cTs00111 Pennqlvania Departnent of Environm€nt l Prctection confi dentia I lnwdgation RePorl Paoe 1 ol2 Compl.int lnformation koff complnl ld: Municlpality: Eniered By: Sourc€: Daie Received: Abbrv. Descrlption: Long Description: 289638 Site Location: -IIE NaIn€: Home Phone: Company Nams: ,ddress. F6nklin Relat d Complni T, County: p ld: Bradftrd RUIN E PRIES]ER confdential(Y/N): Email 092112012 water w€ll acqtiircd sedimentation ER Related Cory\plainanl None Yes (Y/N): N Dale Acknowledged: - Afrer HouElnd (Y/N): N all€es aound 3 months ago, his water well acquied sedirn€ntation. Dudng the site lisit the water appeared to be \ery clear and sedimenl free, ll was recommended to the prcperty owner to install an inline sediment filter and ha\e a certified water e/ell ddller inspect the system Resoondblo Partv lnformation ERIC IIASKINS V. 1. 1 EP DOGO NCDO Ert - work Phone: 570{88€564 CHESAPEAKE APPALACHIA 101 NORTH MAIN STREET TOWANDA, PA 18848 Mobilo Phone: Permit#: County: Municipality: - Bradford Priorig: OP EN _S OU RC E Resoonse lnformation Program: Complaint Typei Date Re.p Asdgnod: 2 Oil & Gas Water Supply 0512112012 Oate R€6pon3€ Oue: 06t0/.tmI2 Date First Responsei Dals Resolved: o5/29t2012 05/3U2412 Dale Referred: Referred To: Commenta: lnlpector: "*a"-" o aooo" Supervlsor: JEREMY R DANIEL lnvediqallon lntormation Date lnvestn Asslgned: lnspeclor: eFACls lnspeqtion ld: lnvesli gation Oescription: 05t29t2012 BRENDON G LOGAN Oate lnwstigar€d: Violation(Y/N): lnvestigationld: 05/29/2012 Type: Sile Visit No 290056 A[i\€d at complainant's home @ 09i35. Waler no longer has sediment issues like when frst rcported. Screened well head space frr [,4ethane No ftee gas present. No frlter or trealment system for water supply Tesled wdter at bucet with conductiliiy meter and recoded a high of 330 us/cm Results from July 2011 preddll indicato same le\€l of conductivty. Water appeats normal. Chesapeake found no reason to sample and neither did l' Complainant was instructed lo contact the DePartment if his water supply changes. Complaint will be closed at this time due to no significant fndings Penngrlvanla Departnenl of Envlronmantal Protection Confidondal lnwsligation Roport End of Report page 2 ot 2 d V. 1. 1 * crs0011'l OP EN _S OU RC E -rF Pgnnltlvania D€pErtnsnt of Environnontal Proloction Confd.ntial lnvastlgalion Roport cTs00111 pago 1 ol2 Compla:nt lnfo.mation HrOff Crmplnt ld: Municlpality: ld: 288/,20 Rolated Complnt None Franklin Twp Bradbrd RU]H E PRIES]ER Confid6ndal(Y/N): Yes Email ER Relabd Afror Hours lnd (Y/N): N 0/,t11t2012 Dale Acknowledged: sediment and discoloration in his artesian wEter $/6ll Cooplainanl i6 alleging aroiind 3 v,eeks ago he staned experiencing sediment and discoloration in his artesian water \€ll. The son rents the house fom the complainant. Dtiring the site Vsit this moming, the water app€ard lo be \€ry clear and odor fre€. Counly: Entered By: Sourcei Date Roc€ived: Abbrv. Descripffon: Long Doscription: (Y/N): N - Site Location: Responlible Partv lnformatlon Nam6: Hom€ Phone: Company Namo: Add16sa: ERIC HASKINS Work CHESAPEAKE APPALACHIA 101 NORTH MAIN S'IREET TOWANDA, PA 1884A Phone: County: MunicipaliV: Ext - 570€886564 Mobile Phone: P6rmit#: V. 1. 1 EP DOGO NCDO - Brldbrd OP EN _S OU RC E Resoonse lntormation Prio.ity: Ptogram: Complaint Type: oatE Re+ Asdgned. Dale Ro+onse Duoi Oate First Respon*: 2 Oil 8 Gas Watsr Supply 0/.t11t2012 Mt2512012 ut2u2012 Dat6 Rsaolved: Date R6t€rred: Refened To: Cornments: 06t13t2012 lnsp€ctor: ,*aroo" o aooo" Supervisor: JEREMY R DANIEL lnvestiqation lnfomation Date lnv€Btn lnspecior: Asigned: eFACTS lnspedion ld: lnvegigation D€scriptjon: 04t20t2012 ERENDON G LOGAN Dale lnv€digat d: Violation(Y/N): lnvostlgatjonld: 04/20/2012 Type: phone Ca No 290504 I spoke with complainant. We are going to wait to sample becaus€ his water does not appear cloudy today. Ponntdvsni. DaFrtnrnt ol EnvlronmonLl PlEt Confr dantal lnwadgadon Report don CTsmlll ?ae.2 ol2 lnwdEadon lniorfiadon Ardgn.d: 61131m12 BRENDON G LOGAN .FACTS lnT.cdon ld: Ost lnvldn l.+edor: lnv.cigaflon lr.slpdon: D.t lnvrCig.bd: - Type: other Vlol.don(Y/N): llo ld: lnvedg€ton 290505 Th€ Oepdtmdn n€s lrcei\6d a frlory{p c€ll fD.n ccrndainar( indicdting that the sodim€nt hed Flum€d to his $6ter supply. Chosap€ak€ also net€r a call nor did they gemde comdainant's rvoll b6ause of thl6 ll€son. ilo sarnde \/as collocted. Corndair ant neEr r€quGted a rcceiled End ot R.port * OP EN _S OU RC E n V. 1. 1 sampling. Th€ Depedm€nt co.Eidqs this co.ndaint clo6gd. FILE NAME BREAKDOW TY MUNICIPALITY COUNry COMMENTS Ches November 27, 2012 re[VED VIA EMAIL ANO USPS FIRST CLASS MAIL Mr. Brendon Logan Water Quality Specialist Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection 208 West Third Street, Suite 101 Williamsport, PA 17701 Re: David Smith Water Source Complaint Franklin Township, Bradford County PADEP Complaint # 2{X\20 Dear Mr. Logan: V. 1. 1 rsv2a?012 OP EN _S OU RC E Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC ("Chesapeake") received a water source complaint on Aptil 'lO, 20'12 from Mr. David Smith for his property tocated at 14704 Southsiae Road, Monroeton, in Franklin Townshrp. Bradford County, illeging his son, Bradley Smith, who lrves on the property had observed that water from the water well had developed visible sediment and discoloration over the previous three weeks. Pennsylvania code. T le 2s. Chipter 7S S78.S1(h) tne compfaini As required by was reported to the r.ennsylvania Department of Envift lnmental Protection ('0epartment") wlthin 24 hours of recerpr. Ft*lf*:*rq:"*i#:"iri,#ru!r4lf:triilnf : W3 ::::T?1f € 30 year ord artesien jJ;.1*?:i;3'-ff *fll#i weil: H':ff :#HITfi 1",,,.""J:%il..-.T:soft ft liltr:*"{i;ll",ffi d",fi ener,and; ;:1ffii$#*htr#f#{#i,,i,# LLC lPPar"hi'' 'u """""'ll"lll":u: ,,,..,i,lil!,i,l,.ii;;.,,1,...i..,f,1*,,,^,,,n, November 27, 2012 Mr. Brendon Logan Page 2 Department decided to postpone any water testing until notified by Mr. Smith of a return of turbidity in the water. No additional correspondence with Mr. Smith has taken place since April I l, 2012. V. 1. 1 Chesapeake's nearest asset to Mr. Smith is the Barclay BRA ("Barclay") Pad. The Barclay location is approximately 2,200 feet from Mr. Smith's property, which is beyond the rebuttable presumption area (1 ,000 feet at the time of the complaint). Due to the information collected, including a same day report from lhe water source owner that the water condition had returned to a favorable condition and proximity to the nearest Chesapeake location, Chesapeake considers this complaint closed. Chesapeake believes this matter has been addressed fully and appropriately. lf you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at 717 -230-8620. Sincerely, Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC -/ OP EN _S OU RC E CeL u c,/--4 Charles W. Olmsted, P.G. Supervisor - Environmental Che$p€ake Appalachle, LLC 3OO Nonh Second Slreet, 5h Floor . Harfisburg, PA 17101 7 1 7 -230-8620. lax 7 I 7 -233-35A2