Lisa Wiikies I Home FindFrioncis iioyi?itsron?s New Message Actions 322-? 2 commission? {Jan ti! Leif Lisa Who is this? x" izoy Baron?s; {Ltiiez EGirifriemi The person your fiance has been dating for the last four years. If you accept the friend request, you see pics of him that you might be interested in seeing before you decide to marry him. Piease feei free to contact me with any questions or ifyou would like more detaiis and pictures. Lisa Wilkins a .2 Again who is this? Roy {Emma?s {Root {LGirii?rieoci .I. The girl he has been names are not pictures are Lisa r" Now you?re wasting my time. Roy Dorozfs Other E?irifrieoti via no. im trying to save you some heartache. just look. you have nothing to iose if i?m iying then you can unfriend immediately Lisa Wilkins 1 don?t know you so i'm not going to friend you and expose my page to you. Ifyou have something to say?say it. if; 79. Roy {Baron's Cakes" Eijii'ifrieod i i. . he is cheating on you. biock everything from i dont really care but he is a cheat ?In: 3.1-: 2.: 1i.? (mix-'33 untiora. miter the nrwiilat as :?uh in w- p: inn-u?; settings oar-7: iz?riow Egg-5W9. Lisa Wiikins Chat (Off) b? - Sponsored Stroke inasmuch zit-tidy For hwestigati: Ag w! History of May Quaiify. (that 31:5in ceiiacrionstuclyxom Paescreen for a Study of Invest Drug [hot May Manage Ceiiac. i 00' (it: i; y?di bioewzues nc .torn saga; [?lui?l aVacauor Carolina's and Save mo hole for deiail: iniri? H'uilmi Built-i IouisyuililonmlilellL}1icons 80% OH Iouis Outlet ()nline? Free Shipping. I'op Quaiily?: Facebouk (t3 gali?ui'iltkkum illqiiximii'J-N At?. I ?w :;tli;89-h.? Henna Yin-5'1 Friend-a {my aunm?: Lisa Wiikins New Message Actions i ?7 23,1133: Qizmzz?s Other {Girlfriend he is cheating on you. block everything from i dont really care but he is a cheat i was with him on both of his trim to atlantic; city and to Lisa wiikizas .- what do you want? Rey {haz'mz?g Other {Ciis'?z?s'ieuaj iwam you to know {.19 truth before you waste any {If you: time on him Him i did like: van-.. with him too Lisa W?ikins . 03: so again what do yam want fram me? Rug: Burma?s O'iimr i?ir?i?riend to see him for what he is worth Lisa??i?ihim 's w, FROM MEliil 51m: 033m: Etii?rifrimzrd do you not want to know about the man you pm: to s'narry simie youve only know him a few 1110112115 from Lisa Wi?iins .. You?re wasting; my time= eithe; Mei! me: everything; or ?y away ihu'an's {Either .. he saw me i can prove if you invent seen it air-Eddy? to see his he. broke i: ve?erdcw when he nian?zmed it :0 Ill-e urcud ?man 1 mid Sum n1 15,41 xuif-U'? 1.119.,- 22: if? a Lisa Wilkins Chat {OilPieprd. i !w mun-4.1M Wain .- kilaiill - . Human. -v the i_ Hull hvlp?a i}th :I'hm?ligi 1 kind uni 11.112! Ham {Mt-m ,sW?ka?. ?Jil Emu Ha in .m in in. 3 $1.41: naming "{?gmnm ?mi ?5 l_ .ufi um m: ii H'l mung Hugh {my gun? ?1.91m: - 152m lain'iiJl 0-, l'ila?l'. FugHi1 $121} Inn luu": .iia?ii?? iui?r ?31m?. (Ln: Hei; I Ian! . Mun: war ii ?wst 'il-in? htik. unit-l -- 5?51;ng . already? '15k to see his ?yesterdaywhen he slarmned it 1 contact you Liga Contact me about wind {Ti-:33; {Emma?s {Mixer El?iri'fa'iemi id be happy 10 mi! no pro see the pics cle he bmhe it 0 the grde when i told him id blem with that but you need to that he is NOT being faithful toayou already E333. Wi?cins Send them here- via instant message: 510}: [mama?s (Miler EGirii?rien-J it will take me a moment.. do you want the most ream! first? Lisa Wiikins Show me what you have and trail me what you want me 10 do about it {3.05: mama?; (Him? {i?ir??riesad atiamic city in AUG, {35mm in Sept, an overnighi in or Atiamic City in Novembel You can do i. 'hatever yum; want about it..-if your okay with marrying a cheat he cheated on Ms wife, he cheated an what I'li?ixii? 31m: think he wont cheat am Lisa ?J?v?iiki . Han Find a?iea?it?a i?tuy inhg; 3:13? 5?s} L253 ?JiIking New Message mums aim-m Athlas. 31min;- R?y mag-(m 2; (Mar {gums-?rm Manic: umdcan move ifyou haw-m seen it use H: Hutu-All EI '?lill?, I nmlinm Haw. ii? {it UH :[ii?g F: inn.- mvumm?: rum! u, [I'iitii mie? iu-v; . mi. i-n'l ?i ii'l.? Hillbini ?Vi-?Ah 5: Li?: Him;gtenginiuin; -. . I - i {nib-unit} - a {ll I. {fl-m .- ?Z?Eigmm?? 1 ?ism?ti - i?iiml hut-.1 ?aim-5.14. ??lth Mi .3 fife? '5 45,433.: 'w -I 3? if; 3&rd?ihtau: {r Ets'J? . I i i if:qu Cami-3: 5 Home Fiiuihienzlr: Lisa ?Jy?iikins New Message Burma's; he cheatad on his. wife, he cheated on whal makes think. he wont chem on Take 3 Zack at my new pi'ofile picture. Time (later. A pic 22m; Suran'a Git-my {{i?rifrie?m? .M?ku ray 9 Heuzan mm. QWir?ig you. fair .. .. moat the *g-weaiher, 4 ?g . fa What? Hope i get Of Gamma ?111 actualiy graying for that. right new. On mam} $0 excite-Ci ti) 3% yap-2221.2 can't 'tvait?{ham}! dance) - I 2_ Landed a; aii'rr: 1 (dig-'3? iv-g Lisa1n. Chat Actions us.? Ham *1 Elwin} {ht} Has i: a mm: hthi in}. 9 kind: :5 ,i ii-I 515:3? I. uil'zidl Na) Shin ?ti; Ii??iiui uni lielilil i ?h?l f: Hakka-=3 Hma? 1 all if: .HIH. . . a inc-I int}; {rm- v: . um? 1. ?sl-r i; flit 301.? 112:1: Lida; KLLH \f-jiLt um my .1. 5. . Edi ?xi? )4 ai: ,g (j i ih'iih. gum} ?iiulililil: Innuiv at: i-tva-hul- l' i=1 a: \1 . "nil-f (- . .. i?iu?'u? Find f-?i?z?m 2316;?; I {fl-I mam. {Jim-3r i?s?me Lisa W?ik?ns New Message. Anions I at I ?nch-0. ?Junie; Inlii'izlf?J an: .i m1; {my Swan's? Otiier i 1m: . . . .. 3:33 nova uh 9m: Emmy 3- Rm 102% Gama Waiting 233;?) {mg {emf . . -. . limiimi Ham- Ali; {sin Rey need caffee at" (is(C) ff) Lisa ?it! 3w?: 1i . a gm- .1 liiui 9 ll: :x'iauli. akin?. w; i Imam; Ni ?3 lid"; (in .Iil in -1 Ilia-t-?uiliaali: IsuiM ml in; allii hi: I at "i (.Hii ai- ?Ii {-?ujz?duzui I?Erut?sajn 5: in 'l Milli? 1. i-lm?saa Pia-m F?ricm?ee {303: {Ema-m; . mm}: 3 More Lissa. New Message Autism L5 ?it-e: 5 mt sm?ah i; "Amt-g: {Hit 1 Ray {Emma?s as: - - Adaillk Md}! HM him inl' .m Huh: 1:1. Wa-Jh?iuq thEiEI?" in} i'elil - um hcizv u; ?tltailt {fumifn . Fin'l, (?H-ii in?? i: ?Hm! bimaum -: n- E?c?i?ww a, with Egan; 0" Hi?rliiLI?: Unlumv .?otlg'iylilfa Roy mama?s 0211M Em?friend -, Would you like a naked pic? New do you believe an mm .- 1.. . Idii?L?HHl- 1? 31'? ud?h't?? .4 J. i {Ii in} ii?r Lis?1ml?iikins Chat Fin-:5 ?t?gihuim?n r' 7 A, Lisa 'gg'??gi?g New Message Action? {5 I ?inmmu Would you like a naked pic? 13am?. Hm? ?th I EEJEII Jaw do you behave me? i I .. j] "Vii; inn-(ti H: Lisa Wilkins in Sounds like a. friend coming over not em affair ?Li'm'i; In: gen-unlhj-J'Enli Main ll. Ne nan just generic conversaiion imxis mum. [Ami-r: . .v {Tamika 1? Kuhn: Eztnriiraemi a. .- - hum; 3? one momem naked or: its wax; say-mm lulu-a Jiliit'i I. in ?eis. aging, 521 Wiikins You're wasting my ?rm in}: "uh-Elly Rwy Swan's; ?i?Kuwaic no you your time 21;? .. (in: ni' i .ill? ?293: {fiaamia?g {Either - - . - .- hi .- 1'a'l. mi ?1 Haunt) ?hub. i air I"5uj[ HEIE f?T - . 'zL-rl .ili . . Liu'imui? i..'?13? .3- l: Et?ll. :uE? t! I- hj? 11mm .2nUil?i. Lise: Wilkins (Amt (0m ..s 4 -: AAMKI. vu? . . . . Liga i?f?k?fm 5 New Mesmge Aaiuns 4 wit-EU: Fl; ti Halli; If; Ilil'i'iieluit'iuii.iil? it ll-vlii ('iil inn -. ?i I i a it?? H'i'tlli Suds: u! punch I.- m: uh! .1213121.! mes how do yuu know nun.- I I a Chat Harem il-mwrt-i ?gfm'a L353 E??ikig?gs I New Message. Amisns . . Wziiazin: iln?ug?jqulii Ailuii. 534'- iiv-l? ii,? uf Mu; so you believe me ?ow? Liam Wilkins . i i. No son are on 3ici'um 5a mm Unis-21d ti?ifl i . s'zx'g'ri?, 1.11m; Hash.- ti?v?{ttl (may; rm .3 Ray {'3th ?z'?ii'?s'i??ami a? .- - 3:95, fro-n": my iphsne. im using it in Hm pic Anna-an 1mm g. E11: t" .tii' Lisa Wi??ais - a; - a: ., ??sere?s only today'a that 3 . . Lu.- yLnii Fuh?iE-I yum inn .a r5. burm?s?a Otims' - 4' 1 mg w. was: @335 . in! v- mil :ii? . I tuning in: ?ung 2: Eta-.1631? lihrq I, - nlu?l- . Hza?it-h' Lisa Wilkins ("hat {Cu?f} i?cn?a'? any g; More Lisa ??fzfiEi-zins I If?itt'w Mess-age atrium ?kuftm .14 :?i?di?l Hi?dil .. I, . 1- a; Juiullu t'fx'li i, humid} i-ii it? I?m-sh: nun-1E. igu- a?mis ha?um mum. Vii 319-.- tm an: ?xhig?g?nini, {my e. .: . Elna" 3:5;th .ili'Hi'J.? i i. i: -:1i 5 141311131; 13*: 43Lisa Wt?mzs .. . Where: did ymi meet Uggudm may t. Raw ifhar?im?s {Timer {Ei?rii?rimzd 2-1 "Hm; one has the Gate and tie-he Check it I i jug! Hive. 0U a 2 w- ILL (11- i'ui ca .1 . int Whig-Au?x?mu're a Imwinma- it} ?if ?in fur. 1 Ehijigin-SH 13km"; tw! Lise: Wilkins fir.? A. Mm . A A IRENE: Hva Var?nth.- rm}: Tamar-.5 I 1-2-32? ?ghters Liga ?Wil?iins I New Message I All??lif?l Wiiking i 3 You?re a Rama I I 339. due date damn w, "t i :6 ilgfl?.? I 0:529: .- as ACY (if: 1 minim mm is where that was when. beiiw me new? :uil Lisa a 333? you :1 FAM E395: Ulii'f'il'? {Ef?gy Eilit?fi'iem i am a FEED Iike you 54mm": Liza": WEE-tins .. ti-h ?533: ?zisxm?s who?" zlfi'i-zitszil - No [mi [work f0; FAMIS in. Lisa - i Here in Sam Diego 1113i?! ir- . an; {Mar-an's (Jake: . No but i met him were yesterday. have you his helmet? that will move that i 2.-1w him if not. as}; him to 5.9.3 it. i GUARANTEE its broken Lisa Wilkins .. - if you don": live here how were VCR: in z: I?iutimi?hlp Na ifs at his paients with the hike Frhinin?: :3 fat - sr?gj?, Lisa Gm: {mi} . A mud; i. i?imne Hm? E-?giarasrj-s may {mun-r1; 3:19:51 ulnar Mme Li?a W'?gnm? New Message Admins ?1?ch {hi?uid?c Lisa Wiikins I'Ourm'nluir, Hm: If you don?t iiva': fame how wart-3 you in a rehuiomi'tip - Mafia ?gr 5- i?di'i aim." uni He it?s at his parents with the bike: L?xniains a Riki: {Ethan's {)iher a. . I . I He was ?ying untii May" goes bad: next wee-2k. Rmhu he H192 unmaniiupg to or I meet him man. i 1 <13} expiains what? why he?: was 50 Lime: yesterday? . rt . \fslu Kiri-i :Jviu? ?rst: him to 55102-9 it to you, {'vmidm ,i I. .3. 3% {Nth}: {m lint: -.. Oi; wili in the mix-1n time wimi eBay-mu gm nix-hieusum ?Ara: Why would he in: Ufa-3m Ezra; ?325?ch Qi?itii? {?irii?ri?wzd .. - I i! can the page. I many can: want you {a wash: {om $9.1m i did. \Mihlhr ?45; 3;:31 b1 . . - 32mg; harm-H .232: ?Vilkm?; I .r - I - son't understand - 7 1-1'W'l: run-411:3: Ray {Eatz?mg?s {Erin}? Migr?f: iemi because he was tha?eaiening suicide igllf Lisa Wiikins, Heip me is understand - ?may. 1 any mama?s ?35512? ii?iz'ifrimui I a ?vi-r 3/01.: said it expiaineci what things;? Lissa Wiikins E: . a. q? "an: {3.2m i. -i we Sums: 3mm" in Lisa "r?iihins that {Gm {"il?xiia? 2-in-5! Fria?eufi? 515.93? {3:21 Liga?v?i?iilting Ne; Message Animus '5 'e??-hrifuiih "Fm? {harm?s :th2? Linrl?'iem a 7- :tz-m 0mm '1 rnii: 23m; you said expiamed what - "fig-?i (lliir'l Lisa Wiiki?s .- Lane; (lung-l}: i :1 n; 3% bikes not here u. mm mm}. Gym]. When was {he affair? E?uy {Enron's Otiwr Eilirii?iiumi tsunami, Hm: Haws. mmg? he on the pic was. 11/013 um; ru' 22? Lisa Wimms 2 .r . 2: wasWas that the East 2mm? 1 IL if ?in - aimn?s Gum: Hdrii?rigmi . it: never the last time with him 9-36-31: mud-.Lisa Wilkinsthan why bieaiq the heimezi i - .. -- -. .: yea; 25:0? mas?ayrr?s {Ether Lidi'ii??u?zl?i a i understand from that he had an with :1 Fi? .ht Altun?zmt {on Anc?her {timid yesterday about came ha was upset about yam fii?aciing 0m lit-m .- so we're you making iove or fighiing Hugs Enron?; (Ether Ya: reaily are naive: Llfri-uzsi ?n?rixi- 2H3 a" H: l:h?iil 11?; Wiikins I it: Why break {he hehnci and mil: abuui suicida? that (.E?fhfi Hui-we maime- if vm: mJ-t 'rr: Emma a?nr Lisa Wiikins (That . . up?, 1 .. . a. rib?nt Edit: Hakka?) L- I. I grainy-x :?u?Egg-e Ewgga ?ags Naew Mesmqe Anions .- . - {uhiuL-a m2 Lisa E?p??mins {he iiemuxc ,ga. mama a? bmak the 1113mm and that didn't make. mas-2., um sense if mm mm; to have affar - '15 i 2" Pa?? 3. 'i-H?l ml . ?Mu-sw- an -.-. Lian mm hiram?a when" -.- . am you ever think it was Emil]? . . For,? Lina waking . - . - ii" :5 he sawed of lag-5mg yen? . I mam; :31: .. r. . if.? mu} sham: s. Lia-2:3: hm? 11:23:! 2 . . . in. .-. 3&1; n: 1.1 tin-3!, I I .1: "r Shim! if?uz?iass's {'Ei?wr' {Z'Qiz'ifs'?ami I You ma!in dont? get i1? think ive given you aiot so far. is motorcch aiways at 3mm- place? he. Said he of"? [1:8]er and up tin: nmtoztgn 2t?: from his parenis 111.11?: withing . . i Elm: I?m i?ut'arto Rscan I {brow the sink? when gngue rum": mar-.2 Let 8 meet - . . . A 5mg: ?mum's {hm-m: EAJHEENGJHE - -. i knew youre NY iike he: told I'm? in San {Siege ljaa Wzii?ins that {Gm Heme fin-:31 nan-:5; {my {Eu-5mm; rum?. 22.15.,? mum. yum Lgsa ?mg, Ma; Mae-sage Among Lia ?i?aa Wiikins in z: .m Are you siill in San Diego an: i s. ?1 me you Eeaving 5 my: I i??'ugmz's {mu-:2 iif?x'ii'rimui w- i have 210 iniamsa? in {meeting you H. 1:321 ial?.? wit. {31; then i gums wsr?m done . .. A a I .iiwi it"fi-ti": ?Jh 4.42m 3: 2 k. 1:50.10 guru", 11-. -.J 4.111:- 5,-v 3.1351 - swarm!? - Lei?; him together 5- Iu "I?Hldli r. 'q . a? . 2mg: buria?'s Lather . if; {hi afraid you 1' going to kick aim out and he wont have it page itAfter yesterday, germusly doubt he wants In 363:5 me my!?er ?jfri?if? 5 Hiji? ?3 soon . I . 1512;?! i- has: 5 your fiance 5 a x: Libs? Wu}; Its -. - Emma; Swab; it?: over bemeran you? .. 5) {)Egii? {Cindi??fr??f?ai - . in? . he wuni stop. It didm stop him was32cm think he wii?l stop just here-Jase he's engmguck? ?is? i Rf?ldiiy? Lisa Wilkins; (Zita: '33" gy?i 3 {ii 5 ?3ka fs'iszmgage Actions -- . .. .1 .. - khih?f Lid! i :5 5 he wet-1t 510;}. It {mint stop him wlzilc he was {'30 you think he: wiil? stop just {lemme he", engaged? Per 33;? U55: ?'i?iins Dru-ass he have you mars-RE 1 he {was hin?lat??f sap seeing yum 3'41in ?uings's {Iii-air: f?t?gii?fs'?vmi i guess i give good head if you can ?ve with his cheating good luck. Lis?.aWi??a?ns . Gk {hat hm: an; aw; Gm'aiz?s mam Ei?'i?frisnai mm What if i keep him. wit? you continue Rm: {'Eazi'im?a (Mus; {Li?iit'i?'i?x'xt? the question you need to ask wiil he :ioniiasue L358 Wi?dns . you P119110 Rica: {00 E1935 Ei?titfii! th?? ihi?: . - - {if} ?i {it 22 i i Lisa kins Chat .1 :3 'i 243:1 . . 1m t'lillui . -F i. Amiga?. I . uh Hui-1L 1 xx, :94 Ii'nl I fix; was: 5'11 . 55 inl {lag 1 how 971-41? W: ?r i .. . :chw fr; Home Lisa ?ne you Puertu Rican :00 3:13;! {harm-?91; ['20 $1an ?5 mr picture shims ceior '5 . zip-,- AL 3 (Ram: Li?JdEHE'?iui you would seziousiy L'onsicier marrying him what was knew? 5-233; i?zzi?m'3'3 {kiwi tic-t inn-ant; i alui 1m": its never New magma: Autism: We. mi: keep doing; 3: ma! ?mar- :Ezsn is gnirzg back :0 ?ying next main are you mli?ng 25.1w; ma dance that he Wk? dz:- ii again? Sp?mi 3-131? lizi?n": Naming? one the guys; said he was with that ?ight hui can: confnm stakes! but he aiways said HE). ?f'miw Lia-n: ?'?i?iins. 3:3: mind. Why Wonk} my friend iie? He has izozhing to Ease Ari??xv?l' tie quesiian you said after yesterday he: vmuldn?i mm to sc?ee you you were going to 16% me. 11 over? *Z?s'if'riemi rm Rm: {Fasr'mz?g {TEEI'an-zs' we?i i=0 be ?ying to my 1:315: one of his first mm Liaa Wiildns i?I-h- ,5 . .- Liszt Wi! Hut; ?:{Difj qun?nx i?icguti: f?u. kiwi-mm [ii??ifll . 1' :rir'vnr .34 "5;ng .. 4 NJ air it?. 13?: :i wry-n: . If II. uni . ?ml: A- luti?lihn? 1 5_ f2}: irbm More .. .-. - . Hume. ?1.50. Mimi-Eu 3.03! {Hawk's At'iimts New Message .r?w ax . a hle 5: 'JEhi?l Lulri?i?tng a wed! he wili be ?ying are my on nna of his. first Hips Lisa Wiikins Whaa Hawaii in Deces?nber c3: in 33mm?; r" Hi3?? Sfr?iem?? (i065 where rea'ly nutter? you in: [mused am the fact that in}. cheats.. mats my paint of an as" rhis. do you ieaily want to mm somaone that ism faithm! to only Lisa Oh i have enough Any advice my .Ejm'm's?s (Him: fi?:?ri?riazzd weii when you gm and you accent the ?amaze-.1 and see what he has. been doing behind yuan hack fut 1m.) hm. few months :hai' wave imcwn and before {hat Lia: Wilkins My {girl to My girl 3; {Eu 021?s {i?iz'lf?emi . a Lisa WEN-gins, - a - ?z mm; Wnat woald you do Are you in San Diego stiil? if! Leif him 10 hem-e wili he go to you Ema-Cam?s {Bibs-:2? Eurifr?em? that?s your decision. {heres a reason wave biz-m: together {m fmu' years and never made it human. I know he. cheats?Qty-?E. iisa ?g?viihins (ha: (OH) ?lial-Ev. if. licx?ii Aliucg. mum-=1 ?we, -. Fran-Ah i: 9.113} 1 ?i2? im'nm u? tit'.? His-.f - Anni usuhmi 1U um! iv 11.1: 35"" ?Ji-l?l' 11m}: in? Hi; 3km uj hi-?i \vvid inn: Li-z. l?m'ni' luv; a-?r i'i-cw I I . . i Edn?num - a 4nd,? *5 -. a1 I tf?l??i . ?Eiie'Eia?: {Hui Lisa Ef?i?iicim 1. r. Ray ?urrm's Qi?zm? New Maguaua :23: .2 Amati; mm yam decision. theres a reams: wave been mgmher I?m-l four yams and never made it happen. I know he Cheats and i just (393%. im okay with no: facing mania] and imaging up with him but Newer if i was mania-Ci to him. the: question you shmz?d ask can you [heal wiih it? Ema Eur; i'm not Gk upset and hm: Do you love him {my {Emma's- {Zkihm' there-s a team!) why theras a high {!ivozte L: amcmg; my; .. one 9x?wife.. and armther one. man. do you warm to in: nummai i didnt. ti'mi's. why 2 didnt imz'm'i'? {Mme 3 mi: always iove him mt id waver marry him but you: not me. you need :0 make your ii?cision Lisa Wiikins Wim E30105 warm you at Twin" Ewing," E?iiz?mz?n ilz?s?xan? aim-mth marina Lisa Wiikin?: Chat :1i1n'ci nu . . ?up: (3W1 nuiiliv .1: Emu;- I?l {i . I Ell: .fi..i;ti -.-. sxxhiu .zi.?15 n, if1f.? . A --. A ah.- . . ?1 Ema izim?: F9332 . . . . I I ?r hub-wk: at; mane; iiSa Wi??irw New Message I manna .. . 'I-?iainis? {?ied xi}? ?is?on?b (him: ?mat-x ,te . 3 Iri?! rs -.=aju Sheraton marina Mm h, =11 Bind r: in: saimr E- tin 1:13;: :3 nun-TH p; .. 16$. Lisa WElliins i. - :5 Dr die! you 56:9. him yesterday {Euz'mi?s i'IitE-mr filirlfriemi 54-h? ?3 leatelci 1 1 . a kl ?y v.4; gust one a . ., i did \gau ever notice he had a $01 a? iponear 1 . :El Lisa Wilkins - ":it'ii 3 i I-i fin}: itdzruz'i?: {?l?i?wg E'Gix'h?; ?55mshare one 5; gags?:ng gag - a 1&5 .afuz'i: cue persormei and one. vipr Til-ii}? {Enron?s {River cause we didnt want his wife to 5m; phone number on she: bill. thats what he mid you? ask the other Vii?i?i guys. if they imam its-.0 the?; damn i was fm' i Emmw 13m; Lisa - . I 1. I?fi?lunt.? Lh'. .- I v" this a?t?mii . yes EJsaWiH-?ina (Sher; (Uii'; (f - . .w W, l_ Fina} i'rix ?4203! ifhiuh? . a . W393: New Message. Amom {?rs n. Lisa Wilkins .- You gave 1: to him Rm!" EBay-ma {Lather -. Ham 1 Lisa Wiikim . w; i a n? I- -. egg. 0mg; 212:5 hit-Si} rm} H: I - . Juia- .. .Elu' 1?.ny Uti'irsi - . .. - - an LAX mammal 310 cause he was- based in LAX ?nes; and wouid explain things. if she. found it {my Emmi?, {Riser i? i think {had was the NY Pu Wm tican hear Lisa :5 yea i} (?at new; Emma's. {Rii?mi' Fff?r?w?iuzsd I 15:4. the WW. 9113.?; ?m mu". they win cee'stirn": it . A i?iu?g {father . aim pics are them if you mm: to iouk. i have? nothing) to .3 am {mm this but i don; mm: M) 2m; you huzt woma :1 La woman ?g?ilgr?- tx' i?i' 5 a 41. i 'E's ii?. i I Lisa kins i. mu {Mi} ?Haiti 57-h}? ?sh-{i195 --. i! a'w. ..- .1 . hug?: s: {?lz?iuim vim gin/mm 'iiluwkd- (?If thw- Etta-"mt Kauai;- Full I win --cizmm ?14103,- 132.2%- rm?s {firmer pics aw. zl'ieze if you want. go ion-k. i have: "1:3 gam from thin but i {Emit 2mm? to we: Wu hurt Woman-:10 wmnan git-M g; g- LL ism Wii?xizm 1 m: ch$533; iharna?s'a wife-res" 54,1? i'i?g?m?'m - I i unliy dam want If; mam. i :10ntwantwork. in?! nu: . ma?a whazz- e- vjihdn? . lxl4?am; Not .32. (hymn. soon VON: MO in .Oxju .LI 1? Take his) ma; you I i I E?m; {Mama?s mm- ?'Lfillii im very happy being together but ag'; in: Embrpenaieni. i me ma.? space and my own him to my home a It took a war iaL?i'm'e i iawihzal 2m 3w Lin?; 3whave taming tn;- i'dm every day but i dont nee-xi to see him ya Linn-w what i mean? Lian mp like a boy my now get up and Mew-r: any ?ue-mfg 23% i am? - - chi not Hm: (imam but we have a great together Lisa: need this. mam removed fuck i'm pissed Liam 'Wiihim; that i -L. moo}: Ewart Ctitez' Home Find F: lends; Roy Union's. More Liga Wilkins New Message Actions Lisa Wilkins :3 to, ori?gma need this tattoo removed fuck i?m pissed Roy Goran's Other EGErifrientl t3; ti-?J. out-"spa: i image you have the same its a pattern i saw that yesterday can i ask one more question? Lisa Wiikins to, Of course Roy Hume's. Other E?ii?ifriemt 1.331%. Kr in atlan?tic city he said he was getting that tattoo on his chest in memory of his sister because she was thinking seriousiy about convarting to Judiasm. Was that true? i thought it mightve been because of you Lisa Wiikins ft,? to Yes he {Cid me that too Roar Duron's Other EGirifriend - ok. i was hoping he wasnt using her in a lie. i fee! beetter Lisa Wilkins leg-m idk we have the same tattoo on our ring finger Roy Dumn's Other {TGix'Ifriend its. *r tutu-a dont feel when he got that tattoo with the tliangies in iwas with him and got one too i know. thats whyi ask different one but as a memory of all of our hamii trips Etth tie-:- w: iliiem". mumm- we. '1 iitntilird setting}; don't {dim-?t tepiierw. Lisa Wilkins Chat (0ft) Sponsor L-ti No Way 1 hi; ion?t Banned 'fll'lt. uftl'a (out Indigo-i It: (tan Munch- ia 1mm Sm? Shutlxitiu I hem Hath! hill-.0th $43th Hat-ale fret-i i1.u.?eii?3\ Z. ii?fl?! i \i 1 iv: em: Heart Audi t. it attain: liallriiEI'hliili,? tom 1 the I Li: Renewal: Stuth mote Iiihlul'i,? 160G Sm'iiv?; Bodkin-tits 1.39 nomorero?tom. {Jam tutti ice in!? out in. {if limit ha; Submit Yum HJUC Fat eiJouL Julotumi Into: .t um ?Mini: 1? I 530!? . .A i Inbox emai- 3 2:8 z?t; Neon-3 Home Findi?riemi? Roy Burun?s Lisa Wilkins Il?fiew Miie-sgagg know. thats whyi ask different one but as a memory of ad! of our imwaii trips Lisa Wilkins Triangies? Rm; Burs-311?s Other EGEr??riend 1; e- the one that wraps around on his right shoulder and arm You got that too? {my Enron's (Ether E?irifriend :?fi a different one but the same day Lisa Wiikins is; - Where Hay {Enron?s Other EGirifriend the pic of him in the chair on the baicony with his feet up was the morning after we got them done Anions 13 Lisa Wilkins in may?. leg Lisa Wiikins in ,1 e_ -. Damn Roy Dumn's Other {Girifriend 1.3; w. En hisjeans and black tank ail those great pics of him are taken by me the swimming one is my favorite mun?? rams-us ftp? \Eii?. [i?zhvi? ix?i Ili?anei?. a? I mum via-3.- ?in zi-zrst. Harm-"g H-piu g. Lisa Wilkins Chat (0 ff) - Snansm ea! After Strom- u: I I at liv'hmi Investigcsung; a Madam mu for whr; have Ilild - Do you linuw your mum! :Iwiierimge.r um Build yum lam inr and di- your Ili?: i . . . . 31:53:?th mu Haw: him! um .?mlnuu 3.159;? ?Oil lay-5 ?91h der It: mu: l? {M?mir'iM' (with. ALZCESS kid}: \liJll be? I have MIL-lithe. in}! yr. In: (lama mg? i I 5-113.? - I-?umftvan n1 Suit! i?acnimni?. JLiia?i?m. Ichm.? - PI . il'Ji H9.) 1? I Mti'xi I - - A kg rib: is inbox Other 1? 1) More Lisa Wiikins Home Findmendu Roymurows New Mess age Actions Roy Duron's Other EGirifx'iend in his jeans and biack tank 1.3,3153. 1:25 him all those great pics of him are taken by me the swimming one is my favorite Lisa Wilkins Yeah i know that pic Hr? 5pm Roy Baron's Other Li; he is handsome and shouid We taken lots of photos of him Lisa wilkins :stay with you tonight I need space Roy Dawn's Other EGirifriend 1.3m- Lguu this is when i was at mission bay in june Eon cannot mg}. to 1hr, (omel'am?tm. {Pasta-s tin: rascigizi-zm?? summf was div-ALL. ti it?. ?owing? sinu'l LtEEu-n two-pita. Lisa Wilkins Chat (Off) .r ,n 4 . m" Stroke Rcsaau'h ?Sludy fouriorsru:lyxom f?urhwubligmit Mmil'tahm. Ag w! Hmong of May Qualifv? $23.90 new BAN {mums :ovislwum whale: wm Foam Uh Aflol 'laa, Imp exempziosm Shipping H'co. $100 His.? l: Vat Rhona! (TatoIln-JH r515 and ?Smo $190 hart: [Ur 130 you Luau: your mots? m?gimimutual] Buildyum' {can Eur lrw: .un?i di' you family Get Out but (own Fa?el.luuk {ith mm: a um ingllul: {9 - r' Mort- Home Hm: Fliemis Roy Baron's mam: Other More Lisa Wiikins Newmessage __Actim'rs (Z). A I I, ngnaumd Ray Dumn's Other EGErifriend Enron?s Other EGirEfriemi idont think that would be a good idea Lisa Wilkins You fur-i?: to {his Eiihur tin: re: nix-m. Matilda elm?! ailn .I Lisa Wilkins a i I 11.331 am {inf-gar 53:1?. new", a: and was u?iuai?mi at: my!er Chat (Off) Get Out Get Covered '{our intii?tt?nUtilL?uIUIH let us heip yum. 1;?28 ai SEQ, [aglc 3: 1 Moxie Java, ME After li?dll Amid. iourier :4 i' Aduil: May Qt! (lining! Re I'm an investigation A'iealimliun. Find (heap Ray .13?er Hula mu (um Iillti Luv; 1'ai'smal'l't ?can 0 lyuneut .l'dt 1m Pl?itg PI in and Ix-Lumgmlaenl l'dbidm?illidl New Mummliau Sn Fawhuok up ex Inghah 11:5.) More. ln'oox Other (1) 3 9.111% More Lisa Wilkins Home Find Frionds Roy Duron's New Message Anions Roy Duron's Other EGiz-Efriend i dont think that would be a good idea Lisa Wiikins Why He's out having beers and said home by 11 Roy Duron's Other EGirlfriend we?d probably worry about shooting each other he says beers we both like guns. You? Lisa Wiikins of course So your a fad that carries Roy Duron's Other ECirifriend 12 3111, {Libglm Lima. ?Ji?l?JE?anl ?t?j?'mm ls?fi?L "Hr-Yin? .Vo' i bought him the ri?e and his new pistol that hejust offto ACY for off duty carry just sent off to ACY Lisa Wilkins A or work gun? Roy Duron's Other E??rifriond you dont like guns? Lisa Wilkins No Roy Baron?s Other EGiz'ifz'iemi are his guns in the house or in storage? H?hfyi?yu ES ?1'3 ?HF-gnu: 1.3.331, ?i You mono! mg'?y to Him unrrersdtiou. {itlmr [he r'zsripmn?s about was. (Maui-ind or ilw pawn;- allow ?pin-n. Lisa Wilkins Chat {Off31:0 mm 9' adl adobe; om New Pe?lootmiicc Song Fuse it's. "itJU hom our 12m; rec." Awnhib?t weal); (mi-g rota-l louis Walton Goth-z loliiswii[ornamidlzul Ltmil Bil-)6: (1H IUlIib ('amloz (fmlmof {we Shipping. {up (limhw Reel Attitude. i hdittl?s Buoy um oi L?miti?l: Mll?h -l 1 ob loot?'U Luna: ouiall Purot??mu of tier! racehuula iihil?t'oc iu?knm um Mali 3' (in) - . Mun: Rome Find Friends Roy Dawn.1. Embex Other More [.133 Wilkins New Message Actions 5?32 no a t' (elk. AflerllearlAlhik {my Duran 0111 er {Girlfriend Lint-l. ?3";9p1n his guns the house or storage. mums Ma? Lisa \Nilkins if h?l'vi fer a? - I Vt}. it - Storage 1 have lads M?mg?zrn ?If Roy Baron's Other EGirifriend lj-?lfi, smells?: Oh Oi, Get a Yummy idea? (louse! avur .wm Submit yum?- Lisa Wilkins ?3,131}. mum?: . MM {or a $1 155% Do you he 15 out cheating us? Fall 111: mu. Roy ?uron?s Other EGirlfriencl lit please dont go nuts on him . ["he Simple l'ledil "ft-st all i know is that hes not with probably out wilh Aclam - - [Jam gyms-Ll. I'Jisaeve lisL fur liedrl l?ll?n-?i. right? Lisa Wilkins Isa-"w, Yeah he said Adam Roy Dumn?s Other EGirlfriend 1.3; H, mian scary that i knew mm mm :?rmthual Lo gait Muscle is Hung": See slim 1- my; limo. Lisa Wilkins Emil?. {Hume-.1 Why can?t he stay with you tonight limited lime fully! Roy Enron's Other EGirlfriend Elva-{pm nun-mm just please dont go nuts on him. Yes he thinks with his little 31min mimic head and not head.. but he really IS sensmve even ill: all?, though he doesnt want you to know that mum! 3m 0 because you know about me and id feel guilty l'arelumk You (mane: i-Mmrille .irmunl was llt?nil?lntl lit. Eugluh yum?. fun" . (U: [nix-m"; sellinqs don't allow replies. Mn?. - Lisa Wilkins Chat (om inbox Gather (1) Search More Home Find Friends Duron?s Lisa Wilkins New Message 'Aclions Roy Durun's Other EGirlfriend just piease dont go nuts on him. Yes he thinks with his little head and not his big head? but he really is sensitive even though he doesn?t want you to know that ?33133. because you know about me and id feel guilty plus he?s married and thats a double whammy. LOL im already going to hell..first Lisa Wilkins 5.2m Aeratiuu My kids don't need to see this can he stay with you tonight and I?ll deal with him tomorrow Roy Baron?s Other EGirifrienti ?was: i he said hes not talking with his parents. True? Lisa Wilkins 133i?, Hell damn first class wow Roy Duron's Other EGirlfriend lemme. four years is a. long time Lisa Wiikins 3.5mm {excl-uni. He refuses to take their call 1 don?t know why Roy {)uron's Other EGir-ifriemi LE an. he does get like i know. never understood that Lisa Wilkins Lid?, inn-yin So can he stay with you i can run to homedepot and change the locks now Roy Duron's Other EGirii?riend Ha Prim: You i some Riyals-'10 this Either the. .aatulmi Ijz'miilml 11-. Mailiin Lian"; allow It'ixlirl?a. Lisa Wilkins Chat {Evermore-i! Heart Attari. a. .?Sll'uhe fourierslmiyarom ?31; ?It: Cli {t?eeai?t Simh Enrolling Now. Stroke ilismw Quality. Build with Inn: for flue .md ill your his Do you know your roots: mylierimgexum Suimtit You: i'liwo: Idea! damsailaxmamm ?mhmil 3am ill them Wilii . -. (rim! inf-m. limited time only! Shun unluw at .31 n1 gel 2! irate VIE Kill?'0 (?ii hf" We more your tax papers evergreen.?unitunn gamer and - 2! \nm' [in alliil. 1 no worlim. Fecelimilv .301 i highs-l. in); lulu-Au. - lurms - a, More . . ., . . Home Find Friends Flog Duron'e Enos-x miner More Lisa Wilkins New ?995399 Mimi?s "j Lisa Wilkins So can he stay with you i can run to homedepot and change the locks now if} Eliminate: Roy Baron?s Other EGirlfriend 13.33?, in: we?: dont do that. talk to him but be calm. he will run if your mach! know about that let him stay with Adam pins he probably thinks i went home today. he was worried yesterday that this would happen Lisa wiikins 12:12:, liili?yln Are you a l} or band? How can you afford all these flight? Did his ass pay? Roy Baron's Other EGirlfriend it's {Jain no calls or texts no kids. guns, flights. i used alot of frequent flier miles. Many many trips to Hawaii will do that Lisa Wilkins .n 4years damn we?re you ever in love Roy Duron's Other EGirEfriend i?j?i?i. if! Ply-w you seem to be very calm. not whati expected Lisa Wilkins fir it}; Did he send you his schedule I'm hot mad Roy Dumn's Other EGirifriend m. mm i know it mph-i lo this Hits-r llie ?winieni?: e: (um um: aiipdilral {taim-ity settings mm niliew replies. Lisa Wilkins Chat (Off) Sponsored After Stroke (limit a! IKE-sear Invizsng?ning .3 Met?: ml ion for who haw- had [can Hose, 1' limat issues? {roam-nu um .. Out 4.3% 3.3 remimizml we: 5. their Hal-Ll. fro: the Medical (.0 Want in Be A Nurse? lairhnliiedu Lei You! ii 5. il :35 i ailillelil Uni Ml'll'tf I (11' Apple Ime, $100 munitions! mm 4 Vm? mm- (?nlulnm'u Cry-s I {ll-ll} Selk?? 1.10:) lui {It} you know you: aunts? [mild yuui' lulu lUl' in?: dild your Igm'izlx in: shook ti) Hit '1 - in l?i?aglisi: {in} I?mmy- Mull-2 lnbox Other Sear? More -- - . . . . .. 1 Home Find Fi?iemls Roy Duron's New Message Actions Lisa Wilkins Wilkins L3: 1?3, i?igim Did he send you his schedule hot mad Roy Baron's Cther E?irlfrienci ?fth; 1:11!qu i know it goes back Dec 28th Lisa Wilkins Li; in: mm He told you 131191, Roy Duron's Other EGirlfriend dons be mad. i work for i have cleatance and a need to know people know he gives it to he's not sumiosed to do that. He really could lose his job arent even supposed to tell their spouses their schedule. Its policy Lisa Will-(ins He didn?t I asked but I get the run around Always general generic fucking answers Roy Baron's {Ether iLCirifriend i?w'i, thats more about policy and clearancejust trying to make sure he doesnt lose his job please clont take that personal. its not you. really just following SUP Lisa Wilkins lx-i?r, You cam-.01; reply to IlliS filiaM-i?siili??. i?mw-r ill-.2 recipient?s w?z'ouni was disulximl in its present gratings don't ?fill-LEW Lisa. Wilkins Chat (Off) Sim {1:30 all Stroke Resaanli Rudy um l-ol Medication. Ag w! llisioiy ol 5 MW Quail lv. Celiac Diagnosis mica: um Adults {ha-Jim: Rowan ll (dull-:31 -l-'rei N?i?xll?i' Prei l?nip?s tum in leasing Managmm-nl resiilmailsl hon Onlyr (.os (an commit: (ml the and (Wulil the .. . llipolai Rosem?cl?. Facebuolx if") English in l?i cm- Rimless mean-lei- Stella .4. ?(In H. .. m, Home FindFriende .. . . . . . . - mbox Othr (1) More Lisa. Wilkins Message Anions 3??sz ?p?iisui ed American Red Ca 05:; Seaarrh please dont take that personal. its not you. really micro?. org Help penpie el just foliowing . undue-1'5. Dun. 1.. . I I I Red Um? ion] Lisa W'?kins 1.: ?151. Ok I understand ROY Enron's Oth?i' EGirifi'iE?d 14.1219?: New Moon??te bung hue . take a deep breath. have a dzink before he comes home n'serliclmommil:mum It's 4:20 mum: Lisa Wiikins {.Eii'i. 1m: Ipm I?m? ?Tm? . . . . rte. Aulgialii is he iosmg his Job i don need a bloke mother W15, Rey Enron?s {Miser EGirlfz'iend he could. thats enother reason peopie shoeidnt know. so thets Mimic ?5mm.? wiw I was surprised he iet you make It publlc. I went at the ?eld illa of?ce tuesday and one guy commented. I II Lisa Wilkins m, Inga 5? (.Iltl- Hull: 9 Huh aim led. . 3 . Roy Duran 5 Other h?irlfnemi a, 1.. .. Mm. ?mm Cheating is unbecoming of an fmn'ieI'nlliIW-i'ml! and is a ?reable offense Mulh 05L: Iiztit'al . . . . . Sludy in! unex- )g . . Lisa wiiklns h" said what Medudiiun Roy Dawn's Other ECi?friend 1'3 1% m: [IL-warm i Cant ten YOU that Sorry Method. ?9 .ml 3-Lisa Wiikms i3; Enema.? More . 0k Biee?ef L- Roy Game's Other ECiri?'ieud my il- Ill?lr? unla- tkni- Ann-rut Ithr?ll innit- ri-Iil curing-93hr: LIA illrl' ?r'ou cannot reg-5?; to the}; Miser the J's-mm! 5. raven; :iun?i eiiuw . Lise Wilkins Chat (Off) More Home Find Friends Roy Do: on'o Lisa Wiikins New Message Actions i cant tell you that. Sorry Lisa Wilkins use-mm 0k Roy Duron?s Other EGirifrieml lgglo, it was someone new that doesnt know he?s stiil married. Hejust said that he knew he was dating a 8130 not engaged he actually wants me to come to work in SAN. Said a job is opening soon that he thinks i'd be good for. i know you Work at the airport but are you based out of the Cushing street location? i was there on tuesday too Lisa Wiikins 133m No I'm not at the airport Roy Doron?s Other EGir?riemi i thought you exercises? Lisa Wilkins 2.351%. minus?.- Nope Roy Baron's Other ?lirifriemi in swim were do you report? Lisa Wilkins 1.39:9, In; Wait Tuesday Tom Roberts gave a tour to a lady from head quarters Roy Drxron's Other EGirifriemi :u ham. he did? You (more: reply?) this Conversation. ?tithe: the man-mm at mum tho-d?asfi ii. I printers: rim: 1 aiim?: u-gjgiim. Liszt Wiikins Chat (Off) ,v 5 11-? Sponsor mi Ceiiet' Resem ch Study ceiidtliuusl udy??nn i?msuvuu for a bludy Emma! Drug [hut May Menage Coin-u. After Hear: Angeli 1- (-95- I Adui: Mm; Qt: Rt Slum; iur on imealigntion Metllultion. Only (?ox Can romrom (Jul ll?: ilu'lil 0 gun} amid line [-tUSi Georgia [?eiun Beam; i [are a ?mlu Va himl". 41m ru'ninal bitL es huh: as Co: a Yummy l?acebooie (U .fiibdumfidwm um English i? . {1.1 or a: a H, .?gngf Cough? inbozc Omar Seem Home Find Friends; Roy Durou's Lisa Wiikins New Message Actions Lisa Wilkins 1.1: i?I. mama? Wait Tuesday Tom Roberts gave a tour to a lady from head quarters Roy {Juron's Other EGirifrieud Lens. 1U:$ipls1 he did? so you work in 2305 USR Wiikins Hu?pm Yes_a ole headquarters lady tail about 5 9 blondish hair Yes i think! saw you Roy Duron's Other EGirifriend really? We?re you with tom roberts Roy Dawn's Other EGirlfriend i'u $33;er did We meet? Lisa Wilkins i3; M, if}. No 1 think I saw you with roberts Rog! Baron's Other {Girtfriend ugw Lu- 1 5 {mi so iguess you might believe me now? Lisa Wilkins if that was you 3211?? Roy Duron?s Other EGirifrimzd u; in, where were u? You cannot mph" to this Human-ranch. mt: rm rut gun? was, viasa'uimi u; i! urn-dry mziinqs dwil'l slime Lisa Wilkins Chat (Off) 52; Commercial ?uke Rudd Inimradmom Sponsored Hassle Haul Eb .I. Immll! Keeps 1 Baht-i xi hi?t?i Got a Yummy Chip 12113.1? dousufhwm om Submit you: LE. idea [or than $1 million! Site 2 {systems-u, . .1600 Sena; liciishutts $19 ?annual (Liv-uni?: I-. Us}: i?leu': l?qupli?tl iialJU ?mrius Bu (7.1 Ah You . Gregory Potion New Album lit-w. inum'?' "lirlmli ?plr?l." Dom-mud on i 1 Dm? min: 9111 Rests-m1: if.? lying?ul .I_ii {lib} - 859mm ?isond?r swim; 31 . n. Home FindFriende Roy Baron's tuber: Other (1) More Lisa Wilkins New Actions 3 - - - . tax, spammed . - . . Living w; (that Disease .1. 4? J. . - ng-H? . swan?. Roy Duran 5 Other a 51: nth-- tchmImmudyiLmn where were u? dLe r\t iiull At (vitat! {Ilint?ll? Adult-Lt w; Lelia i?l?trhi'rimn [Ui' filutjv. Lisa Wiikins 133w, 111m:ng Passing by coordination center Roy Baron?s Other EGirifriend tea-1:1. 1m: {gun it was a maze to me Stroke Heart Attack fourte: 51ml?.th ?the Fourier f?Ii ltesudit I. Mud-t, limestigttling t: Muthl anon I?t?u' Agu?. to 8?3. Lisa Wiikins 13319., mm: Yep Roy Duron's Other EGirlfriend i apply for thatjob h? Only Cox (.211 Lisa Wiikins 13:1?4. ?i?ezv It . Let the (In: a . one and mel the Roy Burma's Other EGirlfriend 1.: tit-t. tiit? is that a bad thing? that you saw wrne Transportation Security Manager (Siam Emu-w PM It' up peanmlxum Lisa Wiikins am is} 'fi?qtt. No it makes it reality i?it? lumttunsi I?m: Nice Rey Dumrz?s Other fIEL-i?ipsn that was like two years ago. you sit near waf? PiliuClemI u! Hie-t! Lisa waking my?! I'atulmuL tu Jtalt?mt mum mil ND lucero {mph}: - l? Mun: Ray Dumn's Other EGirlfriemi i ?E?ijun he interviewed me ?s'L-u tun-mot rep!? :0 thir, {Hid-r tin: l'x'tfiIT-iijtll'; zurmmt was Jetted-(a: a; nu 33mm? 391mm) (Est-1ft J-Ik'f-f. rt?pii-m. Lisa Wilkins Chat (Off) intnox Other More Lisa Wilkins Lisa Wilkins No iucero Roy Baron's Other {Girlfriend Home Find Friends Roy Duron'o New Message Actions ?with tori-Jpn; tt?i: I?hm: he interviewed me Lisa Wilkins Fifi?. He's great you?d love him So what can I expect from Roy Roy Baron's Other EGirifriend s-T'unn welt i obviously didnt do very wei[.. Tom said something else is opening soon that he wants me to apply for fyou go nuts he can go either storm out or beg. Lisa Wilkins Rog! Duron?s Other EGirtfriend :rtts. w, it}? ?pm Do it you'd love San Diego insists?: Eve lived in LA. not sure i want to move here. i have a house i cant seii because of the housing market So are you thinking how youre going to handie this? Lisa Wilkins i in i What did you say to him to make him break his helmet Roy Dm?on's Other {Girlfriend nor; 9px:- we were taiking about this whoie thing. Lisa Roy Duren?s Other EGirifriemi in. i W9 talked about evemtino. You to t?i .Ijliifi'. Ok so what set him off .Hiian: hie eon hit; naremq how is it: ?the: the at wont .i?mitim at at -. {nit-eta: getting. don't. ttiitr-A- Lisa Wilkins Ch at {Off} r' .I 77 r? iponsmeti Heart 3; Stroke iourieratutiyxum ihe ousier (Iii Research SImh tnrotiing Now. Slruie Hiatuw Qualify- arm-?3; Do you know your nwhe:imgtatom Build your last: [or free: and d! you: i'Ii:. OFF Heath {Jittex-vttzemc tom Pidn a \?uhtltu . Lathlilhll?J? wk. and Save $1.00 lit-to for tit-tall- Submit You: ?4?le idea! your it] [Idkl I I (I. In H- :1 Rules t? risen?! {ti-?ii have $101} on the Un?t-oh {li?n - More Sprint not?: Oth 2r More Home Find Friends Royi?mron?s Lisa Wiikins New Message Actions Lise Wiikins vi, Matias?; Ok so what set him off Roy Duren's ather EGirifriemi ?fty, ll'i'signu we taiked about everytirig. You, his son: his how is not fair that his son doesnt get to grow up with a father. when that his pian was to make his sons life as normal as possible until he was 18 Lisa Wiikins tinfather Roy Guron's Gther EGirit?riemi 1.549. 1 :54. not if she has her way with it. she wit! keep his son away from him. Lisa at; She can?t Roy Dawn's Other EGirifriend 33m}. a; when was the last time he saw him? Lisa Wilkins ?111. 5} wit-u; Nov 2 1 Roy Baron?s Other ECirifriend she can find him unfit. reality is that if hes engaged then he was cheating while they were married and that he will be deemed as unfit parent andior make him lose hisjoh ?3319. ch'iwr; it wit! confirm her suspisions that shes had all along its december 19th .. almost a month. reality is.. shes aiready doing it You tenant n-?gjriy tins tom'er-aatiori. tithe-J liiL?: amipivnt'; ?count was tlsxutiimi or it {iris-aw setth timi?t ?flow median? Lisa Wilkins Chat (GIT) __d5_1 .- new bpetwmed ?errow Smart Winn! Jose Welcome! hes powder tdltuh r1: ovule quick L0 After Heart Attack um "29. Adults May QLJ (Vi) Rt Study for an Invenligdlitm (ll ion. Qualified '1 minus (9: HI tit om t'mr lie?lli?'i?) ht degrees .tmd Degree? In [Lass tutti Lille: have Binnie: Resettuh Study stUtiyitIuhipuLu?Jmil '5 if-?Q?I I Mulltlii,? Opti?k. ??ee?eri L?Bisord'e'r Stu?y is. i i have $1110 on the Futulmol? 13;: mm mm lmlliais '11 - Mon" 5? Spout? A [Jelly Med-"W" o. Home. ll?itkclii'riemis Roy {Baron's misc-x other (1) More Lisa. Wilkins Newmssa?e Actions 3? Aft-3? Sgionsorui was?! it will confirm her susgsisions that shes had all along After Heart Elltm'lx lour?im studym um its december 19th .. almost a month. reality is.. shes already doing it Atlulisx Mat; Qu (.VU lira-Jul IE: Study for or: faieilimlion. Lisa Wilkins iL-?i?ii? i Does she know about you 4 years is a long time Rail-.2 mien-u Roy {Enron?s Other EGirifrieml 1:51?. i Iii-Juli! lumpr nope. but she obwously knows about you. if she finds out if (mic! about me its over for him. no job. shes not stupid in} a; mow-4A thats why we had a separate phone 1600 Series hashes-E's $.19 - Lisa Wdluns .. A um?! Then why tElI her about me 3 Piece} gypiian Roy Dawn's Other iZGirlfrieml i :1 5- 1-5pm 5cm?: Ba! . . . Ell)- Ln.- "011 thais what 1m trying to figure out Lisa Wilkins 13:3?, 25 i. .. (:Idhl (iron-35' PILL I I ponpodaom Roy Dawn 5 01116: Etsirlftiend mm,- H: ?In? what? lum'ls dial I?u 1- Up in: Lisa Wilkins I so Ei'i mu Are you going to tell Angela about you Roy Baron?s Other [Girlfriend iv. a 5pm loans Vuii?m hulls since we had the phone? he tailed me 53.) no. i dont want him to lose his job or esoecislly his son. he Ez'ii??m i' - 3? loves him so much. that will just kill him You Cannot reply In (his. com-oi 'mtioi'z. [him iln; at: ?on! a: 11-. was-stars: w-riirngs iirm?i allow Lisa Wilkins . Chat {Off} Home FindFriem?s Roy Barronlmox Oahar More Lisa Wilkins ?ctions (-7 Soonsm'oil [-leart Attack 3; Lisa Wilkins i3? 1 lil- lien louriersludyxom Are you going to tell Angela about you l5om er ll lieseiil'ill Slum Lln'ulling New- lithium; (Qualify. Roy Duron's Other EGirlfrien-? i 1.: lplei since we had the phone. he called me no.1 dont want him to lose his job or especially his son. he loves him so much. that willjust kill him 90 Your WW- Lisa ?(Wiggins gig?! 1; rpm. mini-mus:alum-mar now hiring Pro 1 know I?llul'm {ups it. Roy Baron's Other li?irlfriend :Muput things out me hlup?i?mmIN? Plan (3 Vatdllul . '5 and 5mm 'ill'il') a? lilL?hi Lisa Wilkins ?rm: He proposed Roy Baron?s Other EGirlfrierzd {35:4, 11.1 ?lm barely posted or commented on his F8 to stay low you Lnuw your roots? i know but you guys still could have kept it quiet. people are ?whetMir-aim: talking and when someone puts two and two together it could be trouble. I dont think he realized that Build \I?Ullf lam lrn' free and your lmuilv hit? Lisa Wilkins m1:- lit! mm We're trying to gel pregnant Giant Gidtcr?,? Phi. up Roy Duron?s Other {Girlfriend i. 1 mm thats surprising. (orwuniem l?l( ?animus? Pod] Lisa Wilkins Err E?ilfm: Ire-shes: Way l. [inlay .mal Why Eloy Dawn's Other EGirlfriemi 53:51 i. i 1 we: incl is: {1:153 (an and incl (m "min: mantI-mr insulin in (mi l?amiJcmL .301 (mi-?35" {Itlh?i? flit? Ill LEI - l? {Huh-J}! {1-13-11 iT-MW'i? Bolivia 9. a! an 1? I More use Wilkins 3_ Chat (01f) Home Finchriends RoyDuI-on?s inbox Other More Lisa Wiikins . New 31.9.5999 . .. If! Sponsored 7? 5- I . Ante: Smoke "calm! L153. {Litipm fgurienludytmu Why Clnitcai itc-sem' Investigating a ix-ieditntiun for Roy Baron's Other EGirifriemi ibis": 1:43pm who have had just iose one son and just go make another. maybe to get .. you to stay with him. I dont know. Just doesnt sound like him. i-ie didnt want to marry his wife in the first place just did it no you ?new yum. mats? cause his father made him do it. Build youl sum for free dilli tli' your tanniy his First wife used him for a green second for a meai ticket for her three kids Lisa Wilkins tint?. ii i?ipm Damn Roy Duron's Other {Girlfriend ii}. .i i'mcn pi?: Pm? A A 7 NYors teli it straight, right. - spatiaimnu Leasing and t'mitlcniml liqu Lisa Wilkins 1.1m. lili?uui He?s got shitty luck Roy Baron's Gtht?i? EGirifriend in. li'?iqm?. . 7 Submit ?1 our 1 two: idea! you didnt know thlS. animul you: ui ?53 W'Ikms 19:1?. m. In,? Hominy": Past is past he teils me Limos}; rests?! - Ruins. Roy Duron?s Other EGErifriend 1.5; ?11 gown. can i ask a question and get an honest answer? ?tness to iietp .34 thBiJUle Lisa Wilkins no. Hump?.- i innit-A: (?kn-t - 1? Absoluteiy More Roy Duron's Other EGiri?'iend 2 if 15:11: ?rst heres the ?too mono: innit: to this the rum-um was. :ii?sdi-It ci of it?. first-m"; settings don't aiIoL-v wishes. Lisa Wilkins Chat (Off) Home Find Friends Roy Duron's . .. . labor?: Other More Lisa Wilkins New Message Actions if, if Sycamore-Stt?oiteitesean'hstudy mus-.1 Flo; Duran 5 Other EGIrifnutd Li; W. 11.3 [Halt mu first heres the h? Morin atiun. Ag WI Histur'y (Jl May Quality. so he hasnt said anything about either of the wives? Lisa Wilkins 1.311%, No general generic comments A New Moormiice Song hue Past 15 past he says mt-zdimnooiminerum It's 4.311801nei from um new 'i l? Amildhl weir. onlyfut Roy Dawn's Other EGirifriend I.) {1:33pm- is: wife he met in germany.. she was cheek? 6 months married.. divorced in two. no kids..she cheated on him. she was looking for a (ii to get a green card Celebrity Com imge ll?illiiy: iied t? it I'een Chm: u. i Lisa Wilkins ?rm lien: Wow R03: Duron?s Other EGit?I?-iend i . I i aims Midst: he was crushed Pauly. VIP him-e I?rmmerus 8.: Lisa Wilkins 1337'? i Giant Groaew Fisk up And Angela peapodruh: Lirlill willRoy Baron's Other 1, an. 1 ;st ?It L15 l?IeL. Up best friends everything was awesome for the first six m1?? and months, then got pregnant. Didnt want kids then but his father 23* made him do the right thing. Lise Wilkins ix; to. Hum-.251 Au?ess E-i so What am Facebuui, till it.? ingliah {tin} i? Roy Baron's Other 1.71?. i mum. Mar?? his niece has his ist name. I asked why. he said she was in school and didnt have to do it. they helped her and she did it alone ?nzm {tanner reply to this (mix-emanate Either the I?s?l?lf1l'?il'? at -. unit was {pinata} settings mini ?tlluz?s lriillr?g. Lisa Wilkins Chat (Off) Home Ftndi?rionds Roy Duron?s labor: Other More Lisa Wilkins IN-ew'M-essetge? whale-Its Sponsored" After ties: Attatk l'ou I?lt'. rallu'ivt om Seer-sh Roy Duron?s Other EGil'l??iemi 13316}, .1 1:31pm his nieCe has his name. I asked why. he said she was in Adults Mm; Qt: school and didnt have to do it. they helped her and she did it Clinltcil Ra alone Study fm? at: liivustitmlion but he had to marry and i think hes very resentful and thats Mmlih'ili?m. why has probably not answering there calls a? 1' Lisa Wilkins. m. adobemm all 1. Roy Duron's Other {Girlfriend 1m 2 i dont know but here?s my honest Lisa Wilkins 1.3 it?. is 0k 360 Sirius! Apia. um Roy Duron's {)thes' EGirtft?ieod il'i? i wag-m; l'Jow leasing! t' (u?m?my (and how can you even consader marrying a man that votive 13mm? M. only known for a four months and you dont even know his history? he could be a please clont let him know i told you all ask him to talk ?at for about it. i think it Would be better ifit came from him if you ask him questions dun: ?mui in: sunny; Hansel. Lisa Wilkins gun-19? 35- ?use; . . . lust}, Inehbtiit I felt a connectxon and thought it was love dummy. mum-mu Rm {Mm-mun. Roy Baron's Other E?irifriend may? ?suit1831': you Willi see that what I am saying 15 true [-dcelmut. .9. l'nghsi: I and it may be but you should marry your best you clom ?up even know his past. not even about his wives. why he was married twice was my first question gull?! Eh? t'dCl'lhEIii'L xii il?: 1? EEY??e'dt'g ?J??ng'i Eli-Jill! {?Tlilli?fs. .5 Lisa Wiiltins Chat (om Home Find Friends; Roy nut-ores 'inbe' orner More Lise Wilkins New Message Actions Sponsored Roy Baron?s Otiier EGirii?riend ii: it}, ti Commercial 15mg Rand you will] see that what i am saying is true liilsur?u-me ilnssit- heel and It may be but you sltouid marry your best friend.? you clont instant inmost even know his past. not even about his wivesmarried twrce was my first question rile-v.1: LisaWiikins HIM I After Heart Auetk Ok you gave me info i will ask questions will he teil me your name? Will he admit you? iouriei om t. 9 Adults May 1711: Mr linin'tl [ti Study for clil investigation Meilit alum. Roy Baron?s Other ?cir'lfriend 1331:, maxim he may or not since we are all with TSA. You could ask Robberts but i thinki have proved to you im not a ex dont get nuts on him. he said you have a temper. coiumhid (gmpeemecom my id be diplomatic? ask questions first and not p? accuse Luminous! Pen: 1 Way 1- Lisa Wiikins i i. aim- What is your name i want to trust but verify With him Denise Melmison Buying, Sirililtg Renting? i l. ens-2t" youll (S: Reta: min Ulla?! R. Roy Baron's Other EGirlfriemi I 2:31.12? verify my iwant you to but the more you get mad the more he wili clam up how will you verify Lisa W?i?ins Li; It? liipoliu Reseai't . I Facehouii. it) .0 hum: Ask questions i an'eady know answers to English - HI li . mar? . e} Luron 5 Other .1 {Mimi . so then why is my name important I i ?isntdeismdy i Eica \Mi?rinc :H?lti H: ?Um. I. I?Wu?wwh'm" ?i'ot: r. Prinmi mph; in this {fisher the tea initni's. e: :mm was sti?e-i it {'vi?isatt?y settings don't saliow rr-piwi. Lise Wilkins Chat (Off) -mm; More Home Findi-?rionds Raybw'on'o ?358. Wilk??s New Message I Actions Roy Baron's Other EGErEft?iend ifi?iis? .1 so then why is my name important Lisa Wiikins if: ii i I. ?rst name wouid freak him out Roy Donna's Other EGiriiz/iend 135 honestly we have kept this quiet for 4 i really dont think freaking him out is a good idea Lisa Wiikins So would Roberts tel! me H. i don't want him to throw shit, what pissed him off eariier Roy Burma's Other ECiri??iend Linn, i 1 yes but because he doesnt know about us. id prefer that this dicint get back to Tom. Then peopie watch what i do at work and that could be bad people wiil watch to see ifi am doing favors for him Lisa Wilkins its. ii Are you Roy Baron's Other EGirEfrienci I i i dont Roy Baron's. Other ECirifriemi icii?i i i put him in contact with peopie who do it iien l-N?ltirur 1 .- a. You cannot rmli- ?to this torn-c;saition. Hahn: tho roci :ivizt'u account was {Eights-ti on i- 7 {li?i?uioy doia't taiiow i'i?itll?fi. Lisa Wiihins Chat (Dif) Him} .583?: tli . I Sponsored I?udpoz! By (dam t-oosi no.on [rim (H31 Qimiity Yo: baht/?red PK iiunl out [m Stone! Sam: ?93 l? (mic-I! Liipoiari lieseiuch Siiuiy sittdin?lgilipULBi'gmiair i i Bisordc'r: Study m. -. -Lu Ui' Daiiy 1.600 ?Smic-z. holistic-eta. $.29 rmmorvmr Ix?: om (Trait-rulm (in; I nous lgyutmn a I Burics Be (Hub . Juli-L7" - nun-Jud ?mve 100 on the shop.s .rim.< on: hwitcli to get a ?1 :55 Hm. ?nlze tints-.1} lonis \?uiion {Jude :tiimmiitiui manic-1.? English i? ?:iurr: 3-1 im? ?Lim mm . .. ma. at; man?- -MHM E- Home Find Friends; Roy Dllron'o lube}: timer More. Lisa Wiikins New Message Atrium; {5 I 3430115111 mi V, .. . Heart Allatls?: Smoke - Roy Baron's Other EGirifriend Him. iourieratmiwmu put him in contact with mi! - 'Ilm i-umiw (In Re?t-uni. ?mui', Now. 111.5111: Qualify. people who do it Lisa Wilkins LEM-.3. 2mm? With who $100 on: tic-uh widow-,1 hint-widen" .mm Plzlil E1 \fdl JUUE (ornint {Tn-is and ?mu? here In: duldii? Roy Baron?s Other Eifjirifriend 5.35m. i 1.. help him. make things easier without being directly invoived when he's ?ying I .- i 1 ?158 making j' Do you knot-1? you; mow? myhorilagoxom Hum! your him for It'ue and 1h yum {alldiy hi1; Will he tel! me why he broke his helmet Roy Baron's Other EGis'Ifriend 1.51%. I i Iii-m its a poiitical thing. Lisa Wiikins 13.31.?. 1.- i :1 Giant {llmcery up . Idont understand it {pm a fonvemenz luhtl?olu! I?m? I Way n; today amt Roy Duron?s (jibe? ECirEfriend it: :22. I 2; His-:1; probably not. if so he will just try to cover things up or clam up iots of politics in FAMS. Lisa W'likms .i 351m 11. aha-.1 luumug a mu But why be angry and suiczdai Facehook. ii" Fughah ?i Roy Baron's (Either EGirlfi?iend :ggmw. More i look up for certain people. he is one of them InnL? out You {ennui Y?ni; {133112 Skii?m?t. ilh?: I'm i iiclil".. {amount was 11duh ?Hafiz Evin?: Lisa Wilkins Chat (Off) inbox Seer: Home Find Friends Frog: Baron's Lisa Wiikins Roy Dumn?s Other EGirifriend :ggrgur i iook up for certain people. he is one of them look out Lisa Wilkins Him, But why angry and suicidai Roy Baron?s Olher ECirifriend 13w). but i help to a degree and not willing to lose my job Lisa Wiikins 13:13:. We never seen that Roy Baron?s Other EGir?ifriend seen him mad? thats cause youre aH googiv it will wear off. If you have kids you know things when kids come. thats why i dont understand about having more and oniy knowing each other for 4 months just please dont get mao? at its 1150.. and he's not home yet? Lisa Wiikins is; 1?1. It's 2050 Roy Enron?s Other EGiri??iend i1; H. 011.. clock on my computer is on eastern time Lisa Wilkins 153.1?, You're on east coast time Roy Baron's Other {ZGirifriend i an. my computer is New Message Aclions i31-?it4m: ii? if-iuii 11mm 3! f. 114:; Either the ream-m", aim-him: n: gummy?. \Ix'llt (thun- 3 Lisa Wilkins Chet (Off) Sponsored After Stroke fourierauuivma Do you know your roots? Inyi?merimgemou . In 9; Clinical Row.? - Meditation lor who have .l Buifd your for tree uml Li:- yulir famiiy in: cf I?rop's nodi?wpmpu: lie-5.10m (lemma t-elrm i'arebook ti} 3L . Ii'u?iuh (it?lj - i More Spetialie?ing ili leasing and T~1~iu