cTso0ll'l Pao6 1 ol2 P6nnrylv-anla Oeparfn6nt of Environmental Protection Confi dential lnvedlgation RePort Complaint lnformation EP DOGO NCDO Osts Otr Related Complnt 28/102 County: E PRIES]ER Entered By: Source: Date Received: Abbrv. Description: Long [tescriptjon: ld: Email 10t13t2011 Confidential(Y/N): Brddfrrd Y ER Related N Date (Y/N): Ad$owledged: bad taste in the watet, although they ne\et always had a bad sulfur odor in the v/aler. Re$ongble Parlv lnformation ERIC HASKINS Company Namer CHESAPEAKE APPALACHIA 101 NORIH MAIN STREET Work Phone TOWANDA, PA 1 8848 : Mobile Phone: Permit#: County: Municipalilyi Resgonse lnlormatlon Priority: Program: Complainl Type: Date Resp As3gned: 2 Dats Response Due: Date First Re9onse: oata Resolv€d: Date Returred: 10t2712011 - Exr 57M886564 - - Bradford Oil & Gas Water Supply 10t13t2011 OP EN _S OU RC E Comments: lnspector: Afr6r Hours lnd (YiN): N dink their waler' They ha\e Site Location: Name: None V. 1. 1 complnt ld: Municipelity: 10/18/2011 01t1912012 "*r*oo* o aooo" Supervlsor: JEREMY R DANIEL lnv6Eioa$on lnlormatlon Date lnvestn Assigned: 1At19t201',\ lnspeclor: BRENDON G LOGAN eFACTS ln+ec.tion ld: lnvesligation Descriptionl OaGlnvestigated:10/19/2011 Violalion(Y/N): No lnvestiqationld: 282941 TYPg: Sile Visit Ani\€d at complainant's residence @ 13:00 Water had slight sulfur odor' Free gas was detected in w€ll borc @ a.2% gas No gas detected in jbucet (no rcsidence. The fllloving samples were collecled from the kilchen watertrcatment is present): SAC 946, Meth/Elh, TPH Sample lD: 0 2033 Penn.tlvani.D€pa.tne.tofEnvironmentalProlecllon Confdentlal lnve5tigation Report cTS00111 Pag.2 ol2 lnvediqatlon lnformation Asigned: 1ofal2o11 BRENDON G LOGAN lnspector: eFACTS lnspection ld: D.te lnvestn DaG lnvesggated: Violation{Y/N): - TyPe: Phone Call No lnvestigation ld: 28273 lnvertigation Description: I talked to complainant and discussed ihe Departments lole in water quality sampling proceedure. Chesapeake \Nill be dispatching SEIC to collect samples, and the Department will wait for esults befo€ further action and lhe complaintaint agreed. I will check the arca for spills because the cofidaintaint's water has a diesel lnvestioation lnformatlon Asdgned: 1;,2712011 BRENDON G LOGAN lnspector: eFACTS lnspec,tion ld: Date lnv€stn Investigaton De!.ripdon: V. 1. 1 taste. Date lnvestigated: Vlolatlon(Y/N): lnvedlgation ld: - Type: Oiher No 285287 Lab results indicate Primary and Secondary [iCL's beyond recommended le\els. ln\estigation conlinues. Results and letter ha^d deli\Eted 122712011. BL Letter sent 1/'19/20'12. PrcJrill data minols Lab results fiom 1ohal2o12 samPling. NonlmPact. End ot Roport * OP EN _S OU RC E * C 'a tu/ U '+t" ;.'1t pennsytvania DEPARTN4ENT '1; OF ENVIRON14ENTAL PROIECTION NORTHCENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE I /191)012 . Act 223 , Secdon 208 V. 1. 1 Determination Complaint No. 284102 fo*tt ttip, Bradford County ff;il+" Dear The Departoent has iavesljgaled $e possible degradation ofyow watir supply we located ai ;ponse to a 10/13/1 I complaint that rccent gas well drilii4 activities may have a.ffected your water well. On 10/18/11, the Departaent collected samples fio'r jour home waler supply. The samples were submined to tbe Deparulent's laborarory i-o , Haglqburg for analysis. The analytical reports for the samples are included, as well as documents that \i/i11 assist you with interyretitu the sanple results. OP EN _S OU RC E Tbe sanrple results showed several compour:ds elevated above DepartneDl $andards. Barium was present at 2:019 mg/L which exceeds ttre primary maximlm contaminate level MCL) of 2 mg/L. and Chtorjdes. Mangalese a-od Total Dissolved Solid-yexceeded secondary Maxioum Co-lomirent LeveJs (MCLs). Seconddry N,4CLs rellecl tbe aeslbetics ofLhe water 1i.e. tasle, smell, etc.). Additionally, the sample results showed methaae is present at 19.5 mg,/I- h yot]r - water supply. Thr presence of dissolved methane ill your water supply appears to be related to background conditions: At this time, the Deparbrent's investigation does not indicate thd gas well drilling has iinpacted your water supply. lSuite 101 t/19120t2 Brendon Logan ar 5 70 -327 -05 V. 1. 1 Should Jrou have auy questions concemin! this malter, please feel ftee to contact I4 . Since€Ly, OP EN _S OU RC E Water Qlality Specialist Oil and Gas Maaagement William Kosmer, P.G. Complar'nt Fil! I ' :--i Wfi f,f,*fi ,i*Y*lil,i,lJ"3."" Re: V. 1. 1 t2l27l20l I Aot 223, Section 208 Determination Complaint No. 284102 LeroY TowtshiP, Bradford CountY Dgar TheDeoadmenrisinvestigalinglhepossibledegadalionofyoulvatersupp yinrcsponsetoa well acriviLies mav have affected vour water a'nliig irtli ."iii,jiil;iui,."lit g* *aryouL ii,l -o*ti"ti"i*rr"cted ho-me water sr'rpply The samples were submitted i"r." .,iJoi"*r*rl, liJ'ff#. :';;; sample-s ftom for the samples r.u"ratory in Harrisburglor analysis. The analytical,repofls results' sample io.u*'nt' tt''ur titti"ist vo; wirh inlerpretins the OP EN _S OU RC E TheDeDadmentisoontinuingtoinvestigate.shouldyouhavearlyquesiionsconcerniogthis matte., pl"as. feel free to contacl me al 570-327-0514 Sincerely, Brctrdon Logan water QlalitY sPecialisl oil and Gas Management Enolosures: lnboratory Analytical Results "How to Interprtt A Water Anal)5is Reporl" Jereny Daniel William Kosmer Complaint File #284102 PA t77ol'6448 208 W€st Thlrd street I surte 10t I WlllldmsPort, 570,327.3636 Fax 570.327 3565 .'".,""^.""..','..@ www.dePweb state Pa.us Gen.txt of Issue: I1/f8/2017 12:11'.34 3 DEP Bureau of Laboratories - Harrisburg PAGE Date 1of P. O. Box 1467 2575 rnterstate Drive Harri sbu19, PA !7105-1467 Number: (717) 346-7200 Phone Analytical Report oil sample Nane of Sample collector: Date sanple was col COUNTV: [4uni ci pal ity: s;npl e r,4edi rD: 0642 FoR And Gas Mgmt status: 033 Brendon Logan lecled: 10/I9/207L StAtC: NOT INDICATED NOT TNDTCATED um V. 1. 1 contact I Sample l4edium Type: conpl eted PA LOCAti ON: NOT IND]CATED OP EN _S OU RC E Reason: Investigation SAI.4PLE 033. Laboratory conpl eted Sampl standard e ID: I?011030722 Anal ysi s: 946 Intact I Leqal Seal 1007 547 Intact: Le6al Seal r007548 fntact: Leqal Seal r007546 Intact: Leqal Seal 1007 542 Intact: Leoal Seal r007543 Intact: Le6al seal 1007 s44 Intact: Le6al seal r007545 Test codes/cAs# - DescriDtion ani l vst Test l'4ethbd YES YES YES YES YES YE5 YES in MG/L PM RhHEELER EPA 200.7 01045rY Fe in rqG/L AM RWHEELER EPA 200.7 01082r,4 sr in I4G/L Pl4 RWHEELER EPA 200.7 0100714 Ba 70300 rDs @180 c At4 LWILKrNSoNSM 2540 C OO94OA CHLORIDE Pt4 CRADEK Sl.1 4500-CL Analyti Reported Resul ts Date And T'i me Analyzed 2.019 MG/L r0/21/2017 L2i27 0.18 MG/L 70/25/2047 70t12 3.78 MG/L r0/2L/20L7 1654 MG/L 70/21/2071 12tOO 896.5 r{G/L 17/04/20II Llt57 cal Report FoR Page L PAGE 12127 2 of 3 sanple rD: 0642 Gen. txt And Gas Mgmt 033 Status: Test codes/cas# - Description analyst Test Method Reported 00900 Hardness T AM RWHEELER SM 2340 8 00403 pH PM GDELONG SI.I 45OOH-8 ** comment ** Tirne Linit 227 MG/L 8.1 For Test Resu'lts sPc G 25.0 c GDELONG SI4 25108 OO41O ALKALINITY PIVI GDELONG SM 23208 units 3010.00 PI4 165.6 <5 SUSP SOLID AI'4 LWlLKINSONUSGS I-3765 71870 AROMIDE AIVI KSOLNOKI EPA 3OO. O 82079 TURSIDITY AM TVOROBEYCHEPA 180,1 45501H NP14 (Hexane) PI'I WBUCK EPA 16644 01147H SELEN]UI!4 T PM DSOLENBERGEPA 200.8 O1OO2H ARSENIC T PM DSOLENBERGEPA 200.8 OO945A SULFATE T PI{ BKROVIC EPA 375.2 OO927A MAGNESIUM T AI{ RWHEELER EPA 200.7 <1 umhos/cm MG,/L t4G/L NTU <5.00 MG,/L ALUMINUM T AM RWHEELER EPA 200.7 OO937A POTASSIUM T Pi4 RWHEELER EPA 200.7 011324 LITHIUI{ T PM RWHEELER EPA 200.7 OO929A SODIUM T AI4 RWHEELER EPA 200.7 01092A zrNc T AI',I ** RWHEELER ** EPA 200.7 t79 L7/02/201L o1i33 1O/2o/20I1 05t19 rO/20/20L1- 12100 1O/2I/?0t\ 09157 7o/28/2OtI 03t51 7L/76/2OL7 72t5a 5.200 uGlL TL/L6/2OLI 72t58 <15.0 LO/2o/ZOtr 04,54 MGIL <200 uc/L I0/25/20rL 10172 7o/2t/2011 12t27 68.300 70/25/2OL7 70tL2 13.600 PI!4 RI,JHEELER EPA 200.7 009164 CALCrUr.r r 05 12.400 UGIL OP EN _S OU RC E O11O5A L0/20/20LL 7O/20/2O1I 72too MGIL 6.4 Date And Time Analyzed 70/25/2011 lOtI2 Exceeded 00095 OO53O T pH Cornpleted V. 1. 1 oil 4.976 MGIL lvG,/L MG/L l0/2L/20Lr 12.27 582.000 uGlL rO/21/20Lr L2t27 512.000 r4GlL Lo/25/201I l0:72 <10.0 uGlL 70/25/20L7 70t72 Diluted For analysis, Reported For orjgjnal concentration actual value based on diltuion of the sample. <.1ppm zn 10/27/2071 01055M Mn in MGIL 0.12 N4G/L comment PM RWHEELER EPA 200.7 Page 2 72 t27 Gen. txt PAGE Analvtical Report sample I rD: 0642 3 FOR And Gas l\4gmt status: 033 completed V. 1. 1 oi ] of of the analyses provided in this laboratory report relate only to the e(s) identified in the riport. unless otherwise noted, the results presented on this laboratory renort mFet all ihe rebui re'rents of The NELAC lnsLiLute (TNr). sample was in acceptable condition when received by the Laboratory. any exceptions are noted in the report. Tests noted with an """ are not included in our Nl NELAP Annual certified Parameter List. The results