SECRET SECRET UNTIL INTRODUCED 1N PARLIAMENT PARLEMENT C- C- Second Session, Forty~?rst Parliament, Deuxi?me session, quarante et unieme legislature, 62-63 Elizabeth II, 2013-2014-2015 62-63 Elizabeth II, 2013-2014-2015 HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA CHAMBRE DES COMMUNES DU CANADA BILL PROJET enact the Security of Canada Information Sharing Loi ?dictant la Loi sur la communication d?information ayant Act and the Secure Air Travel Act, to amend the Criminal trait a la s?curit? du Canada et la Loi sur la s?ret? des Code, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act and d?placements a?riens, modi?ant ie Code criminel, la Loi the Immigration and Re?igee Protection Act and to make sur le Service canadien du renseignement de s?curit? et la related and consequential amendments to other Acts Loi sur l?immigration et la protection des r?fugi?s et apportant des modi?cations connexes et corr?latives a d?autres lois FIRST READING, 2015 PREMIERE LECTURE LE 2015 Advance Copy To be formatted and reprinted by Exemplaire pr?tirage Devra ?tre rnis en forme et r?imprim? Parliament par le Parlement MINISTER OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND EMERGENCY MINISTRE DE LA SECURITE PUBLIQUE ET DE LA PREPAREDNESS PROTECTION CIVILE 90756?2015-1-30 SUMMARY Part 1 enacts the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act, which autho? rizes Government of Canada institutions to disclose information to Govem- ment of Canada institutions that have jurisdiction or responsibilities in respect of activities that undermine the security of Canada. It also makes related amendments to other Acts. Part 2 enacts the Secure Air Travel Act in order to provide a new legislative framework for identifying and responding to persons who may engage in an act that poses a threat to transportation security or who may travel by air for the purpose of committing a terrorism offence. That Act authorizes the Minis- ter of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness to establish a list of such persons and to direct air carriers to take any necessary actions to prevent the commission of such acts. In addition, that Act establishes powers and prohibi- tions goveming the collection, use and disclosure of information in support of its administration and enforcement. That Act includes an administrative re? course process for listed persons who have been denied transportation in ac- cordance with a direction from the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness and provides appeal procedures for persons affected by any de- cision or action taken under that Act. That Act also specifies punishment for contraventions of listed provisions and authorizes the Minister of Transport to conduct inspections and issue compliance orders. Finally, this Part makes con? sequential amendments to the Aeronautics Act and the Canada Evidence Act. Part 3 amends the Criminal Code to, with respect to recognizanccs to keep the peace relating to a terrorist activity or a terrorism offence, extend their duration, provide for new thresholds, authorize a judge to impose sureties and require a judge to consider whether it is desirable to include in a recognizance conditions regarding passports and speci?ed geographic areas. With respect to all recognizances to keep the peace, the amendments also allow hearings to be conducted by video conference and orders to be transferred to a judge in a territorial division other than the one in which the order was made and in, crease the maximum sentences for breach of those recognizances. It further amends the Criminal Code to provide for an offence of knowingly advocating or promoting the commission of terrorism offences in general. It also provides a judge with the power to order the seizure of terrorist propagan- da or, if the propaganda is in electronic form, to order the deletion of the pro- paganda from a computer system. Finally, it amends the Criminal Code to provide for the increased protection of witnesses, in particular of persons who play a role in respect of proceedings involving security information or criminal intelligence information, and makes consequential amendments to other Acts. Part 4 amends the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act to permit the Canadian Security Intelligence Service to take, within and outside Canada, measures to reduce threats to the security of Canada, including measures that are authorized by the Federal Court. It authorizes the Federal Court to make SOMMAIRE La partie 1 ?dicte la Loi la communication ?information avant trait a la s?curit? du Canada, laquelle autorise les institutions fe?d?rales a communi~ quer de l?information a des institutions f?de'rales qui sont compe?tentes ou qui ont des attributions a l??gard d?activites portant atteinte a la s?curit? du Canada, et apporte des modi?cations connexes a d?autres lois. La partie 2 ?dicte la Loi sur la s?rete' des d?placements a?riens qui consti? tue un nouveau cadre i?gislatif en vue de l?identi?cation des personnes qui pourraient participer a un acte qui menacerait la s?ret? des transports ou qui pourraient se deplacer en a?ronef dans 16 but de commettre une infraction de terrorisme et en vue de l?intervention a [cut ?gard. Le ministre de la S?curit? publique et de la Protection civile est autoris? a ?tablir une liste de telles per? sonnes et a enjoindre aux transporteurs a?riens de prendre toute mesure pour pr?venir la commission de tels actes. Cette loi ?tablit aussi les pouvoirs et les interdictions r?gissant 1a collecte, l?utilisation et la communication de rensei- gnements a?n d?assister 1e ministre de la S?curit? publique et de la Protection civile dans son application et son execution. Elle pr?voit un processus de re- cours administratif pour ies personnes inscrites qui ont fait l?objet d?un refus de transport au titre d?une directive du ministre de la S?curit? publique et de la Protection civile ainsi qu?un prooessus d?appel pour les personnes touch?es par une decision ou une mesure prise au titre de cette loi. Celle-ci pr?voit en outre les peines pour les infractions aux dispositions enumerees et autorise le ministre des Transports a mener des inspections et a prendre des mesures d?ex?cution. De plus, elle modi?e la Loi sur l?a?ronautique et la Loi sur la preuve on Canada on consequence. La partie 3 modi?e le Code crimine! pour, en ce qui a trait a tout engage? ment de ne pas troubler l?ordre public se rapportant a une activit? terroriste et a une infraction de terrorisme, prolonger sa duree, pr?voir de nouveaux seuils d?application, permettre au juge d?exiger une caution et l?obliger a decider s?il est souhaitable d?assortir cet engagement dc conditions relatives aux passe? ports et aux regions d?sign?es. En ce qui a trait a tout engagement de ne pas troubler l?ordre public, ies modifications prevoient ?galement la possibilit? de tenir des audiences par vide?oconf?rence et de transf?rer une ordonnance a un juge d?une circonscription territoriale autre que celle on elle a ete rendue de m?me qu?une hausse des peines maximales en cas de manquement a l?engage? merit. De plus, elle modi?e le Code criminel a?n d?eriger en infraction 1e fait de sciemment preconiser ou fomenter la perp?tration d?infractions de terrorisme en general. Elle pr?voit en outre qu?un juge peut decemer un mandat autori? sant 1a saisie de propagande terroriste ou, si celle-Ci est sous forme electro- nique, ordonner sa suppression d?un ordinateur. En?n, elle modi?e le Code criminel a?n d?am?liorer ia protection accord?e aux te?moins, particulierement aux personnes qui jouent un role dans le cadre d?une instance mettant en cause des renseignements en matiere de s?curit? ou de criminalit?, et apporte des modi?cations corr?latives a d?autres lois. La partie 4 modi?e la Loi sur le Service canadien du renseignement de se- curit? a?n de permettre au Service canadien du renseignement de s?curit? de prendre, au Canada on a l?exterieur du Canada, des mesures pour r?duire les menaces envers la s?curit? du Canada, notamment des mesures autorisees par an assistance order to give effect to a warrant issued under that Act. It also creates new reporting requirements for the Service and requires the Security Intelligence Review Committee to review the Service?s performance in taking measures to reduce threats to the security of Canada. Part 5 amends Divisions 8 and 9 of Part 1 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act to, among other things, de?ne obligations related to the provision of information in proceed- ings under that Division 9; authorize the judge, on the request of the Minister, to exempt the Minis- ter from providing the special advocate with certain relevant information that has not been ?led with the Federal Court, if the judge is satis?ed that the information does not enable the person named in a certi?cate to be rea- sonably informed of the case made by the Minister, and authorize the judge to ask the special advocate to make submissions with respect to the exemp- tion; and allow the Minister to appeal, or to apply for judicial review of, any de- cision requiring the disclosure of information or other evidence if, in the Minister?s opinion, the disclosure would be injurious to national security or endanger the safety of any person. la Cour f?de?rale. Elle autorise la Cour f?d?rale a rendre des ordonnances d?assistance pour l?ex?cution des mandats deceme's en vertu de cette loi. De plus, elle impose an Service de nouvelles obligations de faire rapport. Elle exige que le comit? de surveillance des aetivit?s de renseignement de s?curit? examine la facon dont 1e Service prend des mesures pour reduire les menaces envers la s?curit? du Canada. La partie 5 modi?e les sections 8 et 9 de la partie 1 de la Loi sur l'immigra- [ion er [a protection des r?fugi?s a?n, notamment: a) de pr?ciser les obligations se rapportant a la fourniture de renseigne- ments dans le cadre des instances vis?es a cette section 9; b) d?autoriser le juge, sur demande du ministre, a exempter le ministre de l?obligation de foumir a l?avocat special certains renseignements pertinents mais qui n?ont pas ?te? d?pos?s aupres de la Cour f?d?rale, si 16 juge est convaincu que ces renseignements ne perrnettent pas a la personne vis?e par le certi?cat d??tre suf?samment inform?e de la these du ministre, ainsi que d?autoriser le juge a demander a l?avocat special de presenter ses observa- tions l??gard de cette exemption; c) d?autoriser le ministre a interjeter appel A ou a demander 1e controle udiciaire de toute decision exigeant la divulgation de renseignements ou autres elements de preuve qui porterait atteinte, selon 1e ministre, a la secu- rite nationale ou a la s?curit? d?autrui. TABLE OF PROVISIONS AN ACT TO ENACT THE SECURITY OF CANADA INFORMATION SHARING ACT AND THE SECURE AIR TRAVEL ACT, TO AMEND THE CRIMINAL CODE, THE CANADIAN SECURITY INTELLIGENCE SERVICE ACT AND THE IMMIGRATION AND REFUGEE PROTECTION ACT AND TO MAKE RELATED AND CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENTS TO OTHER ACTS SHORT TITLE 1. Anti?terrorism Act, 2015 PART 1 SECURITY OF CANADA INFORMATION SHARING ACT ENACTMENT 0F ACT 2. Enactment AN ACT TO ENCOURAGE AND FACILITATE INFORMATION SHARING BETWEEN GOVERNMENT OF CANADA INSTITUTIONS IN ORDER TO PROTECT CANADA AGAINST ACTIVITIES THAT UNDERMINE THE SECURITY OF CANADA Preamble SHORT TITLE 1. Security of Canada Information Sharing Act INTERPRETATION 2. De?nitions PURPOSE AND PRINCIPLES Purpose 4. Guiding principles DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION Disclosure of information 6. Further disclosure other than under this Act 7. No presumption TABLE ANALYTIQUE LOI LA L01 SUR LA COMMUNICATION AYANT TRAIT A LA SECURITE DU CANADA ET LA SUR LA SURETE DES DEPLACEMENTS AERIENS, MODIFIANT LE CODE CRIMINEL, LA LOI SUR SERVICE CANADIEN DU RENSEIGNEMENT DE SECURITE ET LA LOI SUR ET LA PROTECTION DES REFUGIES ET APPORTANT DES MODIFICATIONS CONNEXES ET CORRELATIVES A LOIS TITRE ABREGE l. Loi antiterroriste de 2015 PARTIE 1 L01 SUR LA COMMUNICATION AYANT TRAIT A LA SECURITE DU CANADA EDICTION DE LA L01 2. Ediction LOI VISANT A ENCOURAOER ET A FACILITER LA COMMUNICATION ENTRE LES INSTITUTIONS FEDERALES AFIN DE PROTEGER LE CANADA CONTRE QUI PORTENT ATTEINTE A LA SECURITE DU CANADA Pr?ambule TITRE ABREGE 1. Lot sur la communication ?information ayant trait a la 39'- curit? du Canada DEFINITIONS 2. De?nitions OBIET ET PRINCIPES Objet 4. Principes directeurs COMMUNICATION Communication d?information 6. Communication subs?quente autrement qu?en vertu de la pr?sente loi 7. Aucune pr?somption 10. 999-95? 10. 11. Non-derogation PROTECTION FROM CIVIL PROCEEDINGS No civil proceedings POWERS OF GOVERNOR IN COUNCIL Regulations RELATED AMENDMENTS Excise Tax A ct Department of Fisheries and Oceans Act Customs Act Income Tax Act Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act Excise Act, 2001 COORDINATING AMENDMENT 2014, c. 39 COMING INTO FORCE Order in council PART 2 SECURE AIR TRAVEL ACT ENACTMENT 0F ACT Enactment AN ACT TO ENHANCE SECURITY RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION AND TO PREVENT AIR TRAVEL FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENGAGING IN ACTS OF TERRORISM SHORT TITLE Secure Air Travel Act HER MAJESTY Binding on Her Majesty INTERPRETATION De?nitions APPLICATION General rule Contraveniions outside Canada 8. Aucune derogation IMMUNITE EN MATIERE CIVILE 9. - Immunit? en matiere Civile POUVOIRS DU GOUVERNEUR EN CONSEIL 10. Reglements MODIFICATIONS CONNEXES Loi sur la taxe d?accise Loi sur le minist?re des P?ches et des Oce'ans Loi sur les douanes Loi dc l?impb?t sur le revenu 9991994 Loi de mise en oeuvre de [a Convention sur les armes chi- miques 8. Loi de 2001 sar ?accise DISPOSITION DE COORDINATION 9. 2014, ch. 39 ENTREE EN VIGUEUR 10. D?cret PARTIE 2 L01 SUR LA SURETE DES DEPLACEMENTS AERIENS EDICTION DE. LA 11. Ediction L01 CONCERNANT DE LA SURETE VISANT LES TRANSPORTS ET LA PREVENTION DES DEPLACEMENTS AERIENS DONT EST LA PERPETRATION DE TERRORISME TITRE 1. Lot sur la s?rete' des de'placements a?riens SA MAJESTE 2. Obligation de Sa Majest? DEFINITIONS 3. De?nitions APPLICATION 4. Regle ge?ne'rale 5. Infractions commises a l??tranger AIR CARRIERS 6. Duty air carriers MINISTER 7. Delegation 8. List DIRECTIONS 9. Directions COLLECTION AND DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION 10. Assistance to Minister 1 1. Disclosure 12. Foreign states 13. Minister of Transport 14. Canada Border Services Agency ADMINISTRATIVE RECOURSE 15. Application to Minister APPEALS 16. Decisions under this Act 17. Protection of information on appeal GENERAL 18. Information destruction 19. Rights preserved PROHIBITIONS 20. Prohibition list 21. Prohibition persons and goods 22. Obstruction OFFENCES AND PUNISHMENT 23. Contravention 24. Defence PROSECUTION 25. Limitation period 26. Proof of documents 27. Document entries as proof TRANSPORTEUR AERIEN 6. Transporteur a?rien obligation MINISTRE 7. Delegation 8. Liste DIRECTIVES 9. Directives COLLECTE ET COMMUNICATION DES RENSEIGNEMENTS 10. Aide au ministre 1 1. Communication 12. Etats ?trangers 13. Ministre des Transports 14. Agence des services frontaliers du Canada RECOURS ADMINISTRATIF 15. Demande de radiation APPEL 16. Decisions au titre de la pr?sente loi 17. Protection des renseignements a l?appel GENERALITES 18. Destruction des renseignements 19. Maintien des droits INTERDICTIONS 20. Interdiction liste 21. Interdiction personnes et biens 22. Entrave INFRACTIONS ET PEINES 23. Contravention 24. Moyens de defense POURSUITES 25. Prescription 26. Authenticit? des documents 27. Inscription 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 12. 13. 14. 15?27. 28. 29. 30. 3 1. 32-33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. INSPECTION POWERS Powers to enter, seize and detain No offence Duty to assist Minister Compliance order REGULATIONS Regulations TRANSITIONAL PROVISION Section 16 CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENTS Aeronautics Act Canada Evidence Act COMING INTO FORCE Order in council PART 3 CRIMINAL CODE AMENDMENTS TO THE ACT Amendments TRANSITIONAL PROVISION Information terrorism offence CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENTS Prisons and Reformatories Act Corrections and Conditional Release Act Customs Tariff Youth Criminal Justice Act COORDINATING AMENDMENTS 2011, c. 7 2014, c. 31 Bill S-7 Bill C-26 Bill C-32 COMING INTO FORCE Thirty days after royal assent 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 12. 13. 14. 15-27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32-33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. POUVOIRS Pouvoirs d?entr?e, de saisie et de retention Immunit? Obligation d?assistanee Mesures REGLEMENTS R?glements DISPOSITION TRANSITOIRE Article 16 MODIFICATIONS CORRELATIVES Loi sur l?ae?ronautique Loi sur la preuve au Canada ENTREE EN VIGUEUR D?cret PARTIE 3 CODE CRIMINEL MODIFICATION DE LA LOI Modi?cations DISPOSITION TRANSITOIRE D?nonciation infraction de terrorisme MODIFICATIONS CORRELATIVES Loi sur les prisons et les maisons de correction Loi sur le syst?me correctionnel et la mise en liberte' sous condition arif des douanes Loi sur le syst?me de justice pe?nale pour les adolescents DISPOSITIONS DE COORDINATION 2011, ch. 7 2014, ch. 31 Projet de loi S-7 Projet de loi C-26 Projet de loi C-32 ENTREE EN VIGUEUR Trente jours apr?s 1a sanction PART 4 CANADIAN SECURITY INTELLIGENCE SERVICE ACT 40?51. Amendments PART 5 IMMIGRATION AND REFUGEE PROTECTION ACT AMENDMENTS TO THE ACT 52?60. Amendments TRANSITIONAL PROVISION 61. Cases excluded from application of this Part COMING INTO FORCE 62. Order in council SCHEDULE PARTIE 4 L01 SUR LE SERVICE CANADIEN DU RENSEIGNEMENT DE SECURITE 40-51. Modi?cations PARTIE 5 L01 SUR LA PROTECTION DES REFUGIES MODIFICATION DE LA LOI 52-60. Modifications DISPOSITION TRANSITOIRE 61. Cas exclus de l?application de la pr?sente partie ENTREE EN VIGUEUR 62. D?cret ANNEXE Short title Enactment 2nd Session, 4lst Parliament, 62-63 Elizabeth II, 2013-2014-2015 HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA BILL C- An Act to enact the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act and the Secure Air Travel Act, to amend the Criminal Code, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows: SHORT TITLE 1. This Act may be cited as the Anti-terror- ism Act, 2015. PART 1 SECURITY OF CANADA INFORMATION SHARING ACT ENACTMENT 0F ACT 2. The Security of Canada Information Sharing Act, whose text is as follows and whose Schedules to 3 are set out in the schedule to this Act, is enacted: An Act to encourage and facilitate information sharing between Government of Canada institutions in order to protect Canada against activities that undermine the security of Canada 26 session, 41? legislature, 62-63 Elizabeth II, 2013-2014-2015 CHAMBRE DES COMMUNES DU CANADA PROJET DE LOI C- Loi e'dictant la Loi sur la communication d?information ayant trait a la s?curit? du Canada et la Loi sur la s?ret? des d?placements a?riens, modifiant 1e Code criminel, la Loi sur 16 Service canadien du renseignement de s?curit? et la Loi sur 1?immigration et la protection des r?fugi?s et apportant des modi?cations connexes et corr?latives a d?autres lois Sa Majest?, sur l?avis et avec le consente- ment du Se'nat et de la Chambre des communes du Canada, ?dicte TITRE ABREGE 1. Loi antiterroriste de 2015. PARTIE 1 L01 SUR LA COMMUNICATION AYANT TRAIT A LA SECURITE DU CANADA EDICTION DE LA L01 2. Est ?dict?e la Loi sur la communication d?information ayant trait a la s?curit? da Canada, dont le texte suit et dont les annexes 1 a 3 ?gurent a l?annexe de la pr?sente loi Loi visant a encourager et a faciliter la communication d?information entre les institutions f?d?rales a?n de prot?ger 1e Canada contre des activit?s qui portent atteinte a la s?curit? du Canada Titre abr?g? Ediction Preamble Short title Anti-terrorism, 2015 Whereas the people of Canada are entitled to live free from threats to their lives and their se? curity; Whereas activities that undermine the securi- ty of Canada are often carried out in a clandes- tine, deceptive or hostile manner, are increas? ingly global, complex and sophisticated, and often emerge and evolve rapidly; Whereas there is no more fundamental role for a government than protecting its country and its people; Whereas Canada is not to be used as a con- duit for the carrying out of activities that threat- en the security of another state; Whereas protecting Canada and its people against activities that undermine the security of Canada often transcends the mandate and capa? bility of any one Government of Canada insti? tution; Whereas Parliament recognizes that informa- tion needs to be shared and disparate infor- mation needs to be collated in order to en- able the Government to protect Canada and its people against activities that undermine the se- curity of Canada; Whereas information in respect of activities that undermine the security of Canada is to be shared in a manner that is consistent with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the protection of privacy; And whereas Government of Canada institu- tions are accountable for the effective and re- sponsible sharing of information; Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows: SHORT TITLE 1. This Act may be cited as the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act. Attendu que la population du Canada est en droit de vivre a l?abri des menaces a la vie ou a la se'? curit?; que les activit?s portant atteinte a la s?curit? du Canada sont souvent men?es de maniere clandestine, trompeuse ou hostile, sont de plus en plus globales, complexes et sophisti? qu?es, et voient le jour et ?voluent souvent rapidement; qu?il n?est point de role plus fondamental pour un gouvernement que la protection de son pays et de sa population; que le Canada ne doit pas servir d?interm?- diaire a quiconque mene des activit?s qui menacent la s?curit? d?un Etat ?tranger; que la protection du Canada et de sa popula- tion contre des activit?s portant atteinte a la s?curit? du Canada excede souvent 1e mandat ou les capacit?s d?une seule institution rale; que le Parlement reconnait la n?cessit? de communiquer de l?information et de re- grouper des elements d?information dispa- rates pour pennettre au gouvernement de prot?ger 1e Canada et sa population contre ces activit?s; que la communication d?information a l??gard de telles activit?s doit s?effectuer d?une maniere conforme a la Charte cana- dienne des droits et liberr?s et a la protection de la vie priv?e; que les institutions f?d?rales sont garantes d?une communication d?information respon- sable et efficace, Sa Majest?, sur l?avis et avec le consentement du Se'nat et de la Chambre des communes du Canada, ?dicte TITRE ABREGE 1. Loi sur la communication ?information ayant trait a la s?curit? du Canada. 62-63 ELIZ. II Pr?ambule Titre abr?g? 2013-2014-20 15 De?nitions ?activity that undermines the security of Canada" activit? portant atteinte (i la s?curit? du Canada ?Government of Canada institution? institution f?d?rale ?people of Canada? population du Canada INTERPRETATION 2. The following de?nitions apply in this Act. ?activity that undermines the security of Canada? means any activity, including any of the following activities, if it undermines the sovereignty, security or territorial integrity of Canada or the lives or the security of the people of Canada: interference with the capability of the Government of Canada in relation to intelli- gence, defence, border operations, public safety, the administration of justice, diplo- matic or consular relations, or the economic or ?nancial stability of Canada; changing or unduly in?uencing a gov- ernment in Canada by force or unlawful means; espionage, sabotage or covert foreign-in- ?uenced activities; terrorism; proliferation of nuclear, chemical, radio- logical or biological weapons; interference with critical infrastructure; interference with the global information infrastructure, as de?ned in section 273.61 of the National Defence Act; an activity that causes serious harm to a person or their property because of that per- son?s association with Canada; and an activity that takes place in Canada and undermines the security of another state. For greater certainty, it does not include lawful advocacy, protest, dissent and artistic expres- sion. ?Government of Canada institution? means a government institution as de?ned in section 3 of the Privacy Act other than one that is listed in Schedule 1; or an institution that is listed in Schedule 2. ?people of Canada? means the people in Canada; or Loi antiterrort'ste (2015) DEFINITIONS 2. Les de?nitions qui suivent s?appliquent a la pr?sente loi. activit? portant atteinte a la s?curit? du Canada? S?entend d?une activit? qui porte at- teinte a la souverainet?, a la s?curit? on a l?int?- grit? territoriale du Canada s?curit? de la population du Canada, notam- ment les activit?s ci-apres si elles entrainent une telle atteinte a) entraver la capacit? du gouvemement d?ral ou de son administration en ma- tiere de renseignement, de defense, d?activi? te?s a la frontiere, de s?curit? publique, d?administration de la justice, de relations di? plomatiques ou consulaires ou de stabilit? ?conomique ou ?nanciere du Canada; b) entrainer un changement de gouveme- ment au Canada ou in?uer ind?ment sur un tel gouvemement par l?emploi de la force ou de moyens illegaux; c) espionner, saboter ou se livrer a une acti- vit? secrete in?uenc?e par l??tranger; d) 56 livrer au terrorisme; e) se livrer a une activit? qui a pour effet 1a proliferation d?armes nucle?aires, chimiques, radiologiques ou biologiques; f) entraver 1e fonctionnement d?infrastruc- tures essentielles; g) entraver le fonctionnement dc l?infra- structure mondiale d?information, au sens de l?article 273.61 de la Loi sur la defense na- tionale; h) causer des dommages graves a une per- sonne on a ses biens en raison de ses liens avec le Canada; se livrer a une activit? au Canada qui porte atteinte a'la se?curite? d?un autre Etat. Il est entendu que sont exclues les activit?s li- cites de defense d?une cause, de protestation, de manifestation d?un d?saccord ou d?expression artistique. De?nitions activit? portant atteinte a la s?curit? du Canada ?activity that undermines the security of Canada? Purpose Guiding principles A nti -terrorism, 2015 any citizen, as de?ned in subsection 2(1) of the Citizenship Act or any permanent resident, as de?ned in subsection 2(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act who is outside Canada. PURPOSE AND PRINCIPLES 3. The purpose of this Act is to encourage and facilitate the sharing of information among Government of Canada institutions in order to protect Canada against activities that under? mine the security of Canada. 4. Information sharing under this Act is to be guided by the following principles: effective and responsible information sharing protects Canada and Canadians; respect for caveats on and originator control over shared information is consistent with effective and responsible information sharing; (0) entry into information-sharing arrange- ments is appropriate when Government of Canada institutions share information regu- larly; the provision of feedback as to how shared information is used and as to whether it is useful in protecting against activities that undermine the security of Canada facilitates effective and responsible information shar- ing; and only those within an institution who ex- ercise its jurisdiction or carry out its respon- sibilities in respect of activities that under- mine the security of Canada ought to receive information that is disclosed under this Act. institution f?de?rale S?entend a) de l?institution f?de?rale, au sens de l?ar- ticle 3 de la Loi sur la protection des rensei- gnements personnels, autre qu?une institution qui ?gure a l?annexe l; b) d?une institution qui ?gure a l?annexe 2. ?population du Canada? a) La population au Canada; b) tout citoyen, au sens du paragraphe 2(1) de la Loi sur la citoyennet?, ou tout resident permanent, au sens du paragraphe 2(1) de la Loi sur 1 'immigration 6! la protection des fugi?s, qui se trouve a l??tranger. OBJ ET ET PRINCIPES 3. La pr?sente loi a pour objet d?encourager les institutions f?d?rales a communiquer entre elles de l?information et de faciliter une telle communication, afin de prot?ger 1e Canada contre des activite?s portant atteinte a la s?curit? du Canada. 4. Les principes ci-apres doivent guider la communication d?information au titre de la pr?- sente loi: a) la communication d?information respon- sable et ef?caCe protege 1e Canada et les Ca- nadiens; b) le respect des mises en garde et du droit de regard de la source relativement a l?infor? mation ainsi communiqu?e est compatible avee une communication d?information res- ponsable et ef?cace; c) 1a conclusion d?ententes de communica- tion d?information convient aux institutions f?d?rales qui communiquent r?gulierement entre elles de l?information; d) la foumiture de r?troaction sur la facon dont l?information qui est communiqu?e est utilis?e et sur son utilit? en matiere de pro- tection contre des activit?s portant atteinte a la s?curit? du Canada facilite une communi- cation d?information responsable et ef?cace; e) seuls ceux qui, au sein d?une institution, exercent la competence ou les attributions de celle-ci a l??gard d?activit?s portant atteinte a 62-63 ELIZ. 11 institution f?d?rale ?Gover'mizent of Canada institution? a population du Canada ?people of Canada? Objet Principes directeurs 2013-2014?20 15 Disclosure of information Further disclosure under subsection (1) Further disclosure other than under this Act No presumption DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION 5. (1) Subject to any provision of any other Act of Parliament, or of any regulation made under such an Act, that prohibits or restricts the disclosure of information, a Government of Canada institution may, on its own initiative or on request, disclose information to the head of a recipient Government of Canada institution whose title is listed in Schedule 3, or their dele- gate, if the information is relevant to the recipi- ent institution?s jurisdiction or responsibilities under an Act of Parliament or another lawful authority in respect of activities that undermine the security of Canada, including in respect of their detection, identi?cation, analysis, preven- tion, investigation or disruption. (2) Information received under subsection (1) may be further disclosed under that subsec- tion. 6. For greater certainty, nothing in this Act prevents a head, or their delegate, who receives information under subsection 5(1) from, in ac? cordance with the law, using that information, or further disclosing it to any person, for any purpose. 7. The act of disclosing information under this Act does not create a presumption that the disclosing institution is conduct- ing a joint investigation or decision?making process with the recipient institution and therefore has the same obligations, if any, as the recipient institution to disclose or pro- duce information for the purposes of a pro- ceeding; or that there has been a waiver of any privi- lege, or of any requirement to obtain consent, for the purposes of any other disclosure of that information either in a proceeding or to an institution that is not a Government of Canada institution. Loi antiterroriste (2015) la s?curit? du Canada devraient recevoir l?in- formation communiqu?e en vertu de la pr?- sente loi. COMMUNICATION 5. Sous reserve des dispositions de toute autre loi f?d?rale ou de tout reglement pris en vertu de l?une de celles?ci interdisant ou restrei- gnant la communication d?infonnation, une ins- titution f?d?rale peut, de sa propre initiative ou sur demande, communiquer de l?information au responsable d?une institution f?d?rale destina- taire dont 1e titre figure a l?annexe 3, ou a son d?l?gu?, si l?information se rapporte a la com? petence ou aux attributions de l?institution des- tinataire pr?vues par une loi f?d?rale ou une autre autorite? l?gitime a l??gard d?activit?s por- tant atteinte a la s?curit? du Canada, notam- ment en ce qui touche la detection, 1?identi?ca- tion, l?analyse, la prevention ou la perturbation de ces activit?s ou une enqu?te sur celles-ci. (2) L?information recue au titre du para? graphe peut ?tre communique?e de nouveau en vertu de ce paragraphe. 6. Il est entendu que la pr?sente loi n?a pas pour effet d?emp?cher 1e responsable d?une ins- titution f?d?rale, on son d?l?gu?, qui recoit de l?information au titre du paragraphe 5(1) de l?utiliser ou de la communiquer de nouveau a toute personne conform?ment a la loi, et ce a toute 7. Le fait de communiquer de l?information au titre de la pr?sente loi ne cr?e pas de pr?- somption selon laquelle a) l?institution 1a communiquant participe a une enqu?te on a un processus decisionnel men?s avec l?institution destinataire et a ain- si les memes obligations, 1e cas ?ch?ant, que cette demiere institution en matiere de com- munication ou de production d?inforrnation dans le cadre d?une instance; b) i1 a eu renonciation a tout privilege ou a toute exigence d?obtenir un consentement aux ?ns de toute autre communication de cette information, que celle-ci soit communi? qu?e dans le cadre d?une instance ou a une Communication d?information Communication subs?quente en vertu du paragraphe (1) Communication subse?quente autrement qu?en vertu de la pr?sente loi Aucune presumption Non-derogation No civil proceedings Regulations Amendments to Schedules 1 and 2 Amendments to Schedule 3 A nti-terrorism, 201 5 8. Nothing in this Act limits or affects any authority to disclose information under another Act of Parliament or a provincial Act, at com- mon law or under the royal prerogative. PROTECTION FROM CIVIL PROCEEDINGS 9. No civil proceedings lie against any per- son for their disclosure in good faith of infor- mation under this Act. POWERS OF GOVERNOR IN COUNCIL 10. (1) The Governor in Council may, on the recommendation of the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, make reg- ulations for carrying out the purposes and pro- visions of this Act, including regulations respecting the manner of disclosure un- der section 5; requiring records to be kept and retained in respect of that disclosure; and respecting the manner in which those records are kept and retained. (2) The Governor in Council may make an order adding the name of an institution to Schedule 1 or 2 or deleting one from either of those Schedules. (3) The Governor in Council may make an order adding the name of a Government of Canada institution and the title of its head to Schedule 3, deleting the name of an institution and the title of its head from that Schedule or amending the name of an institution or the title of a head that is listed in that Schedule. An ad- dition is authorized only if the institution has jurisdiction or responsibilities under an Act of Parliament or another lawful authority in re- spect of activities that undermine the security of Canada, including in respect of their detec- tion, identi?cation, analysis, prevention, inves- tigation or disruption. institution qui n?est pas une institution rale. 8. La pr?sente loi n?a pas pour effet de por- ter atteinte aux pouvoirs en matiere de commu? nication d?information qui d?coulent d?une autre loi fe'de'rale, d?une loi provinciale, de la common law on de la prerogative royale. IMMUNITE EN MATIERE CIVILE 9. Toute personne b?n?ficie de l?immunit? en matiere civile pour la communication d?in- formation faite de bonne foi en vertu de la pre- sente loi. POUVOIRS DU GOUVERNEUR EN CONSEIL 10. (1) Sur recommandation du ministre de la S?curit? publique et de la Protection civile, 1e gouverneur en conseil peut, par reglement, prendre toute mesure d?application de la pr?? sente loi, notamment des reglements a) concemant les modalit?s des communica- tions faites en vertu de l?article 5; b) exigeant la tenue et la conservation de do- cuments relativement a ces communications; c) concemant les modalit?s de tenue et de conservation de ces documents. (2) Le gouverneur en conseil peut, par de- cret, ajouter le nom d?une institution a l?annexe 1 ou 2 on en supprimer on de l?une ou l?autre de ces annexes. (3) Le gouvemeur en conseil peut, par de- cret, ajouter le nom d?une institution f?d?rale et 1e titre de son responsable a l?annexe 3, suppri? mer de cette annexe le nom d?une institution et 1e titre de son responsable ou modi?er le nom d?une institution ou le titre d?un responsable qui ?gure a cette annexe. II ne peut avoir ajout que si l?institution est comp?tente on a des attributions au titre d?une loi f?d?rale ou d?une autre autorit? legitime a l?e'gard d?activi- t?s portant atteinte a la s?curit? du Canada, no- tamment en ce qui touche la detection, l?identi? ?cation, l?analyse, la prevention ou la perturbation de ces activit?s ou une enqu?te sur celles-ci. 62?63 11 Aucune derogation Immunit? en mati?re civile R?glements Modi?cation des annexes 1 et 2 Modi?cation de l'annexe 3 2013-2014-20 15 11.8., C. 13?15 Threats to security Security of Canada Information Sharing Ac! RELATED AMENDMENTS Excise Tax Act 3. Section 295 of the Excise Tax Act is amended by adding the following after sub? section (5.04): (5.05) An of?cial may provide to the head, or their delegate, of a recipient Government of Canada institution listed in Schedule 3 to the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act con?dential information, if there are rea- sonable grounds to suspect that the informa- tion would be relevant to an investigation of whether the activity of any person may constitute threats to the security of Canada, as de?ned in section 2 of the Canadian Security Intelligence Ser- vice Act, or (ii) an investigation of whether any of the following offences may have been com- mitted: (A) a terrorism offence as de?ned in section 2 of the Criminal Code, and (B) an offence under section 462.31 of the Criminal Code, if that investigation is related to a terrorism offence as de- ?ned in section 2 of that Act; and information setting out the reasonable grounds referred to in paragraph to the extent that any such grounds rely on infor- mation referred to in that paragraph. Department of Fisheries and Oceans Act 4. Section 4 of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (2): (3) In carrying out activities in relation to the maritime domain, the Minister may receive information that relates to activities that undermine the security of Canada, as de?ned in section 2 of Loi antiterroriste (2015) MODIFICATIONS CONNEXES Loi sur la taxe ?accise 3. L?article 295 de la Loi sur la taxe d?ac? cise est modi?? par adjonction, apr?s le pa- ragraphe (5.04), de ce qui suit: (5.05) Un fonctionnaire peut foumir les ren- seignements ci?apres au responsable d?une ins- titution f?d?rale destinataire ?gurant a l?annexe 3 de la Loi sur la communication information ayant trait ti la s?curit? du Canada, ou a son de?le?gu? a) des renseignernents con?dentiels, s?il existe des motifs raisonnables de soupconner qu?ils seraient utiles aux ?ns suivantes toute enqu?te visant a veri?er si les ac- tivit?s d?une personne sont de nature a constituer des menaces envers la s?curit? du Canada, au sens de l?article 2 de la Loi sur [6 Service canadien du renseignement de s?curit?, (ii) toute enqu?te visant a ?tablir si l?une des infractions ci-apres peut avoir commise: (A) une infraction de terrorisme, au sens de l?article 2 du Code criminel, (B) une infraction pr?vue a l?article 462.31 du Code criminel, si l?enqu?te en cause est li?e a une infraction de ter- rorisme au sens de l?article 2 de cette loi; b) les renseignements ?tablissant les motifs raisonnables mentionn?s a l?alin?a dans la mesure ou ces motifs sont fonde's sur les ren- seignements vis?s a cet aline?a. Lot sur le ministere des P??ches et des Oc?ans 4. L?article 4 de la Loi sur le ministere des P?ches ct ties Oce?ans est modi?? par adjonc- tion, apr?s le paragraphe (2), de ce qui suit (3) En exercant des activit?s relatives au do- maine maritime, ie ministre peut recevoir de l?information qui est a la fois a) relative a une activit? portant atteinte a la s?curit? du Canada, au sens de l?article 2 de L.R., ch. Menaces a la s?curit? Loi sur la communication 0' 'information ayant trait 51 la s?curit? du Canada 8 Anti-terrorism, 2015 the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act; and is relevant to his or her support of a Gov- ernment of Canada institution, as de?ned in that section, that has jurisdiction or responsi- bilities under an Act of Parliament or another lawful authority in respect of those activities, including their detection, identi?cation, anal- ysis, prevention, investigation or disruption. as, c, 1 (2nd Customs Act Supp.) 5. (1) Subsection 107(4) of the Customs Act is amended by striking out ?or? at the end of paragraph by adding ?or? at the end of paragraph and by adding the fol- lowing after paragraph is disclosed in accordance with the Secu- rity of Canada Information Sharing Act. (2) Paragraph 107(5)(i) of the Act is re- piaced by the following: an of?cial of the Department of Citizen- ship and Immigration solely for the purpose of administering or enforcing the Citizenship Act or the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, if the infor- mation relates to the movement of people into and out of Canada, o_r (ii) the law of Canada respecting pass- ports or other travel documents; R.S., c. 1 (5th Income Tax Act Supp.) 6. (1) The portion of subsection 241(9) of the Income Tax Act before paragraph is replaced by the following: (9) An of?cial may provide to the head, or their delegate, of a recipient Government of Canada institution listed in Schedule 3 to the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act Threats to security publicly accessible charity information; la Loi sur la communication ?information ayant trait 61 la s?curit? du Canada; b) li?e au soutien qu?il apporte a une institu? tion f?de?rale, au sens de cet article, qui est competente ou a des attributions au titre d?une loi f?d?rale ou d?une autre autorite' le- gitime a l??gard d?une telle activite?, notarn- ment en ce qui touche la detection, l?identi?- cation, l?analyse, la prevention ou la perturbation de ces activit?s ou une enqu?te sur ceiles-ci. Loi sur les douanes 5. (1) Le paragraphe 107(4) de la Loi sur les douanes est modi?? par adjonction, apres l?alin?a de ce qui suit: i) 1e renseignement est communique confor- m?ment a la Loi sur [a communication ?in- formation ayant trait a la s?curit? du Canada. (2) L?alin?a 107(5)j) de la m?me loi est remplac? par ce qui suit: j) a un fonctionnaire du ministere de la Ci- toyennet? et de l?Immigration, uniquement pour l?application ou l?ex?cution soit de la Loi sur la citoyennet? ou de la Loi sur l?immigration et la protection des refugi?s, lorsque 1e renseignement se rapporte a l?entr?e de personnes au Canada on a leur sortie du Canada, (ii) soit du droit federal en matiere de pas- seports ou autres documents de voyage; Loi do I ?impt?tt sur le revenu 6. (1) Le passage du paragraphe 241(9) de la Loi dc l?impo?t sur le revenu pr?c?dant l?alin?a c) est remplac? par ce qui suit (9) Un fonctionnaire peut foumir les rensei- gnements ci-apres au responsable d?une institu- tion f?d?rale destinataire ?gurant a l?annexe 3 de la Loi sur la communication d?information ayant trait la s?curit? du Canada, ou a son de'l?gu?: 62?63 ELIZ. II L.R., ch. 1 suppl.) L.R., ch. 1 (5c suppl.) Menaces a ia s?curite? 2013-2014-20 15 1995, c. 25 2002, c. 22 Threats to security (17) taxpayer information, if there are reason- able grounds to suspect that the information would be relevant to an investigation of whether the activity of any person may constitute threats to the security of Canada, as de?ned in section 2 of the Canadian Security Intelligence Ser- vice Act, (ii) an investigation of whether any of the following offences may have been com- mitted: (A) a terrorism offence as de?ned in section 2 of the Criminal Code, an_d (B) an offence under section 462.31 of the Criminal Code, if that investigation is related to a terrorism offence as de? fined in section 2 of that Act; aid (2) The definition ?designated taxpayer information? in subsection 241(10) of the Act is repealed. Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act 7. Subsection 17(3) of the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act is amended by striking out ?or? at the end of paragraph by adding ?or? at the end of paragraph and by adding the following after paragraph in the case where the information or doc- uments are disclosed in accordance with the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act. Excise Act, 2001 8. Section 211 of the Excise Act, 2001 is amended by adding the following after sub- section (6.4): (6.5) An official may provide to the head, or their delegate, of a recipient Government of Canada institution listed in Schedule 3 to the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act Loi antiterroriste (2015) a) les renseignements d?organismes de bien- faisance accessibles au public; des renseignements confidentiels, s?il existe des motifs raisonnables de soupconner qu?ils seraient utiles aux fins suivantes toute enqu?te visant a verifier si les ac- tivites d?une personne sont de nature a constituer des menaces envers la s?curit? du Canada, au sens de l?article 2 de la Loi sur le Service canadien du renseignement de s?curit?, (ii) toute enqu?te visant a ?tabiir si l?une des infractions ci-apres peut avoir e't? commise: (A) une infraction de terrorisme, au sens de l?article 2 du Code criminel, (B) une infraction pr?vue a l?article 462.31 du Code criminel, si l?enqu?te en cause est li?e a une infraction de ter- rorisme au sens de l?article 2 de cette loi; (2) La definition de renseignement con?dentiel d?sign? au paragraphe 241(10) de la m?me loi, est abrog?e. Loi de mise en teuvre de la Convention sur les armes chimiques 7. Le paragraphe 17(3) de la Loi dc mise en oeuvre de la Convention sur les armes chi- miques est modi?? par adjonction, apr?s l?alin?a de ce qui suit c) qu?ils soient communiqu?s conform?ment a la Loi sur la communication d?information ayant trait 61 la Securite? du Canada. Loi de 2001 sur l?accise 8. L?article 211 de la Loi de 2001 sur l?ac- cise est modi?? par adjonction, apr?s le pa- ragraphe (6.4), de ce qui suit: (6.5) Un fonctionnaire peut fournir les ren- seignements ci-apres au responsable d?une ins- titution f?d?rale destinataire ?gurant a l?annexe 3 de la Loi sur la communication ?information 1995, ch. 25 2002, ch. 22 Menaces a la s?curit? 10 2014, c. 39 Order in council Order in council Anti?terrorism, 2015 con?dential information, if there are rea- sonable grounds to suspect that the informa- tion would be relevant to an investigation of whether the activity of any person may constitute threats to the security of Canada, as de?ned in section 2 of the Canadian Security Intelligence Ser- vice Act, or (ii) an investigation of whether any of the following offences may have been com? mitted: (A) a terrorism offence as de?ned in section 2 of the Criminal Code, and (B) an offence under section 462.31 of the Criminal Code, if that investigation is related to a terrorism offence as de- ?ned in section 2 of that Act; and information setting out the reasonable grounds referred to in paragraph to the extent that any such grounds rely on infor? mation referred to in that paragraph. COORDINATING AMENDMENT 9. On the ?rst day on which both section 254 of the Economic Action Plan 2014 Act, No. 2 and section 2 of this Act are in force, Schedule 3 to the Security of Canada Infor- mation Sharing Act is amended by replacing the reference to ?Chief Public Health Of?- cer? in column 2 with a reference to ?Presi? dent of the Public Health Agency of Canada?. COMING INTO FORCE 10. (1) Sections 2, 3 and 5 to 8 come into force on a day to be ?xed by order of the Governor in Council. (2) Section 4 comes into force on a day to be ?xed by order of the Governor in Coun- cil. ayant trait 51 la s?curit? du Canada, ou a son d?l?gu?: a) des renseignements con?dentiels, s?il existe des motifs raisonnables de soupconner qu?ils seraient utiles aux ?ns suivantes toute enqu?te visant a veri?er si les ac- tivite?s d?une personne sont de nature a constituer des menaces envers la s?curit? du Canada, au sens de l?article 2 de la Loi sur le Service canadien du renseignement de s?curit?, (ii) toute enqu?te visant a ?tablir si l?une des infractions ci-apres peut avoir commise: (A) une infraction de terrorisme, au sens de l?article 2 du Code criminel, (B) une infraction pr?vue a l?article 462.31 du Code criminel, si l?enqu?te en cause est li?e a une infraction de ter- rorisme au sens de l?article 2 de cette loi; b) les renseignements ?tablissant les motifs raisonnables mentionn?s a l?aline?a dans la mesure 01?1 ces motifs sont fond?s sur les ren- seignements Vises a cet alin?a. DISPOSITION DE COORDINATION 9. Des le premier jour of: Particle 254 plan ?action e'conomique de 2014 et l?article 2 de la pr?sente loi sont tous deux en vigueur, l?annexe 3 de la Loi sur la communication d?information ayant trait la s?curit? du Canada est modi??e par rempla- cement de la mention L?administrateur en chef de la sant? publique?, ?gurant dans la colonne 2, par Le pr?sident de I?Agence de la sant? publique du Canada?. ENTREE EN VIGUEUR 10. (1) Les articles 2, 3 et 5 a 8 entrent en vigueur a la date ?x?e par d?cret. (2) L?article 4 entre en Vigueur a la date ?x?e par d?cret. 7 62?63 II 2014, ch. 39 D?crer De?cret 2013-2014-20 15 Enactmem Short title Binding on Her Majesty De?nitions ?air carrier? <4 transporteur a?rien ?aviation reservation system? syst?me de reservation de services a?riens 6 i1 iStS! liste ?listed person? personne inscrite ?Minister? ministre ?screening? contr?le ?sterile area? ?zone Sterile ?transportation security? stiret? des transports PART 2 SECURE AIR TRAVEL ACT ENACTMENT 0F ACT 11. The Secure Air Travel Act is enacted as follows: An Act to enhance security relating to transportation and to prevent air travel for the purpose of engaging in acts of terrorism SHORT TITLE 1. This Act may be cited as the Secure Air Travel Act. HER MAJESTY 2. This Act is binding on Her Majesty in right of Canada or a province. INTERPRETATION 3. The following de?nitions apply in this Act. ?air carrier? has the same meaning as in sub- section 3(1) of the Aeronautics Act. ?aviation reservation system? has the same meaning as in subsection 3(1) of the Aeronau- tics Act. ?list? means the list established under subsec? tion ?listed person? means a person whose name is on the list. ?Minister? means the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness. ?screening? has the same meaning as in section 4.7 of the Aeronautics Act. ?sterile area? has the same meaning as in sec- tion 3 of the Canadian Aviation Security Regu- lations, 2012. ?transportation security? has the same meaning as in subsection 4.81(0.1) of the Aeronautics Act. Loi antiterroriste (2015) PARTIE 2 L01 SUR LA SURETE DES DEPLACEMENTS AERIENS EDICTION DE LA 11. Est ?dict?e la Loi sur la s?rete' des placements a?riens, dont lc texte suit: concemant l?am?lioration de la s?rete? visant les transports et la prevention des d?placements a?riens dont l?objet est la perp?tration d?actes de terrorisme Loi TITRE ABREGE 1. Loi sur la s?ret? des d?placements riens. SA MAJESTE 2. La pr?sente loi lie Sa Majest? du chef (in Canada et des provinces. DEFINITIONS 3. Les de?nitions qui suivent s?appliquent a la pr?sente loi. contr?le S?entend au sens de l?article 4.7 de la Loi sur l?a?ronautique. liste La liste ?tablie en vertu du paragraphe ministre Le ministre de la S?curit? publique et de la Protection civile. ?personne inscrite? Personne dont le nom gure sur la liste. ?s?rete? des transports? S?entend au sens du paragraphe 4.81(0.1) de ia Loi sur l'ae?ronau- tique. ?systeme de reservation de services a?riens? S?entend au sens du paragraphe 3(1) de la Loi sur l?a?ronautique. ?transporteur a?rien S?entend au sens du pa- ragraphe 3(1) de la Loi sur l?a?ronautique. ?zone st?rile S?entend au sens de l?article 3 du R?glement canadien de 2012 sur la sziret? a?rienne. ll Ediction Titre abr?g? Obligation de Sa Majest? Definitions contr?le ?screening? liste Eilist3, ministre ?Minister? personne inscrite ?listed person? s?rete? des transports ?transportation security? syst?me de reservation de services a?riens ?aviation reservation system? a transporteur a?rien ?air carrier? zone sterile ?sterile area? 12 General rule Con?ict of laws Contraventions outside Canada Duty 7 air Carriers Requirement to provide information Delegation List Anti-terrorism, 2015 APPLICATION 4. 1) Subject to any regulations made un- der this Act, this Act applies to all persons, both inside and outside Canada. (2) Nothing in this Act is to be construed as requiring a person to contravene, or an aircraft to be operated in contravention of, a law of a foreign state that applies to or in respect of the person or aircraft. 5. Every person who commits an act or omission outside Canada that if committed in Canada would be a contravention of a provision of this Act or its regulations is deemed to have committed the act or omission in Canada, and the person may be proceeded against and pun? ished in the place in Canada where the person is found, as if the contravention had been com- mitted in that place. AIR CARRIERS 6. (1) An air carrier that holds Canadian aviation documents, as de?ned in subsection 3(1) of the Aeronautics Act, must comply with the requirements of this Act and its regulations before allowing any person to board an aircraft or transporting any person. (2) An air carrier or operator of an aviation reservation system must, in accordance with this Act and its regulations, provide any infor- mation that is referred to in the schedule to the Aeronautics Act and that is in their control con- cerning the persons who are on board or ex- pected to be on board an aircraft for any ?ight. MINISTER 7. The Minister may delegate his or her powers, duties and functions under this Act to any of?cer or employee, or any class of of?cers or employees, of the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness. 8. (1) The Minister may establish a list on which is placed the given name, the surname, APPLICATION 4. (1) Sous reserve des reglements pris au titre de la pr?sente loi, celle-ci s?applique a toute personne, au Canada on a l??tranger. (2) La pr?sente loi n?a pas pour effet d?obli- ger une personne a contravenir aux lois d?un Etat ?tranger auxquelles elle est soumise ni a imposer l?utilisation d?un a?ronef en contraven- tion avec les lois d?un Etat ?tranger auxquelles son utilisation est sournise. 5. Quiconque est l?auteur a l??tranger d?un fait acte ou omission qui, survenu au Canada, constituerait une contravention a une disposition de la pr?sente loi ou de ses regle- merits est repute avoir commis cette contraven- tion au Canada. II peut ?tre poursuivi et puni au lieu du Canada on i] se trouve comme si la contravention avait commise. TRANSPORTEUR AERIEN 6. (1) Le transporteur a?rien titulaire de do- cuments d?aviation canadiens au sens du para- graphe 3(1) de la Loi sur 1 ?a?ronautique est te- nu, avant de laisser un passager monter a bord d?un a?ronef ou de transporter une personne, de se conformer aux exigences de la pr?sente loi et de ses reglements. (2) Le transporteur a?rien et l?exploitant de syst?mes de reservation de services a?riens sont tenus de fournir, conform?rnent a la pr?sente loi et a ses reglements, les renseignements dont ils disposent a I??gard des personnes qui sont ou seront vraisemblablement a bord d?un a?ro- nef pour tout vol et qui ?gurent a l?annexe de la Loi sur 1 ?a?ronautique. MINISTRE 7. Le ministre peut de?le?guer les attributions qui lui sont conf?r?es sous 1e regime de la pr?? sente loi a un dirigeant on a un fonctionnaire, individuellement ou au titre de son apparte- nance a telle cat?gorie de personnes, du minis- tere de la S?curit? publique et de la Protection civile. 8. (1) Le ministre peut ?tablir une liste sur laquelie i1 inscrit les nom et pr?nom de toute 62?63 ELIZ. II R?gle g?n?rale Con?it de lois Infractions commises a l??tranger Transporteur a?rien obligation Obligation de foumir des renseignements Delegation Liste 2013-2014-20 15 Review of list Amendment of list Directions any known alias, the date of birth and the gen? der of any person who the Minister has reason- able grounds to suspect will engage or attempt to engage in an act that would threaten transportation security; or travel by air for the purpose of commit- ting an act or omission that is an offence under section 83.18, 83.19 or 83.2 of the Criminal Code or an offence referred to in paragraph of the de?nition ?terrorism offence? in section 2 of that Act, or (ii) if it were committed in Canada, would constitute an offence referred to in sub- paragraph (2) The Minister must review the list every 90 days to determine whether the grounds for which each person?s name was added to the list under subsection (1) still exist and whether the person?s name should remain on the list. The review does not affect the validity of the list. (3) The Minister may at any time amend the list by deleting the name of a person and all information relating to them if the grounds for which their name was added to the list no longer exist; or by changing the information relating to a listed person. DIRECTIONS 9. The Minister may direct an air carrier to do anything that, in the Minister?s opinion, is reasonable and necessary to prevent a listed person from engaging in any act set out in sub- section 8(1) and may make directions respect- ing, in particular, the denial of transportation to a person; or Lot antiterroriste (2015) personne et tout nom d?emprunt qu?elle uti- lise, ainsi que sa date de naissance et son sexe dont il a des motifs raisonnables de soup- conner qu?elle a) soit participera ou tentera de participer a un acte qui menacerait la suret? des trans- ports; soit se d?placera en a?ronef dans le but de commettre un fait acte ourornission qui constitue une infraction visee aux ar- ticles 83.18, 83.19 ou 83.2 du Code crimi- nel on a l?alin?a c) de la de?nition de in- fraction de terrorisme a l?article 2 de cette loi, (ii) s?il ?tait commis au Canada, consti- tuerait une des infractions mentionn?es au sous-alin?a (2) Tous les quatre-vingt?dix jours, le rni? nistre examine la liste afin de determiner si les motifs sur lesquels i1 s?est base pour inscrire le nom de chaque personne en vertu du para? graphe existent encore et si le nom de la personne devrait demeurer sur la liste. L?exa- men est sans effet sur la validit? de la liste. (3) Le ministre peut en tout temps modi?er la liste pour: a) soit enlever le nom d?une personne de la liste ainsi que tout renseignement la visant, si les motifs pour lesquels 1e nom a inscrit sur la liste n?existent plus; b) soit modi?er les renseignements visant une personne inscrite. DIRECTIVES 9. (1) Le ministre peut enjoindre a un trans- porteur a?rien de prendre toute mesure que le ministre estime raisonnable et n?cessaire en vue d??viter qu?une personne inscrite commette les actes vis?s au paragraphe 11 peut en outre lui donner des directives relatives, notam- ment: a) an refus de transporter une personne; l3 Examen p?riodique de la liste Modi?cations apport?es a la liste Directives 14 Exemption from Statutory Instruments Act Assistance to Minister Disclosure Foreign states Minister of Transport A nti-terrorism, 201 5 the screening of a person before they en- ter a sterile area of an airport or board an air- craft. (2) A direction made under subsection (1) is exempt from the application of the Statutory In- struments Act. COLLECTION AND DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION 10. The following persons or entities may assist the Minister in the administration and en- forcement of this Act, including by collecting information from, and disclosing information to, the Minister and each other: the Minister of Transport; the Minister of Citizenship and Immigra- tion; (0) a member of the Royal Canadian Mount- ed Police or a civilian employee of that po- lice force; the Director or an employee of the Cana- dian Security Intelligence Service; an of?cer or employee of the Canada Border Services Agency; and any other person or entity prescribed by regulation. 11. Subject to section 12, the Minister may disclose information obtained in the exercise or performance of the Minister?s powers, duties or functions under this Act for the purposes of transportation security or the prevention of the travel referred to in paragraph 12. The Minister may enter into a written ar- rangement relating to the disclosure of informa- tion referred to in section 11 with the govern- ment of a foreign state, an institution of such a government or an international organization and may only disclose the list, in whole or in part, to the state, institution or organization in accordance with the arrangement. 13. The Minister of Transport may, for the purposes of assisting the Minister in the admin- istration and enforcement of this Act, b) au controle dont une personne fait l?objet avant d?entrer dans une zone sterile de roport ou de monter a bord d?un a?ronef. (2) Est soustraite a l?application de la Loi sur les textes r?glementaires toute directive donn?e en vertu du paragraphe (1). COLLECTE ET COMMUNICATION DES RENSEIGNEMENTS 10. Les personnes et entit?s ci-apr?s peuvent assister 1e ministre dans l?application et l?ex?? cution de la pre'sente loi, notamment par la col- lecte de renseignements aupres de lui ou de ces personnes ou entite?s et par la communication de renseignements a celui-ci ou a celles-ci a) 1e ministre des Transports; 19) 1e ministre de la Citoyennet? et de l?Im- migration; 6) un membre de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada ou un membre du personnel civil de celle?ci; d) 1e directeur ou un employ? du Service ca? nadien du renseignement de s?curit?; 6) un dirigeant ou un employ? de l?Agence des services frontaliers du Canada; f) toute autre personne ou entit? r?glemen- taire. 11. Sous reserve de l?article 12, 1e ministre peut communiquer des renseignements obtenus dans l?exercice des attributions qui lui sont conf?r?es au titre de la pr?sente loi si la com- munication a pour but d?assurer la s?ret? des transports ou de pr?venir un d?placement vis? a l?alin?a 12. Le ministre peut conclure une entente e?crite portant sur la communication de rensei- gnements vis?s a l?article 11 avec le gouverne- ment d?un Etat ?tranger ou l?une de ses institu- tions, ou un organisme international; i1 ne peut communiquer tout ou partie de la liste a cet Etat ?tranger, a cette institution on a cet organisme international que conforrn?ment a cette entente. 13. A?n d?assister le ministre dans l?appli- cation et l?ex?cution de la pr?sente loi, 1e mi- nistre des Transports peut 62-63 ELIZ. II Lof sur les iextes r?glememaires Aide au ministre Communication Etats ?trangers Ministre des Transports 2013-2014?20 15 Canada Border disclose the list to air carriers and to 0p? erators of aviation reservation systems; collect from air carriers and operators of aviation reservation systems any information referred to in the schedule to the Aeronautics Act that is in their control and that relates to a listed person; (6) disclose to air carriers any direction made by the Minister under section 9; and disclose information collected from air caniers and operators of aviation reservation systems to the Minister and to any other per- son or entity referred to in section 10. 14. The Canada Border Services Agency SeW?ceSAgency may assist the Minister in the administration Application to Minister Exceptional circumstances Representations and enforcement of this Act, including by disclosing to the Minister and to any other person or entity referred to in section 10 information in respect of a listed person that is collected from air carriers and opera- tors of aviation reservation systems; and by disclosing to air carriers and to opera- tors of aviation reservation systems that the name of a passenger is the same as that of a listed person. ADMINISTRATIVE RECOURSE 15. (1) A listed person who has been denied transportation as a result of a direction made under section 9 may, within 60 days after the day on which they are denied transportation, apply in writing to the Minister to have their name removed from the list. (2) If the Minister is satis?ed that there are exceptional circumstances that warrant it, the Minister may extend the time limit set out in subsection (1). (3) The Minister must afford the applicant a reasonable opportunity to make representations. Loi antiterroriste (2015) a) communiquer la liste aux transporteurs ae?riens et aux exploitants de systemes de servation de services a?riens; b) recueillir aupres des transporteurs a?riens et des exploitants de systemes de reservation de services a?riens des renseignements Vises a l?annexe de la Loi sur 1 ?a?ronautique qu?ils d?tiennent et qui portent sur une personne inscrite; c) communiquer aux transporteurs ae?riens toute directive donn?e en vertu de l?article 9; d) communiquer au ministre et a toute autre personne ou entit? vis?e a l?article 10 les ren- seignements recueillis aupres des transpor- teurs ae'riens et des exploitants de systemes de reservation de services a?riens. 14. L?Agence des services frontaliers du Canada peut assister le ministre clans l?applica- tion et l?ex?cution de la pre'sente loi, notam- ment: a) communiquer au ministre et a toute autre personne ou entite? vis?e a l?article 10 les ren- seignements recueillis aupres des transpor? teurs a?riens et des exploitants de systemes de reservation de services a?riens portant sur les personnes inscrites; b) communiquer aux transporteurs a?riens et aux exploitants de systemes de reservation de services a?riens 1e fait que le nom d?un passager est le m?me que celui d?une per? sonne inscrite. RECOURS ADMINISTRATIF 15. (1) La personne inscrite ayant fait l?ob- jet d?un refus de transport a la suite d?une di- rective donne'e en vertu de l?article 9 peut, dans les soixante jours suivant le refus, demander par ?crit au ministre que son nom soit radi? de la liste. (2) Le ministre, s?il est convaincu qu?il existe des circonstances exceptionnelles le jus- ti?ant, peut prolonger le d?lai vise' au para? graphe (1). (3) Le ministre accorde au demandeur la possibilit? de faire des observations. Agence des services frontaliers du Canada Demande de radiation Prolongation Observations 15 16 Application to Minister Notice of decision to applicant Deemed decision Decisions under this Act ApplicatiOn Extension Determination Removal from list Procedure Anti-terrorism, 2015 (4) On receipt of the application, the Minis- ter must decide whether there are still reason? able grounds to maintain the applicant?s name on the list. (5) The Minister must give notice without delay to the applicant of any decision made in respect of the application. (6) If the Minister does not make a decision in respect of the application within 90 days af? ter the day on which the application is received, or within any further period that is agreed on by the Minister and the applicant, the Minister is deemed to have decided not to remove the ap- plicant?s name from the list. APPEALS 16. 1) This section applies in respect of any appeal of any direction made under section 9 and any decision made under section 8 or 15 by the Minister. (2) A listed person who has been denied transportation as a result of a direction made under section 9 may appeal to a judge only af- ter a decision referred to in section 15 is ren- dered and within 60 days after the earlier of the day on which the notice of the deci- sion referred to in subsection 15(5) is re- ceived, and the day on which the Minister is deemed to have made a decision under subsection 15(6). (3) Despite subsection (2), a person may ap- peal within any further time that a judge may, before or after the end of those 60 days, fix or allow. (4) If an appeal is made, the judge must, without delay, determine whether the decision is reasonable on the basis of the information available to the judge. (5) If the judge ?nds that a decision made under section 15 is unreasonable, the judge may order that the appellant?s name be re- moved from the list. (6) The following provisions apply to ap- peals under this section: (4) A la reception de la demande, 1e ministre d?cide s?il existe encore des motifs raison? nables qui justi?ent l?inscription du nom du de- mandeur sur la liste. (5) Le ministre donne sans d?lai au deman- deur un avis de la decision qu?il a rendue relati? vement a la demande. (6) S?il ne rend pas sa decision dans les quatre-vingt?dix jours suivant la reception de la demande, ou dans tout autre d?lai supplemen? taire convenu par le ministre et le demandeur, le ministre est r?put? avoir decide de ne pas ra- dier de la iiste le nom du demandeur. APPEL 16. (1) Le present article s?applique a toute demande d?appe] d?une directive donn?e en vertu de l?article 9 et d?une decision du mi- nistre prise au titre des articles 8 ou 15. (2) La personne inscrite ayant fait l?objet d?un refus de transport a la suite d?une directive donn?e en vertu de l?article 9 peut presenter a un juge une demande d?appel de la decision vi- s?e a l?article 15 dans les soixante jours sui- vant: a) soit la reception de l?avis vise' au para- graphe 15(5); b) soit, si elle est ant?rieure, la date a la- quelle 1e ministre est r?pute? avoir rendu sa decision en application du paragraphe 15(6). (3) Malgre? 1e paragraphe (2), une personne peut presenter une demande d?appel dans le de- lai suppl?mentaire qu?un juge peut, avant ou apres l?expiration de ces soixante jours, ?xer ou accorder. (4) Des qu?il est saisi de la demande, 1e juge decide si la decision est raisonnable compte te- nu de l?information dont il dispose. (5) S?il conclut que la decision vis?e a l?ar- ticle 15 n?est pas raisonnable, le juge peut or- donner la radiation du nom de l?appelant de la liste. (6) Les regles ci-apres s?appliquent aux ap- pels vis?s au present article 62-63 ELIZ. 11 Decision du ministre Avis de la decision au demandeur Pr?somption Decisions an titre de la pr?sente loi Demande D?lai suppl?mentaire D?cision Radiation de la liste Procedure 2013-2014-20 15 De?nition of ?judge? Loi antiterroriste (2015) at any time during a proceeding, the judge must, on the request of the Minister, hear information or other evidence in the ab- sence of the public and of the appellant and their counsel if, in the judge?s opinion, its disclosure could be injurious to national se- curity or endanger the safety of any person; the judge must ensure the con?dentiality of information and other evidence provided by the Minister if, in the judge?s opinion, its disclosure would be injurious to national se- curity or endanger the safety of any person; (0) throughout the proceeding, the judge must ensure that the appellant is provided with a summary of information and other ev? idence that enables them to be reasonably in- formed of the Minister?s case but that does not include anything that, in the judge?s opinion, would be injurious to national secu- rity or endanger the safety of any person if disclosed; the judge must provide the appellant and the Minister with an opportunity to be heard; (2) the judge may receive into evidence any- thing that, in the judge?s opinion, is reliable and appropriate, even if it is inadmissible in a court of law, and may base a decision on that evidence; the judge may base a decision on infor? mation or other evidence even if a summary of that information or other evidence has not been provided to the appellant; if the judge determines that information or other evidence provided by the Minister is not relevant or if the Minister withdraws the information or evidence, the judge must not base a decision on that information or other evidence and must return it to the Minister; and the judge must ensure the con?dentiality of all information or other evidence that the Minister withdraws. (7) In this section, ?judge? means the Chief Justice of the Federal Court or a judge of that Court designated by the Chief Justice. a) a tout moment pendant l?instance et a la demande du ministre, 1e juge doit tenir une audience a huis 0105 et en l?absence de l?ap- pelant et de son conseil dans le cas ou la di- vulgation des renseignements ou autres ele- ments de preuve en cause pourrait porter atteinte, selon lui, a la s?curit? nationale ou a la s?curit? d?autrui; b) il lui incombe de garantir 1a con?dentiali- te? des renseignements et autres elements de preuve que lui foumit 1e ministre et dont la divulgation porterait atteinte, selon lui, a la s?curit? nationale ou a la s?curit? d?autrui; C) il veille tout au long de l?instance a ce que soit foumi a l?appelant un r?sum? de la preuve qui ne comporte aucun ?l?ment dont la divulgation porterait atteinte, selon lui, a la s?curit? nationale ou a la s?curit? d?autrui et qui permet a l?appelant d??tre suf?samment inform? de la these du ministre a l??gard de l?instance en cause; d) i1 donne a l?appelant et au ministre la pos- sibilit? d??tre entendus; e) il peut recevoir et admettre en preuve tout ?l?ment m?me inadmissible en justice qu?il estime digne de foi et utile et peut fon- der sa decision sur celui?ci; f) i1 peut fonder sa decision sur des rensei? gnements et autres ?l?ments de preuve meme si un r?sum? de ces demiers n?est pas foumi a l?appelant; g) s?il decide que les renseignements et autres elements de preuve que lui foumit 1e ministre ne sont pas pertinents ou si 1e mi? nistre les retire, i1 ne peut fonder sa decision sur ces renseignements ou ces elements de preuve et il est tenu de les remettre au mi? nistre; h) il lui incombe de garantir la con?dentiali? t? des renseignements et autres e'le'ments de preuve que le ministre retire de l?instance. (7) Au pr?sent article, ?juge? s?entend du juge en chef de la Cour f?d?rale ou du juge de cette juridiction d?sign? par celui-ci. De?nition de juge 17 18 Protection of information on appeal Information destruction Rights preserved Prohibition list Prohibition general Prohibition 7 air carriers Anti-terrorism, 2015 17. Section 16 applies to any appeal of a de- cision made under that section and to any fur- ther appeal, with any necessary modi?cations. GENERAL 18. Despite any other Act of Parliament, the Minister of Transport must destroy any infor? mation received from an air carrier or an opera- tor of an aviation reservation system within seven days after the day on which it is received, unless it is reasonably required for the purposes of this Act. 19. For greater certainty, nothing in this Act limits or prohibits the collection, use or disclo- sure of any information if that collection, use or disclosure is otherwise lawful. PROHIB ITIONS 20. (1) It is prohibited to disclose the list, except as required for the purposes of sections 10 to 14. (2) It is prohibited to disclose whether or not any individual is or was a listed person, except for the purposes of sections 10 to 16; as required to enforce any law of Canada or a province or to carry out a lawful activi- ty; (0) for the purpose of complying with a sub? poena or document issued or order made by a court, person or body with jurisdiction to compel the production of information or for the purpose of complying with rules of court relating to the production of information; or in the case where an individual discloses that listed person. (3) Despite subsection (2), it is prohibited for an air carrier or an operator of an aviation reservation system to disclose any information relating to a listed person, or whether or not any individual is or was a listed person, except for the purposes of sections 6, l3 and 30; or 17. L?article 16 s?applique, avec les adapta- tions n?cessaires, a l?appel de la decision ren- due au titre de cet article et a tout appel subse- quent. GENERALITES 18. Malgr? toute autre loi f?d?rale, 1e mi- nistre des Transports d?truit dans les sept jours suivant leur obtention les renseignements recus de tout transporteur a?rien ou exploitant de sys- temes de reservation de services a?riens, sauf s?ils sont raisonnablement n?cessaires pour l?application de la pr?sente loi. 19. Il est entendu que la pr?sente loi ne porte aucunement atteinte a la collecte, a l?utilisation et a la communication de renseignements par ailleurs licites. INTERDICTIONS 20. (1) Il est interdit de communiquer la liste, sauf pour l?application des articles 10 a 14. (2) Il est interdit de communiquer le fait qu?une personne est ou a une personne ins- crite, sauf dans les cas suivants a) pour l?application des articles 10 a 16; b) si cela est n?cessaire pour le respect des lois f?d?rales ou provinciales ou pour la te- nue d?activit?s licites; c) en conformit? avec un subpoena, un docu- ment ou une ordonnance d?un tribunal, d?une personne ou d?un organisme ayant 1e pouvoir de contraindre a la production de renseigne- ments ou avec des r?gles de procedure se rapportant a la production de renseigne- ments; d) si une personne communique le fait qu?elle-m?me est ou a une personne ins- crite. (3) Malgr? 1e paragraphe (2), il est interdit a tout transporteur a?rien et a tout exploitant de systemes de reservation de services a?riens de communiquer tout renseignement relatif a une personne inscrite ou le fait qu?une personne est ou a une personne inscrite, sauf a) pour l?application des articles 6, 13 et 30; 62-63 ELIZ. II Protection des renseignements a l?appel Destruction des renseignements Maintien des droits Interdiction liste Interdiction general Interdiction transporteur a?rien 2013-2014?20 15 Prohibition persons and goods Prohibition air carriers Obstruction Contravention Contravention of section 22 Punishment individuals for the purpose of complying with a sub- poena or document issued or order made by a court, person or body with jurisdiction to compel the production of information or for the purpose of complying with rules of court relating to the production of information. 21. (1) If a direction made under section 9 requires a person to be screened, that person must not enter or remain in an aircraft or sterile area unless the person permits a screening, or screenings, to be carried out as required by the direction, of their person; or the goods that the person intends to take or have placed on board the aircraft or, as the case may be, the goods that the person has taken or has had placed on board the aircraft or has taken into the sterile area. (2) If a direction made under section 9 re? quires a person to be screened, an air carrier must not transport that person unless they have been screened in accordance with the direction. 22. A person must not wilfully obstruct any person who is exercising or performing their powers, duties or functions under this Act. OFF ENCES AND PUNISHMENT 23. (1) Every person who contravenes sec- tion 6, 20 or 21 or a direction made under sec- tion 9 or any provision of any regulation made under this Act is guilty of an offence punish- able on summary conviction. (2) Every person who contravenes section 22 is guilty of an indictable offence; or an offence punishable on summary con? Viction. (3) An individual who is Convicted of an in- dictable offence under subsection (2) is liable to a ?ne of not more than $5,000 or to impris- onment for a term of not more than one year, or to both. Loi antiterroriste (2015) en conformit? avec un subpoena, un docu- ment ou une ordonnance d?un tribunal, d?une personne ou d?un organisme ayant le pouvoir de contraindre a la production de renseigne- ments ou avec des regles de procedure se rapportant a la production de renseigne- merits. 21. (1) Il est interdit a toute personne dont 1e controle est exig? par une directive donn?e en vertu de l?article 9 de monter ou de demeu- rer a bord d?un a?ronef ou de p?n?trer ou de de- meurer dans one zone sterile a moins qu?elle ne consente aux controles exig?s par la directive: a) soit de sa personne; b) soit des biens qu?elle se propose d?em- porter ou de placer a herd de l?ae'ronef ou, selon 1e cas, des biens qu?elie a d?ja em- porte?s ou plac?s ou qu?elle a emport?s a Pin- t?rieur de la zone sterile. (2) Il est interdit aux transporteurs a?riens de transporter une personne sans qu?elle ait su? bi les controles exige?s par une directive donn?e en vertu de l?article 9. 22. Il est interdit d?entraver d?lib?r?ment l?action d?une personne exercant ses attribu- tions au titre de la pr?sente loi. INFRACTIONS ET PEINES 23. (1) Quiconque contrevient aux articles 6, 20 ou 21, a une directive donn?e en vertu de l?article 9 cu a toute disposition d?un r?glement pris en vertu de la pr?sente loi est coupable d?une infraction punissable sur declaration de culpabilit? par procedure sommaire. (2) Quiconque contrevient a l?article 22 est coupable d?une infraction punissable sur d?cla- ration de culpabilit? a) soit par mise en accusation; b) soit par procedure sommaire. (3) La personne physique d?clar?e coupable d?une infraction visee au paragraphe (2), punis- sable sur declaration de culpabilit? par mise en accusation, encourt un emprisonnement maxi- mal d?un an et une amende maximale de 5 000 ou l?une de ces peines. l9 Interdiction personnes et biens Interdiction transporteurs a?riens Entrave Contravention Contravention a l?article 22 Peines personnes physiques 20 Punishment 7 corporations Imprisonment precluded in certain cases Recovery of ?nes Recovery of costs and charges Defence Limitation period Proof of documents Anti-terrorism, 2015 (4) A corporation that is convicted of an in- dictable offence under subsection (2) is liable to a ?ne of not more than $500,000. (5) If a person is convicted of an offence un- der this Act punishable on summary conviction, imprisonment must not be imposed as punish- ment for the offence or in default of payment of any ?ne imposed as punishment. (6) If a person is convicted of an offence un? der this Act and the ?ne that is imposed is not paid when required, on production in the stipe? rior court of any province, the conviction must be registered in the court and when registered has the same force and effect, and all proceed- ings may be taken on it, as if the conviction were a judgment in that court obtainedby Her Majesty in right of Canada against the convict- ed person for a debt of the amount of the ?ne. (7) All reasonable costs and charges atten- dant on the registration of the conviction are re? coverable in the same manner as if they had been registered as part of the conviction. 24. A person is not to be found to have con- travened a provision of this Act, other than sec- tion 22, or of its regulations, or a direction made under section 9, if the person exercised all due diligence to prevent the contravention. PROSECUTION 25. No proceedings by way of summary conviction under this Act are to be instituted af- ter 12 months from the day on which the sub- ject matter of the proceedings arose. 26. In any action or proceeding under this Act, any document purporting to be certi?ed by the Minister or the Minister of Transport to be a true copy of a document made, given or issued under this Act is, without proof of the signature or of the of?cial character of the person appear? ing to have signed the document, evidence (4) La personne morale d?clar?e coupable d?une infraction vise?e au paragraphe (2), punis- sable sur declaration de culpabilit? par mise en accusation, encourt une amende maximale de 500 000 (5) La personne de?clar?e coupable d?une in- fraction 21 la pre'sente loi on a ses reglements punissable sur declaration de culpabilit? par procedure sommaire ne peut encourir d?empri- sonnement pour cette infraction ni pour d?faut de paiement de l?amende impos?e. (6) Lorsqu?une personne d?clare?e coupable d?une infraction a la pr?sente loi ou a ses regle- ments ne paie pas l?amende dans le d?lai im- parti, la declaration de culpabilit?, sur presenta- tion devant la juridiction sup?rieure, est enregistr?e. Des lors, elle devient ex?cutoire, et toute procedure d?ex?cution peut ?tre engag?e, la condamnation ?tant assimil?e a un jugement de cette juridiction obtenu par Sa Majest? du chef du Canada contre la personne en cause pour une dette dont 1e montant ?quivaut a l?amende. (7) Tous les frais entrain?s par l?enregistre- ment peuvent ?tre recouvre?s comme s?ils avaient e?t? enregistr?s avec la declaration de culpabilit?. 24. Nul ne peut ?tre reconnu coupable d?avoir contrevenu a la pre'sente loi a l?ex- ception de l?article 22 a ses reglements on a une directive donn?e en vertu de l?article 9 s?il a pris toutes les precautions voulues pour s?y conformer. POURSUITES 25. Les poursuites visant une infraction a la pr?sente loi on a ses reglements punissable sur declaration de culpabilite? par procedure som- maire se prescrivent par douze mois a compter de la perp?tration de l?infraction. 26. Dans toute action ou procedure engage?e au titre de la pr?sente loi et de ses reglements, le document cens? ?tre une copie, certi?e?e conforme par 1e ministre ou le ministre des Transports, d?un document ?tabli, donn? ou de? livre? en application de la pr?sente loi fait foi, sans qu?il soit ne?cessaire de prouver l?authenti- 62-63 ELIZ. II Peines personnes morales Exclusion de l?emprisonne- ment Recouvrement des amendes Recouvrement des frais Moyens de d?fense Prescription Authenticite? des documents 2013-2014-20 15 Document entries as proof Powers to enter, seize and detain Operation of computer systems and copying equipment of the original document of which it pur- ports to be a copy; of the fact that the original document was made, given or issued by or by the au- thority of or deposited with the person named in it and was made, given, issued or deposited at the time stated in the certi?ed copy, if a time is stated in it; and of the fact that the original document was signed, certi?ed, attested or executed by the persons and in the manner shown in the certi?ed copy. 27. In any action or proceeding under this Act, an entry in any record required under any provision of this Act or its regulations to be kept is, in the absence of evidence to the con- trary, proof of the matters stated in it as against the person who made the entry or was required to keep the record. INSPECTION POWERS 28. (1) The Minister of Transport may enter any place, including any aircraft, aerodrome or other aviation facility or any premises used by the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, for the purposes of mak- ing inspections or audits relating to the veri- ?cation of compliance with this Act, regard- less of whether or not the inspection or audit relates to that place or to the person who pos- sesses, occupies or controls it; and remove any document or other thing from the place where the inspection or audit is being carried out for examination or, in the case of a document, for copying. (2) In carrying out an inspection or audit in any place referred to in paragraph the Minister of Transport may use or cause to be used any computer system or data processing system at the place to examine any data contained in, or avail- able to, the system; reproduce any record, or cause it to be reproduced from the data, in the form of a Loi antiterroriste (2015) cit? de la signature qui est appos?e ou la qua- lit? of?cielle du signataire a) de l?authenticit? de l?original; b) du fait que l?original a ?tabli, donn? ou d?livr? par la personne qui est nomm?e, ou sous son autorit?, ou d?pos? aupres d?elle, a la date ?ventuellement indiqu?e dans la co? p1e; c) du fait que l?original a signe, certi??, attest? ou passe par les personnes et de la maniere indiqu?es dans la copie. 27. Dans toute action on procedure engag?e au titre de la pr?sente loi ou de ses reglements, les inscriptions port?es aux registres dont cette loi ou ces reglements exigent 1a tenue font foi, sauf preuve contraire, de leur contenu contre l?auteur des inscriptions ou le responsable de la tenue des registres. POUVOIRS 28. (1) Le ministre des Transports peut: a) a toute ?n li?e a la veri?cation du respect de la pre?sente loi, entrer dans tout lieu aux ?ns d?inspection ou de veri?cation n0- tamment monter a herd d?un a?ronef, entrer dans un a?rodrome, dans des installations ronautiques ou dans tout lieu utilis? par l?Ad- ministration canadienne de la s?ret? du trans- port a?rien que l?inspection ou la veri?cation porte ou non sur le lieu 01?1 elle est effectu?e ou sur la personne qui en a la possession, l?occupe en en est responsable; b) emporter, pour examen ou, clans le cas d?un document, pour reproduction, tout do- cument ou autre objet se trouvant dans le lieu. (2) Dans le cadre de la visite qu?il effectue en vertu de l?alin?a le ministre des Trans- ports peut a) utiliser ou faire utiliser tout ordinateur ou systeme inforrnatique se trouvant sur place pour prendre connaissance des donn?es qu?il contient ou auxquelles il donne acces; b) obtenir ces donn?es sous forme d?impri- me on toute autre forme intelligible et les 21 Inscription Pouvoirs d?entr?e, de saisie et de retention Usage d'ordinateurs et de photocopieuses 22 Search warrants No offence Duty to assist Minister Compliance order Anti-terrorism, 2015 printout or other intelligible output, and re- move the printout or other output for exami- nation or copying; and (6) use or cause to be used any copying equipment at the place to make copies of any books, records, electronic data or other docu- ments. (3) Sections 487 to 492 of the Criminal Code apply in respect of any offence commit- ted or suspected to have been committed under this Act. 29. A person authorized by the Minister of Transport to verify compliance with the provi? sions of this Act or its regulations or with direc- tions made under section 9 or to test the effec- tiveness of equipment, systems and processes used with respect to the list does not commit an offence if the person commits any act or omis? sion that is required in the course of any such veri?cation or testing and that would otherwise constitute a contravention of this Act or its reg- ulations. 30. The owner or person who is in posses- sion or control of a place that is inspected or audited under subsection 28(1) and every per- son who is found in the place must give the Minister of Transport all reason- able assistance to enable him or her to carry out the inspection or audit and exercise any power conferred on him or her under that subsection; and provide the Minister of Transport with any information that is reasonably required for the purpose of exercising or performing his or her powers, duties or functions under this Act. 31. (1) If the Minister of Transport is of the opinion that an air carrier has failed to comply with any provision of this Act or its regulations or with any direction made under section 9, that Minister may order any person to do, 'or to re- frain from doing, anything that, in that Minis- ter?s opinion, is reasonable and necessary to do or refrain from doing in order to ensure compli- ance and may make orders respecting, in partic- ular emporter aux fins d?examen ou de reproduc- tion; 6) utiliser ou faire utiliser 1e materiel de re- prographie se trouvant sur place pour faire des copies de tous livres, registres, donn?es ?lectroniques et autres documents. (3) Les articles 487 a 492 du Code criminel s?appliquent aux infractions pretendues ou commises a la pr?sente loi. 29. La personne autoris?e par le ministre des Transports a verifier le respect des dispositions de la pr?sente loi et de ses reglements, des di? rectives donn?es en vertu de l?article 9 cu l?ef- ?cacit? du materiel, des systemes et proc?d?s utilises a l??gard de la liste pcut, a cette sans se rendre coupable d?une infraction, com- mettre un acte ou une omission qui constitue une contravention a la pr?sente loi ou a ses re- glements. 30. Le propri?taire ou le responsable du lieu visit? en vertu du paragraphe 28(1), ainsi que toute personne qui s?y trouve, sont tenus a) d?accorder au ministre des Transports toute l?assistance que celui-ci peut valable- ment exiger pour lui permettre d?exercer ses pouvoirs au titre de ce paragraphe; b) de fournir au ministre des Transports les renseignements que celui-ci peut valable- ment exiger pour lui perrnettre d?exercer ses attributions au titre de la pr?sente loi. 31. S?il estime qu?un transporteur a?rien contrevient a toute disposition de la pr?sente loi, a ses r?glements ou a une directive donn?e en vertu de l?article 9, 1e ministre des Trans? ports peut prendre des mesures enjoignant a quiconque de faire ou de cesser de faire quoi que ce soit qui lui parait raisonnable et neces- sairc en vue du respect de la pre?sente loi, de ses reglements ou des directives, notamment en ce qui concerne: 62-63 ELIZ. II Mandats Immunit? Obligation d?assistance Mesures 2013-2014-20 15 Exemption from Statutory Instruments Ac! Regulations Section 16 the movement of aircraft or persons at aerodromes or other aviation facilities; and the diversion of aircraft to alternate land- ing sites. (2) An order made under subsection (1) is exempt from the application of the Statutory In- struments Act. REGULATIONS 32. The Governor in Council may make reg- ulations for the purpose of the administration and enforcement of this Act, including regula? tions respecting the veri?cation of air passen? ger identity; respecting the use and protection of di- rections made under section 9 and the use and protection of information provided by the Minister, the Minister of Transport or the Canada Border Services Agency to air carri- ers and to operators of aviation reservation systems; prohibiting an air carrier from transport- ing a passenger in circumstances in which the passenger does not resemble their identi- ?cation; and prescribing anything that may be pre? scribed under this Act. TRANSITIONAL PROVISION 33. Section 16 applies to any decision in re- spect of a listed person made before the day on which this Act comes into force by the Minister under paragraph of the Aeronautics Act following the transfer of the Minister of Transport?s powers, duties and functions to the Minister by Order in Council P.C. 2011-34 of Febru- ary 1, 2011, registered as 81/201 1-10; or by the Minister of Transport under sec- tion 4.76 of the Aeronautics Act. Loi antiterroriste (2015) (1) ie d?placement des personnes ou le mou? vement des a?ronefs dans les ae?rodromes ou autres installations ae'ronautiques; le d?routement d?a?ronefs vers un lieu d?atterrissage determine. (2) Est soustraite a l?application de la Loi sur les textes re?glementaires toute mesure prise en vertu du paragraphe (I). REGLEMENTS 32. Le gouverneur en conseil peut prendre des reglements pour l?application et l?exe?cution de la pr?sente loi, notamment pour: a) re?gir la verification de l?identit? des pas- sagers a?riens; b) r?gir l?utilisation et la protection des di- rectives prises en vertu de l?article 9 ainsi que l?utilisation et la protection des rensei- gnements fournis par le ministre, le ministre des Transports ou l?Agence des services frontaliers du Canada aux transporteurs riens et aux exploitants de systemes de re'ser- vation de services a?riens; c) interdire a un transporteur aerien de trans? porter un passager dont l?apparence ne cor- respond pas a son identi?cation; prendre toute mesure d?ordre r?glemen- taire pr?vue par la pre?sente loi. DISPOSITION TRANSITOIRE 33. L?article 16 s?applique a toute decision concemant une personne inscrite et prise avant l?entr?e en vigueur de la pre?sente loi a) soit par le ministre en vertu de l?alin?a de la Loi sur l?a?ronautique apres que les attributions du ministre des Trans- ports lui ont transf?r?es par le d?cret C.P. 2011-34 du ler f?vrier 2011, portant 1e nume- ro d?enregistrement 1-10; b) soit par le ministre des Transports en ver- tu de l?article 4.76 de la Loi sur l?a?ronau- tique. 23 Loi sm? les textes r'?glementaires R?glements Article 16 24 R.S., c. R.S., c. Order in council R.S., c. C-46 Anti-terrorism, 2015 CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENTS Aeronautics Act 12. Paragraph of the Aeronautics Act is replaced by the following: designate any provision of this Part or of any regulation, notice, order or security mea- sure made under this Part, or any provision of the Secure Air Travel Act or of any regula- tion or direction made under that Act, in this section and in sections 7.7 to 8.2 referred to as a ?designated provision?, as a provision the contravention of which may be dealt with under and in accordance with the procedure set out in sections 7.7 to 8.2; Canada Evidence Act 13. The schedule to the Canada Evidence Act is amended by adding the following after item 3: 4. A judge of the Federal Court, for the pur- poses of section 16 of the Secure Air Travel Act COMING INTO FORCE 14. The provisions of this Part come into force on a day or days to be ?xed by order of the Governor in Council. PART 3 CRIMINAL CODE AMENDMENTS TO THE ACT 15. (1) Paragraph (1) 0f the definition ?Attorney General? in section 2 of the Crimi- nal Code is replaced by the following: with respect to proceedings under section 83.13, 83.14, 83.222, 83.223, 83.28, 83.29 or 83.3, means either the Attorney General of Canada or the Attorney General or Solicitor General of the province in which those pro? ceedings are taken and includes the lawful deputy of any of them, and (2) The definition ?justice system partici- pant? in section 2 of the Act is amended by striking out ?and? at the end of paragraph MODIFICATIONS CORRELATIVES Loi sur l?ae?ronautique 12. L?alin?a de la Loi sur l?ae?ro- nautique est remplac? par ce qui suit: a) designer toute disposition de la pr?sente partie ou de tout reglement, avis, arr?t? ou mesure de s?ret? pris sous son regime, on toute disposition de la Loi sur la sz?tret? des d?placements a?riens ou de tout reglernent pris ou toute directive donne?e sous son regime, ci-apres appel? au present article et aux articles 7.7 a 8.2 texte de?sign? a titre de disposition dont 1a transgression est trai- t?e conform?ment a la procedure pr?vue a ces articles; Loi sur la preuve au Canada 13. L?annexe de la Loi sur la preuve au Canada est modi??e par adjonction, apr?s l?article 3, de ce qui suit: 4. Un juge de la Cour f?d?rale, pour l?applica- tion de l?article 16 de la Loi sur la saret? des d?placements ae?riens ENTREE EN VIGUEUR 14. Les dispositions de la pr?sente partie entrent en vigueur a la date on aux dates ?x?es par d?cret. PARTIE 3 CODE CRIMINEL MODIFICATION DE LA 15. (1) L?alin?a f) de la de?nition de ?procureur g?n?ral?, 5 Particle 2 du Code criminel, est remplac? par ce qui suit f) a l??gard des procedures vise?es aux ar- ticles 83.13, 83.14, 83.222, 83.223, 83.28, 83.29 ou 83.3, 1e procureur g?n?ral du Canada ou le procureur general ou le sollici- teur general de la province of: ces procedures sont engag?es ou le substitut l?gitime de l?un oul?autre; (2) La de?nition de ?personne associ?e au syst?me judiciaire?, 5. Particle 2 de la 62-63 11 LR, ch. L.R., ch. C-5 D?cret L.R., ch. 2013-2014-20 15 Advocating or promoting commission of terrorism offences De?nitions ?communica- ting? communi? quer ?statements? d?clararions Warrant of seizure by adding ?and? at the end of paragraph and by adding the following after para? graph a person who plays a role in respect of proceedings involving security information, (ii) criminal intelligence information, information that would endanger the safety of any person if it were disclosed, (iv) information that is obtained in con?- dence from a source in Canada, the gov- ernment of a foreign state, an international organization of states or an institution of such a government or international organi- zation, or potentially injurious information or sensitive information as those terms are de?ned in section 38 of the Canada Evi- dence Act; 16. The Act is amended by adding the fol- lowing after section 83.22: 83.221 (1) Every person who, by communi? cating statements, knowingly advocates or pro- motes the commission of terrorism offences in general other than an offence under this sec- tion while knowing that any of those of- fences will be committed or being reckless as to whether any of those offences may be com- mitted, as a result of such communication, is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than ?ve years. (2) The following de?nitions apply in this section. ?communicating? has the same meaning as in subsection 319(7). ?statements? has the same meaning as in sub? section 319(7). 83.222 (1) A judge who is satis?ed by in- formation on oath that there are reasonable grounds to believe that any publication, copies of which are kept for sale or distribution in premises within the court?s jurisdiction, is ter- Loi antiterrorz'ste (2015) m?me loi, est modi??e par adjonction, apres l?alin?a de ce qui suit c) toute personne qui joue un role dans le cadre d?une instance mettant en cause des renseignements en matiere de s?curit? ou de criminalit? ou des renseignements dont 1a di? vulgation porterait atteinte a la s?curit? d?au- trui ou qui sont obtenus, sous 1e sceau du se? cret, de source canadienne ou du gouvemement d?un Etat ?tranger, d?une or- ganisation intemationale mise sur pied par des Etats ou de l?un de leurs organismes, ou encore des renseignements potentiellement pr?judiciables ou des renseignements sen- sibles au sens donn? a ces expressions a l?ar- ticle 38 de la Loi sur la preuve au Canada. 16. La m?me loi est modi??e par adjonc- tion, apr?s l?article 83.22, de ce qui suit: 83.221 (1) Est coupable d?un acte criminel et passible d?un emprisonnement maximal de cinq ans, quiconque, sciemment, par la commu- nication de declarations, pr?conise ou fomente la perpe?tration d?infractions de terrorisme en g?n?ral exception faite de l?infraction vis?e au present article sachant que la communi- cation entrainera 1a perp?tration de l?une de ces infractions ou sans se soucier du fait que la communication puisse ou non entrainer la per- p?tration de l?une de ces infractions. (2) Les de?nitions qui suivent s?appliquent au present article. ?communiquer? S?entend au sens du para? graphe 319(7). ?declarations? S?entend au sens du paragraphe 319(7). 83.222 (1) Un juge convaincu, par une nonciation sous serment, qu?il a des motifs raisonnables de croire qu?une publication, dont des exemplaires sont gard?s aux ?ns de vente ou de distribution dans un local du ressort du tribunal, constitue de la propagande terroriste, 25 Pr?coniser ou fomenter la perp?tration d'infractions de terrorisme D??nitions communi- quer ?communica- ling? declarations ?statements? Mandat de saisie 26 Summons to occupier Owner and author may appear Order of forfeiture Disposal of matter Appeal Consent De?nitions Anti-terrorism, 2015 rorist propaganda may issue a warrant authoriz- ing seizure of the copies. (2) Within seven days after the day on which the warrant is issued, the judge shall is- sue a summons to the premises? occupier re- quiring the occupier to appear before the court and to show cause why the matter seized should not be forfeited to Her Majesty. (3) The owner and the author of the matter seized and alleged to be terrorist propaganda may appear and be represented before the court in order to oppose the making of an order for the forfeiture of the matter. (4) If the court is satis?ed, on a balance of probabilities, that the publication is terrorist propaganda, it may make an order declaring that the matter be forfeited to Her Majesty, for disposal as the Attorney General may direct. (5) If the court is not satis?ed that the publi? cation is terrorist propaganda, it may order that the matter be restored to the person from whom it was seized without delay after the time for ?nal appeal has expired. (6) An appeal lies from an order made under subsection (4) or (5) by any person who ap? peared before the court, on any ground of ap- peal that involves a question of iaw or fact alone, or a question of mixed law and fact, as if it were an appeal against conviction or against a judgment or verdict of acquittal, as the case may be, on a question of law alone under Part XXI, and sections 673 to 696 apply with any modifications that the circumstances require. (7) No proceeding under this section shall be instituted without the Attorney General?s consent. (8) The following de?nitions apply in this section. peut d?cerner un mandat autorisant 1a saisie des exemplaires. (2) Dans un d?lai de sept jours suivant la de? livrance du mandat, 1e juge adresse a l?occu- pant du local une sommation lui ordonnant de comparaitre devant 1e tribunal et d?exposer les raisons pour lesquelles i1 estime que ce qui a saisi ne devrait pas ?tre con?sque? au pro?t de Sa Majest?. (3) Le propri?taire ainsi que l?auteur de ce qui a saisi et qui est pre?sum? constituer de la propagande terroriste peuvent comparaitre devant 1e tribunal et ?tre repr?sent?s pour s?op- poser a ce qu?une ordonnance de con?scation soit rendue. (4) Si 1e tribunal est convaincu, selon 1a pre- pond?rance des probabilit?s, que la publication constitue de la propagande terroriste, i1 peut rendre une ordonnance 1a d?clarant con?squ?e au pro?t de Sa Majest?, pour qu?il en soit dis? pose comme peut l?ordonner 1e procureur ral. (5) Si 1e tribunal n?est pas convaincu que la publication constitue de la propagande terro? riste, i1 peut ordonner que ce qui a saisi soit remis a la personne entre les mains de laquelle cela a saisi, des l?expiration du d?lai imparti pour un appel ?nal. (6) Il peut ?tre interjet? appel, par toute per- sonne ayant comparu devant 1e tribunal, d?une ordonnance rendue aux termes des paragraphes (4) cu (5) pour tout motif d?appel impliquant soit une question de droit, soit une question de fait ou impliquant une question mixte de droit et de fait, comme s?il s?agissait d?tm appel contre une declaration de culpabilit? ou contre un jugement ou verdict d?acquittement, selon 1e cas, sur one question de droit seulement en ver- tu de la partie XXI, les articles 673 a 696 s?ap- pliquant en consequence, avec les adaptations ne'cessaires. (7) 11 ne peut ?tre engage de procedure en vertu du present article sans 1e consentement du procureur ge?n?ral. (8) Les de?nitions qui suivent s?appliquent au present article. 62-63 ELIZ. II Sommation a l?occupant - Comparulion du propri?taire et de l?auteur Ordonnance de con?scation Remise de ce qui a saisi Appel Consentement De?nitions 2013-2014-20 15 tribunal ?judge? ?juge ?terrorist propaganda" propagande terrorisle Order to computer system? custodian Notice to person who posted material Person who posted material may appear ?court? has the same meaning as in subsection 320(8). ?judge? has the same meaning as in subsection 320(8). ?terrorist propaganda? means any writing, sign, visible representation or audio recording that advocates or promotes the commission of ter- rorism offences in general other than an of- fence under subsection 83.22l(1) or coun- sels the commission of a terrorism offence. 83.223 (1) If a judge is satis?ed by infor- mation on oath that there are reasonable grounds to believe that there is material that is terrorist propaganda or data that makes ter- rorist propaganda available stored on and made available to the public through a comput? er system that is within the court?s jurisdiction, the judge may order the computer system?s cus- todian to give an electronic copy of the material to the court; ensure that the material is no longer stored on and made available through the computer system; and (6) provide the information that is necessary to identify and locate the person who posted the material. (2) Within a reasonable time after receiving the information referred to in paragraph the judge shall cause notice to be given to the person who posted the material, giving that per- son the opportunity to appear and be represent- ed before the court and to show cause why the material should not be deleted. If the person cannot be identi?ed or located or does not re- side in Canada, the judge may order the com- puter system?s custodian to post the text of the notice at the location where the material was previously stored and made available, until the time set for the appearance. (3) The person who posted the material may appear and be represented before the court in order to oppose the making of an order under subsection (5). Loi antiterroriste (2015) juge S?entend au sens du paragraphe 320(8). ?propagande terroriste Tout ?crit, signe, re- presentation visible on enregistrement sonore qui pr?conise ou fomente la perpe'tration d?in- fractions de terrorisme en general exception faite de l?infraction vis?e au paragraphe 83.221(1) ou qui conseille la perp?tration d?une infraction de terrorisme. ?tribunal? S?entend au sens du paragraphe 320(8). 83.223 (1) Le juge peut, s?il est convaincu par une de'nonciation sous sermth qu?il a des motifs raisonnables de croire qu?il existe une matiere constituant de la propagande terro- riste ou contenant des donn?es qui rendent la propagande terroriste accessible qui est em- magasin?e et rendue accessible au public an moyen d?un ordinateur situe? dans le ressort du tribunal, ordonner au gardien de l?ordinateur a) de remettre une copie ?lectronique de la matiere au tribunal; de s?assurer que la matiere n?est plus em- magasin?e ni accessible au moyen de l?ordi- nateur; c) de foumir les renseignements n?cessaires pour identi?er et trouver la personne qui a af?ch? la matiere. (2) Dans un d?lai raisonnable suivant la ception des renseignements Vise?s a l?alin?a 1e juge fait dormer un avis a la personne ayant af?ch? la matiere, dormant a celle-ci l?oc- casion de comparaitre et d??tre repr?sent?e de- vant le tribunal et de presenter les raisons pour lesquelles 1a matiere ne devrait pas ?tre effac?e. Si la personne ne peut ?tre identi??e ou trouv?e ou ne r?side pas au Canada, le juge peut ordon- ner au gardien de l?ordinateur d?af?cher le texte de l?avis a l?endroit ou la matiere ?tait emmagasin?e et rendue accessible, jusqu?a 1a date ?x?e pour la comparution de la personne. (3) La personne ayant af?ch? la mati?re peut comparaitre devant 1e tribunal et ?tre re- pr?sent?e pour s?opposer a l?e?tablissement d?une ordonnance en vertu du paragraphe (5). 27 juge ?judge? propagande terroriste ?terrorist propaganda? tribunal ?court? Ordonnance au gardien d?un ordinateur Avis a la personne ayant af?ch? la matiere Comparution de la personne ayant af?ch? la matiere 28 Non?appearance Order of deletion Destruction of electronic copy Return of material Appeal Consent When order takes effect De?nitions ?computer system? ordinateur Anti?terrorism, 2015 (4) If the person who posted the material does not appear before the court, the court may proceed to hear and determine the proceedings in the absence of the person as fully and effec- tually as if the person had appeared. (5) If the court is satis?ed, on a balance of probabilities, that the material is available to the public and is terrorist propaganda or data that makes terrorist propaganda available, it may order the computer system?s custodian to delete the material. (6) When the court makes the order for the deletion of the material, it may order the de- struction of the electronic copy in the court?s possession. (7) If the court is not satis?ed that the mate- rial is available to the public and is terrorist propaganda or data that makes terrorist propa- ganda available, the court shall order that the electronic copy be returned to the computer system?s custodian and terminate the order un- der paragraph (8) An appeal lies from an order made under subsection (5) or (6) by any person who ap- peared before the court, on any ground of ap- peal that involves a question of law or fact alone, or a question of mixed law and fact, as if it were an appeal against conviction or against a judgment or verdict of acquittal, as the case may be, on a question of law alone under Part XXI, and sections 673 to 696 apply with any modi?cations that the circumstances require. (9) No proceeding under this section shall be instituted without the Attorney General?s consent. (10) No order made under any of subsec- tions (5) to (7) takes effect until the time for nal appeal has expired. (1 l) The following de?nitions apply in this section. ?computer system? has the same meaning as in subsection (4) Si la personne ayant affich? la matiere ne comparait pas, le tribunal peut statuer sur la procedure, en l?absence de cette personne, aussi completement et ef?cacement que si elle avait comparu. (5) Si le tribunal est convaincu, selon la pr?- ponde?rance des probabilit?s, que la matiere est accessible au public et constitue de la propa- gandc terroriste ou contient des donn?es qui rendent la propagande terroriste accessible, i1 peut ordonner au gardien de l?ordinateur de l?effacer. (6) Au moment de rendre une ordonnance en vertu du paragraphe (5), 1e tribunal peut or- donner 1a destruction de la copie electronique en sa propre possession. (7) Si 1e tribunal n?est pas convaincu que la matiere est accessible au public ct constitue de la propagande terroriste ou contient des don- ne?es qui rendent la propagande terroriste acces? sible, il ordonne que la copie ?lectronique soit remise au gardien de l?ordinateur et met ?n a l?ordonnance vis?e a l?aline?a (8) Il peut ?tre interjet? appel, par toute per- sonne ayant comparu devant 1e tribunal, d?une ordonnance rendue aux termes des paragraphes (5) cu (6) pour tout motif d?appel impliquant soit une question de droit, soit uric question de fait ou impliquant une question mixte de droit et de fait, comme s?il s?agissait d?un appel contre une declaration de culpabilit? ou contre un jugement ou verdict d?acquittement, selon 1e cas, sur une question de droit seulement en ver- tu de la partie XXI, les articles 673 a 696 s?ap- pliquant en consequence, avec les adaptations n?cessaires. (9) 11 ne peut ?tre engage de procedure en vertu du present article sans le consentement du procureur general. L?ordonnance rendue en vertu de l?un des paragraphes (5) a (7) n?est pas envigueur avant l?expiration de tous les d?lais d?appel. (l 1) Les de?nitions qui suivent s?appliquent au present article. ?donn?es S?entend au sens du paragraphe 62?63 ELIZ. 11 Non- comparution de la personne ayant af?ch? la mati?re Ordonnance Destruction de la copie e'lectronique Sort de la matiere Appel Consentement Ordonnance e11 vigueur De?nitions tr donn?es ?data? 2013-2014-20 15 ?court? tribunal tidataai donn?es ?judge? juge ?terrorist propaganda? propagande terrorism Arrest without warrant ?court? has the same meaning as in subsection 320(8). ?data? has the same meaning as in subsection ?judge? has the same meaning as in subsection 320(8). ?terrorist propaganda? has the same meaning as in subsection 17. Paragraphs and of the Act are replaced by the following: believes on reasonable grounds that a terrorist activity may be carried out; and suspects on reasonable grounds that the imposition of a recognizance with conditions on a person, or the arrest of a person, is liki ly to prevent the carrying out of the terrorist activity. (2) Subsection 83.3(4) of the Act is re- placed by the following: (4) Despite subsections (2) and (3), a peace of?cer may arrest a person without a warrant and cause the person to be detained in custody, in order to bring them before a provincial court judge in accordance with subsection (6), if (0) either the grounds for laying an information referred to in paragraphs and ex- ist but, by reason of exigent circum- stances, it would be impracticable to lay - an information under subsection (2), or (ii) an information has been laid under subsection (2) and a summons has been is- sued; and the peace of?cer suspects on reasonable grounds that the detention of the person in custody is to prevent a terrorist activi- ty. (3) Section 83.3 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (7): Loi antiterroriste (2015) i? juge S?entend au sens du paragraphe 320(8). ?ordinateur? S?entend au sens du paragraphe ?propagandeterroriste? S?entend au sens du paragraphe ?tribunal? S?entend au sens du paragraphe 320(8). 17. (1) Les alin?as et b) de la m?me loi sont remplac?s par ce qui suit 0) il a des motifs raisonnables de croire a la possibilit? qu?une activit? terroriste soit en- treprise; b) il a des motifs raisonnables de soupcon- ner que l?imposition, a one personne, d?un engagement assorti de conditions on son ar- restation aura vraisemblablement pour effet d?emp?cher que l?activit? terroriste ne soit entreprise. (2) Le paragraphe 83.3(4) de la m?me loi est remplac? par ce qui suit: (4) Par derogation aux paragraphes (2) et (3), l?agent de la paix, s?il a des motifs raison- nables de soupconner que la mise sous garde de la personne aura vraisemblablement pour effet de l?emp?cher de se livrer a une activit? terro- riste, peut, sans mandat, arr?ter la personne et la faire mettre sous garde en vue de la conduire devant un juge de la cour provinciale en conformit? avec le paragraphe (6) dans l?un ou l?autre des cas suivants a) l?urgence de la situation rend dif?cile- ment r?alisable le depot d?une d?nonciation au titre du paragraphe (2) et les motifs Vises aux alin?as et b) sont re'unis; b) une sommation a d?cern?e par suite de la d?nonciation d?pos?e au titre du para? graphe (2). (3) L?article 83.3 de la m?me loi est modi- fi? par adjonction, apr?s le paragraphe (7), de ce qui suit: 29 juge ?judge? a ordinateur ?computer system? propagande terroriste ?terrorist propaganda? tribunal ?court? Arrestation sans mandat 30 Adjournment under subparagraph Adjournment under paragraph Anti-terrorism, 2015 (7.1) If a judge has adjourned the matter un- der subparagraph and the person re- mains in custody at the end of the period of ad- journment, the person shall be taken before a provincial court judge who shall order that the person be released unless a peace of?cer shows cause why the person?s detention in custody is justi?ed on one or more of the grounds set out in clauses to (C) and satis?es the judge that the investigation in relation to which the per- son is detained is being conducted diligently and expeditiously; and may adjourn the matter for a hearing un- der subsection (8) but, if the person is not re- leased under paragraph the adjournment may not exceed 48 hours. (7.2) If a judge has adjourned the matter un- der paragraph and the person remains in custody at the end of the period of adjourn- ment, the person shall be taken before a provin- cial court judge who shall order that the person be released unless a peace of?cer shows cause why the person?s detention in custody is justi?ed on one or more of the grounds set out in clauses to (C) and satis?es the judge that the investigation in relation to which the per- son is detained is being conducted diligently and expeditiously; and may adjourn the matter for a hearing un- der subsection (8) but, if the person is not re? leased under paragraph the adjournment may not exceed 48 hours. (4) Paragraphs and of the Act are replaced by the following: may, if the judge is satis?ed by the evi- dence adduced that the peace of?cer has rea- sonable grounds for the suspicion, order that the person enter into a recognizance, with or without sureties, to keep the peace and be of good behaviour for a period of not more than 12 months and to comply with any other rea- sonable conditions prescribed in the recogni- zance, including the conditions set out in subsections (10), (11.1) and (11.2), that the (7.1) Si le juge a ajourn? la comparution en vertu du sous-alin?a et si, au terme de la p?riode d?ajoumement, la personne est tou- jours sous garde, elle est conduite devant un juge de la cour provinciale et celui-ci a) ordonne que la personne soit mise en li- berte', sauf si un agent de la paix fait valoir que sa mise sous garde est justi??e pour l?un des motifs ?num?r?s aux divisions a (C) et convainc 1e juge que l?enqu?te sur laquelle s?appuie sa mise sous garde est men?e de facon diligente; b) peut ajoumer 1a comparution pr?vue au paragraphe (8) mais, si la personne n?est pas mise en libert? au titre de l?alin?a l?ajour- nement ne peut exc?der quarante?huit heures. (7.2) Si le juge a ajourn? la comparution en vertu de l?alin?a et si, au terme de la riode d?ajoumement, 1a personne est toujours sous garde, elle est conduite devant un juge de la cour provinciale et celui?ci a) ordonne que la personne soit mise en li- bert?, sauf si un agent de la paix fait valoir que sa mise sous garde est justi??e pour l?un des motifs ?num?re?s aux divisions a et convainc 1e juge que l?enqu?te sur laquelle s?appuie sa mise sous garde est men?e de facon diligente; b) peut ajourner la comparution pr?vue au paragraphe (8) mais, si la personne n?est pas mise en libert? au titre de l?alin?a l?ajour- nement ne peut exce?der quarante-huit heures. (4) Les alin?as et b) de la meme loi sont remplac?s par ce qui suit a) peut, s?il est convaincu par la preuve ap- port?e que les soupcons de l?agent de la paix sont fonde?s sur des motifs raisonnables, or- donner que la personne contracte l?engage- ment, avec ou sans caution, de ne pas trou- bler l?ordre public et d?observer une bonne conduite pour une p?riode maximale de douze mois, et se conforme aux autres condi- tions raisonnables ?nonce?es dans l?engage- ment, compris celles vis?es aux para? graphes (10), (11.1) et (11.2), que le juge 62-63 ELIZ. Il Ajoumement en vertu du sous? alin?a Ajournement en vertu de l?alin?a (7.115) 2013?2014-20 15 Duration extended Condition 7 passport Condition a speci?ed geographic area Reasons judge considers desirable for preventing the carrying out of a terrorist activity; and if the person was not released under sub- paragraph or paragraph or shall order that the person be re? leased, subject to the recognizance, if any, ordered under paragraph (5) Section 83.3 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (8): (8.1) However, if the judge is also satis?ed that the person was convicted previously of a terrorism offence, the judge may order that the person enter into the recognizance for a period of not more than two years. (6) Subsection 83.3(12) of the Act is re- placed by the following: (11.1) The judge shall consider whether it is desirable, to prevent the carrying out of a ter? rorist activity, to include in the recognizance a condition that the person deposit, in the speci? ?ed manner, any passport or other travel docu? ment issued in their name that is in their pos- session or control. If the judge decides that it is desirable, the judge shall add the condition to the recognizance and specify the period during which it applies. (11.2) The judge shall consider whether it is desirable, to prevent the carrying out of a ter? rorist activity, to include in the recognizance a condition that the person remain within a speci- ?ed geographic area unless written permission to leave that area is obtained from the judge or any individual designated by the judge. If the judge decides that it is desirable, the judge shall add the condition to the recognizance and spec? ify the period during which it applies. (12) If the judge does not add a condition described in subsection (10), (11.1) or (11.2) to a recognizance, the judge shall include in the record a statement of the reasons for not adding it. 18. (1) Paragraph of the Act is replaced by the following: Loi antiterroriste (2015) estime souhaitables pour emp?cher qu?une activit? terroriste ne soit entreprise; 19) si la personne n?a pas ?te? mise en libert? au titre du sous-alin?a ou des alin?as ou (7.2M), ordonne qu?elle soit mise en libert?, sous reserve, 1e cas ?ch?ant, de l?engagement impose conforrn?rnent a l?ali? n?a (5) L?article 83.3 de la m?me loi est modi- par adjonction, apr?s 1e paragraphe (8), de ce qui suit: (8.1) Toutefois, s?il est ?galement convaincu que la personne a d?ja reconnue coupable d?une infraction de terrorisme, 1e juge peut lui ordonner de contracter l?engagement pour une p?riode maximale de deux ans. (6) Le paragraphe 83.3(12) de la meme loi est remplac? par ce qui suit: (11.1) Le juge doit decider s?il est souhai- table, pour emp?cher qu?une activit? terroriste ne soit entreprise, d?intimer a la personne de d?poser, de la maniere pr?cise?e dans l?engage- rnent, tout passeport ou autre document de voyage ?tabli posses? sion ou en son et, dans l?af?rmative, il doit assortir l?engagement d?une condition a cet effet et pr?voir 1a p?riode d?application de celle-ci. (11.2) Le juge doit decider s?il est souhai- table, pour emp?cher qu?une activit? terroriste ne soit entreprise, d?intimer a la personne de rester dans une region d?sign?e, sauf permis- sion ?crite qu?il pourrait lui accorder on qu?un individu qu?il d?signe pourrait lui accorder, et, dans l?af?rmative, i1 doit assortir l?engagement d?une condition a cet effet et pr?voir la riode d?application de celle?ci. (12) Le juge, s?il n?assortit pas l?ordonnance de la condition pr?vue aux paragraphes (10), (11.1) ou (11.2), est tenu d?en donner les mo- tifs, qui sont consign?s au dossier de l?instance. 18. (1) L?alin?a de la m?me loi est remplac? par ce qui suit: 31 Prolongation Condition passeport Condition region de'sign?e Motifs 32 Exclusion of public Anti-terrorism, 2015 the number of cases in which a person was not released under subsection 833(7), {7.1 or pending a hearing; (2) Subparagraph of the Act is replaced by the following: (ii) by a judge under {7.1 or 19. Paragraph of the de?nition ?of? fence? in section 183 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subparagraph (xii.8): (xii.81) subsection 83.221(l) (advocating or promoting commission of terrorism of- fences), 20. Paragraphs 195(1)(a) and of the Act are replaced by the following: paragraph authorizations for which that Minister and agents specially designated in writing by that Minister for the purposes of section 185 applied and the interceptions made under those authorizations in the immediately pre- ceding year; authorizations given under section 188 for which peace of?cers specially designated by that Minister for the purposes of that sec- tion applied and the interceptions made un- der those authorizations in the immediately preceding year; and 21. (1) Subsection 486(1) of the Act is re- placed by the following: 486. (1) Any proceedings against an ac- cused shall be held in open court, but the pre- siding judge or justice may, on application of the prosecutor or a witness or on his or her own motion, order the exclusion of all or any mem? bers of the public from the court room for all or part of the proceedings, or order that the wit- ness testify behind a screen or other device that would allow the witness not to be seen by members of the public, if the judge or justice is of the opinion that such an order is in the inter? est of public morals, the maintenance of order or the proper administration of justice or is nec- essary to prevent injury to international rela- tions or national defence or national security. c) le nombre de cas ou la personne n?a pas en iibert? au titre des paragraphes {7.1 ou en attendant sa compa- rution; (2) Le sous-alin?a de la meme loi est remplac? par ce qui suit (ii) par un juge au titre des alineas {7.1 ou 19. L?alin?a a) de la de?nition de infrac- tion?, Particle 183 de la meme loi, est m0- di?? par adjonction, apr?s le sous-alin?a (xii.8), de ce qui suit: (xii.81) le paragraphe 83.221(1) (pr?coni- ser ou fomenter la perp?tration d?infrac- tions de terrorisme), 20. Les alin?as 195(1)a) et b) de la m?me loi sont rempiac?s par ce qui suit: a) aux autorisations demand?es par lui- m?me et les mandataires qu?il a sp?cialement d?signe?s par ?crit pour l?application de l?ar- ticle 185 et aux interceptions faites en vertu de ces autorisations au cours de l?ann?e pre- c?dente; b) aux autorisations donn?es en vertu de l?article 188 et demand?es par les agents de la paix qu?il a sp?cialement de'sign?s pour l?application de cet article et aux intercep- tions faites en vertu de ces autorisations au cours de l?ann?e pr?c?dente; 21. (1) Le paragraphe 486(1) de la meme loi est remplac? par ce qui suit 486. (1) Les procedures dirig?es contre l?accus? ont lieu en audience publique, mais si 1e juge ou le juge de paix qui preside est d?avis qu?il est dans l?int?r?t de la moralit? publique, du maintien de l?ordre ou de la bonne adminis- tration de la justice ou que cela est n?cessaire pour ?viter toute atteinte aux relations intema- tionales ou a la d?fense ou a la s?curit? natio- nales, il peut, sur demande du poursuivant ou d?un t?moin ou de sa propre initiative, ordonner gue soit exclu de la salle d?audience l?ensemble ou tout membre du public, pour tout ou partie de l?audience, cu que le t?moin t?moigne der? riere un e?cran ou un dispositif lui permettant de ne pas ?tre vu du public. 62-63 II Exclusion du public 2013-2014-20 5 Application No adverse inference Security of witnesses Application Factors to be considered The application may be made, during the proceedings, to the presiding judge or jus- tice or, before the proceedings begin, to the judge or justice who will preside at the pro- ceedings or, if that judge or justice has not been determined, to any judge or justice having ju- risdiction in the judicial district where the pro- ceedings will take place. (2) Section 486 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (3): (4) No adverse inference may be drawn from the fact that an order is, or is not, made under this section. 22. The Act is amended by adding the fol? lowing after section 486.6: 486.7 (1) In any proceedings against an ac- cused, the presiding judge or justice may, on application of the prosecutor or a witness or on his or her own motion, make any order, other than one that may be made under any of sec? tions 486 to 486.5, if the judge or justice is of the opinion that the order is necessary to pro- tect the security of any witness and is otherwise in the interest of the proper administration of justice. (2) The application may be made, during the proceedings, to the presiding judge or justice or, before the proceedings begin, to the judge or justice who will preside at the proceedings or, if that judge or justice has not been deter- mined, to any judge or justice having jurisdic- tion in the judicial district where the proceed- ings will take place. (3) In determining whether to make the or- der, the judge or justice shall consider the age of the witness; the witness?s mental or physical disabili- ties, if any; the right to a fair and public hearing; the nature of the offence; (3) whether the witness needs the order to protect them from intimidation or retaliation; whether the order is needed to protect the security of anyone known to the witness; Loi antiterroriste (2015) (1.1) La demande peut ?tre pr?sent?e soit au cours de l?instance au juge on an juge de paix qui la preside, soit avant l?instance au juge ou au juge de paix qui 1a pr?sidera ou, si aucun de ceux-ci n?a assign?, a un juge ou juge de paix competent dans le district judiciaire 01?1 l?instance se d?roulera. (2) L?article 486 de la m?me loi est modi- par adjonction, apr?s le paragraphe (3), de ce qui suit: (4) Le fait qu?une ordonnance vis?e au pre- sent article soit ou non rendue ne peut donner lieu a des conclusions defavorables. 22. La m?me loi est modi??e par adjonc- tion, apr?s l?article 486.6, de ce qui suit: 486.7 (1) Dans les procedures dirig?es contre l?accus?, 1e juge ou le juge de paix qui preside peut, sur demande du poursuivant ou d?un t?moin ou de sa propre initiative, rendre toute ordonnance autre que celles vis?es aux ar- ticles 486 a 486.5 s?il est d?avis qu?elle est cessaire pour assurer la s?curit? d?un te?moin et qu?elle est, par ailleurs, dans l?int?r?t de la bonne administration de la justice. (2) La demande peut ?tre pr?sent?e soit au cours de l?instance au juge ou au juge de paix qui la preside, soit avant l?instance au juge ou au juge de paix qui la pr?sidera ou, si aucun de ceux-ci n?a assign?, a un juge ou juge de paix competent dans le district judiciaire oil l?instance se d?roulera. (3) Pour decider s?il doit rendre l?ordon- nance, le juge ou le juge de paix prend en consideration les facteurs suivants I a) Page dut?moin; b) les d??ciences physiques ou mentales du t?moin, 1e cas ?che?ant; c) 1e droit a un proces public et equitable; of) 1a nature de l?infraction; e) la n?cessit? de l?ordonnance pour prote- ger 1e te?moin contre l?intimidation et les re- pr?sailles; Demande Conclusion d?favorable S?curit? des t?moins Demande Facteurs a consid?rer 34 No adverse inference Fear of certain offences De?nition of ?Attorney General? A nit-terrorism, 201 5 society?s interest in encouraging the re- porting of offences and the participation of Victims and witnesses in the criminal justice process; the importance of the witness?s testimo- ny to the case; whether effective alternatives to the mak- ing of the proposed order are available in the circumstances; the salutary and deleterious effects of the proposed order; and any other factor that the judge or justice considers relevant. (4) No adverse inference may be drawn from the fact that an order is, or is not, made under this section. 23. Paragraph of the de?nition ?pri? mary designated offence? in section 487.04 of the Act is amended by adding the follow- ing after subparagraph (i.091) subsection 83.221(l) (advocating or promoting commission of terrorism of? fences), 24. (1) Subsection 810.010) of the Act is replaced by the following: 810.01 (1) A person who fears on reason- able grounds that another person will commit an offence under section 423.1 or a criminal or- ganization offence may, with the Attorney Gen- eral?s consent, lay an information before a provincial court judge. (2) Section 810.01 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (7): (8) With respect to proceedings under this section, ?Attorney General? means either the Attorney General of Canada or the Attorney General of the province in which those pro- ceedings are taken and includes the lawful deputy of any of them. f) 1a n?cessit? de l?ordonnance pour assurer la s?curit? d?une des connaissances du moin; g) l?int?r?t de la soci?t? a encourager la de- nonciation des infractions et la participation des victimes et des t?moins au processus de justice pe?nale; h) l?importance du t?moignage dans l?ins- tance; i) l?existence dans les circonstances d?autres moyens efficaces que celui de rendre l?or? donnance; j) les effets be?n?flques et pre?judiciables de l?ordonnance demand?e; k) tout autre facteur qu?il estime pertinent. (4) Le fait qu?une ordonnance vis?e au pre- sent article soit on non rendue ne peut donner lieu a des conclusions d?favorables. 23. L?alin?a a.1) de la de?nition de ?in? fraction primaire?, Particle 487.04 de la meme loi, est modi?? par adjonction, apr?s le sous-alin?a de ce qui suit (i.091) paragraphe 83.221(1) (pr?coniser ou fomenter 1a perp?tration d?infractions de terrorisme), 24. (1) Le paragraphe 810.01(1) de la m?me loi est rempiac? par ce qui suit 810.01 (1) Quiconque a des motifs raison- nables de craindre qu?une personne commette une infraction pr?vue a l?article 423.1 ou une infraction d?organisation crimineile peut, avec le consentement du procureur g?n?ral, d?poser une d?nonciation devant un juge d?une cour provinciale. (2) L?article 810.01 de [a m?me loi est mo- di?? par adjonction, apres le paragraphe (7), de ce qui suit: (8) A l??gard des procedures vis?es au pre? sent article, ?procureur general s?entend du procureur general du Canada on du procureur g?n?ral de la province on ces procedures sont engag?es ou du substitut l?gitime de l?un ou l?autre. 62-63 11 Conclusion d?favorable Crainte de certaines infractions Definition de procureur general 2013-2014-20 15 Fear of terrorism offence Appearances Adjudication Duration extended Refusal to enter into recognizance Conditions in recognizance 25. (1) The Act is amended by adding the following after section 810.01: 810.011 (1) A person who fears on reason- able grounds that another person may commit a terrorism offence may, with the Attorney Gen? eral?s consent, lay an information before a provincial court judge. (2) The provincial court judge who receives an information under subsection (1) may cause the parties to appear before a provincial court judge. (3) If the provincial court judge before whom the parties appear is satis?ed by the evi- dence adduced that the informant has reason- able grounds for the fear, the judge may order that the defendant enter into a recognizance, with or without sureties, to keep the peace and be of good behaviour for a period of not more than 12 months. (4) However, if the provincial court judge is also satis?ed that the defendant was convicted previously of a terrorism offence, the judge may order that the defendant enter into the re- cognizance for a period of not more than ?ve years. (5) The provincial court judge may commit the defendant to prison for a term of not more than 12 months if the defendant fails or refuses to enter into the recognizance. (6) The provincial court judge may add any reasonable conditions to the recognizance that the judge considers desirable to secure the good conduct of the defendant, including conditions that require the defendant (0) to participate in a treatment program; to wear an electronic monitoring device, if the Attorney General makes that request; (0) to return to and remain at their place of residence at speci?ed times; or to abstain from the consumption of drugs, except in accordance with a medical prescription, of alcohol or of any other intox- icating substance. Loz' antiterroriste (2015) 25. (1) La meme loi est modi??e par ad- jonction, apr?s l?article 810.01, de ce qui suit: 810.011 (1) Quiconque a des motifs raison? nables de craindre 1a possibilit? qu?une per- sonne commette une infraction de terrorisme peut, avec le consentement du procureur ge?n?- ral, d?poser une denonciation devant un juge d?une cour provinciale. (2) Le juge qui recoit la d?nonciation peut faire comparaitre les parties devant un juge de la cour provinciale. (3) Le juge devant lequel les parties compa- raissent pent, s?il est convaincu, par la preuve apport?e, que les craintes du de?nonciateur sont fond?es sur des motifs raisonnables, ordonner que le defendeur contracte l?engagement, avec ou sans caution, de ne pas troubler l?ordre pu- blic et d?avoir une bonne conduite pour une pe? riode maximale dc douze mois. (4) Toutefois, s?il est ?galement convaincu que le defendeur a d?ja reconnu coupable d?une infraction de terrorisme, 1e juge peut lui ordonner de contractor l?engagement pour une p?riode maximale de cinq ans. (5) Le juge peut infliger au d?fendeur qui omet ou refuse de contracter l?engagement une peine de prison maximale de douze mois. (6) S?il l?estime souhaitable pour garantir 1a bonne conduite du d?fendeur, 1e juge peut as- sortir l?engagement de conditions raisonnables lui intimant notamment a) de participer a un programme de traite? ment; de porter un dispositif de surveillance a distance, si 1e procureur general en fait la de- mande; c) de regagner sa residence et d?y rester aux moments pr?cis?s dans l?engagement; d) de s?abstenir de consommer des drogues sauf sur ordonnance m?dicale m, de l?al- cool on d?autres substances intoxicantes. 35 Crainte d?une infraction de terrorisme Comparution des parties Decision Prolongation Refus de contracter un engagement Conditions de l?engagement 36 Conditions ?rearms Surrender, etc. Condition passport Condition speci?ed geographic area Reasons Anti-terrorism, 2015 (7) The provincial court judge shall consider whether it is desirable, in the interests of the defendant?s safety or that of any other person, to prohibit the defendant from possessing any firearm, cross-bow, prohibited weapon, restrict- ed weapon, prohibited device, ammunition, prohibited ammunition or explosive substance, or all of those things. If the judge decides that it is desirable to do so, the judge shall add that condition to the recognizance and specify the period during which it applies. (8) If the provincial court judge adds a con? dition described in subsection (7) to a recogni- zance, the judge shall specify in the recogni- zance how the things referred to in that subsection that are in the defendant?s posses- sion shall be surrendered, disposed of, detained, stored or dealt with and how the authorizations, licences and registration certi?cates that are held by the defendant shall be surrendered. (9) The provincial court judge shall consider whether it is desirable, to secure the good con- duct of the defendant, to include in the recogni- zance a condition that the defendant deposit, in the speci?ed manner, any passport or other travel document issued in their name that is in their possession or control. If the judge decides that it is desirable, the judge shall add the con- dition t0 the recognizance and specify the peri- od during which it applies. (10) The provincial court judge shall consid? er whether it is desirable, to secure the good conduct of the defendant, to include in the re- cognizance a condition that the defendant re- main within a speci?ed geographic area unless written permission to leave that area is obtained from the judge or any individual designated by the judge. If the judge decides that it is desir- able, the judge shall add the condition to the re- cognizance and specify the period during which it applies. (11) If the provincial court judge does not add a condition described in subsection (7), (9) or (10) to a recognizance, the judge shall in? clude in the record a statement of the reasons for not adding it. (7) Le juge doit decider s?ii est souhaitable d?interdire au d?fendeur, pour sa s?curit? ou celie d?autrui, d?avoir en sa possession des arrnes a feu, arbaletes, arrnes prohib?es, armes a autorisation restreinte, dispositifs prohib?s, munitions, munitions prohib?es et substances explosives, ou l?un ou plusieurs de ces objets, et, dans l?af?rmative, il doit assortir l?engage- ment d?une condition a cet effet et pr?ciser la p?riode d?application de celle-ci. (8) Le cas ?ch?ant, l?engagement pr?voit la facon de remettre, de de?tenir ou d?entreposer les objets vis?s au paragraphe (7) qui sont en la possession du d?fendeur, ou d?en disposer, et de remettre les autorisations, permis et certi?- cats d?enregistrement dont celui-ci est titulaire. (9) Le juge doit decider s?il est souhaitable, pour garantir 1a bonne conduite du defendeur, de lui intimer de d?poser, de la mani?re pr?ci- s?e dans l?engagement, tout passeport ou autre document de voyage ?tabli possession ou en son controle et, dans l?af?r- mative, ii doit assortir l?engagement d?une condition a cet effet et pr?voir 1a p?riode d?application de celle?ci. (10) Le juge doit d?cider s?il est souhaitable, pour garantir la bonne conduite du d?fendeur, de lui intimer de rester dans une re'gion d?si? gn?e, sauf permission ?crite qu?il pourrait lui accorder ou qu?un individu qu?il d?signe pour- rait lui accorder, et, dans l?af?rmative, il doit assortir l?engagement d?une condition a cet ef? fet et pr?voir la p?riode d?application de celle-ci. (11) S?il n?assortit pas l?engagement de la condition pr?vue aux paragraphes (7), (9) cu (10), 1e juge est tenu de donner ses motifs, qui sont consign?s au dossier de l?instance. 62-63 11 Conditions armes a feu Remise Condition passeport Condition region de'sign?e Motifs 2013-2014-20 15 Variance of conditions Other provisions to apply De?nition of ?Attorney General" Video conference (12) A provincial court judge may, on appli- cation of the informant, the Attorney General or the defendant, vary the conditions ?xed in the recognizance. (l3) Subsections 810(4) and (5) apply, with any modi?cations that the circumstances re- quire, to recognizances made under this sec- tion. (14) With respect to proceedings under this section, ?Attorney General? means either the Attorney General of Canada or the Attorney General of the province in which those pro- ceedings are taken and includes the lawful deputy of any of them. (2) Subsection 810.011(6) of the Act is amended by striking out ?or? at the end of paragraph and by adding the following after paragraph to provide, for the purpose of analysis, a sample of a bodily substance prescribed by regulation on the demand of a peace of?cer, a probation of?cer or someone designated under paragraph to make a de? mand, at the place and time and on the day speci?ed by the person making the demand, if that person has reasonable grounds to be? lieve that the defendant has breached a con- dition of the recognizance that requires them to abstain from the consumption of drugs, al- cohol or any other intoxicating substance; or to provide, for the purpose of analysis, a sample of a bodily substance prescribed by regulation at regular intervals that are speci- ?ed, in a notice in Form 5] served on the de- fendant, by a probation of?cer or a person designated under paragraph to specify them, if a condition of the recogni- zance requires the defendant to abstain from the consumption of drugs, alcohol or any other intoxicating substance. 26. The Act is amended by adding the fol- lowing after section 810.2: 810.21 If a defendant is required to appear under any of sections 83.3 and 810 to 810.2, a provincial court judge may, on application of Loi antiterroriste (2015) (12) Tout juge de la cour provinciale peut, sur demande du d?nonciateur, du procureur ge- neral ou du d?fendeur, modi?er les conditions ?xe?es dans l?engagement. (13) Les paragraphes 810(4) et (5) s?ap- pliquent, avec les adaptations n?cessaires, aux engagements contract?s en vertu du present ar- ticle. 14) A l??gard des procedures vis?es au pre- sent article, ?procureur g?n?ral s?entend du procureur general du Canada ou du procureur general de la province on ces procedures sont engag?es on du substitut l?gitime de l?un ou l?autre. (2) Le paragraphe 810.011(6) de la meme loi est modifi? par adjonction, apres l?alin?a de ce qui suit: e) de foumir a des ?ns d?analyse un ?chan? tillon d?une substance corporelle d?sign?e par reglement, a la demande d?un agent de la paix, d?un agent de probation ou d?une per- sonne d?sign?e en vertu de l?alin?a pour faire la demande, aux date, heure et lieu pr?cis?s par l?agent ou la per- sonne d?sign?e, si celui-ci a des motifs rai- sonnables de croire que le d?fendeur a en- freint one condition de l?engagement lui intimant de s?abstenir de consommer des drogues, de l?alcool ou d?autres substances intoxicantes; f) dc fournir a des ?ns d?analyse un ?chan- tillon d?une substance corporelle d?sign?e par reglement, a intervalles r?guliers preci- s?s, dans un avis r?dig? selon la forrnule 51 qui est signi?? au d?fendeur, par un agent de probation ou par une personne d?sign?e en vertu de l?alin?a pour pr?ciser ceux?ci, si l?engagement est asso?rti d?une condition lui intimant de s?abstenir de consommer des drogues, de l?alcool ou d?autres substances intoxicantes. 26. La m?me loi est modi??e par adjonc- tion, apr?s l?article 810.2, de ce qui suit: 810.21 Lorsqu?un d?fendeur est tenu de comparaitre au titre de l?un des articles 83.3 et 810 a 810.2, un juge d?une cour provinciale 37 Modi?cation des conditions Autres dispositions applicables De?nition de procureur g?n?ral Vid?oconf?rence 38 Transfer of order Attorney General?s consent Ifjudge unable to act Breach of recognizance Anti-terrorism, 2015 the prosecutor, order that the defendant appear by video conference if the judge is satis?ed that it would serve the proper administration of jus- tice, including by ensuring a fair and efficient hearing and enhancing access to justice. 810.22 (1) If a person who is bound by an order under any of sections 83.3 and 810 to 810.2 becomes a resident of or is charged with, convicted of or discharged under section 730 of an offence, including an offence under section 811, in a territorial division other than the territorial division in which the order was made, on application of a peace officer or the Attorney General, a provincial court judge may, subject to subsection (2), transfer the or- der to a provincial court judge in that other ter- ritorial division and the order may then be dealt with and enforced by the provincial court judge to whom it is transferred in all respects as if that provincial court judge had made the order. (2) The transfer may be granted only with the consent of the Attorney General of the province in which the order was made, if the two territorial divisions are not in the same province; or the consent of the Attorney General of Canada, if the information that led to the is? suance of the order was laid with the consent of the Attorney General of Canada. (3) If the judge who made the order or a judge to whom an order has been transferred is for any reason unable to act, the powers of that judge in relation to the order may be exercised by any other judge of the same court. 27. (1) The portion of section 811 of the Act before paragraph is replaced by the following: 811. A person bound by a recognizance un- der any of sections 83.3 ?6 810 t_o 810.2 who commits a breach of the recognizance is guilty of (2) Paragraphs 811(a) and of the Act are replaced by the following: peut, a la demande du poursuivant, ordonner au de'fendeur de comparaitre par vid?oconf?rence s?il est convaincu que cela servirait la bonne administration de la justice, notamment en as- surant 1a tenue d?une audience equitable et ef?- cace et en ame?liorant l?acces a la justice. 810.22 (1) Lorsqu?une personne soumise a une ordonnance prise en vertu de l?un des ar? ticles 83.3 et 810 a 810.2 devient r?sidente d?une circonscription territoriale autre que celle ou l?ordonnance a rendue, ou est inculp?e ou d?clar?e coupable ou absoute en vertu de l?article 730 d?une infraction, compris une in- fraction vis?e a l?article 811, un juge d?une cour provinciale peut, sous r?serve du para- graphe (2), a la demande d?un agent de la paix ou du procureur ge?ne?ral. transf?rer l?ordon- nance a un juge d?une cour provinciale de cette autre circonscription territoriale, lequel peut des lors statuer sur l?ordonnance et l?appliquer 51 tons e?gards comme s?il l?avait rendue. (2) L?ordonnance ne peut ?tre transf?re?e a) qu?avec 1e consentement du procureur n?ral de la province on elle a rendue, si les deux circonscriptions territoriales ne sont pas situe?es dans la meme province; b) qu?avec 1e consentement du procureur n?ral du Canada, si la d?nonciation a l?ori- gine de l?ordonnance a de?pos?e avec le consentement de celui-ci. (3) Lorsque le-juge qui a rendu l?ordonnance on a qui l?ordonnance a transferee est pour quelque raison dans l?incapacit? d?agir, les pou- voirs de ce juge concernant cette ordonnance peuvent ?tre exerc?s par tout autre juge du meme tribunal. 27. (1) Le passage de l?article 811 de la m?me loi pr?c?dant l?alin?a a) est remplac? par ce qui suit: 81]. Quiconque viole I?engagement pre'vu a l?un des articles 83.3 e_t 810 a 810.2 est cou- pable: (2) Les alin?as 81111) et b) de la m?me loi sont remplac?s par ce qui suit: 62-63 ELIZ. 11 Transfer: d?une ordonnance Consentement du procureur ge?ne?ral Incapacit? d?agir du juge Manquement a l?engagement 2013-2014?20 15 Information terrorism offence R.S., c. P-20 1992, c. 20 an indictable offence and liable to im- prisonment for a term o_f not more than four years; or an offence punishable on summary con- viction and is liable to imprisonment for a term Of not more than 18 months. TRANSITIONAL PROVISION 28. If an information has been laid under subsection 810.01(1) 0f the Criminal Code be- fore the day on which this section comes into force by a person who fears on reasonable grounds that another person will commit a terrorism offence and a provincial court judge has not made a ?nal determination with respect to the information, the informa- tion is deemed, on that day, to have been laid under subsection 810.011(1) of that Act. CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENTS Prisons and Reformatories Act 29. The portion of the de?nition ?prison- er? in subsection 2(1) of the Prisons and Re- formatories Act after paragraph is re- placed by the following: who is con?ned in a prison pursuant to a sen? tence for an offence under a provision of an Act of Parliament or any Lits regulations, or pur- suant to a committal for failure or refusal to en- ter into a recognizance under any of sections 83.3 and 810 t_o 810.2 of the Criminal Code; Corrections and Conditional Release Act 30. Section 1 of Schedule I to the Correc- tions and Conditional Release Act is amended by adding the following after paragraph subsection 83.2210) (advocating or promoting commission of terrorism of- fences); Loi antiterroriste (2015) a) soit d?un acte criminel passible d?un em- prisonnement maximal de guatre ans; soit d?une infraction punissable sur d?cla- ration de culpabilit? par procedure sommaire et passible d?un emprisonnement maximal de dix-huit mois. DISPOSITION TRANSITOIRE 28. Si, avant la date d?entr?e en vigueur du pr?sent article, une d?nonciation a pos?e en vertu du paragraphe 810.01(1) du Code criminel par quiconque a des motifs raisonnables de craindre qu?une personne commettra une infraction de terrorisme et un juge de la cour provinciale n?a pas pris de d?cision d??nitive relativement a la d?non- ciation, la d?nonciation, a cette date, est put?e avoir d?pos?e en vertu du para- graphe 810.0110) de cette loi. MODIFICATIONS CORRELATIVES Loi les prisons et les maisons de correction 29. Le passage de la d?finition de ?pri- sonnier?, au paragraphe 2(1) de la Loi sur les prisons et les maisons de correction, pr?c?- dant l?alin?a a) est remplac? par ce qui suit ?prisonnier? Individu incarc?r? dans une pri- son soit par suite d?une condamnation pour in? fraction aux lois fe?d?rales on a leurs reglements d?application, soit pour avoir omis ou refus? dc contracter un engagement aux termes de l?un des articles 83.3 et 810 a 810.2 du Code crimi- nel, a l?exception Loi sur le syst?me correctionnel et la mise en liberte' sous condition 30. L?article 1 de l?annexe I de la Loi sur le syst?me correctionnel et la mise en liberte? sous condition est modi?? par adjonction, apres l?alin?a a. 91), de ce qui suit 0.92) paragraphe 83.2210) (pr?coniser ou fomenter 1a perp?tration d?infractions de ter- rorisme); 39 D?nonciation infraction de terrorisme L.R., ch. P-ZO prisonnier ?prisoner? 1992, ch. 20 40 1997,c. 36 2002, c. 1 Orders Anti-terrorism, 2015 Customs artff 31. The Description of Goods of tariff item No. 9899.00.00 in the List of Tariff Pro- visions set out in the schedule to the Customs Tariff is amended by adding a reference to ?Writings, signs, visible representations or audio recordings that constitute terrorist propaganda within the meaning of subsec- tion 83.222(8) of the Criminal Code;? as a separate provision before the provision ?Posters and handbills depicting scenes of crime or violence; or?. Youth Criminal Justice Act 32. Subsection 14(2) of the Youth Criminal Justice Act is replaced by the following: (2) A youth justice court has jurisdiction to make orders against a young person under sec- tions 83.3 (recognizance terrorist activity), 810 (recognizance fear of injury or damage), 810.01 (recognizance fear of certain of? fences), 810.011 (recognizance fear of ter? rorism offence) and 810.2 (recognizance fear of serious personal injury offence) of the Criminal Code. If the young person fails or re- fuses to enter into a recognizance referred to in any of those sections, the court may impose any one of the sanctions set out in subsection 42(2) (youth sentences) except that, in the case of an order under paragraph 42(2)(n) (custody and supervision order), it shall not exceed 30 days. 33. Paragraph 142(l)(a) of the Act is re- placed by the following: in respect of an order under section (recognizance terrorist activity), 810 (re- cognizance fear of injury or damage), 810.01 (recognizance fear of certain of- fences), 810.011 (recognizance fear of terrorism offence) or 810.2 (recognizance fear of serious personal injury offence) of that Act or an offence under section 811 (breach of recognizance) of that Act; arif ales douanes 31. La denomination des marchandises du n? tarifaire 9899.00.00 de la liste des disposi- tions tarifaires ?gurant a l?annexe du Tarif des douanes est modi??e par adjonction de ?Des ?crits, signes, representations visibles ou enregistrements sonores qui constituent de la propagande terroriste au sens du para- graphe 83.222(8) du Code criminel; comme disposition distincte figurant avant la dispo- sition Af?ches et feuilles volantes repr?sen- tant des scenes de crime on de violence; Loi sur le systeme ale justice p?nale pour les adolescents 32. Le paragraphe 14(2) de la Loi sur le systeme de justice pe?nale pour les adolescents est remplac? par ce qui suit: (2) Le tribunal a aussi competence pour rendre a l??gard d?un adolescent l?ordonnance vis?e aux articles 83.3 (engagement activit? terroriste), 810 (engagement crainte de bles- sures ou dommages), 810.01 (engagement crainte de certaines infractions), 810.011 (enga? gement crainte d?une infraction de terro- risme) ou 810.2 (engagement crainte de se- vices graves a la personne) du Code criminel; dans le cas 01?1 l?adolescent omet ou refuse de contracter l?engagement pr?vu a ces articles, 1e tribunal peut lui imposer une des sanctions pr?- vues au paragraphe 42(2) (peines sp?ci?ques), sauf que, si la sanction est impose?e en vertu de l?alin?a 42(2)n) (ordonnance de placement et de surveillance), celle-ci ne peut exce'der trente jours. 33. L?alin?a 142(1)a) de la m?me loi est remplac? par ce qui suit a) aux ordonnances rendues en vertu des ar- ticles 83.3 (engagement activit? terro? risi), 810 (engagement crainte de bles- sures ou dommages), 810.01 (engagement crainte de certaines infractions), 810.011 (en- gagement crainte d?une infraction de ter- rorisme) ou 810.2 (engagement crainte de s?vices graves a la personne) du Code crimi- nel ou aux infractions pr?vues a l?article 811 (manquement a l?engagement) de cette loi; 62-63 ELIZ. II 1997, C11. 36 2002, ch. 1 Ordonnances 2013?2014-20 15 2011,07 Samples designations and speci?cations Restriction Destruction of samples COORDINATING AMENDMENTS 34. (1) In this section, ?other Act? means the Response to the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in R. v. Shaker Act. (2) On the ?rst day on which both subsec- tion 25(2) of this Act and section 11 of the other Act are in force, the portion of subsection 810.3(1) of the Criminal Code before paragraph is replaced by the following: 810.3 (1) For the purposes of sections 810, 810.01, 810.011, 810.1 and 810.2 and subject to the regulations, the Attorney General of a province or the minister of justice of a territory shall, with respect to the province or territory, paragraphs and of the Criminal Code are replaced by the follow- ing: to make a demand for a sample of a bod- ily substance for the purposes of paragraphs and and to specify the regular intervals at which a defendant must provide a sample of a bodily substance for the purposes Of paragraphs and subsections 810.3(3) and (4) of the Criminal Code are replaced by the follow- ing: (3) Samples of bodily substances referred to in sections 810, 810.01, 810.011," 810.1 and 810.2 may not be taken, analyzed, stored, han- dled or destroyed, and the records of the results of the analysis Of the samples may not be pro- tected or destroyed, except in accordance with the designations and speci?cations made under subsection (1). (4) The Attorney General of a province or the minister of justice of a territory, or a person authorized by the Attorney General or minister, Loi antiterroriste (2015) DISPOSITIONS DE COORDINATION 34. (1) Au pr?sent article, autre loi s?entend de la Loi dormant suite (3 la decision de la Cour supr?me du Canada dons l?a?aire R. c. Shoker. (2) Des le premier jour oil le paragraphe 25(2) de la pr?sente loi et l?article 11 de l?autre loi sont tous deux en vigueur: a) le passage du paragraphe 810.3(1) du Code criminel pr?c?dant l?alin?a a) est rempiac? par ce qui suit: 810.3 (1) Pour l?application des articles 810, 810.01, 810.011, 810.1 et 810.2 et sous re- serve des reglements, a l??gard d?une province ou d?un territoire donn?, 1e procureur general de [a province ou le ministre de la justice du territoire: b) les alin?as et b) du Code cri- minel sont remplac?s par ce qui suit: a) faire la demande d??chantillons (16 sub? stances corporelles pour l?application des ali? n?as ou b) pr?ciser les intervalles r?guliers auxquels le d?fendeur doit fournir les ?chantillons de substances corporelles pour l?application des alin?as ou c) les paragraphes 810.3(3) et (4) do Code criminel sont remplac?s par ce qui suit: (3) Les e?chantillons de substances corpo- relles Vises aux articles 810, 810.01, 810.011, 810.1 et 810.2 ne peuvent ?tre pr?lev?s, analy- s?s, entrepos?s, manipul?s ou d?truits qu?en conformit? avec les designations et les preci- sions faites au titre du paragraphe (1). De meme, les documents faisant ?tat des r?sultats de l?analyse des?e'chantillons ne peuvent ?tre prot?g?s ou d?truits qu?en conforrnite? avec les designations et les pr?cisions faites au titre de ce paragraphe. (4) Le procureur g?ne?ral d?une province ou le ministre de la justice d?un territoire, ou la personne autoris?e par l?un ou l?autre, fait de- 41 2011,ch.7 Echantillons designations et pr?cisions Restriction Destruction des ?chantillons 42 Notice samples at regular intervals Prohibition on use of bodily substance Prohibition on use or disclosure of result Exception Anti-terrorism, 2015 shall cause all samples of bodily substances provided under a recognizance under section 810, 810.01, 810.011, 810.1 or 810.2 to be de- stroyed within the period prescribed by regula- tion unless the samples are reasonably expected a to be used as evidence in a proceeding for an offence under section 81 l. paragraph of the Criminal Code is replaced by the following: prescribing bodily substances for the purposes of sections 810, 810.01, 810.011, 810.1 and 810.2; subsection 810.3(6) of the Criminal Code is replaced by the following: (6) The notice referred to in paragraph or must specify the places and times at which and the days on which the defendant must provide samples of a bodily substance under a condition described in that paragraph. The ?rst sample may not be taken earlier than 24 hours after the defendant is served with the notice, and subsequent sam- ples must be taken at regular intervals of at least seven days. (I) subsections 810.4(1) to (3) 0f the Crimi- nal Code are replaced by the following: 810.4 (1) No person shall use a bodily sub- stance provided under a recognizance under section 810, 810.01, 810.011, 810.1 or 810.2 except for the purpose of determining whether a defendant is complying with a condition in the recognizance that they abstain from the consumption of drugs, alcohol or any other in- toxicating substance. (2) Subject to subsection (3), no person shall use, disclose or allow the disclosure of the re- sults of the analysis of a bodily substance pro? vided under a recognizance under section 810, 810.01, 810.011, 810.1 or 810.2. (3) The results of the analysis of a bodily substance provided under a recognizance under section 810, 810.01, 810.011, 810.1 or 810.2 may be disclosed to the defendant to whom truire, dans les d?lais pr?vus par reglement, les ?chantillons de substances corporelles fournis en application d?un engagement pr?vu aux ar- ticles 810, 810.01, 810.011, 810.1 on 810.2, sauf s?il est raisonnable de s?attendre 51 cc qu?ils soient utilises en preuve lors de poursuites in- tent?es a l??gard de l?infraction pre'vue a l?ar- ticle 811. d) l?alin?a du Code criminel est remplac? par ce qui suit: a) designer des substances corporelles pour l?application des articles 810, 810.01, 810.011,810.1et810.2; e) le paragraphe 810.3(6) du Code crimi- nel est remplac? par ce qui suit (6) L?avis vis? aux aline'as ou pre'cise les dates, heures et lieux ou le d?fendeur doit fournir 1es ?chantillons de substances corporelles au titre de la condition pr?vue a l?alin?a en cause. Le premier ?chan- tillon ne peut ?tre pr?leve? moins de vingt- quatre heures apres la signi?cation de l?avis et les ?chantillons subs?quents sont pre?lev?s a in? tervalles r?guliers d?au moins sept jours. f) les paragraphes 810.4(1) a (3) du Code criminel sont remplac?s par ce qui suit: 810.4 (1) Il est interdit d?utiliser les sub- stances corporelles foumies en application d?un engagement pr?vu aux articles 810, 810.01, 810.011, 810.1 ou 810.2, si ce n?est pour ve'ri- ?er 1e respect d?une condition de l?engagement intimant au de?fendeur de s?abstenir de consom- mer des drogues, de l?alcool ou d?autres sub- stances intoxicantes. (2) Sous reserve du paragraphe (3), il est in- terdit d?utiliser on de communiquer ou laisser communiquer 1es r?sultats de l?analyse de sub- stances corporelles fournies en application d?un engagement pre?vu aux articles 810, 810.01, 810.011, 810.10u 810.2. (3) Les r?sultats de l?analyse de substances corporelles fournies en application d?un enga- gement pre?vu aux articles 810, 810.01, 810.011, 810.1 ou 810.2 pcuvent ?tre commu- 62-63 ELIZ. II Avis ?chantiilons a intervalles r?guliers Interdiction a l'?gard de l?utilisation des substances corporelles Interdiction a l??gard de l?utilisation ou de la communication des r?sultats Exception 2013?2014?20 15 Proof of certi?cate of analyst bodily substance they relate, and may also be used or disclosed in the course of an investigation of, or in a pro- ceeding for, an offence under section 811 or, if the results are made anonymous, for statistical or other research purposes. (3) 0n the ?rst day on which both subsec? tion 25(2) of this Act and section 12 of the other Act are in force, subsection 811.1(1) of the Criminal Code is replaced by the follow- mg: 811.1 (1) In a prosecution for breach of a condition in a recognizance under? section 810, 810.01, 810.011, 810.1 or 810.2 that a defen- dant not consume drugs, alcohol or any other intoxicating substance, a certi?cate purporting to be signed by an analyst that states that the analyst has analyzed a sample of a bodily sub- stance and that states the result of the analysis is admissible in evidence and, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, is proof of the state- ments contained in the certi?cate without proof of the signature or of?cial character of the per- son who appears to have signed the certi?cate. (4) On the ?rst day on which both subsec- tion 25(2) of this Act and section 13 of the other Act are in force, the section references after the heading 51? in Form 51 in Part of the Criminal Code are re- placed by the following: (Paragraphs 810. 011(6)09, 810.1(3. and (5) If section 26 of this Act comes into force before section 11 of the other Act, then the portion of that section 11 before the sec- tion 810.3 that it enacts is replaced by the following: 11. The Act is amended by adding the fol- iowing after section 810.22: (6) If section 26 of this Act comes into force on the same day as section 11 of the other Act, then that section 11 is deemed to have come into force before that section 26. Loi antiterroriste (2015) niqu?s au d?fendeur en cause. Ils peuvent aussi ?tre utilise?s ou communiqu?s dans le cadre d?une enqu?te relative a l?infraction prevue a l?article 811 cu lors de poursuites intent?es a l??gard d?une telle infraction, ou, s?ils sont personnalis?s, aux ?ns de recherche ou d??ta? blissement de statistiques. (3) Des le premier jour 01?! 1e paragraphe 25(2) de la pr?sente loi et l?article 12 de l?autre loi sont tous deux en vigueur, le para- graphe 811.1(1) du Code criminel est rempla- c? par ce qui suit 811.1 (1) Dans toute poursuite pour man- quement a une condition d?un engagement pr?- vu aux articles 810, 810.01, 810.011, 810.10u 810.2 intimant au d?fendeur de s?abstenir de consommer des drogues, de l?alcool ou d?autres substances intoxicantes, 1e certi?cat, paraissant sign? par l?analyste, d?clarant qu?il a analyse un ?chantillon d?une substance corporelle et donnant ses r?sultats est admissible en preuve et, sauf preuve contraire, fait foi de son contenu sans qu?il soit n?cessaire de prouver l?authenti- cit? de la signature ou la qualit? of?cielle du signataire. (4) Des le premier jour 01?: le paragraphe 25(2) de la pr?sente loi et l?article 13 de l?autre loi sont tons deux en vigueur, les ren- vois qui suivent le titre FORMULE 51 a la formule 51 de la partie du Code criminel, sont remplac?s par ce qui suit: (alin?as et (5) Si l?article 26 de la pr?sente loi entre en vigueur avant l?article 11 de l?autre loi, le passage de cet article 11 pr?c?dant l?article 810.3 qui est ?dict? est remplace? par ce qui suit: 11. La meme loi est modi??e par adjonc- tion, apr?s l?article 810.22, de ce qui suit: (6) Si l?entr?e en vigueur de l?artiele 26 de la pr?sente loi et celle de l?article 11 de l?autre loi sont concomitantes, cet article 11 Preuve du certi?cat de l'analyste substances corporelles 43 44 2014, 6.31 Order to computer system?s custodian Order of deletion Return of material Anti-terrorism, 2015 35. On the ?rst day on which both section 16 of this Act and subsection 16(2) of the Protecting Canadians from Online Crime Act are in force, the portion of subsection 83.2230) of the Criminal Code before paragraph is replaced by the following: 83.223 (1) If a judge is satis?ed by infor- mation on oath that there are reasonable grounds to believe that there is material that is terrorist propaganda or computer data that makes terrorist propaganda available stored on and made available to the public through a computer system that is within the court?s juris- diction, the judge may order the computer sys- tem?s custodian to subsection 83.223(5) of the Criminal Code is replaced by the following: (5) If the court is satis?ed, on a balance of probabilities, that the material is available to the public and is terrorist propaganda or com- puter data that makes terrorist propaganda available, it may order the computer system?s custodian to delete the material. subsection 83.2230) of the Criminal Code is replaced by the following: (7) If the court is not satis?ed that the mate? rial is available to the public and is terrorist propaganda or computer data that makes terror- ist propaganda available, the court shall order that the electronic copy be returned to the com- puter system?s custodian and terminate the or- der under paragraph (1 the de?nition ?data? in subsection 83.22301) of the Criminal Code is re- pealed; subsection 83.22301) of the Criminal Code is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order: est r?put? ?tre entr? en vigueur avant cet ar- ticle 26. 35. Des le premier jour oil l?article 16 de la pr?sente loi et le paragraphe 16(2) de la Loi sur la protection des Canadiens contre la cybercriminalit? sont tous deux en vigueur a) le passage du paragraphe 83.2230) du Code criminel pr?c?daot l?alin?a a) est remplac? par ce qui suit 83.223 (1) Le juge peut, s?il est convaincu par une d?nonciation sous sermth qu?il a des motifs raisonnables de croire qu?il existe une matiere constituant de la propagande terro? riste ou contenant des donn?es informatiques qui rendent 1a propagande terroriste accessible qui est emmagasin?e et rendue accessible au public au moyen d?un ordinateur situ? dans le ressort du tribunal, ordonner au gardien de l?or- dinateur: b) le paragraphe 83.223(5) du Code crimi- nel est remplac? par ce qui suit (5) Si 1e tribunal est convaincu, selon 1a pr?- pond?rance des probabilit?s, que la matiere est accessible on public et constitue de la propa- gande terroriste ou contient des donn?es infor- matiques qui rendent la propagande terroriste accessible, il peut ordonner au gardien de l?or? dinateur de l?effacer. c) le paragraphe 83.2230) du Code crimi? nel est remplac? par ce qui suit: (7) Si le tribunal n?est pas convaincu que la matiere est accessible au public at constitue de la propagande terroriste ou contient des don- n?es infonnatiques qui rendent 1a propagande terroriste accessible, i1 ordonne que la copie ?lectronique soit remise au gardien de l?ordina- teur et met ?n a l?ordonnance vise?e a I?alin?a d) la de?nition de ?donn?es?, an para- graphe 83.22301) du Code criminel, est abrog?e; e) le paragraphe 83.22301) du Code cri- minel est modi?? par adjonction, selon l?ordre alphab?tique, de ce qui suit: 62-63 ELIZ. Il 2014, ch. 31 Ordonnance au gardien d?un ordinateur Ordonnance Sort de la mati?re 2013-2014-20 15 ?computer data? donne'es informatiques Bill S-7 Orders ?computer data? has the same meaning as in subsection 36. (1) Subsections (2) to (9) apply if Bili S-7, introduced in the 2nd session of the 41st Parliament and entitled the Zero Tolerance for Barbaric Cultural Practices Act (in this section referred to as the ?other Act?), re- ceives royal assent. (2) If subsection 25(1) of this Act comes into force before section 11 of the other Act, then the portion of that section 11 before the section 810.02 that it enacts is replaced by the following: 11. The Act is amended by adding the fol- lowing after section 810.011: (3) If subsection 25(1) of this Act comes into force on the same day as section 11 of the other Act, then that section 11 is deemed to have come into force before that subsec- tion 25(1). (4) If subsection 27(1) of this Act comes into force before section 12 of the other Act, then that section 12 is repealed. (5) If subsection 27(1) of this Act comes into force on the same day as section 12 of the other Act, then that section 12 is deemed to have come into force before that subsec- tion 27(1). (6) If section 29 of this Act comes into force before section 13 of the other Act, then that section 13 is repealed. (7) If section 29 of this Act comes into force on the same day as section 13 of the other Act, then that section 13 is deemed to have come into force before that section 29. (8) 0n the ?rst day on which both section 32 of this Act and section 14 of the other Act are in force, subsection 14(2) of the Youth Criminal Justice Act is replaced by the fol- lowing: (2) A youth justice court has jurisdiction to make orders against a young person under sec- tions 83.3 (recognizance terrorist activity), Loi antiterroriste (2015) donn?es informatiques S?entend au sens du paragraphe 36. (1) Les paragraphes (2) a (9) s?ap- pliquent en cas de sanction du projet de loi S-7, d?pos? au cours de la 2e session de la 418 legislature et intitul? Loi sur la tole'rance ze'ro face aux pratiques culturalles barbares (appe- l? autre loi au pr?sent article). (2) Si le paragraphe 25(1) de la pr?sente loi entre en vigueur avant l?article 11 de l?autre loi, le passage de cet article 11 pr?c?- dant l?article 810.02 qui est ?dict? est rem- plac? par ce qui suit: 11. La meme loi est modi??e par adjonc- tion, apr?s l?article 810.011, de ce qui suit (3) Si l?entr?e en vigueur du paragraphe 25(1) de la pre?sente loi et celle de l?article 11 de l?autre loi sont concomitantes, cet article 11 est r?put? ?tre entr? en vigueur avant ce paragraphe 25(1). (4) Si le paragraphe 27(1) de la pr?sente loi entre en vigueur avant l?article 12 de l?autre loi, cet article 12 est abrog?. (5) Si i?entr?e en vigueur du paragraphe 27(1) de la pr?sente loi et celle de l?article 12 de l?autre loi sont concomitantes, cet article 12 est r?put? ?tre entr? en vigueur avant ce paragraphe 27(1). (6) Si l?article 29 de la pr?sente loi entre en vigueur avant l?article 13 de l?autre loi, cet article 13 est abrog?. (7) Si l?entr?e en vigueur de l?article 29 de la pr?sente loi et celle de l?article 13 de l?autre loi sont concomitantes, cet article 13 est r?put? ?tre entr? en vigueur avant cet ar- ticle 29. (8) D?s ie premier jour oil l?article 32 de la pr?sente loi et l?article 14 de l?autre loi sont tous deux en vigueur, le paragraphe 14(2) de la Loi sur le syst?me dc justice p?nale pour les adolescents est remplac? par ce qui suit: (2) Le tribunal a aussi competence pour rendre a l?e?gard d?un adolescent l?ordonnance vis?e aux articles 83.3 (engagement activit? 45 donn?es informatiques ?computer data? Projet de loi S-7 Ordonnances 46 Bill Anti-terrorism, 2015 810 (recognizance fear of injury or damage), 810.01 (recognizance fear of certain of- fences), 810.011 (recognizance fear of ter- rorism offence), 810.02 (recognizance fear of forced marriage or marriage under age of 16 years) and 810.2 (recognizance fear of seri- ous personal injury offence) of the Criminal Code. If the young person fails or refuses to en- ter into a recognizance referred to in any of those sections, the court may impose any one of the sanctions set out in subsection 42(2) (youth sentences) except that, in the case of an order under paragraph 42(2)(n) (custody and supervi- sion order), it shall not exceed 30 days. (9) 0n the ?rst day on which both section 33 of this Act and section 15 of the other Act are in force, paragraph 142(1)(a) of the Youth Criminal Justice Act is replaced by the following: in respect of an order under section 83.3 (recognizance terrorist activity), 810 (re- cognizance fear of injury or damage), 810.01 (recognizance fear of certain of- fences), 810.011 (recognizance fear of terrorism offence), 810.02 (recognizance fear of forced marriage or marriage under age of 16 years) or 810.2 (recognizance fear of serious personal injury offence) of that Act or an offence under section 811 (breach of recognizance) of that Act; 37. (1) Subsections (2) to (4) apply if Bill C-26, introduced in the 2nd session of the 41st Parliament and entitled the Tougher Penalties for Child Predators Act (in this sec? tion referred to as the ?other Act?), receives royal assent. (2) If subsection 27(2) of this Act comes into force before section 19 of the other Act, then that section 19 is repealed. (3) If section 19 of the other Act comes in? to force before subsection 27(2) of this Act, then that subsection 27(2) is repealed. terroriste), 810 (engagement crainte de bles- sures ou dommages), 810.01 (engagement crainte de certaines infractions), 810.011 (enga- gement crainte d?unc infraction de terro? risme), 810.02 (engagement crainte de ma- riage force on de mariage de personnes de moins de seize ans) on 810.2 (engagement crainte de s?vices graves a la personne) du Code criminel; dans le cas oil l?adolescent omet ou refuse de contractor l?engagement pr?vu a ces articles, 1e tribunal peut lui imposer une des sanctions prevues au paragraphe 42(2) (peines spe?ci?ques), sauf que, si la sanction est impo- se?e en vertu de l?alin?a 42(2)n) (ordonnance de placement et de surveillance), celle-ci ne peut exce?der trente jours. (9) Des le premier jour of: Particle 33 de la pr?sente loi et l?article 15 de l?autre loi sont tous deux en vigueur, l?alin?a 142(1)a) de la Loi sur le syst?me de justice pe?nale pour les adolescents est remplac? par ce qui suit a) aux ordonnances rendues en vertu des ar- ticles 83.3 (engagement activit? terro- riste), 810 (engagement crainte de bles? sures ou dommages), 810.01 (engagement ?w crainte de certaines infractions), 810.011 (en- gagement crainte d?une infraction de ter? rorisme), 810.02 (engagement crainte de mariage force ou de mariage de personnes de moins de seize ans) on 810.2 (engagement crainte de s?vices graves a la personne) du Code criminel ou aux infractions pr?vues a l?article 811 (manquement a l?engagement) de cette loi; 37. (1) Les paragraphes (2) a (4) s?ap- pliquent en cas de sanction du projet de loi C-26, d?pos? au cours de la 2* session de la 418 legislature et intitul? Loi sur le renforce? ment des peines pour les pre?dateurs d?enfants (appel? autre loi au present article). (2) Si le paragraphe 27(2) de la pr?sente loi entre en vigueur avant l?article 19 de l?autre loi, cet article 19 est abrog?. (3) Si l?article 19 de l?autre loi entre en vi- gueur avant le paragraphe 27(2) de la pr?- sente loi, ce paragraphe 27(2) est abrog?. 62-63 II Projet de loi C-26 2013?2014-20 15 Bill C-32 Thirty days after royal assent Subsection 25(2) (4) If subsection 27(2) of this Act comes into force on the same day as section 19 of the other Act, then that subsection 27(2) is deemed to have come into force before that section 19 and subsection (2) applies as a consequence. 38. (1) Subsections (2) and (3) apply if Bill C-32, introduced in the 2nd session of the 41st Parliament and entitled the Victims Bill of Rights Act (in this section referred to as the ?other Act?), receives royal assent. (2) On the ?rst day on which both this Act has received royal assent and section 15 0f the other Act is in force, subsection 486.2(3) 0f the Criminal Code is amended by adding the following after paragraph (1): (f1) whether the order is needed to protect the witness?s identity if they have had, have or will have responsibilities relating to na? tional security or intelligence; (3) On the ?rst day on which both this Act has received royal assent and section 17 of the other Act is in force, subsection 486.31(3) of the Criminal Code is amended by adding the following after paragraph whether the order is needed to protect the witness?s identity if they have had, have or will have responsibilities relating to na- tional security or intelligence; COMING INTO FORCE 39. (1) Subsection 15(2), sections 17, 18 and 24, subsection 25(1) and sections 26 to 29, 32 and 33 come into force 30 days after the day on which this Act receives royal as- sent. (2) Subsection 25(2) comes into force on the later of 30 days after the day on which this Act receives royal assent and the day on which subsection 8(3) of the Response to the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in R. Shaker Act comes into force. Loi antiterroriste (2015) (4) Si l?entr?e en vigueur du paragraphe 27(2) de la pr?sente loi et celle de l?article 19 de l?autre loi sont concomitantes, ce para? graphe 27(2) est r?put? ?tre entr? en vigueur avant cet article 19 et le paragraphe (2) s?ap- plique en consequence. 38. (1) Les paragraphes (2) et (3) s?ap- pliquent en cas de sanction du projet de loi C-32, d?pos? au cours de la 2e session de la 412 legislature et intitul? Loi sur la Charte des droits des victimes (appel? autre loi? au pr?sent article). (2) Des le premier jour oil, a la fois, la pr?sente loi est sanctionn?e et l?article 15 de l?autre loi est en vigueur, le paragraphe 486.2(3) du Code criminel est modifi? par ad- jonction, apr?s l?alin?af), de ce qui suit: f1) la n?cessit? de l?ordonnance pour prote- ger l?identit? du t?moin ayant eu, ayant ou qui aura des responsabilit?s li?es a la s?curite? nationale ou au renseignement; (3) Des le premier jour oil, a la fois, la pr?sente loi est sanctionn?e et l?article 17 de l?autre loi est en vigueur, le paragraphe 486.31(3) du Code criminel est modi?? par adjonction, apres l?alin?a de ce qui suit e.1) 1a n?cessit? de l?ordonnance pour prote- ger l?identit? du t?moin ayant eu, ayant ou qui aura des responsabilite?s li?es a la s?curit? nationale on an renseignernent; ENTREE EN VIGUEUR 39. (1) Le paragraphe 15(2), les articles 17, 18 et 24, le paragraphe 25(1) et les ar- ticles 26 a 29, 32 et 33 entrent en vigueur trente jours apres la sanction de la pr?sente loi. (2) Le paragraphe 25(2) entre en vigueur trente jours apres la sanction de la pr?sente loi on, Si elle est post?rieure, a la date d?en- tr?e en vigueur du paragraphe 8(3) de la Loi dormant suite 1% la decision de la Cour su- pre?me du Canada dans l?a?aire R. c. Shaker. 47 Projet de loi C-32 Trente jours apres la sanction Paragraphe 25(2) 48 R.S., c. Measures to reduce threats to the security of Canada Consultation with Deputy Minister warrant Measures to reduce threats to the security of Canada Anti-terrorism, 2015 PART 4 CANADIAN SECURITY INTELLIGENCE SERVICE ACT 40. Section 6 of the Canadian Security In- telligence Service Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (4): (5) The reports shall include, among other things, the following information in respect of the Service?s operational activities, during the period for which the report is made, to reduce threats to the security of Canada: for each of the paragraphs of the de?ni- tion ?threats to the security of Canada? in section 2, a general description of the mea? sures that were taken during the period in re? spect of the threat within the meaning of that paragraph and the number of those measures; the number of warrants issued under subsection 21.1(3) during the period and the number of applications for warrants made under subsection 21.1(1) that were refused during the period; and for each threat to the security of Canada for which warrants have been issued under subsection 21.1(3) before or during the peri- od, a general description of the measures that were taken under the warrants during the pe- riod. 41. Subsection 7(2) of the Act is replaced by the following: (2) The Director or any employee who is designated by the Minister for the purpose of applying for a warrant under section 21, 2_1.l or 23 shall consult the Deputy Minister before ap- plying for the warrant or the renewal of the warrant. 42. The Act is amended by adding the fol- lowing after section 12: 12.1 (1) If there are reasonable grounds to believe that a particular activity constitutes a threat to the security of Canada, the Service may take measures, within or outside Canada, to reduce the threat. PARTIE 4 L01 SUR LE SERVICE CANADIEN DU RENSEIGNEMENT DE SECURITE 40. L?article 6 de la Loi sur le Service ca- nadien du renseignement de s?curit? est mo- difi? par adjonction, apres le paragraphe (4), de ce qui suit: (5) Les rapports pr?cisent notamment les elements d?information ci-apres au sujet des ac- tivit?s op?rationnelles exerc?es par le Service durant la p?riode vis?e pour r?duire les me- naces envers la s?curit? du Canada: a) pour chacun des aline?as de la de?nition de menaces envers la s?curit? du Canada? a l?article 2, une description ge?ne?rale des mesures prises a l?e'gard des menaces au sens de l?alin?a en cause et le nombre de ces me- sures; 13) 1e nombre de mandats de'cern?s en vertu du paragraphe 21.1(3) et le nombre de de? mandes de mandat pr?sent?es au titre du pa- ragraphe 21.1(1) qui ont rejet?es; c) pour chacune des menaces envers la secu- rit? du Canada a l??gard desquelles des man- dats ont d?cern?s en vertu du paragraphe 21.1(3) durant la p?riode ou avant que celle- ci ne d?bute, une description g?n?rale des mesures prises en vertu des mandats en cause. 41. Le paragraphe 7(2) de la m?me loi est remplac? par ce qui suit (2) Le directeur ou un employe? de'signe? par le ministre aux ?ns d?une demande de mandat vis?e aux articles 21, 2E ou 23 consulte 1e sous-ministre avant de presenter la demande de mandat ou de renouvellement du mandat. 42. La meme loi est modifi?e par adjonc? tion, apr?s l?article 12, de ce qui suit: 12.1 (1) S?il existe des motifs raisonnables de croire qu?une activite? donn?e constitue une menace envers la s?curit? du Canada, 1e Ser- vice peut prendre des mesures, m?me a l?exte- rieur du Canada, pour r?duire 1a menace. 62-63 Buzz. 11 LR, ch. 023 Mesures pour r?duire les menaces envers la s?curit? du Canada Consultation du sous?ministre mandats Mesures pour r?duire les menaces envers la s?curit? du Canada 2013-2014-20 15 Limits Warrant Prohibited conduct De?nition of ?bodily harm? Application for warrant measures to reduce threats to the security of Canada (2) The measures shall be reasonable and proportional in the circumstances, having re- gard to the nature of the threat, the nature of the measures and the reasonable availability of oth- er means to reduce the threat. (3) The Service shall not take measures to reduce a threat to the security of Canada if those measures will contravene a right or free- dom guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms or will be contrary to oth- er Canadian law, unless the Service is autho- rized to take them by a warrant issued under section 21.1. 12.2 (1) In taking measures to reduce a threat to the security of Canada, the Service shall not cause, intentionally or by criminal negli? gence, death or bodily harm to an individual; wilfully attempt in any manner to 0b- struct, pervert or defeat the course of justice; or violate the sexual integrity of an individ- ual. (2) In subsection (1), ?bodily harm? has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Criminal Code. 43. Paragraph 21(2)(h) of the Act is re- placed by the following: (11) any previous application made 11% subsection in relation to a person who is identi?ed in the af?davit in accordance with paragraph the date on which each such application was made, the name of the judge to whom i_t was made and the judge?s deci- sion Lit. 44. The Act is amended by adding the fol- lowing after section 21: 21.1 (1) If the Director or any employee who is designated by the Minister for the pur- pose believes on reasonable grounds that a war- rant under this section is required to enable the Service to take measures, within or outside Canada, to reduce a threat to the security of Canada, the Director or employee may, after Loi antiterroriste (2015) (2) Les mesures doivent ?tre justes et adap- tees aux circonstances, compte tenu de la na- ture de la menace et des mesures, ainsi que des solutions de rechange acceptables pour r?duire 1a menace. (3) La prise par le Service de mesures pour r?duire une menace envers la s?curit? du Canada est subordonn?e a l?obtention d?un mandat au titre de l?article 21.1 s?il s?agit de mesures qui porteront atteinte a un droit on a une libert? garantis par la Charte canadienne des droits er libert?s ou qui seront contraires a d?autres regles du droit canadien. 12.2 (1) Dans le cadre des mesures qu?il prend pour r?duire une menace envers 1a s?cu- rite du Canada, 1e Service ne peut a) causer, volontairement ou par negligence criminelle, des l?sions corporelles a an indi- vidu ou la mort de celui-ci; b) tenter volontairement de quelque maniere d?entraver, de d?tourner ou de contrecarrer 1e cours de la justice; 6) porter atteinte a l?int?grit? sexuelle d?un individu. (2) Au paragraphe (1), ?lesions corporelles s?entend au sens de l?article 2 du Code criminel. 43. L?alin?a 21(2)h) de la meme loi est remplac? par ce qui suit h) 1a mention des demandes ant?rieures sent?es au titre du paragraphe (1) touchant des personnes vise?es a 1?aline?a 1a date de chacune de ces demandes, 1e nom du juge a qui elles ont pr?sente?es et la decision de celui-ci dans chaque cas. 44. La meme loi est modi??e par adjonc- tion, apr?s l?article 21, de ce qui suit: 21.1 (1) Le directeur ou un employ? d?si- gn? a cette ?n par le ministre peut, apres avoir obtenu l?approbation du ministre, demander a un juge de d?cerner un mandat en conformit? avec le present article s?il a des motifs raison- nables de croire que le mandat est ne'cessaire pour perrnettre au Service de prendre, au 49 Limites Mandat Interdictions De?nition de a l?sions corporelles Demande de mandat mesures pour r?duire les menaces envers la s?curit? du Canada 50 Matters to be speci?ed in application Issuance of warrant Anti-terrorism, 2015 having obtained the Minister?s approval, make an application in accordance with subsection (2) to a judge for a warrant under this section. (2) An application to a judge under subsec- tion (1) shall be made in writing and be accom- panied by the applicant?s af?davit deposing to the following matters: the facts relied on to justify the belief on reasonable grounds that a warrant under this section is required to enable the Service to take measures to reduce a threat to the secu- rity of Canada; the measures proposed to be taken; (0) the reasonableness and proportionality, in the circumstances, of the proposed mea- sures, having regard to the nature of the threat, the nature of the measures and the reasonable availability of other means to re? duce the threat; the identity of the persons, if known, who are directly affected by the proposed measures; the persons or classes of persons to whom the warrant is proposed to be directed; a general description of the place where the warrant is proposed to be executed, if a general description of that place can be giv- en; the period, not exceeding 60 days or 120 days, as the case may be, for which the war- rant is requested to be in force that is appli- cable by virtue of subsection and any previous application made under subsection (1) in relation to a person who is identi?ed in the af?davit in accordance with paragraph the date on which each such application was made, the name of the judge to whom it was made and the judge?s deci- sion on it. (3) Despite any other law but subject to the Statistics Act, if the judge to whom an applica~ tion under subsection (1) is made is satis?ed of the matters referred to in paragraphs and that are set out in the af?davit accompany- ing the application, the judge may issue a war- Canada ou a l?ext?rieur du Canada, des me- sures pour r?duire une menace envers la s?curi- t? du Canada. (2) La demande est pr?sent?e par ?crit et ac- compagnee de l?af?davit du demandeur portant sur les points suivants a) les faits sur lesquels 1e demandeur s?ap- puie pour avoir des motifs raisonnablcs de croire que le mandat est n?cessaire pour per- mettre au Service de prendre des mesures pour r?duire une menace envers la s?curit? du Canada; b) les mesures envisag?es; 0) le fait que les mesures envisag?es sont justes ct adapt?es aux circonstances, compte tenu de la nature de la menace et des me- sures, ainsi que des solutions de rechange ac- ceptables pour r?duire la menace; d) l?identite des personnes qui sont touch?es directement par les mesures envisag?es, si elle est connue; e) les personnes ou categories de personnes destinataires du mandat demand?; j) si possible, une description g?n?rale du lieu ou le mandat demand? est a ex?cuter; g) la dur?e de validit? applicable en vertu du paragraphe (6), de soixante jours ou de cent vingt jours au maximum, selon 1e cas, de- mand?e pour le mandat; h) 1a mention des demandes ant?rieures pr?- sent?es au titre du paragraphe (1) touchant des personnes vis?es a l?aline?a 1a date de ch?acune de ces demandes, le nom du juge a qui elles ont pr?sent?es et la decision de celui-ci dans chaque cas. (3) Par derogation a toute autrc regle de droit mais sous reserve de la Loi sur la statis- tique, le juge a qui est pr?sent?e 1a demande vi- s?e au paragraphe (1) peut d?cerner le mandat s?il est convaincu de l?existence des faits qui sont mentionn?s aux alin?as etc) et e?non- 62?63 ELIZ. II Contenu de la demande D?livrance du mandat 2013-2014-20 15 Measures taken outside Canada Matters to be speci?ed in warrant Maximum duration of warrant rant authorizing the persons to whom it is di? rected to take the measures speci?ed in it and, for that purpose, to enter any place or open or obtain ac- cess to any thing; to search for, remove or return, or exam- ine, take extracts from or make copies of or record in any other manner the information, record, document or thing; (0) to install, maintain or remove any thing; or to do any other thing that is reasonably necessary to take those measures. (4) Without regard to any other law, includ- ing that of any foreign state, a judge may, in a warrant issued under subsection (3), authorize the measures speci?ed in it to be taken outside Canada. (5) There shall be speci?ed in a warrant is- sued under subsection (3) the measures authorized to be taken; the identity of the persons, if known, who are directly affected by the measures; (6) the persons or classes of persons to whom the warrant is directed; a general description of the place where the warrant may be executed, if a general de? scription of that place can be given; the period for which the warrant is in force; and any terms and conditions that the judge considers advisable in the public interest. (6) A warrant shall not be issued under sub- section (3) for a period exceeding 60 days if the warrant is issued to enable the Service to take measures to reduce a threat to the security of Canada within the meaning of paragraph of the de?nition ?threats to the security of Canada? in section 2; or Loi antiterroriste (2015) c?s dans l?af?davit qui accompagne la de? mande; le mandat autorise ses destinataires a prendre les mesures qui sont indiqu?es. cette il peut autoriser aussi, de leur part a) l?acces a un lieu ou un objet ou l?ouver- ture d?un objet; la recherche, l?enl?vement ou la remise en place de tout document on objet, leur exa- men, 1e pr?levement des informations qui s?y trouvent, ainsi que leur enregistrement et l??tablissement de copies ou d?extraits par tout proc?d?; c) l?installation, l?entretien et l?enlevement d?objets; d) les autres actes n?cessaires dans les cir? constances a la prise des mesures. (4) Sans ?gard a toute autre regle de droit, notamment 1e droit de tout Etat ?tranger, le juge peut autoriser la prise a l?ext?rieur du Canada des mesures indiqu?es clans 1e mandat d?cerne? en vertu du paragraphe (3). (5) Le mandat d?cern? en vertu du para- graphe (3) porte les indications suivantes: I a) les mesures autoris?es; b) l?identit? des personnes qui sont touch?es directement par les mesures, si elle est connue; c) les personnes ou categories de personnes destinataires du mandat; d) si possible, une description g?n?rale du lieu le mandat peut ?tre execute; I e) la dur?e de validit? du mandat; f) les conditions que le juge estime indi- qu?es dans l?int?r?t public. (6) Il ne peut ?tre d?ceme' de mandat en ver? tu du paragraphe (3) que pour une p?riode maximale: a) de soixante jOurs, lorsque 1e mandat est d?cern? pour perrnettre au Service de prendre des mesures pour re?duire une me? nace envers la s?curit? du Canada au sens de l?alin?a d) de la de?nition de tellesmenaces a l?article 2; 51 Mesures a l?ext?rieur du Canada Contenu du mandat Dure?e maximale 52 Renewal of warrant 7 measures to reduce threats to the security of Canada Limits on renewal Limits on execution of warrant Assistance order Anti-terrorism, 2015 I 120 days in any other case. 45. Section 23 of the Act is replaced by the following: 22.1 (1) On application in writing to a judge for the renewal of a warrant issued under sub- section 21.1(3) made by a person who is enti- tled, after having obtained the Minister?s ap- proval, to apply for such a warrant and who believes on reasonable grounds that the warrant continues to be required to enable the Service to take the measures speci?ed in it to reduce a threat to the security of Canada, the judge may renew the warrant if the judge is satis?ed by evidence on oath of the following matters: the facts relied on to justify the belief on reasonable grounds that the warrant contin- ues to be required to enable the Service to take the measures speci?ed in it to reduce a threat to the security of Canada; and the continued reasonableness and pro- portionality, in the circumstances, of the measures speci?ed in the warrant, having re? gard to the nature of the threat, the nature of the measures and the reasonable availability of other means to reduce the threat. (2) A warrant issued under subsection 21.1(3) may be renewed only twice, with each renewal being for a period not exceeding the period for which it may be issued under subsec- tion 22.2 A person to whom w? or a person who is included in a class of persons to whom a warrant issued under section 21.1 is directed may take the measures speci?ed in it only if, at the time that they take them, they believe on reasonable grounds that the measures are rea- sonable and proportional in the circumstances, having regard to the nature of the threat to the security of Canada, the nature of the measures and the reasonable availability of other means to reduce the threat. 22.3 (1) A judge may order any person to provide assistance if the person?s assistance may reasonably be considered to be required to I de cent vingt jours, dans tout autre cas. 45. L?article 23 de la m?me loi est templa- c? par ce qui suit: 22.1 (1) Sur la demande ?crite, approuv?e par le ministre, que lui en fait une personne qui est habilit?e a demander 1e mandat vis? au pa- ragraphs 21.1(3) et qui a des motifs raison? nables de croire que le mandat reste n?cessaire pour permettre au Service de prendre les me- sures qui sont indiqu?es pour r?duire une me- nace envers la s?curit? du Canada, 1e juge peut renouveler 1e mandat, s?il est convaincu par le dossier qui lui est pr?sent? sous serment, a la fois: a) de l?existence des faits sur lesquels le de- mandeur s?appuie pour avoir des motifs rai- sonnables de croire que le mandat reste cessaire pour permettre au Service de prendre les mesures qui sont indiqu?es pour re?duire une menace envers la s?curit? du Canada; b) du fait que les mesures indique?es dans le mandat demeurent justes et adapt?es aux cir- constances, compte tenu de la nature de la menace et des mesures, ainsi que des solu- tions de rechange acceptables pour r?duire la menace. (2) Le mandat peut ?tre renouvel? au plus deux fois et, chaque fois, pour une p?riode n?exc?dant pas celle pour laquelle i1 peut ?tre d?cem? en vertu du paragraphe 22.2 Le destinataire qu?il 1e soit a titre in- dividuel ou au titre de son appartenance a une cat?gorie donn?e du mandat d?cern? en ver- tu de l?article 21.1 ne peut prendre les mesures autoris?es par le mandat que s?il a des motifs raisonnables de croire qu?elles sont, au moment de leur prise, justes et adapt?es aux circons- tances, compte tenu de la nature de la menace envers la s?curit? du Canada et des mesures, ainsi que des solutions de rechange acceptables pour r?duire la menace. 22.3 (1) Le juge peut ordonner a toute per- sonne de pr?ter son assistance si celle-Ci peut raisonnablement ?tre jug?e necessaire a l?ex?- 62-63 ELIZ. I I Renouvellement mesures pour r?duire les menaces envers la s?curit? du Canada Limites Limite impos?e au destinataire du mandat Ordonnance d?assistance 2013?2014-20 15 Con?dentiality Warrant authorizing removal Matters to be speci?ed in warrant Authorization to request assistance Person giving assistance give effect to a warrant issued under section 21 or 21.1. (2) The judge may include in the order any measure that the judge considers necessary in the public interest to ensure the con?dentiality of the order, including the identity of any per- son who is required to provide assistance under the order and any other information concerning the provision of the assistance. 23. (1) 0n application in writing by the Di- rector or any employee who is designated by the Minister for the purpose, a judge may, if the judge thinks issue a warrant authorizing the persons to whom the warrant is directed to re- move from any place any thing installed cordance with a warrant issued under subsec- tion 21(3) or 21.1(3) and, for that purpose, to enter any place or open or obtain access to any thing. (2) There shall be speci?ed in a warrant is- sued under subsection (1) the matters referred to in paragraphs 21(4)(c) to or to m, as the case may be. 46. The Act is amended by adding the fol- lowing after section 24: 24.1 (1) A person to whom or a person who is included in a class of persons to whom a warrant issued under section 21.1 is direct- ed may request that another person assist them in taking any measure that the requester is au- thorized to take under the warrant if the re- quester believes on reasonable grounds that the measure is reasonable and proportional in the circumstances, having regard to the nature of the threat to the security of Canada, the nature of the measure and the reasonable availability of other means to reduce the threat. (2) A person to whom a request is made un- der subsection (1) is justi?ed in assisting the re- quester in taking the measure if the person be- lieves on reasonable grounds that the requester has the authority to take the measure. 47. Paragraph 25(a) of the Act is replaced by the following: the use or disclosure in accordance with this Act of any communication intercepted Loi antiterroriste (2015) cution d?un mandat d?cem? en vertu des ar- ticles 21 on 21.1. (2) Le juge peut pr?voir dans l?ordonnance toute mesure qu?il estime n?cessaire dans l?in? te'r?t public a?n de garantir la confidentialit? de l?ordonnance, notamment la con?dentialit? dc l?identit? des personnes tenues de pr?ter assis- tance aux termes de l?ordonnance et de toute autre information concernant cette assistance. 23. Sur la demande ?crite que lui en fait le directeur ou un employe? de?sign? a cette ?n par le ministre, le juge peut, s?il l?estime indi? que, d?cerner un mandat autorisant ses destina- taires a enlever un objet d?un lieu on i1 avait e?t? install? en conformit? avec un mandat d?ceme en vertu des paragraphes 21(3) ou 211(3). A cette 1e mandat peut autoriser, de leur part, l?acces a un lieu en un objet ou l?ouverture d?un objet. (2) Le mandat d?cern? en vertu du para- graphe porte les indications mentionn?es aux alin?as 21(4)c) 21/) ou a1), selon 1e cas. 46. La m?me loi est modi??e par adjonc- tion, apr?s l?article 24, de ce qui suit 24.1 (1) Le destinataire qu?il 1e soit a titre individuel on an titre de son appartenance a une cat?gorie donne?e du mandat de'cern? en vertu de l?article 21.1 peut demander a toute personne de lui pr?ter assistance pour lui per- mettre de prendre 1a mesure autoris?e par le mandat, s?il a des motifs raisonnables de croire que la mesure est juste et adapt?e aux circons- tances, compte tenu de la nature de la menace envers la s?curit? du Canada et de la mesure, ainsi que des solutions de rechange acceptables pour re'duire la menace. (2) La personne vis?e par la demande est justi??e de pr?ter assistance a l?auteur de la de- mande pour lui perrnettre de prendre la mesure si elle a des motifs raisonnables de croire qu?il est autoris? a la prendre. 47. L?alin?a 25a) de la m?me loi est rem- plac? par ce qui suit a) de l?utilisation ou de la revelation faite en conformit? avec la pr?sente loi d?une com- 53 Con?dentialit? Mandat d'enlevement de certains objets Contenu du mandat Demande d'assistance Personae pr?tant assistance 54 Exclusion of Part VI of Criminal Code Hearing of applications Review of measures Additional information Anti-terrorism, 2015 under the authority of a warrant issued under section 21 or21.1; or 48. Sections 26 and 27 of the Act are re- placed by the following: 26. Part VI of the Criminal Code does not apply in relation to any interception of a com- munication under the authority of a warrant is- sued under section 21 or 21.1 or in relation to any communication so intercepted. 27. An application under section 21, 21.1 or 23 for a warrant, an application under section munication dont l?interception a autoris?e par un mandat d?cern? en vertu des articles 21 ou 21.1; 48. Les articles 26 et 27 de la meme loi sont remplac?s par ce qui suit: 26. La partie VI du Code criminel ne s?ap- plique pas a une interception de communication autoris?e par un mandat d?cern? en vertu gigs articles 21 ou 21.1 ni a la communication elle- m?me. 27. Une demande de mandat faite en vertu des articles 21, 21.1 on 23, de renouvellement 22 or 22.1 for the renewal of a warrant application for an order under section 22.3 shall be heard in private in accordance with regula? tions made under section 28. 49. Paragraphs 28(a) and of the Act are replaced by the following: prescribing the forms of warrants that may be issued under section 21, 21.1 or 23; governing the practice and procedure of, and security requirements applicable to, hearings of applications for those warrants, for renewals of those warrants and for orders that may be made under section 22.3; and 50. Section 38 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (1): (1.1) In reviewing the performance by the Service of its duties and functions the Review Committee shall, each ?scal year, review at least one aspect of the Service?s performance in taking measures to reduce threats to the securi- ty of Canada. 51. Section 53 of the Act is renumbered as subsection 53(1) and is amended by adding the following: (2) In addition, the report shall specify the number of warrants issued under section 21.1 in the ?scal year and the number of applica- tions for warrants made under that section that were refused in that year. de mandat faite en vertu des articles 22 ou a on d?ordonnance pre?sent?e au titre de l?article est entendue a huis clos en conformit? avec les reglements d?application de i?article 28. 49. Les alin?as 28a) et de la m?me loi sont remplac?s par ce qui suit: a) determiner la forme des mandats d?cern?s en vertu des articles 21, 21.1 ou 23; b) r?gir la pratique et la procedure, ainsi que les conditions de s?curit?, applicables a l?au- dition des demandes de mandat ou de renou- veliement de mandat on a celle des de- mandes d?ordonnance pre?sent?es au titre de l?article 22.3; 50. L?article 38 de la m?me loi est modifi? par adjonction, apr?s le paragraphe (1), de ce qui suit: (1.1) Dans le cadre de la surveillance de la facon dont le Service exerce ses fonctions, le cornit? de surveillance examine a chaque exer- cice au moins un aspect de la prise, par le Ser- vice, de mesures pour r?duire les menaces en- vers la s?curit? du Canada. 51. L?article 53 de la meme loi devient le paragraphe 53(1) et est modifi? par adjonc? tion de ce qui suit: (2) Le rapport precise, pour i?exercice vis?, le nombre de mandats d?cern?s en vertu de l?article 21.1 et le nombre de demandes de mandat pr?sent?es au titre de cet article qui ont rejet?es. 62-63 II Non-application de la partie VI du Code criminel Audition des demandes Examen des mesures lnformations supple?mentaires 2013-2014-20 15 2001, c. 27 Application for judicial review Filing of evidence and summary Effect of referral PART 5 IMMIGRATION AND REFUGEE PROTECTION ACT AMENDMENTS TO THE ACT 52. Subsection 72(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act is replaced by the following: 72. (1) Judicial review by the Federal Court with respect to any matter a decision, deter- mination or order made, a measure taken or a question raised under this Act is, subject to section 86.1, commenced by making an appli- cation for leave to the Court. 53. Paragraph 74(d) of the Act is replaced by the following: subject to section 87.01, an appeal to the Federal Court of Appeal may be made only if, in rendering judgment, the judge certi?es that a serious question of general importance is involved and states the question. 54. Subsections 77(2) and (3) of the Act are replaced by the following: (2) When the certi?cate is referred, the Min- ister shall ?le with the Court the information and other evidence that is relevant to the ground of inadmissibility stated in the certi?- Loi antiterroriste (2015) PARTIE 5 SUR LA PROTECTION DES REFUGIES MODIFICATION DE LA 52. Le paragraphe 72(1) de la Loi sur l?immigratt'on et la protection des refugi?s est remplac? par ce qui suit 72. (1) Le contr?le judiciaire par la Cour fe- d?rale de toute mesure decision, ordon- nance, question ou affaire prise dans le cadre de la pre?sente loi est, sous reserve de l?ar? ticle 86.1, subordonn? au depot d?une demande d?autorisation. 53. L?alin?a 74d) de la meme loi est rem- plac? par ce qui suit: sous reserve de l?article 87.01, 1e juge- ment cons?cutif au judiciaire n?est susceptible d?appel en Cour d?appel f?de?rale que si le juge certi?e que l?affaire souleve one question grave de port?e g?n?rale et ?nonce celle-ci. 54. Les paragraphes 77(2) et (3) de la m?me loi sont remplac?s par ce qui suit (2) Le ministre d?pose en meme temps que le certi?cat les renseignements et autres ele- ments de preuve qui se rapportent a l?interdic- tion de territoire constat?e dans le certi?cat et cate and on which the certi?cate is based, gs well as a summary of information and other ev- idence that enables the person named in the certi?cate to be reasonably informed of the case made by the Minister but that does not in- clude anything that, in the Minister?s opinion, would be injurious to national security or en- danger the safety of any person if disclosed. (3) Once the certi?cate is referred, no pro- ceeding under this Act respecting the person who is named in the certi?cate other than proceedings relating to sections 2211commenced or continued until the judge determines whether the certi?cate is reasonable. 55. The Act is amended by adding the fol- lowing after section 79: justi?ant ce dernier, ainsi qu?un r?surn? de la preuve qui perrnet a la personne vis?e d??tre suf?samment infonn?e de sa these et qui ne comporte aucun element dont 1a divulgation porterait atteinte, selon 1e ministre, a la s?curit? nationale ou a la s?curit? d?autrui. (3) Il ne peut ?tre proce?d? a aucune instance visant la personne au titre de la pr?sente loi tant qu?il n?a pas statue sur le certi?cat. Ne sont pas vis?es les instances relatives aux articles m, 82 21%, 112 et115. 55. La m?me loi est modi??e par adjonc- tion, apres l?article 79, de ce qui suit: 55 2001, ch. 27 Demande d?autorisation Depot de la preuve et du r?sum? Effet du depot 56 Appeal by Minister Effects of appeal Appeal by Minister Effects of appeal Anti-terrorism, 2015 79.1 (1) Despite section 79, the Minister may, without it being necessary for the judge to certify that a serious question of general impor- tance is involved, appeal, at any stage of the proceeding, any decision made in the proceed? ing requiring the disclosure of information or other evidence if, in the Minister?s opinion, the disclosure would be injurious to national secu? rity or endanger the safety of any person. (2) The appeal suspends the execution of the decision, as well as the proceeding under sec- tion 78, until the appeal has been finally deter- mined. 56. The Act is amended by adding the fol- lowing after section 82.3: 82.31 (1) Despite section 82.3, the Minister may, without it being necessary for the judge to certify that a serious question of general impor- tance is involved, appeal, at any stage of the proceeding, any decision made in the proceed- ing requiring the disclosure of information or other evidence if, in the Minister?s opinion, the disclosure would be injurious to national secu- rity or endanger the safety of any person. (2) The appeal suspends the execution of the decision until the appeal has been ?nally deter- mined. 57. (1) Subsection 83(1) of the Act .is amended by adding the following after para- graph (6.1) on the request of the Minister, the judge may exempt the Minister from the obligation to provide the special advocate with a copy of information under paragraph if the judge is satis?ed that the in- formation does not enable the permanent res- ident or foreign national to be reasonably in- formed of the case made by the Minister; (0.2) for the purpose of deciding whether to grant an exemption under paragraph (0.1), the judge may ask the special advocate to make submissions and may communicate with the special advocate to the extent re- quired to enable the special advocate to make the submissions, if the judge is of the opinion that considerations of fairness and natural justice require it; 79.1 (1) Malgr? l?article 79, 1e ministre peut, en tout etat de cause, interjeter appel de toute decision rendue en cours d?instance et exigeant la divulgation de renseignements ou autres ?l?ments de preuve qui porterait atteinte, selon lui, a la s?curit? nationale on a la s?curit? d?autrui, sans que le juge soit tenu de certi?er que l?affaire souleve une question grave de por- t?e g?n?rale. (2) L?appel suspend l?ex?cution de la deci- sion ainsi que l?instance Vis?e a l?article 78 jus? qu?a ce qu?il soit tranche en dernier ressort. 56. La meme loi est modifi?e par adjonc? tion, apr?s l?article 82.3, de ce qui suit: 82.31 (1) Malgr? l?article 82.3, le ministre peut, en tout ?tat de cause, interjeter appel de toute decision rendue en cours d?instance et exigeant la divulgation de renseignements ou autres elements de preuve qui porterait atteinte, selon lui, a la s?curit? nationale ou a la s?curit? d?autrui, sans que le juge soit tenu de certi?er que l?affaire souleve une question grave de por? t?e g?n?raie. (2) L?appel suspend l?exe?cution de la deci? sion jusqu?a ce qu?il soit tranche en demier res? sort. 57. (1) Le paragraphe 83(1) de la m?me loi est modi?? par adjonction, apres l?alin?a de ce qui suit: 6.1) i1 peut, sur demande du ministre, exempter 1e ministre de l?obligation de four- nir une copie des renseignements a l?avocat spe?cial au titre de l?aline?a s?il est convaincu que ces renseignements ne per- mettent pas a l?int?ress? d??tre suf?samment informe' de la these du ministre; c.2) i1 peut, en vue de decider s?il exempte on non le ministre au titre de l?alin?a demander a l?avocat sp?cial de presenter ses observations et peut communiquer avec lui dans la mesure n?cessaire pour lui permettre de presenter ses observations, s?il est d?avis que les considerations d??quit? et de justice naturelle 1e requierent; 62-63 ELIZ. II Appel du ministre Effet de l?appel Appel du ministre Effet de l?appel 2013-2014-20 15 Protection of information on appeal Obligation to provide information Judicial review (2) Subsection 83(1) of the Act is amended by striking out ?and? at the end of para- graph by adding ?and? at the end of paragraph (0 and by adding the following after paragraph the judge shall not base a decision on in- formation that the Minister is exempted from providing to the special advocate, shall en- sure the con?dentiality of that information and shall return it to the Minister. 58. Section 84 of the Act is replaced by the following: 84. Section 83 other than the obligation to provide a summary and sections 85.1 to 85.5 apply in respect of an appeal under section 79, E, 82.3 or and in respect of any further appeal, with any necessary modi?ca- tions. 59. Subsection 85.4(1) of the Act is re- placed by the following: 85.4 (1) Subject to paragraph the Minister shall, within a period set by the judge, (9) provide the special advocate with a copy of th_e information and other evidence that is relevant to the case made by the Minister in a proceeding under any of sections 78 and 82 to 82.2, on which the certi?cate or warrant is based and that has been ?led with the Feder- al Court, but that is not disciosed to the per- manent resident or foreign national and their counsel; and provide the special advocate with a copy of any other information that is in the Minis- ter?s possession and that is relevant to the case made by the Minister in a proceeding under any of sections 78 and 82 to 82.2, but on which the certi?cate or warrant is not based and that has not been ?led with the Federal Court. 60. Section 87 of the Act is replaced by the following: 86.1 (1) The Minister may, at any stage of the proceeding, apply for judicial review of any decision made in a proceeding referred to in section 86 requiring the disclosure of informa- Loi antiterroriste (2015) (2) Le paragraphe 83(1) de la meme loi est modifi? par adjonction, apr?s l?alin?a de ce qui suit: k) il ne peut fonder sa decision sur les ren- seignements que le ministre n?a pas foumis a l?avocat special en raison de l?exemption et i1 lui incombe de garantir la con?dentialit? de ces renseignements et de les remettre au mi- nistre. 58. L?article 84 de la meme loi est rempla- c? par ce qui suit 84. L?article 83 sauf quant a l?obligation de foumir un resume et les articles 85.1 a 85.5 s?appliquent, avec ies adaptations neces- saires, a l?appel interjet? au titre des articles 79, M, 82.3 ou et a tout appel subsequent. 59. Le paragraphe 85.4(1) de la meme [oi est remplac? par ce qui suit: 85.4 (1) Sous reserve de l?alin?a i1 incombe au ministre de foumir a l?avocat special, dans le d?lai par le juge gl copie renseignements et autres ele- ments de preuve qui se rapportent a sa these a l??gard d?une instance vis?e a l?un des ar- ticles 78 et 82 a 82.2, qui justi?ent 1e certi?- cat ou le mandat et qui ont d?pos?s au- pr?s de la Cour f?d?rale, mais qui n?ont ?te? communique's ni a l?int?ress? ni a son conseil; b) copie des autres renseignements en sa possession qui se rapportent a sa these a i??gard d?une instance Vis?e Fun des ar- ticles 78 et 82 a 82.2, mais qui ne justi?ent pas ie certi?cat ou le mandat et qui n?ont pas d?pos?s aupres de la Cour federale. 60. L?article 87 de la meme loi est rempla- c? par ce qui suit 86.] (1) Le ministre peut, en tout ?tat de cause, demander 1e controle judiciaire de toute decision rendue au cours d?une instance vis?e a l?article 86 et exigeant 1a divulgation de rensei- 57 Protection des renseignements a l?appel Obligation de communication Controle judiciaire 58 Effects of judicial review Application for non?disclosure judicial review and appeal Appeal by Minister Effects of appeal Cases excluded from application of this Part Anti-terrorism, 2015 tion or other evidence if, in the Minister?s opin- ion, the disclosure would be injurious to nation- al security or endanger the safety of any person. The application may be made without an appli- cation for leave. (2) The making of the application suspends the execution of the decision and, except in the case of a detention review, the proceeding re? ferred to in section 86, until the application has been ?nally determined. 87. The Minister may, during a judicial re- view, apply for the non-disclosure of informa- tion or other evidence. Section 83 other than the obligations to appoint a special advocate and to provide a summary applies in respect o_f the proceeding and in respect of any appeal gnements ou autres elements de preuve qui por- terait atteinte, selon lui, a la s?curit? nationale ou a la s?curit? d?autrui. Sa demande n?est pas subordonn?e au depot d?une demande d?autori? sation. (2) La demande de controle judiciaire sus- pend l?ex?cution de la d?cision et, sauf dans le cas du controle de la detention, de l?instance en cause, jusqu?a ce qu?il soit statue en demier ressort sur la question. 87. Le ministre peut, dans le cadre d?un controle judiciaire, demander l?interdiction de la divulgation de renseignements et autres ele- ments de preuve. L?article 83 s?applique a l?instance et a tout appel de toute decision ren- due au cours de l?instance, avec les adaptations of a decision made in the proceeding, with any necessary modi?cations. 87.01 (1) The Minister may, without it be- ing necessary for the judge to certify that a seri- ous question of general importance is involved, appeal, at any stage of the proceeding, to the Federal Court of Appeal any decision made in a judicial review requiring the disclosure of in- formation or other evidence if, in the Minister?s opinion, the disclosure would be injurious to national security or endanger the safety of any person. (2) The appeal suspends the execution of the decision, as well as the judicial review, until the appeal has been ?nally determined. TRANSITIONAL PROVISION 61. The amendments made by this Part do not apply in respect of an application, proceeding or matter that is pending or in progress under Division 9 of Part 1 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act im- mediately before the coming into force of this Part, or in respect of any appeal or judi? cial review, commenced on or after that coming into force, of a decision made in such an application, proceeding or matter. n?cessaires, sauf quant a l?obligation de nom- mer un avocat special et de fournir un resume. 87.01 (1) Le ministre peut, en tout e'tat de cause, interjeter appel en Cour d?appel f?d?rale de toute decision rendue au cours du controle judiciaire et exigeant la divulgation de rensei- gnements ou autres elements de preuve qui por- terait atteinte, selon lui, a la s?curit? nationale ou a la s?curit? d?autrui, sans que le juge soit tenu de certi?er que l?affaire souleve une ques- tion grave de port?e g?ne?rale. (2) L?appel suspend l?ex?cution de la deci? sion, ainsi que le controle judiciaire, jusqu?a ce qu?il soit tranche en dernier ressort. DISPOSITION TRANSITOIRE 61. Les modifications apport?es par la pr?sente partie ne s?appliquent pas aux de- mandes et instances pr?sent?es ou instruites au titre de la section 9 de la partie 1 de la Loi sur l?immigration et la protection des refugie?s ni aux autres questions soulev?es au titre de cette section avant la date d?entr?e en vi- gueur de la pr?sente partie et pour lesquelles aucune decision n?a prise avant eette date, ni aux appels interjet?s ou aux controles judiciaires engages a eette date ou apr?s celle-ci et portant sur une d?cision ren- due dans le cadre de telles demandes, ins- tances on questions. 62-63 ELIZ. II Effet du contr?le judiciaire Interdiction de divulgation contr?le judiciaire et appel Appel du ministre Effet de l?appel Cas exclus de l?application de la pr?sente panic 2013-2014-20 15 Order in council be Loi antiterroriste (2015) COMING INTO FORCE ENTREE EN VIGUEUR 62. This Part comes into force on a day to ?xed by order of the Governor in Coun- 62. La pr?sente partie entre en vigueur 2?1 la date ?x?e par d?cret. cil. D?cret 59 60 Anti-terrorism, 2015 Schedule 62-63 ELIZ. II SCHEDULE ANNEXE (Section 2) (article 2) SCHEDULE 1 ANNEXE 1 (Section 2 and subsection 10(2)) (article 2 e! paragraphe 10(2)) EXCLUDED INSTITUTIONS INSTITUTIONS EXCLUES 2013?2014-20 Loi antiterroriste (2015) Annexe 61 15 SCHEDULE 2 ANNEXE 2 (Section 2 and subsection 10(2)) (article 2 et paragraphe 10(2)) ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS INSTITUTIONS SUPPLEMENTAIRES Of?ce of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner Bureau du commissaire du Centre de la s?curit? des telecommunica- Bureau a'u commissaire du Centre de la s?curit? des t?le'communi- tions cations Of?ce of the Communications Security Establishment Commission- 81? 62 Anti-terrorism, 2015 Schedule 62?63 ELIZ. II ANNEXE 3 (paragraphes 5 (1) et 10(3)) SCHEDULE 3 (Subsections 5 (1) and 10(3)) RECIPIENT GOVERNMENT OF CANADA INSTITUTIONS AND INSTITUTIONS FEDERALES DESTINATAIRES ET LEURS THEIR HEADS RESPONSABLES Column 1 Column 2 Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Recipient Institution Head Institution destinataire Responsable Canada Border Services Agency A gence des services frontaliers du Canada Canada Revenue Agency Agence du revenu du Canada Canadian Armed Forces Forces arme'es canadiennes Canadian Food Inspection Agency Agence canadienne ?inspection des aliments Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Commission canadienne de surete' nucle'aire Canadian Security Intelligence Service Service canadien du renseignement de s?curit? Communications Security Establishment Centre de la s?curit? des telecommunications Department of Citizenship and Immigration Ministere de la Citoyennet? et de 'lmmigration Department of Finance Ministe?re des Finances Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Ministere des A ffaires ?trang?res, du Commerce et du D?veloppement Department of Health Ministere de la Sant? Department of National Defence Mnistere de la Defense nationale Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Minist?re de la S?curit? publique et de la Protection civile Department of Transport Ministere des Transports Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada Centre ?analyse des operations et d?clarations?nancieres du Canada Public Health Agency of Canada Agence de la sant? publique du Canada Royal Canadian Mounted Police Gendarmerie royale du Canada President of the Canada Border Services Agency Commissioner of Revenue Chief ofthe Defence Staff President of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency President of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Chief of the Communications Security Establishment Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Minister of Finance Minister of Foreign Affairs Minister of Health Minister of National Defence Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Minister of Transport Director of the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada Chief Public Health Of?cer Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Agence canadienne d?inspection des aliments Canadian and Inspection Agency Agence de la sant? publique du Canada Public Health Agency of Canada Agence des services frontaliers du Canada Canada Border Services Agency Agence du revenu du Canada Canada Revenue Agency Centre d?analyse des operations et declarations ?nancieres du Canada Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada Centre de la s?curit? des telecommunications Communications Security Establishment Commission canadienne de s?ret? nucl?aire Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Forces arm?es canadiennes Canadian Armed Forces Gendarmerie royale du Canada Royal Canadian Mounted Police Ministere de la Citoyennet? et de l?Immigration Department of Citizenship and Immigration Ministere de la Defense nationale Department of National Defence Ministere de la Sant? Department of Health Ministere de la S?curit? publique et de la Protection civile Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Ministere des Affaires ?trangeres, du Commerce et du D?veloppement Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Minist?re des Finances Department of Finance Ministere des Transports Department of Transport Service canadien du renseignement de s?curit? Canadian Security Intelligence Service Le president de l?Agence canadienne d?inspection des aliments L?administrateur en chef de la sant? publique Le president de l?Agence des services frontaliers du Canada Le commissaire du revenu Le directeur du Centre d?analyse des operations et declarations financieres du Canada Le chef du Centre de la s?curit? des telecommunications Le president de la Commission canadienne de s?ret? nucl?aire Le chef d??tat-major de la d?fense Le commissaire de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada Le ministre de la Citoyennet? et de l?Immigration Le ministre de la Defense nationaie Le ministre de la Sant? Le ministre de la S?curit? publique et de la Protection civile Le ministre des Affaires ?trangeres Le ministre des Finances Le ministre des Transports Le directeur du Service canadien du renseignement de s?curit?