cTS00112 Pennsylvania Departrnent of Environmental Protection lnvestigation Report Page 1 of 3 Complaint lnformation EP DOGO NCDO Dslr Off complnt ld: [4unicipalit: 301927 Entered Byr RUTH E PRIESTER Relat€d Complnt ld: County: BEdtord ER Related (Y/N): N Phone Call V. 1. 1 12J2312A13 Date Acknowledged: lack of water, bmwn waler, odor lo water Complalnant #1 (mother) called on Complainant #2's behaf (daughter) by frst leavng a \Dicemail al 6:03 p.m. an Fnday, 1220113. Compleinant #1's \oicemail staled that she wanled to report thal her dauqhter has had no water, brown water, and odor to it. O\€r the weekend, the water did come back but this has been going on for q! te sometime. She also staied she spoke to Denny Wrjghl (Phone Duty Offcer) o\er ihe weekend. She was adamant ihai whoe\er responds is to contaci her FIRST because she wants to be prcsent during ihe in\€stigation. She also wants someone lo caLl her wtlo has access lo the fles for the Llorse Pad (Chesapeake) and the Postell Well Pad (Chiei) as therc arc major iolations and does not want these pads to go on-line until ihese Volations are remedied. The€ has been a blowoul at one of these wells in the past and the neighbors ha\€ had black \rv?ter. Therefore, she made lt \,ery clear she wanls to speak to sorneone aboLt lnese \,ioaliols and w.lo l_"s ac.ess ro l1e n'es along wilh l^e ilspector contacting her pdor to the lisit to test lhe water. Se ice Rep asked w+V the daughier did not call in he6ef and Complainant #1 stated because her daughter is o\eMtrelmed wiih it alL. OP EN _S OU RC E Date Receivedl Abbrv Description: Lons Description: After Hours lnd(Y/N): Comp ainant #1 spoke with Denny Wight at 6i14 p.m. and ai 6i55 p.m. on 1220113i Spdng v!€ter contamination lssue. Daughte/s horne, near Monis well pad. Bro\rn water that stinks iike sewage 6nd has \ery little ofit. Off and on for .ionth or two, but now hardly any water. Waits to know if Mofiis well pad should b€ going on line. Had been DEP migttsiion issue. Concemed lor daughte/s ftmilys sabty. Wants someone lo pm\,ide daughter drinking r€ter. Daughter has no water from spring. Comp ainant #1 wants advance notifcation of DEP response, and wants Chesapeake and Chief reprcsentati\es in\ol\ed, because both ha\e pads nearby. Complainant #1 li\es -40-min away. Denny recommened complalnant contact ChietChesapeake Site Location: 'ls Complainant lnformation Seq No: Name: Address: 1 Compa ny: e-lvlail: Confidential Ye9 (Y/N): Mobile Phone: Home Phone: Date/Time Received: 122312013 08:29 AM - Exe - FennsylvaniaDepartmentofEnvironmentalProtection lnveSigation Report CTS00112 Page 2 of 3 Seq Nol e-Mail: Confidential Yes (Y/N): l/lobile Phone: 12123J2c1 3 Oa37 Ext - AM Resoondble Partv lnlormatlon Name: Home Phone: Company Name: WorkPhone: CHESAPEAKE APPALACHTA LLC (AKA CHESAPEAKE ENERGY) lt4obile PO BOX 18496 Phona: 401935-4073 - Permi6: oKLAHOMA Cmy. OK 73154{495 Municipality: Counv: R1CH Home Phone: Company Namei CHIEF OIL & GAS LLC PA ADAIVS WorkPhone: 570-368<490 Mobile Phone: - OP EN _S OU RC E AVENUE MONTOURSVILLE. PA 1754 999 LOYALSOCK Municipality: - Ert - Permit#: Coung: Montourslille Borough Ext: Out Of State R€sponsible Partv Inlormation Name: V. 1. 1 Home Phone: Date/Time Received: Lycoming Response lnformatlon Priority: Program: Complaint Type: 2 Oil& Gas Water Supply Date Resp Asigned lz23l2013 Dat€ Response Dua: 01/06/2014 Date Firsl Response: 122312013 DateResolved: O11O312O14 Date Referred: Referred To: Comments lnspector: Supervisor: BRENDON G LOGAN MATTHEW R NUSS lnve{lqation I nformation Date lnvedn Assignedi lnspector: eFACTS lnspec{ion ld: 01/092014 WILLIAM J KOSMER Date lnvegigated: Violation(Y/N): lnve*igation ld: - No 308258 lnvesfigation Description: Called daughter, let message m \f,icemail fo( her to retum call to me. Type: Other , Date tnve*n Pennsylvania Department of Envlronmental lnve*lgation As€igned: 1a2g2013 ln+ectoi €FACTS lrEp€cdon ld: WILLIAI,] J Report Protection CtS001l2 page 3 of 3 **tr*$igated: KOSMER 01/03i20i4 ViolationMN): I{c] lnvesligation 308095 ld: Type: phone ca closed' End of Report * OP EN _S OU RC E * V. 1. 1 lnvedigation Desqiption: Complainant's daugtrter nerer retumed phone call. ComplairEntb mother who filed complajnt is chrcnic complainer to Dept. and this is not the first tlfte she has alleged that her daughter has had issu€s with her wEter supply and the daughter did not *ant inwh€ment. llle waler $/ell and spring ha\e beeo sampled bebre with no impacts rbted. Dept. considers comdaint