iwglc, lnc. and an) regarding the account. includil mntacls' xx ilh support service; and records of actions taken.