PennsylvanisDeparlmenlofEnvironm6ntalProtection Confid6ntial lnvostigalion Report CTS001i1 page 1 ot 2 Complaint lntormation EP DOGO NCDO Ds{r Off ld: 287704 Municipality: Leroy Twp Entersd By: RUIH E PRIESIER Sourc€: Email Dat Recsived: 01/10/2011 Complnl County: Confidentlat(Y/N): ER Relaied Oate (Y/N): N - Effer\€scingwater/CloudyWater Effe.\€scingwater/CloudyWater R€soonlablo Partv lntormation CompanyName: Addross: ERIC HASKINS - Work CHESAPEAKEAPPALACHIA 101 NOR]H l\rAlN SIREET TO*ANDA PA 18848 Phona: 570€886564 coung: Resoonsa lnformation - 2 Bradford Oil & Gas Water Supply 01/10/2011 OP EN _S OU RC E Dat Fird Response: Dat Rosolved: Ext: Mobite phon€: _ pennitf: Municipallb': Priority: Proqram: Complalnt Type: Oate Reip Arigned: Oats Reapon.s Due: Afrer Hourstnd (y/N): N Acknowtsdged: Site Location: Name: Home Phone: None Eradford Yes V. 1. 1 Description: LongDe3criplion: Abbrv. ld: Related Complnt 01/2412011 01/11/2011 0311912012 Date Ret6rred: Referr6d To: Comm6nlsi lnspec-tor: Supervisor: WILLIAM J KOSMER JOHN W RYoER lnvediqation lnlonnation Asjgned: O1t10t2011 ln3psclor: WILLIAM J KOSMER eFACTS lnspection ld: Dat6 lnvestn Date lnvestigated; Viotation(y/N): O1/j1l20j1 Type: phone No tnvostigation ld: 287737 lnvestigation O.3crlptlon: Mr. Staterbeck contacted the comptainant on ltj1t2}11 na phone. The comptainant slated CHK had atready co ected water samptes and he was happy with their rcsponse at that time. Mr Staterbeck asked the complainanl lo foMard results $hen they b€came a\6ilable_ Calt Pennrylv.nia oapaftnant ot Enylronmantal Prot Conlld. nti.l lnwdg.don R.po.t ctlon Ctsq'lll P.g6 2 ol2 lnv.doadon lnfornadon Oato lnveCn Adgn.d: 0111912012 ln?oclori WILLAM J KOSMER .FACTS ln+eclion ld: lnveiigation ltaacrlpiion: D.!. tnvo.dg.t d: Vlot.tion(Y/N)r 03/19m12 lnv.sdg.don 2E7738 ldt Typo: phon€ Catl No ClosurB rcpo.t l€ceirred frlrn A.M oi 1119/m12, R€pon shotred methane poblem had subsided in cornplainant's ,,rell. Mr. Kosrn€r phoned lhe complainant on 3hglm12 b co. im problern had been rcsd'cd. End ol R.pori * OP EN _S OU RC E * V. 1. 1 Complainant stated he la€s happy with r€sponse and problem had subsided.