Pennsylvania Departtnent of Environmental Protection Confi d6ntial lnvedigatlon Report cTs00111 Paqe 1 ol3 Complaini lntormation EP DOGO NCDO Ddr Ofi Complnt ld: Municlpality: 273912 Relat€d Complnt Chaieslon To /rlship County: Entered By: EARBARA I ld: Confidoniial(Y/N): SANTONICO None Tloga Y (Y/N): N Date Acknowledged: ER Related Phone Call After HouBlnd (Y/N): Oale Receivedl Abb . Oescription: 08/31/2010 Long Description: Waler becane last Monday (8/23) and has nor impro\]ed. ReDtacioo lrer de,ly werl 325 ft deep wa; ;rt'ed i1 2000 e'ed,iUi?,taler€:rffii V. 1. 1 f compleled in June. HomeoMrer belie\es turbidily is associaled with gas ddlling. Nearest w€ll is the Vandergrifr 290 \ ell. Dept aranged to sampte wal6r supply on 9/210. Site Locrtloni Responsibl6 Parlv lnformetion Namo: Home Phone: Company Nam€: Ext: Add16ssi Mobile Phone: OP EN _S OU RC E Pormit#: County: Municipallty: R6spons€ lnformation Priority: Progaam: Complalnt Type: 0ate Resp Assgnqd: Date Rolponse Ouo: Date FirC R€sponso i Date Resolved: Date Refened: ReGrred To: Comments: lnspector: 2 Oil & Gas Waler Supply 0st0 2010 0911512010 09102J2010 o^* a -o^o*, Supervisor: N - P6nnstlvanla Dgpartn€nt ot Environmental Proteclion Confi dontial lnvesligalion Report crs00111 Pag€ 2 of 3 lnvestioation lnfoamation Aldgmd: lnrpeclor: sFACTS lnspecllon ld: lnvosligation Ooacdption: Dato lnvedigaled: 09to112010 09/022010 Typoi Sitevisit violation(Y/N): No TERRA L TOKARZ lnvestigalionld: 271158 On 9/22010 lsampled the homeowne/s well for SAC 942, MBAS, lurbidity, and melhane/ethano, According to the homeown€r, the well water became \€ry turbid on Monday August 23rd. She is eplacing the flter daily. Prc{dll sampling was completed in June. At lhe time I sampled, the waler appeaed lery turbid. The closest well pad is the Reese 289, vthich is approximately 'Ih€ 1V well (117-20676) was spud on 7/21110 V. 1. 1 Dat6 lnvesh On 9/182010 I reliewed th€ methaneJethane sampls r€sulls. lvethane was 7.90ppb. A copy of the sample rosults were discusssd and prolided to the , manganese NIU (ple4ill 7.73 NIU). ln addition, chlorimi TDS, bZ were slightly €leraled in cornpadson to lhe pledrill data. Prior to rec€iling completed resulis, lcontacted East Resources lo inlorm them I had sampled the homeowe/s water supply. ln subsequent co €rsations with the homeowner, i bund out that East had also sampled OP EN _S OU RC E the waler supply and wa6 cunently po\iding a temporary supply of water to the home, o^ 'lOl'lZ1O I €cei\ed an email fiom East aboui tentatilely lideoing the hom€o\ivne/s well on 1GlS10. Well was not ddeoed per complaints request. Tomporary water supply was remoled 10/23110. Resampled wator supply on 9/26111. Purged 6upply for 15 minut€s and sampled ftom th€ pressure tank. Water was lery lubid and brown. A slight sulfur odor was noted, I was infomod that the well has not recolsr€d or impro\€d in the past year. SAC 946 (2519181) and methan€y'ethano (251S 1 82) were collected. Since ths initial sampling e\€nt, the Propheta 288 pad has b€€n constructed adjacEnt io lhe complainanfs residence. The pad was constructed in Spring 2011. The lV well $€s spud on 6/'1111. Drilling was complEtod during midSeplember 2011. I reiewed the compleled sample iesults fiom the 9/26/11 e\€nt. lrcn (27.2 m€r'1). manganese (0.28 mg/L) snd tubidity sampling NIU)wsre again abo\€ the [rCL. ln addition, aluminum (18 10 mgr'L) {1730.5 and IDS (890 mg/L) were abo\e the MCL. Sample results will be sent at a On 11121/11 later date. The complainant is cufiently at her primary residence, for whach do not ha\e an addaess or phone nurnber, On 11123111 I this complaint was reter€d to the Program Geologist lor addtionale\alualion. P€nnqylvania Oopartn6nt ot Environmontal Prciaction Conlidential lnvosllgation Report End of Roport * OP EN _S OU RC E V. 1. 1 'r' cTs0011t 3 of 3