1 +1 SECRET state security 3131:? Security Agency REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Liaison Information Report Fiie reference: 111 Compilation Date: 2003511118 Originating structure: Data Warehouse and Registry 1M Restriction: PROCESS FIS DEPUTY HEAD Attent?on GENERAL MANAGER Attention GENERAL MANAGER IM10: Attention CONTACT 2010 AUGUST 13 PERSONS INVOLVED: Non~Residenl Representatwe Liaison Of?cer VENUE: CASTLE WALK 09:00 A 10:00 1. DETAILS OF THE MEETMG 1.1 The meeting was arranged telephonicalzy between Non-Rescen! Representatwe of MO AD and the Liaison Of?cer to prior to armal from Te' Aviv israel of 16 August 2010. i mentiOncd that the main objectwe for coming to Sauth Africa was to discuss MOSSAD positon In resoect c? the SSA Domestic Branch Counter Prohferation (CP) information request on Mr Y-tzha'r TAUA 2 -nenticned that MOSSAD has secured the Macopa missile plans from Mr TILIA and they wouId return them to the SSA Domest?c Branch. However, he mentioned that there are conditions attached to the cooperation a. rush is spelt out in the attachment. Further, he mentaoned that ifthe Condltions are not acceptable to the SSA Domestic Branch MOSSAD advice that the matter could be taken up between the Depa?menl of and Consbtuttonal Devetopmont and Ire counterparts in tsrael. SECRET SECRET 2 Document Number: 10005 Document Status: to Work .3 -nentioned that evidence coming out from the three terror attacth carried out In Kampala. Uganda in July 2010 and were daimod by Shabaab Sornaiia has demonstrate connections we: Al Daeda. He indented the investigation that followed tound a vest stuffed with explosives failed to detonate and a switch in one of the terror scenes and it was deten'ntned that mobile could have been used also by the bombers. He volunteered to give a brie?ng to the SSA Domestic Branch Counter Terrorism (CT) Unit next time he mums to South Africa on the Kampala terror attacks Intennation at the disposatot MOSSAD. 174 -aaetn Wed that huetion I: I8 NJENJE. the Head SSA Domestic Branch from MOSSAD Director did not receive feedback. He mentioned that Mr Mo SHAIK. the Head SSA 5mm: Branch has alsonotresponded to the MOSSAD Dir-mt hvitation. He mentioned that the MOSSAD Director was hoping to use the meeting with Mr NJENJE and Mr SHAIK to knprova cooperation on Intelligence issue between South Akita and lsraet. 1.5 The Liaison Of?cer advised that perhaps the MOSSAD Diocmr should direct invitaton to Mr MAQEWKA. the Director Genet? ?the SSA Domea?: Branch if the objective at the envisaged visit woutd de?berate on improving amt strengthening rotations. He expressed hope that the SSA Domeslc Branch CTwoutd Wale his Initiative to otter a brie?ng on terror attacks in Kampala and modus opemdi of At Shabaab. 2. DOCUMENTIS 2.1 MACOPA MISSILE PLANS report 5396. 3. COMMENTS BY THE LIAISON OFFICER 3.1-mentioned the dtt?culties confrme MOSSAD in dealing with Mr TALIA since mine was omstde Israel. He pohted to hipediment presented by the Israeli Constitution and the protection e?orded to the Israeli citizen- LWSON OFFICER 4. COMMENTIS BY ALJAZEERA SECRET