Invoice . ACADEMECQEARCH STREET, NW 105 WASHINGTON, Dc 200% PHONE: 4049 FAX BEER University of Louisville University Provost Of?ce . . i 2301 3. Third Street ?a 3 mm" Louisville, KY 40292 ?an/20:4 4277: Due Date 30295 413052214 Essay-?96m: Amount installment #l - Vice Pre?idem for Strategy and General Counsel Search I 21.h??.it? PSC 12-056 i 1 Tom: 521.666.67 ACADEMIC SEARCH. INC Make checks payab?e to Academic Search. Inc. Efyou have any questions. please cont-ac: Eric Smith at! (202?; 332-4049 TAX ED #30-51?10646 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACT INVOICE FORM GOVERNMENT CONTRACT REVIEW COMMITTEE I LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH COMMISSION Pursuant to KRS 45A.695, no payment shall he made on any Eersonsl ervice contract unless the individual, ?rm, partnership, or corporation awarded the personal service contract submits its htvoice for payment on a form established by the committee. Invoices shall be submitted every ninety (90) days, unless the personal service contract speci?es a ditferent submission time period. Separate invoices shall be submitted for each distinct matter covered by the personal service contact, and shall be signed by the individual responsible for that matter The issuance of an invoice to the Commonwealth constitutes an affirmation by the individual, ?rm, partnership, or corporation awarded the personal sewice contract that the invoice truiy and accurately represents work actually performed, and the expenses actually incurred. The head of the contracting body shallapprove the invoice, indicating that the charges in the invoice re?ect the value of the work performed, and all recorded costs and disbursements were reasonably and necessarily incurred in connection with the matter invoiced. NOTE: All questions must he answered fully. Ifthe space provided is insuf?cient, additions! pages should he attached referencing the speci?cally numbered item. Any questions regarding the invoice requirements should be directed to the contracting agency. Contract Number: A 12'056 Date oquvoice: 04101!? University of Louisville Contracting Body Division, Branch, etc. 1. Name Address of Contractor: Academic Search. Inc. 1325 Stroei. NW Suite 705 Washington. on 20006 2. Contractor?s To: Ll). Number: Eli-5120546 3. Effective Period of Contract: 4. Combined Total Amount Charged in this Starting Date: 97101112 Invoice for Services and Reimbursesbie Ending Date: 06l30/14 Disbursements: 521.6665? 5. Dates of Service Covered under 6. is this the FINAL invoice this invoice: for services performed Starting Date: 04101114 under this contract: Ending Date: Yes No Page 1 of 3 7. Date of most recent invoice submitted prior to this invoice: 8. How o?en is the contractor required to submit invoices under the terms of the personal service contract: 9. Provide a description of the matter covered by this invoice: invoice factories the first of three installments associated with the Vice Presidnt for Strategy and General Counsel search. The search will launch in April 2014. it}. Provide a full description of each service provided, inciuding the date each service was performed, the name and title of each individual who worked on the matter, and the time the individual spent on the matter: See answer to 11. Provide the hourly rate for each individual working on the matter and the total charge for that individuei for each matter involved: John Hicks is the consultant ?retiring on this search. We do not bill his time on an houriy rate: however if We did it would be approximateiy $3755!th This involce ineiudes the ?rst of three search fee installments. - Provide the subject matter and recipient of any correspondence: No reimbursable expenses. Page 2 of 3 is. Providea full description of any work product produced, designating the way in which the work product is associated with the matter being invoiced. (Attorneys Billing for Legal Services: Ifyou contend that any information is subject to privilege, giease identify the privileged item, and provide sufficient information to evaluate the claim of privilege): Invoice includes the ?rst instaiiment of the search fee - includes organizing the search process. meeting with the search committee and other campus constituents to analyze Institutional needs and deveiop the position profits and advertising strategy. 14. Provide an itemized list of all disbursements to be reimbursed by the state for each matter invoiced and the total charge for that wetter: . Nona Contractor: grog-'2" Date: {It 7: Title: an? Contracting Body Approved Evng k073i Date: ?32 ff Title: @M?t - Page 3 of 3 Imoice ?Jilt- Bill To: University of Louisville i325 STREET. NW Slime ?ilS DC 23005 PHONE. (?023332-4l149 FAX {$121236 764i: my -5 2014 University Provost Of?ce . Date Invoice it 2301 S. Third Street I Louisville, KY 40292 430/2014 4329 Due Date 5f3 Description Amount Search Expenses Vic: President for Strategy and General Counsel Search Advertising - Women in Higher Education 210.00 Advertising - The Chronicle of Higher Education 295.00 Advertising - Academic Keys 195.09 Advestising Career Builder 4 l9.00 Advertising - The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education 195.00 Advertising Higher Ed Jobs 210.00 Advertising - Diverse Jobs 275.00 Advertising Association of Corporate Counsel 575.00 Advertising Job Thread - GuioHnuse ?69.00 Advertising - National Bar Assocmtion 350.0!) Advertising - Minority Corporate Counsel Association 400.00 Advertismg - 1 he learns! of Blacks in Highs: Education 1 65.?5 PSC 32-056 Total $3 339 75 ,3 SEARCH INC Make checks payable to Academic Search, Inc. ifyou have any questions, please contact Eric Smith at (202) 332-4049 lD 5120-5130646 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACT INVOICE FORM GOVERWENT CONTRACT REVIEW LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH COMMISSION Pursuant to KRS 45A.695, no ?gment shall be made on an}: personal service contract unless the individual, ?rm, partnership, or corporation awarded the personal service contract submits its invoice for payment on a form established by the committee. invoices shall be submitted every ninety (90) days, unless the personal service contract speci?es a different submission time period. Separate invoices shall be submitted for each distinct matter covered by the personal service contract, and shall be signed by the individual responsible for that matter The issuance of an invoice to the Commonwealth constitutes an a?irmation by the individual, ?rm, partnership, or corporation awarded the personal service contract that the invoice truly and accurately represents work actually performed, and the expenses actually incurred. The head of the contracting body shall approve the invoice. indicating that the charges in the invoice re?ect the value of the work performed, and all recanted costs and disbursements were reasonably and necessarily incurred in connection with the matter invoiced. NOTE: All questions must be answered fully. Ifthe space provided is insuf?cient, additional pages should be attached referencing the speci?cally numbered item; Any question regarding the invoice requirements should be directed to the contracting agency. Contract Number: 124156 Date of Invoice: 04/ 14 University of Louisville Contracting Body Division, Branch, etc. 1. Name dc Address of Contractor: Academic Search. Inc. 1825 Street, NW Suite 785 Washington. DC 20006 2. Contractor?s Tax LD. Number: ZED-5120646 3. Effective Period of Contract: 4. Combined Total Amount Charged in this Starting Date: 07101112 Invoice for Services and Reimburseabic Ending Date: 05130114 Disbursements: $3,339.75 5. Dates of Service Covered under 6. Is this the invoice this invoice: for services performed Starting Date: 04/01!? under this contract: Ending Date: 04/30f14 Yes No Page 1 of 3 Date of most recent invoice submitted prior to this invoice: 04?0" 14 8. How oi'teu is the contractor required to submit invoices under the tel-me of the personal service contract: 9. Provide a description of the matter covered by this invoice: Invoice inciudas various :1 postings associated with the Vice President for Strategy and General Counsel search. The search launched In April 2014. 10. Provide a fuii description of each service provided, including the date each service was performed, the name and title of each individual who worked on the matter, and the time the individual spent on the matter: See cnewerto 11. Provide the hourly rate for each individual working on the matter and the total charge for that individual for each matter involved: John Hicks [5 the eonsuunt working on this search. We do not blli his time on an handy rate; however ifwe old fl women be approidmetely $3751hour. However. this invoice only indudee reimbursable expenses. i2. Provide the subject matter and recipient of any correspondence: Advertising expanse. Page 2 of 3 13. Provide a full description of any work pterluct produced, designating the way in which the work product is associated with the matter being invoiced. (Attorneys Billing for Legal Services: Ifyon contend that any information is subject to privilege, please identify the privileged item. anti provide suf?cient information to evaluate the claim of privilege): Advertising expense spreading the were about the openan at the University. 14. Provide an itemized list of all disbursements to be reimbursed by the state for each matter inveieed and the total charge for that matter: All advertising expense invoices are attached. Contractor: Date: 52 1935} Title: adds/C-Co Em: syn-114 Contracting Body Approved 133.41% Date: 6 7 Title?Zzz. 15a wag/team: Page 3 of 3 invoice 1825 STREET, #05 wasumemw, [?20006 PHONE: ?202) 332.4049 FAX: {262) BilE To: University of Louisville .Provost Of?ce 2 mm invoice 2301 S. Third Street Louisville, KY 40292 6.12014 4273 Due Date 6/30/2014 Description Amount Installment #2 Vice Presid?nt for Strategy and General Counsel Search 21,666 67 Search Expenses: Advertising - inside Higher Ed 250.00 PSC 12-056 5? (5,41 Total $21,916.67 ACADEMIC SEARCH, INC. Make checks payable to Academic Search. Inc. lfyou have any ques?ons, please contact Eric Smith at (202) 3324049 TAX ID #20-5120646 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACT INVOICE FORM GOVERNMENT CONTRACT REVIEW COMMITTEE LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH COMMISSION Pursuant to KRS 45A.695, no payment shall he made on any manual gamete contract unless the individual, ?rm, partnership, or corporation awarded the personal service contract submits its invoice for payment on a form established by the committee. Invoices shall be submitted eve-t3! ninety (90) days, unless the petsonai service contract speci?es a different submission time period. Separate invoices Shall be submitted for each distinct matter covered by the personal service contract, and Shall be signed by the individual responsible for that matter The issuance of an invoice to the Commonwealth constitutes an af?rmation by the individual, ?rm, partnership, or corporation awarded the personal service contract that the invoice truly and accurately represents work actually performed. and the expenses actually incurred. The head of the contracting body snail approve the invoice, indicating that the charges in the invoice re?ect the value of the work performed. and all recorded costs and disbursements were reasonably and necessarin inclined in connection with the matter invoiced. NOTE: All questions must be answered fully. If the space provided is insuf?cient, additional pages shouid be attached referencing the specifically numbered item. Any questions regarding the invoice requirements should be directed to the contracting agency. 12-056 Contract Number: Date of Invoice: 06101114 University of Louisville Contracting Body Division, Branch, etc. 1. Home Adeiress of Contractor: AcademioSearcl-I, Inc. 1825 Street. NW Suite 7'05 Washington, DC 20006 2. Contractor?s Tax Ll). Number: 206120646 3. Effective Period of Contract: 4. Combined Total Amount Charged in this Starting Date: 07101112 Invoice for Services and Reimburscable Ending Date: 05/30/14 Disbursements: 53.33975 5. Dates of Service Covered under 6. is this the FINAL invoice this invoice: for services performed Starting Date: 05101114 under this contract: Ending Date: 06/30/14 Yes No Page 1 of 3 7. Date of most recent invoice submitted prior to this invoice: 04?30? 14 8. How often is the contractor required to submit invoices under the terms of the personal service contract: 9. Provide a description of the matter covered by this invoice: Invoice includes includes the second ofihree fee intallmanls in conjunction with the VP for Strategy and General Counsel search as welles one advertising placement. The second installment of the fee covers the cost of recnilling the candidate poet. facilitating the seiaction of and neutrat site interviews. 10. Provide a full description of each service provided, including the date each service was performed, the name and title of each individual who worked on the matter, and the time the individual spent on the matter: See answer to 11. Provide the hourly rate for each individual working on the matter and the total charge for that individual for each matter involved: John Hicks is the consultant working on this search. We do not hill his time on an handy rote; however if we did it wouio be approximately $3?5Ihour. 12. Provide the subject matter and recipient of any correspondence: Advertising expense is attached. I Page 2 of 3 13. Provide a full description of any work product produced, designating the way in which the work product is associated with the matter being invoiced. (Attorneys Billing for Legal Services: If you contend that any information is subject to privilege, please identify the privileged item. and provide suf?cient information to evaluate the claim of privilege): Invoice inductee inctodee the second of three tee installments in conjunction with the VP for Strategy and General Counsel search as well as one advertising placement. The second installment of the fee covers the cost of recruiting the candidate pool. facilitating the selection of semi-?nalists. and neutral cite Interviews. 14. l?rovicie an itemized list of all disbursements to be reimbursed by the state for each matter invoiced and the total charge for that matter: Advertising expense invoice is attached. SIGNATURES: Contractor: Date: Title: cad/CFG in 91k Contracting Body Approved cyan?4M Date: Titiaa?z?t- 2% lama?eat Page 3 of 3 Invoice ACADEMIQSEARCH 1825 STREET. Nw SUITE 705 WASHINGTON. Dczoons mous- {202)3324949 FAX: {292) 234.7644) Bili To: University of Louisville 7 University Provost Of?ce . 2301 3. Third Street Date mm Louisville, KY 40292 4279 Due Date Witt/2024 Description Amount Installment#3-Vice President?forSh?atcy and-GeneralGeunselSearchn -- - MAM ?1,666.66 PSC 12-056 (70 ?5 "1 73? Total $21,666.66 ACADEMIC SEARCH, Make checks payabie to Academic Search. Inc. if you have any questions, piease comaCt Eric Smith at (202') 332-4049 TAX ID #20-5120646 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACT INVUICE FORM GOVERNMENT CONTRACT REVIEW COMMITTEE LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH COMMISSION Pursuant to KRS 45A.695, no gument shall be made on one rsonal service contract unless the individuai, ?rm, partnership, or: corporation awarded the personal service contract submits its invoice for payment on a form established by the committee: Invoices shall be submitted every ninety (90) days, unless the personal service contract specifies a di?erent submission time period. - Separate invoices shall be submitted for each distinct matter covered by the personal service contran and she? be signed by the individual rcsponsibie for that matter The issuance of an invoice to the Commonwealth constitutes an af?rmation by the individual, firm, partnership, or corporation awarded the personal service contract that the invoice truly and accurately represents work actualiy performed, and the expenses actually incurred. The head of the contracting body shaii approve the invoice, indicating that the charges in the invoice re?ect the value of the work perfonned, and 311 recorded cents and disbursements were reasonably and necessarily incurred in connection with the matter invoiced. NOTE: All questions must: be answered fully. If the space provided is insuf?cient, additional pages shouid be attached referencing the speci?cs:in numbered item. Any questions regarding the invoice requirements should he directed to the contracting agency. Contract Number: 12055 Date of Invoice: 06? m4 University of Louisville - Contracting Body Division, Branch, etc. I. Name Address of Contractor: Academic Search, inc. 1826 Streets NW Stilte 7?05 Washington. DC 20006 2. Contractor?s Tax ED. Number: 205120645 3. Effective Period of Contract: 4. Combined Totai Amount Charged in this Starting Date: 97101112 invoice for Services and Reimburseahie Ending Date: sates/14 Disbursements: 521555-55 5. Dates of Service Covered under 6. is this the FINAL invoice this invoice: for services performed Starting Date: 06I01104 under this contract: Ending Date: cue/301m Yes No Page i of 3 05101514 27. Date of most recent invoice submitted prior to this invoice: 8. How often is the contractor required to submit invoices under the terms of the personal service contract: Mommy 9. Provide a description of the matter covered by this invoice: invoice inctudes the {hire and ?nal installment of the search fee mnjunctm the Vice President for Strategy and General Counsei search The third metaiiment covers the neutrai Site Interviews. selection of ?nalists; and facilitation ofthe appointment. 10. Provide a fun description of each service provided, including the date each service was performed; the name and title of each individuai who worked on the matter. and the time the individual Spent on the matter: See answer to #9 11. Provide the hourly rate for each individual working on the matter and the total charge for that indivi?uai for each matter involved: John Hioizs ii the consultant working on this search. We do not hit! his time on an hourty rate; however if we it would be approximater $375fhour 12. Provide the subject matter and recipient of any correspondence: instailmem includes oniy the professionai tee - no correspondence. Page 2 of 3 13. Provide a fuli description of any work product produced, ?esignating the way in which the work product is associated with the matter being invoiced. (Attorneys Billing for Legs! Services: if you contend that any information is subject to privilege, please itientify the privileged item, and provide suf?cient information to evaluate the claim of privilege): Invoice :ndudes the third and ?nal installment of the Search fee in with the Vuze President for Strategy and Genera: Counsa: search The third installment covers the neutral s?e intannews, selection 01' ?nalists. and facilitation of the appointment 14. Provide an itemized list of ail disbursements to be reimbursed by the state for each matter invoice? and the total charge for that matter: None SIGNA TURES: Contractor: Date: 5/ 52:91? Title: Co Ca chi/CFO Contracting Body Approved by: fig?:- Bate: 7/1' :3 Tate: 5 [mam Page 3 of 3