INVESTIGATION REPORT pennsytvania OF INVIRONI!ENTAL 3/25201411:30504M 'EPARTMENT PAOTECTION Comolalni lnformation 8210 - EP OoGO NCDO Dstr Off ComPlaini ld: 303243 R€latod Complaint ld: 302587 MunlclPtlltyr LercY lownshiP County: Bradford Att€r Hours (Y/N): ER Related (Y/N): Entered BY: RUTH E PRIESTER Sourcs: Ei'4 N N Oat€ Acknowladgod: Dale R€csivod: 03/20/2014 abbroviated Dsscrlptlon: w6llwaler ras a. odo' R€6ponslblo Party lnf ormatlon V. 1. 1 LongD66cdPtion:complainant#2swe]lwentadesianandflozeoveldulinglhewinterandwasn'lbeingused'Sincecomplainanl tLe rs tryrng-lo use lhrs wellwater as an allernative but it has an can ;o longer uso lh" *ulu'i'ot rt"' na nl f1 wants tho well waier lesled "pnng oOor to it a-no comptalnani # l savs rl rs du; io gas d;lh ng Compla Homs Phone: Nam6: (AKA COMPANY NAM6: CHESAPEAKE APPALACHIA LLC CHESAPEAKE ENERGY) 405'9354073 E)(I: Moblle Phone: P€rmitt: Counly: oul Of WOTK PhONC: MunlclPallty: Stats Acldr€s3: PO 8OX 18496 oKLAHOMA C ry, OK 73154-0496 R*oonse lnlormetlon 2 OP EN _S OU RC E P.lority: Prosramr Oll& Gas ComPlaint TYPg: water SUPPIY Date Resolv€d: 03/20/2014 Date Response Asslgn€dr 03/20/2014 oate R€Pon3o Dua: 04/03/2014 O6le Flrst ResPonse: 03/20/2014 sopervlsorr JENN FER W IVEANS INVESTIGATION REPORT ffi;*p;;,x!:nni:,",^. 326/2014 11:30 50 AM hvestl9alion lnformatton Dat€ Asslgned: 03/2012014 lnsp€ctofl Oale tnv63tigarod: 03/2012014 JENNIFER W MEANS eFACTS lnspection ld: violatlon (Y/N): Typa: Olher N lnvesrlg.rion td: 310180 lnvestlg.tion O6scrlptlon: Jennifer tvleans senl an emait to comptainanrs thar reads: 'As pan ofoLr investigarion into the dtm nution ofthe waler suppry, we consdered a number of facrors incruding:rhe I n 19 d a eve.ts. weD pad and gas we cesrgn. corsi,ucr,on ano rocat,on ot tne water sLrppry eva.:jrron ot ,rehvanl acnvrry on lhe gas wel pao water samD 19 and anatysis { .c,udrng conpaison of r6sL[s to avarabre pre4illdala), and local^,lorse geotogy. The data colected rn retatron ro triis rnvestrgatr6n wa; thorough rcviewed by Ile '^,arer suppty V. 1. 1 t u:n, ,nc,uoins tul.oe,,c€nsed proressorar eeorosisis who n""".-v"v""" ly1":91: D:?:n"::, we a id groJ 1d warer issuos. Tre DepalTe 1r s lvesris;ro. .sveared lar ih; shalow ",p"**" wa ler 'ee, ,n deprhi consisred or warer rnar rad a caic.:m o,ca,oonur" s"o"h;_,*r osnur,." :litl liI?,-"lii:l: l!-19 .ow *nrcn s ryo car o' shattow ground water systens rn aradforo CoJ. ty. rhrs signatu,e oo€; nol suppon the aregarron that drninLlio. ofllle dJ9 wetfso,ng occLriied rn retdton to l€aty ga;o-, .g activilres Ram6,, ,t appear< _ evaruarrng water r 's deoeldent on shattos groundwater ano sLrface rJnoff fo. ,ecrarqe. sile geoogy,lh€ vertic.r separarion distance between rhe warer suppry and gas wel prcduction inr€rva otabouta m'r€^oe,o! sround. ano the cas,4s and cem€nrrg ot rhe gas *.rr ooie oer*ei,n r',. p:"0-,".fi"i"*a rr,.ar, he snar ow rresh war€raqur'er render a tiqud flow pahwav h,gh v 'mprobao€. Addrr,onalv, ile absen.e or flJ ds navrng a g6och6mrcat srgnarure typica of lhose sourc€d rrcm deep geotog c,omarions sulh as tb€ [,td( e us n rre rrcsh warer aqiriter of rhe arca reflre a hvd rogeorogicar connecrio; ;irh rh; prcducrion i"r"""ioiG n"uroy grs *u[. -o Regarding rhe delecl on of erhvrbe nzard ehyde rhe ac d u sed lo preserve samples ca n cause voralir€s to be eached rom rre oaslic oresetuative containers Theoetectron o,acetone ano €thtyb.nzatd€hyde in both he t.p btanh and rh6 water supprv sampre sLrsgesrs rh€ presence or rhese compou nd s t r,l"rv irrlor" iJ ine u"ro rnar .u" ls€d to presede the samptes. "fi, r"ir OP EN _S OU RC E we be eve thar sufficienr dala has been garhered ro make a deteminaron necessary to sample the walerslppty again. in this case and do not bereve it.s undeGland yo! spoke ro our Seruice Represenrarrve al approrrmatety 2:30 today reoardinq he same prcperlyldaughteis propeny) we oftered and we,€ p.epared ro sanp,e lh; w; du;nq F€bruaryll20'4.bJlwe.elodalrhatrine wasto/en warerwe on the o!, srr€ vrsrr on Bas6d o. Ihe intormato" yoJ orcided today, wedo not see a ne6d to sample the waterwettat rhis rime. c ven lhe re ar vety sha ow Oeprn ot'tte warei*.irano yor. descriplon ofan odor, iris rik€rv rhal rhe wel arso afecled bv baciedarconb;inarion. The;a1e; we[ has been previouslyscre€ned as pad of an nvgsrigaton'" wrth no indicationota probtem assoc area wittr oitanO gasacriliry. we can provide your daughler wth a hst ot cetured tabs should she choose lo have rhe well independ;n y resled befor€ pufling lhe wett into use. " Nole: For confidenliarirv p!rposes, rhe nam€ of comprainanl #1's daughrer was removed trom rhe above emarrand replaced with'daughter'