PgnnrylvaniaD€pertneniofEnviionnontalProtection Confi danti. I lnvedigetion Report CTS00ll1 Pag. I of I Cotnpl.ini lnlormEtlon EP DOGO NCDO Dsh Off Complnt ld: 293769 Related Comptnt Municipalily: Franklin To$nship Enterld By: RUIH E PRIESIER Source: Email Det Recelvod: 1211012012 County: td: None Bradtb.d Confidentiat(y/N): y ER Rola!.d (y/N): Acknowledged: Dat6 N - Afrer HouBtnd (y/N): N Slte Localion: Name: Hom6 Phone: N.m.: AddTESS Cohpany - Work Phon.: 40F93$4073 CIIESAPEAKE APPALAfiIA LLC (AKA CHESAPEAKE ENERGY) PO BOX 18496 Mobllo oKLAHor\.{A cmv, oK 73154{496 Phono: P.rmld: Municipality: County: ReaDonse lnforms0on - Exe - Od Of State 2 Oil & Gas Water Supply 1210/2012 1224t2012 OP EN _S OU RC E Priority: Prcgram: Complaint V. 1. 1 Abbrv. Description: water is muddy Long Doscriptlon: Complainanl all€es his water u/ell has be€n muddy for t\ /o weeks now and belie\es il to be caused fom pipeline acti\ity Type: Date Resp Aldgn€d: Dats Respon$ Du.: Oats Fird R6sFom.: 121112012 Dat Resolvod: 12122012 Date Reterr€d: Ref.ned To: Comtnents lnsp€ctor: Sup6rvi!o.: BRENDON G LOGAN JEREMY R DANIEL lnvgEiqation lniorm€tion Alsigned: 1i,12/2012 lnepec{or: ERENDON G LOGAN .FACTS lnspection ld: Date lnvesln lnveEtigation Oe3.ription: Dat lnvestigated: Viotadon(y/M): - Typ€: Site Visit No lnwdtgation 295989 Talked to complainant about pipetine ROW behind home. Also discussed how Department could not determine the source ofthe complainant,s muddy water. There's no law which addresses wator complaints and pipeline actiity. Complaint closed. No further department in\ol\€ment. * End of Report ld: *