cTs00111 Psnnqtlvania Deparln€nt ot Envlronmental Protec{ion Confi dential lnvestigadon Repon Page 1 ot 2 Conplaint lnto.malion EP DOGO NCDO Df off ld: Complnt ld: Municipality: 269144 Related Crmplnt Chaieston Township Count: Enterod By: BARBAM L SANTONICO Confdential(Y/N): Sourc€: Date R6c6ived: Abbrv. 06scriplion: Long Description: Phone Call None Tioga Y (Y/N): N Dat6 Acknowl€dged: ER R€lated 02J05t2010 Afrer Hours lnd (Y/N): N Ddnking water prcbl€ms V. 1. 1 Water problems began in lal€ August 2009. Ploblem consists of water tuming a gray to daft gray tint. Water (hot water especially) has foul odor from time to lime. Recent heevy rain seemed to temporarily impro\€ the water quality. Cmpts well is 296 fr deep with the pump set at approx 285 fr. There is approx 12ff ofcasing in lhe w€ll. Cmpt confrms airin the water. I am concemd about potential of methane contamination. Site Location: Resoondble Partv lnlormatlon Name: Hom6 Phone: Company Name: Ert - Address Mobile Phone: P€rmit: County: OP EN _S OU RC E Municipality: Regonso lnformation P.iority: Prog€m: Complaint Type: Oate Resp Asdgnocl' Date Respons Du€: Date First Re?onse: 2 Date Rosolved: Date R6t6red: R6terred To: CommonG,' D411712012 lnspector: Oil & Gas Water Supply 020812010 02J2,J2010 021812010 L... **.rur* Sup€rvlsor: JENNIFER W [.,IEANS lnvestioation lniormation Oaie lnvestn Asdgnsd: 02oat2010 Date lnvedigated: 0218/2010 lnspeclor: CALEB WOOLEVER Violation(Y/N): lnvedjgationld: No Type: Sit6 Visit ln+ection ld: 291953 lnvestigation 06scription: Samded the cofiplainant's water supply on multiple occasions lo in\estigate eFACTS this complaint. Se\eral parameters exceed water quality standards. tsotopic sampling did not suppo.l an impact frorn oil and gas ddtting. No link to Oil and Gas ddlling actiities could be established. A nonjmpact determinaiion letter was sent on 4/17l12. * )"t , -'-","", t--/..d-fi] -4'--. WF*e##;*Y,,,til,i*l[?."". MEMO Re: V. 1. 1 Aptil 17,2012 Act 223, Sectioo 208 DeterEination Complaint No. 269144 Charleston Township, Tioga County Deal OP EN _S OU RC E The Departmont has investigated the possibLe degradation ofyour watq supply well located at , irl response to a 2/052010 cornplaint that recent gas well drilling activities may have affected your water supply woll. On2lI8/20I0,4120/2010, 7 /l5l21l1, and 8ll1l20l t the Depafiment collected samples fiom your home vatet supply The samples were submitted to the Department's laboratory in Hadsburg for analysis. The anal''tioal rcports for fte sahples are included, as well as documents that will assist you with bteryreting the sample l esults. The sample rcsuits showed several compounds elevated above Depa(ment standards. Baliurn exceeded the primal y maxirnftn contaminate level (MCL) of 2 mg/L, and chlorides exceeded secondary MCLs in samples collected liom your water sulply on 2/18/2010,4D0n0l0, Totaldissolved solids also exceeded secondarT MCLs in the samples 1/t5/2ol1, sr,d Primary MCLs are intended to reflect collected on 42012010 ,711512010, arld 8ll1l20l while secondary MCLS rcflect tle aesthetics of the water (i.e. to human health, potential dangeN taste, smell, etc.). Addirionally, the sample results showed methane is present between 6 89 and 23.4 mg,4- in youl water supply. llvnll l. I Samples of thc methane were collected and sert to a specialized laboiatory for isolopic analysis The isotopic analysis allows more detailed charactelization ofm€thane gas. A copy ofthe isotopic analyses fiom your water supply are included for your rccords. The isotopic analyses indicated rhe nethane in your water supply is of biogenic origin, Biogenic gas is not typically obsewed in relation to oil and gas ddlling activity The presence ofdissolved medrane in your water supply appears to be rclated to naturally occurring conditions. Al this time, the Depaflment's investigation does not indicate that gas well drilling has impacted youl wate! supply. Methane is the predominant component of Datual gas' Federal water staldard limitations have not been establ.ished for methare gas. The level of concen begins above 28 mg/l methane, which is refered to as the saturation level, At this level, under uormal atmospheric pressure, the water ca$ot hold sdditional methane in solution, This may allow the gas to come out of the water ald concentnte in the air space ofyour home or building. There is a physical danger of 2og WestThlrd Street I Sulte 101 Wllll6msport, PA 17701'6448 570.327.3635 Fax 570.327.3565 t**.**ot*rs wvrw.depweb.slat€.Pa.us E-DOCO File April I7,2012 -2- fire or explosion due lo the mi$ation ofnatural gas into water wells or through soils into dwellings where it could be ignited by sources that aro present in rnost homestuildings Natural gas can also cause a thleat ofasph)r(iation, although this is exhemely rar€. V. 1. 1 Wheo the DeparlmeDt is made aware of methane levels greater than 7 mg/I, .i{e notiry the water supply owner of the hazards associated with methanc in their water supply. Please bc awarc however, that the methane levels car fluctuate, This means that even with a relaively low level ofmethane, you should be vigilant of changes in your water that could indicate an increase in Eethane concetrtr atiotr. It is the Departnent's reco[Drendatiol that all water wells should be equipped with a wolking Yent, This will help alleviate the possibility of concenhating thcsc gases in areas whcre ignition would pose a tbreat to life or property. Please note that it is not possible to comPletely etmiDate tho hazards ofhaving oatual gas in your waler supply by simply venting your well, OP EN _S OU RC E Should you have any questioos concerning this matter, please feel fre€ to codtact caleb Woolever at 5?0-327-0546. Caleb Woolever Geologio Specialist Oil and Gas Maragement Enclosures: LaboEtory Anal''tical Results Sample Results summary Table Isotopic Analyses and Clossplot "How to Intcrpr€t A Water Analysis Report" Jennifer W. Means Jobn Rydor Terra Tokarz Jeremy Daniel William Kosmer, P.G, Complaint lile #269 i 44 .3- E-DOGO File April t7,2012 Water Oualitv Szunplinq Results ir nrg/l noted. 32i3-051 DEP S!nplc 3243068 ul8t2tt0 1,420 DEP Samplc DEP Salnple 4n0n07t DEP Sauplc 25t9-022 7n5t2010 1.8t0 4,8,i0 6.tr 7 l0,l 0.0d0 0.010 0.(X r all7t20ll MCL (mgn) * Dcnotc! Prlrnsry MCL 0.05 .2 2,56 2.Et5 3,15! 58.2 5t.6 60.6 58.t 4,020 0.026 0.0tt ttt Il16 273 127 57t 4sa,t .195,1 561.d 911.3 t9:t l9l l9t 189 4r8 TDS 1s19-t68 V. 1. 1 Resulh 0l 500 OP EN _S OU RC E TSS pH 't11 Itl.a 18J.8 4.t40 ,rl{l 5.691 5.89 tJ,r {,0r98 <.0198 <0,0t9t <,0ltE 205,6 21,1 4.0t98 O.]J NTU <0.20 MBAS .' 7 mg/L rps.i$ th. DlFrhMat @ffd rc6d 2t0 l4l6! dilel*d nEttN It gDlndsrra. I NIU 5500-flGOG00O4 R.v. 22001 OILY Prinuy Foolry d OEP USE COf I,ONWEALTH OF PEIII{SYLVATI St6ld DEPARTMEI{T OF EI{VIRONSENTAL PROTECNON orl- At{o o^a ANAGE E{T PROGR iT crEnt td rslbioc'rdy rd WELL RECORD AND COMPLETION REPORT I East Resources, lnc, 301 Brush Crcek Road I w.{ zeosa , Itodri / Rell -20265 I P'ojacl \!dbo' iiirc -Ti6cooe I PA Wanendale, Fhm ^Pl 37 -117 15086 72+772-8600 $.t.pptr Ddfins r&thod f]Obina we[ IX notary EXnmendec well neco.d -eir I n - neoro XAmended conpl€Don Reporl V. 1. 1 ch€ct a[ Mud D cabte Tool s;*" El.'"i"i- I iodba,ii --odn'6; cemenl relumod on surface casing? Casing and Tubing Cement retumed on coal Drotective ca / lldtdvot I C.nhdllz.tt Pdcket I 137.ka 20# I L1n' J55 I 243 sk6 cla6s A I pl'rS -;;;; Id,y"* Nol avail A 1 bsku'l sh OP EN _S OU RC E 8-114" I ClasE l plug I -trql"::c Not avarl Stlmulation Record nopplng Atcnt a';F;* ^i,iiii';;J- --- -- li['lxrF' WollS€rvicaCompanla!-PoMd€th6nrn,!ddl!!.,lndphon.numbqot.llu/.ll..tvtco...npani.rinvolvld ]:fi:Iid6:6gradfod. }h-m--- PA 8t+362-2659 iddA5i*_ _-_ Phoenlx Drilhng Keane & sons :iats - -12 Keane bne idtroi; '- PO BOX 2289 _ 18701 Cnv.$A;:]E-Buclhannon. wv _-' 26201 -- Sl Rls 438, PO 8ox 305 tFSroli-1o -PA-15757 Pun$ulswn€y. 81+938-2051 550G1'ivtOG0004 R.v 2r20ol D€P USE OIII.Y COiIMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTTIENT OF EIIVIRONMEI{TAL PROIECTION OIL ANO GAS iI!I{AGEf,ENT PROCRAX WELL RECORD AND COMPLETION REPORT wen East Resources,Inc. ,l_28851- ?O1 Brush creek Road jrore L P4 fuanendale, f Pip€ 5iz6 193/8' l3-3/8" 1?'!B] gqq 6.1t4' 2A# 4-1n' piro I tH _119 9498' 313_ 144 sks Clas! A 12?5' . 250 6ks Class A 19"tul Pdcket lsh 43:l sts ca6 Blocuacid sollrble 9697 Dole lnlervolTreofed .8n919to9 9,19&5790 I lil;;; iftei i,sirn;.,t- olm easured 'niii-goz-zuss -' -- - - ,'t tr.q. .tn ohon. numl'€r Pioenix Dilling -, ?l17tog 2J1an9 5n7t@ I L I fiopplng Aqen _14,089 Averoge lnjeclion .lq blyl]lil Gellon6 "B;*i"";i8n tu 3M-4731800 - n/a d e! wlll ieNEo codp.nle! hvoh/€d --- PO BOX 2289 -- Dote I -. -..1l Ei'&$t-'q't Xlin _ l:__ I 12 Keane Lane l-] tto t pue I ror avail I ptr:s I Not aAail t pbg I Nd avail "_tr_ nuA I Kery_gPis.--.. No I Holdvde I Cenboli''a$ sld$rtr . 3.102,430 :-1 trrru rcrtrLe wt,rl.!,,rev Ll flyes Stimulation Record _52e0'_ f- l 2J16D9 .._,,--l ' s6ori - Report ElAmended w€ll R€coro EAnenoec Conpteton Repor X lnte.vol Peiotot.ct . ^.'6r Crooked C€ek Perforation Record 6lfi10n9. l - 1 woii Yes Cement retumed on suface c€sing? cemenf rcturned on coal Drotective casino? " l Charleston ,lderldl A.hlnd Plpe . Numbd uscs 75mh.q@do.g.dop -!1' -_J_51 P,o,o. A212 Ivoe ond Amounl lq. l Tioga L 110sq Threod s_ a.3/4' elol cqio Oiginal Conplelion Casing and Tubing Hole ap {Penr / V. 1. 1 rlllhal .p9ty: noiginalWell Recod Ch€ck I 724-7244008 . A\ery I 724-7724600 APr 37-117-202U wirri.- n".. OP EN _S OU RC E \- turot ^dlli$--,^ ,"" "r, n"' eos %i5"dn;'tr'; *3lX-t*rost - Rev.2/2001 OEP USE OXLY @ITOI{WEATH rd OF PEXXSYLVATI o€PAFtTrEir oF elvnqtrENT^l. PRorEcno OIL AllO G^3 I^rI OEIEI T PROGRAX cr.nr I rd Plidy tocilry rd lslb.locltly rd WELL RECORD AND COMPLETION REPORT r w.a lsror,. ll'ocooc Wanendalg, IPA aiod rcplyr 8od€hal u/ell W.llTyp. Eoao fflllng Mlthod El aoary - E lh Richmond IACS 7J mi.. qsdEnd. Manslield Combinabon Oil& Gas E notary-uua E caote toot Oil E I torrd. 1538 fr suioc. E and Tubing Threod l I woll necort E4fqo"! Plpo Size 17-1n' 16 123/a' 95/8' 32.3 t14', 1EG 8-7A' T 20 127d 255 sk! Cla$ A cqnont 5654 P110 5652 N80 5522', 23/8' storage E I Disposet t 5660 tr Ve Dol€ 111604 6ki Cle33 A cerncrf 1t 1704 1114O8 OP EN _S OU RC E 115 I tnjeaion lotolDlprh- Dlllld 130 +1n' qSqP!!!g! i9!94 cament Efumed on surbce casing? X Yss Ll No C6ment r€tumed on coal p.olsclive ca6ing? E yes n Ho X Pocrr I HddDtde I cannfu.lt tadt rt d l.lt d Plpa TvD€ ond Amount Hole &3A' mop Recod EOiglna Compl€lt Ropod EenrnOoO 11r21n8 11/16,/08 1300 Tioga 115086 724-7724008 724-7724600 c$ing -20205 Beflson 301 8.rlsh Cleek Road ott Crrcci lPrmn / R.c) ^Pr 37 -117 28854 Resources, lnc. V. 1. 1 E6t 112208 2iO stB ClaE A camont 121604 r?$ Sdmuladon Rocord Perforaton Record Doie 1214t8 lntE'vd P.rlddLd TO 5$A' 5430 lnle(vol Treoted Ddl€ Wall Saavlca -on Conpanlaa - flI'ffP' Ptolrid. th. al0,000 6as,0m 12l9/OA dopaFo;, nh f,tt-;Jffi 700 mc{d lnj6ction n.m ddrB!' .d pllolt nunb" ol iECE!V t' oaoo rsrp 'I t'll Gai:' 'ornp'nbt IMh6d &aden Ddlllnq &i P O Bo( 547 05 Ruthg.brd Run St r Rt6 438. buckhsnnon, WV 26201 Brsdb.d. PA 16701 PunEltawney, PA 15787 30,t-a73-0403 81+3€,2-7141 81+93&2051 dF-idF IID umb€As Offidd S.rvice3 -1- P O Box 305 6'l bom