Pennrylvania Dap.rbnent of Environment l P.ot Confi d.ndal lnv.cigatlon Report ction CTS001i1 Pege I ot I Complaint lnfoIma0on EP NC Rgnl OffWilliamspon ld: 281364 Munlcipallty: Gran\alle Twp Enier.d By: JAMES E MILLER Sourco: Other Data R€ceivod: 0C0g/20'11 R.l.!.d Complnt Conf None Bradford dentlal(Y/N): Yes (Y/t{): N Dat Acknowlsdged: - R.loonible Partv lnformatlon Nam€: Homo Phona: Company Nam€: Work AddrEs3: Mobile Phono: Phone: - Countyi MunlclpallV: Alter Hour3lnd (Y/N): N V. 1. 1 ER Related Abbrv. Doc.ripdon: Water slpply impacted by gas ddlling Long Do*rlptlon: Water supply impacted by gas ddlling Slte LocaUon: RalDon* lniormallon Prlority: Program: ld: Complnt County: 2 Ert: - - Oil& Gas Oate Fird Oale OP EN _S OU RC E ComplaintTypa: WalerSupply Date Resp Arigned: 05/03/2011 Oate Ra3pons Due: 05/212011 RelpoGe: Resolv.d: 0109/2011 0710812011 oate R€ien€d: Rebrr€d To: Commont* lnlpocto.: Water samplos \^/erE collected, A non impacl detemination letter was senl oi 71812011. REBECCA RENNER Supervilor JEREMY R DANTEL lnveldoalion lnformadon Dat lnveah Asalgned: lnspector: eFACTS lnsp€.don ld: lnvedlgatlon Dclc.lption: 0109/2011 REBECCA RENNER Oat lnveCiga!.d: 0t09/20i Vloladon(y/N)i 1 Tt'pe: Site Visil No lnvedg.don 280265 Water samples w€re coltected. A non impact delennination lettor was sent td: or., 7 t812011 . * End ol R€port '- w F;\u pennsylvania DEPARTI',IENT OF EN!'IRON}lENTAL PROTEClION NORTHCE\] RAL RECIONAL OFFICE CERTIFTED MAIL Re: NO. 7010 0290 0003 7042 8256 Act 223, Section 208 Deteminatiotr Complaint No.281364 Granville Tounship, Bradford Couaty Dear V. 1. 1 'l /8/2otr The Departoent has ilvestigated tbe nossible degradatiou of your water supply well located at i in responseto a 5/09/2011 complaint that receot gas well drillirg activities may have affected your water well. Oo'5/09D011, the DepartrxeEt collected sa.oples Aom your water supply. The samples were submitted to the DepartrEetrt's Iaboralory in Harrisburg for analysis. The aul''tical reports for the samples are bcluded, as well as docuoents that wiil assist you with interpreting the sample results. These sample renrlts showed metha.oe is preseDt ln your water supply at a cdrceotratioo of27.l mg/\. Additionally, the analy'tical dala collected by the Departmcnt reveal that barium is prcsetrt above the prilaa.ry naximum clDtaoinant level (MCL) in your water supply. The analysis also shows mauganese, and total dissolved solids flDS) exceed secondary maximum contarhinant levels (SMCLs) in youJ water supply. Primary MCLs are inte[ded to reflect potential daogers to huoao health, while secoodary MCLs reflect the aesthetics ofthe water (i.e. taste, smell, etc.). OP EN _S OU RC E - The DepartueEt's itrvestigatior reveals the water quality conditioqs observed i[ your water supply are consisteDt with those observed in several nearby water suppiy wells sampled as part of tlis investigatio4 aad those thal have been historically documented itr the Nodh Brarch Towanda Cre.ek valley. The Depaftnent's investigation iodicales that the couditions documented in you:: water well reflect background conditioos'/pre-existiag and tbat gas well drilling has oot ilapacted your water supply. Methane !s the predominant compouetrt of Datural gas. Federal drinking water stan&rd Limitatiors have not been estab[shed for nethane gas. The level ofconcem begins above 28 mg^ metbane, which is refered to as the saturation level. At this level, under normal atnospheric prcssure, ttre water ca.Etrot hold additional metha:re iq solutioq. This roay allow the gas to come out ofthc \,!Bter aDd coDcetrtate in tle air space ofyour home or buildi4. There is a physical daaget of fire or explosion due to the migation oflahnal gas hto watq wells or through soils into dwellings *fiere it could be igdted by sourc€s that are preseut in most homeVbuildings. Natual gas car also cause a threat of Esphlxiatior, although this is exhemely rare. 208 Wesl Thlrd St eet I Suite 101 Wllliamsport, PA t7701-6448 l___-_ 7l8a0t1 When the Deparhtent is made aware of mcthaae levels geater than 7 mfl, we notify the water zupply owner ofthe hazards associaGd with methane in their wator zupply. Please be aware however, that the melharc levels c€tl fluctuate. This means that wen with a relatively low tewl of methane, you should be vigilant ofchanges in your wate! that could iqdicate atr itrcreasc io oL V. 1. 1 mettlADe coDceDbati It is thc DepartmeEt's recommeadation that all water wells should be equipped with a working veDt. This will h€lp alleviate the possibility of coocelltatillg these gases in areas where ignition would pose a tbreat to life or ploperty. Please note that it may Dot be possible to corDpletely eliminrte tlc bazards ofhaving nan:ral gas in yout water supply by simply venting your well. Should you have any questions conceming this matter, please William J. Kosmer, P.G- t 570-97+2613- eDdfer W. Means Plogram Manage! Oil and Gas Managemelrt ferl Aee to contact OP EN _S OU RC E ' :2- Edclosurgs: Labordiory Analytioal Results "How io hterplet A Water Alalysis Repott' Jennifer Means Job.n Ryder William J. Kosmer, P.G. ReErcr Complaitrt File # 28 13 54 k, \t- $*?*{*l}i$*"?.'". t8/2011 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7010 0290 0003 1042 8256 Re: Act 223, Section 208 Deteminatioq Complaint No.2 8 l3 64 Granville Toflnship, Bradford Cotrnty Dea! V. 1. 1 7 OP EN _S OU RC E The Departmetrt has investigated the oossible degradatiotr ofyou water sulply well located at i in respoDse to a 5/09/20 I 1 complaint that recent gas well drilling activities may have affected your water well Oa 5/092011, ttre Departnrcnt collected samples ftom your water supply. The samples were submitted to flle Deparhent's laboratory in Harrisbug for alalysis. The a.nalytical reports for the samples are included, as well as documetrts that will assist you with i-nterpreting the sampls results. These sample results showed methal1e is present in your qater supply at.a cdncedration of27.l agl. Additionally, the aualltical dala collected by the Department reveal that barium is plesent above the primary maximum contamiaa.nt level (MCL) in yoru water supply. The analysis also shows maaganese, arrd total dissolved solids (mS) exceed secondary maximum contrrhinatrt levels (SMCLS) in your water supply. Pdmary MCLs are intended to reflect potential dangers to humau healtb, while secoDdary MCLs rellect ltre aesrbetics ofthe water (i.e. taste, smell, etc.). The Departoeot's investigation reveals the water quality oonditions observed in your water supply are consistent with those observed in several nearby waler supply weUs sampled as part of this i.uvestigatioq and tlose that have been historically documented in the North Branch Towanda Creek valley. The Deparbaent's investigation indicates that the conditions documented in your water well reflect background conditioo,Vpre-existing aod that gas well dlilling bts not impacted youl warer supply. Methaae is the predomilant coEponest of natural gas. Federal drirkil]g water stardard limitations have not beel estabtshed for methane gas. The level of concem begins above 28 mgn metiaae, which is refered to as the saturation level. At this level, uoder normal atnospheric pressure, tle water cannot hold additioual methaae in solution. This Ioay allow the gas to come out of ttre water ard caqc€ntate in tbe air space of your home or building. There is a physical danger offre or explosion due to the migration of natural gas into water wells or through soils iato dwellings vdere it could be ignited by sources that are present i.n most homes,buildings. Natural gas can also cause a theat of asphyxiatio4 although this is exheldely !Ere. 208 West Thlrd Slreet I Sllle 101 Wllllamspot, PA 17701-6448 l__._, :2- TlSDOtt Deparhent is rnade aware of metbaue levets greater tban 7 mgA, wr rctiry thc wEter supply owuer ofthe hazards associated with methane in their qraier supply. Please be aware ' however, rher thc methaoe levels can fluctuate. This mea.ns tbat evcn vrith a rclativcly low level of methale, you should be vigilal]t of cbslges in your water thal could indicate an increase in WheD the V. 1. 1 Eetha.tre coDc€otratio[ It is the Deparb.ent's recoomeqdation that all water wells shor:ld be equippcd with a working This will help alleviate the possibility ofconceDtr€ting these gases iD areas wherc igrition would pose I threat to life or property. Please note that it tnay Dot be possible to coBpletely elimiuate the hazarcls ofbaving lanual gss iD your water supply by sinply vetrting your well. vent Should you have any questiotrs concemitrg this matter, please feel fiee to contact P .G. eit5'10-974-2613. Oii ad OP EN _S OU RC E William J. Kosmer, Program Managcr Gas Maaageroent Euclosules: Laboratory Analyticsl Results 't{ow to IDterirct A Wat€r Analysis Report'' cq: JeDDifer Meais Joh Ryrler William J. Kosmer, P.G. Rebecca Rcnncr Complaint Filc # 281364 . Date of Issue:- 0?/08/2011 08!0?:35 PAGE 1of 2 DEP Bureau of l,ab6ratolies - Halrisburg P. O. Box 146? .2575 Interstate Drive ' contact Phone Nunber r (717) 346-?200 V. 1. 1 HarEisbulg, PA 11105-l457 Anallrtical Repolt FOR OiI And Gas UgDt sample of Coflector: . Name ' . county: Bradfold Municipality: cranville sample rDr 231! 073 Rebecca Renner Date Sample tras Collected: O5/O9/2Ofl Status ! Compfeted State: OP EN _S OU RC E Tl.rp : Sample Mediun Sanp.Ie Medium Type: . l,ocati.on: NOI IIIDICAIED Reason: conpfdinc Effe.rvescent samples. Sulfur odor. Appearance: . ' l,aioiatory . conpleted after sample a.bout 10 rD: Standard Analysis: ' . ninutes, water became nj-lky 12011012865 945 legal Seal: 100?342 Intact: lega1 Seal: 100?340 Tntact: And Tine Test codes/cAs1f ' Analyzed YES YEs - Descliption Analyst Test Method Reported Resu]-ts 00403 pH . ?.8 plt unLts 05y'10/2011 11:02 AM GDEIoNG sM 4SooIi-B t* Conment 'r Lfu1t For Test Exceeded Date sPc c 25, o 1065.00 u,'nhos/cn pM OO41O AIKAIINI?Y 2 of su 2510B GDELONG SM 295 05/10/2011 11:02 IW PAGE GDEI,ONG 2320I' -0 MG/L 2 .Analytical Report Oil Sanple ID: 231f trJ}d Gas V. 1. 1 00095 05/71/20LI 04135 EOR Mgit Status: Conpleted a13 Date Test Codes/CAS+ Analyzed Reported Results - Descxiption Analyst Test Method 00530 T SUSP SOLID AM OO 945A SUI,FATE T 05/11/2011 08 00 AM <5 MGl! 1WIL(INSoNUSGS I-3?65 OP EN _S OU RC E 05/10/2011 12:00 OO927A I.{AGNESII]M T 0s/11l2011 10:56 AM nwnpei,ni npa zoo.l 00916A CAlCrnU T 05/I1l2011 10:56 AM OO93]A POTASSIUM T RWHEELER EPA 200.? 05/1112011 RIIHEELER EpA 200.? 10:55Au Mn in MGII, 05/11/2011 10:56 AM RWHEELER EPA 200.? 0100?M Ba in MG/L 05/1112011 10:56 Al, RIIEEETER EPA 200.? 01045M Ee in MG/T, 05/11/2017 70i56 AM RWIIEEIER 01082M Sr in uGlL 05/11l2011 10:56 Au RWHEELER 10300 TDs 0180 C MG/r, 18.300 MC,/I, 7s.200 MG/rr 1. 953 OO929A SODIUM T 05/11/2011 10:56 AM RI{HEEIER EPA 200.? 01055M <15.0 MESNYDER EPA 3?5.2 EPA 200 Mc/[ 121.000 MG/r, o.24 t4c/L 2.127 0.18 UG/I) MG/r, .1 4.09 MG/! EPA 200.1 D5/7O/2Ol\ 12too r:M rwrLKlNsoNsM 2s40 c OO94OA CHI,ORIDE 05/18/2011 08:00 aM CLAWANDOSKSM 4500-CL 00900 Hardness T 05/1112011 10156 Al4 RWHEELER sM 2340 B 676 t{c /r. t 5.6 MG/I, 263 trc/t results ofl the analyses provided in this }abolatory report relate to the sanple (s) identified jn the report. Unless other{ise noted, tshe resutts presented on this Iaboratory report meet al] Lhe The ' Date ' of rssue: Oll08/2ti11 08:0?:35 PAGE 1of 2 DEP Bureau of Labdlatolies O. Box 1467 25? 5 Interstate DEive Harrisburd. PA 11105-1467 - Halrisburg . contact Phone Nunber: l7I1) 346-7200 AnalyticaJ. Report oil of sample ColLector: . Name ' . 'BradfoEd County: Municipality: GraDville Twp ' sa-mpfe Medium : sanpf e Mediun Type: And Gas Mgrt Rebecca ReDne! Date sample rras Colfected: OS/O9/20l-i- V. 1. 1 P. EoR OP EN _S OU RC E State: Locatloni NOT INDICATED Reason: ConPIaint . Effervescent samples. Suffur odor, after about 10 unutes, water became nilky ' Laboratoly sample ID: 12011012865 . conpl.eted standald Inalysis: 945 App€arance: ' . Legal. SeaI: 100?342 Legal seal: I00l34o Intact: Intact: YES \.ES And Tine ' Test codes/cAs* - Description Reported Results 00403 pH. ?.8 pH unlts Anal.yzed 05/10/2011 11:02 ** Connent ** Analyst Test Method AM GDEI0NG sM 4500Ii-B Ti-ne l,ilnit For Tes! Exceeded Date 00095 spc @ 25.0 c Pn GDELoNG sM 25108 00410 ALKAITNTT' 05/10/2011 11:02 At4 GDELONG sti 23208 05/1112011 04:35 2 of 295,0 tlG/L 2 V. 1. 1 PAGE 1065.00 urhos/cn Analytlcal Report Oi1 And Gas Mqlrt sample And Tirde Test codes/CAs+ Analyzed ]u:2it! Qt3 FOR status: conpfeLed Date Reported Resufts - Description Anal.yst Test Method OP EN _S OU RC E 00530 T SUSP SOLrD <5 MGlr 05,/10/2011 12:00 AM IWILKINSONUSGS 1-3?55 OO945A SULFATE T <15.0 MG/L 05/11/2011 08:00 Att MESNYDER EpA 375.2 oog2'7A MAGNESIOII! T 18.300 UG/], 05l1I12011 10:56 AM RWHEELER EPA 200.7 '75,2AA Mc/r, 00916A CA]CTW T 05/11/2011 10:56 A.!,1 0093?4 RWHEELER EPA 200.7 T 1.953 MG/r 05/11/2011 10:56 Au RWHEEIER EpA 200.? 00929A SODrUl.' T 121.OOO MG/r, 05/11/2011 10:56 AM RWHEELER EPA 200.7 o1055M Mn in MG/r, o.Z4 I4c/L 05/11/2011 L0:56 AM RWHEEIER EPA 200.? 01007M Ba in MG/I, 2,'121 MG/r. 05/11l2011 10:56 AM RWHEELER EPA 200.7 01045M Fe in MGIL 0.18 MGIL 05/11./2011 10:56 Al, RWHEEI,ER EPA 2OO.? 01082M S! in MGlt 4.09 MGlr 05/1112011 10:56 AM RWHEEI,ER EPA 200.? 70300 TDS G18o C 515 MG/r, 05/10/2011 12:00 A.M IIIILKINSONSM 2540 c 00940A CHr-ORTDE 1?5.6 Mc/t 05/18/2011 08:00 Au CLEWANDOSKSM 4500-cI 00900 Harclness T 263 UG/L 05/11/2011 10:55 Alt RWHEELER SM 2340 B POTASSTW The resuLts of. the analyses provided in this ]aboratory report lelate only to the sanple(s) identj.fied in the report. Unfess otherwis€ noted, the results presented on this Iaboratory report meet al] the NELAC Institute (TNI). Sample was in acceptable condition lrhen received'by the taboratory. Any exceptions are noted. in the repoat. lests noted with an "r" are not included in our N.t NEI,AP Annual Celtified Parameter List, requiredents of The OP EN _S OU RC E V. 1. 1 Taru Vpadhyay. Technical Director, Bureau of laboratories requirements of The NELAC Instirute (TNI). Sample r{as rn acceptable condition when . received by the l,abotatory. Any exceptions are noted in the report. Testa noted with an "*,r are not included in our NJ NELAP ADnual CertLfied parameter List. Director, Bureau of laboratories V. 1. 1 Upadhyay, Technical OP EN _S OU RC E . Taru of Issue: PAGE 1of 2 Date DEP Buieau P. o. 25?5 05/23l?011 08:05:44 Of labolatories _ Halrlsburg Box 1{6? Intelstate Drlve ' Hauisburg, cdhtact PA 1?105-1{67 Phone Nunber! l'11'l 346-1200 ' sa$ple AnaIYLicaI RePolt oil Arld Gas tlgmt ID: 23'lI 074 Rebecca RenAer sample iollector: Date sahp.le was ColJ.ected: 15/O9/2OLL Naine of V. 1. 1 ' trt)R Status: completed state: County: OP EN _S OU RC E Bladford MunicipaLity: GlanvlLle lwP PA Sample uedium sample Medium ll.Pe: Location: Nof INDICATED Reasod: codPlaint r,abolatory sanPle ID: 820110024?3 completed standard Analysis: 801? Legal Seal: IOO734{ ' And Tlme iest codes/cAs* Analyzed fntact: DescEiptLon AnaIYst YES Test Method . MMO-T TCOI.-CHR/FIR 05/10/2011 08:45 nM CBUTKTEIITCSM 92238 MMoEcT Ecol'r-cI{R/F ' 05/10/2O11 O8:45 A!{ cBuTKrEIlIcsM.92238 Relolted Results