INVESTIGATION REPORT ffi1,;66x!:n*i:,",^. 1/202015 9:56:01 AM Comolaint lntolmatlon 8210 ' EP DOGO NCDO Dsir Oft Relat.d Complaint ld: Complaint ld: 271387 County: Brsdfod Munlclpalltyr Terry TownshiP After Hour8 (Y/N)r N ER Relatsd (Yi N): N Enter€d BY: BAREAM L SANTON]CO Sourcs: VRBL Dat6 acknowledged: 05/14/2010 Dat6 Receiv.d: 0511412414 water samole was oood. r*o oas werls are iearcomotarnant tocaleo V. 1. 1 Abbrevlated D.scriPllon: W€ waterdiscolored and smellY Long O93criptlonl Prob6ms startgd in lhe beginning ofApril(pow€r blips) Thre€ davs att6r lhal cmPls well pump la €d Hehad the p;mp and piping rcpla;ed an-d inspecl;d. lt toor 2'3 davs lor lhe waterto cl€ar up - 1l was cryslalcl€arand propedv (wells 1 and 2) Curr€nlly a pip€lins orlwells bedrock and excavation has been has encounlered lhe contracior rs teing rnslatreo-and saia mar ne odnking waler wellis 430 fl deep and has become smslly and discolored' snaxini lle norrsiT-e He ha;conlacl€d Chesapoake bul lhey are not responding 1o his concsrns He would like to h€ve someon€ flom DEP visil his prcperty. He is willing to take offolwork on Friday 5/14 and meetwilh someone Chesapeake did provided water bollles on yihe would like a filtertoo. Slto Location: R.3oonslble Partv lnf ormatlon Nam€: Holno Phon€l Company Nam6I CHESAPEAKE APPALACHIA LLC (AKA CHESAPEAKE ENERGY) Permltl: WOlk PhONA: 405-935.4073 EXt: Moblb Phono: County: Oui Of Stale Addre33i Po Box 18496 OP EN _S OU RC E Munlclpality: oKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73154-0496 Respon!€ lnformatlon Priorlly: Date R6ferred 2 Rof€rred To Program: Oil& Gas Complalnt Typ6: 09/01/2010 Date Ro3ponse A33iEn€d: a511412010 Dat€ Reponse Duo: 45128t2010 Dat€ Flrst Responso: 05/18/2010 lnspeclori oALEB WOOLEVER JENNIFER W MEANS lnv6lloation lnformalion Dat€ Assigned: 05t14t2010 lnsp€ctor: CALEB WOOLEVER €FACTS lnrpoction ldl Dat€ lnv63tlgared: o5/18/2010 Violatlon (Y/N)r Type: Sile Vis I N lnvestlgation ld: 287298 lnve3llgallon D.3criptlonr Cal€b Wool€v€r visited sil6 on 5118l211g and 512712010ln odsr lo ass€ss the conplainanl's waler supplv Complainanl's w te was prosent for both visits. The complainant alleg€s lhs problem is trom area pip€llne construction. Pipeline conslrucllon affecting walersupplies is nol includsd in the Oiland Gas Act howeverwater samplss were laken because gas wel ddlling was being conducled in ihe area. A waler sample was colleclsd from the iirchen tap. The waler waa visib y lurbid. Sam pL€ rcsu lls d id nol ndicate an impacl trcm oil and gas drilling The samplE rcsu ls csme back presenl tor iron bactera. lrcn bacloia was determined 1o be lh€ main cause oflhe erobl6m nol pipeline conslrucllon. The complainl is considered closed and no determination leter sent because lhe issue is nol covered undsr78.51 as il is a pipeline rslaled complainl. oflssue: o1/20/2015 1o:oo:oo DEP Buroau of Laboratorles - Harrtsbu.g NELAP - accredit€d by 2575 lntorstato D.ive NJ DEP - Laboratory Number: pA0S9 PA OEP LAP -OEp Lab tD:22.{t0223 Hanbburg, PA 17105-1467 Contact Phone Numb6r: Dare Nare of S:hple ColLctor: D.te 346-7200 17171 coll&t d: 05/1a/201012r45:OO pM Cal6b W@lev6r Ra.rved: County: Lab Srmple 5/19,201012:OO:OOAM Bradford Sbte: lD: V. 1. 1 ffi Date A2OlooO3437 Sample edium: -G@und S.mple Modium typ.: Water PE N_ SO UR CE itunrcipality: Terry Twp WaIer L@.rbn: -NOI ND CATED P@iect NOT StandadAnlFl.:4017 IND1CATEO Ro.son: Complaint iltrtrtr l-.9.1s..l: Legar Soal; S..l: S.rl: L6gal Soal: G012759 Gl]12761 G412762 G012757 G012758 wat€r t.r.ct: tnract Inbct tnracr tntact y€s yes yes y€s yes FLpqr F Oll A.d G& D.t colLct.d: fiE 6d