STATE SECURITY AGENCY LIAISON CONTACT REPORT COUNTRY MANAGER EF21 Reference SSAIEFZUZIELILSNI (LS 879) Egg 05 NOVEMBER 2012 Name of Liaison Service I GENERAL (PGI) Country PALESTINE Name of SSA member(s) Name of LS member(s) Date of meeting 02 NOVEMBER 2012 Place of meeting PGIS HEAD OFFICE Type of meeting (PersonalfTelephone): PERSONAL Documents exchanged (yeslno) NONE if yes - Specify document(s) NIA Other peopieiof?cials involved None Initiator of contact SSA 1. PURPOSE The purpose of initiating contact with PGIS was to arrange for a courtesy visit to of?ces of P618 by visiting General Manager and Country Manager EF21. 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 11 REPORT The Head of P618 International Reiations,_accompanied by the Head of P618 Analysis received the SSA delegation comprising of and irason Officer put on the table five agenda items that they wished to be discussed. The points were Concerns towards SSA Possible Analysis Experts Exchange Visits, Training Provision of technical equipment to poiice forensic laboratory in Jericho. Any Other Business (AOB SSA delegation requested that the points raised be put on hold until a format session is agreed upon. Speaking on behalf of the SSA delegation thanked PGIS for making time to meet with her delegation. She went on to exptain that the reason for her visit to Paiestine was to familiarise herself with the region. PGIS gave a comprehensive presentation on the growing threat posed by the Salafists, Ai-Qaida network and the aftermath of the Arab Spring. Report on the deiiberations is contained in IIR with message number L4H At the end of the presentation-me more thanked the PGIS for receiving her delegation and assured them that efforts Will be made to have a formal engagements on issues tabled. presented the SSA delegation with plaques. SSA did not have gifts to exchange. OBSERVATIONS PGIS came across as being well informed on their areas of focus. An Analysis exchange would go a long way in cementing fragile relations that exist currently. 12. REMARKS 12.1 PGIS of?cials had wished to engage on the outstanding matter of SSA officials engaging Hamas. The attitude displayed is the same as what the Mission experiences on regular basis when meetings are held with Hamas or travel to Gaza. HOM has received several protests notes indicating their disapproval of SA engaging with Hamas. This matter is on the agenda of the upcoming visit by the SA Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Foreign Relations due in Paiestine on 01-07 December 2012. 13. Thank you for your attention. ALJAZEERA