?ther Gemalte Yuaawaa - seeure ?le sharing serviee identi?ed. apparently,F used by gemalte emplevees- maybe just as testers?I I Findings freei- JTRIE research identified as a Eemalte Technical Censultant in Prague. Searching in UDAD revealed an item in which an email was sent frem sharingl?vuuwaacem te a number ef @gemalte.cem email addresses, including and - {whe is already.r knewn te us as a Tech Censultant}. Investigatien en the internet revealed that ?fuuwaa is a device fer stering and sharing files seld bv Eemalte. It censists ef a USB stick and asseciated management seftware. The device alse prevides access te enline sterage using a subscriptien medel. It claims te use 128-bit 55L te the traffic te the enline sterage lecatien. The device is aimed at the general censumer market, se presumablv Eemalte is enceuraging its emplevees te use it. Amusinglv, the guetes frem ?custemers? en the website all appear te be frem Eemalte emplevees! is a Eemalte emplevee in Singapere. His jeb title is "Sales Telecem Selutiens and Services". He will shertly.r {FebIMarch be meving te Paris {still with Eemalte} is described as a ?Censumer Device Preduct Marketing Manager" at La Cietat {France}. He appears te be seme sert ef administrater fer Tuuwaa, and we have net seen any indicatien that he will have anv data ef interest, se he is unlikely te be werth fellewing up. is ?Technical Acceunt Manager METMA-Telecem" and is based in Dubai {frem previeus knewledge}. He did net see any interesting data in cellectien, and since we have geed ceverage ef the Dubai effice, further investigatien is prebablv unnecessarv at this time. is Servers SeftwarerCleud Cemputing Innevatien HE Chairman" and is net likely.r te be ef interest. is Acceunt Manager {Middle East} and is based in Dubai {see appears te be Sales Manager fer Eemalte {Thailand}. 'n'e saw him sending eutput files in Again, if we ever beceme mere interested in this area, he weuld certainlv be a geed place te start. All ether names {ether than whe was already.r knewn abeut} did net have any.r useful infermatien er any.r details ef their rele. Fer a full list ef names, see the centacts} under DP HIGHLAND 1: I-Iepefullv seine ef this infermatien will be useful in future efferts against Gemalte.