cls001'11 PannrylY-ania Depallnant of Envircnmsntal Proteclion Confi d.ndal lnvestiqation Roport Pago I ot 3 Complaint lnformallon b Complnl ld: MunlclpaliV: Ent red By: Off 279494 Charleston Twp BARBARA L SANTONICO Reletsd Cohplnt ld: Confidenlial(Y/N): ER Rolatsd (Y/N): Yes 0si09/2011 Water supply Dats ,cknowledged: 05/13/2011 SourcE: Dal Rec€ived: Abbrv. Descripdon: Long Description: County: l,lone 'Ti€a N Affer HouB lnd (Y/N): N Well lvater has an oily/gasy smell. Started last week. Se\€ral gas Pads V. 1. 1 EP DOGO NCDO neady staned tsacking. As of 5/1311, there is still odor. Creek runs lhru their yad (slight ttickle today). CI\4PT FI,AS OUESIIONS-PLEASE CALL CTRY HOII4E # FIRST). Site Location: RslDonCblo Partv lntonna{on Name: Home Phona: Ei: - company Nam.: Addt€Bd OP EN _S OU RC E Moblle Phono: Pe.mltt: Co!niy: Municipalily: Roapon3a lnformatlon Priority: Program: Complaint Typoi Oal6 Daie Dat€ Date Daie 2 I Oil Gas Water Suppiy Ardgn.d: R.spon$ Dua: 05t1312011 Firg Rospom.: 05t1712011 Resolvod: 06/032011 Rosp 05t27t2011 Rsftn€d: Rstoned To: CommenG; lnsp€clor: TERRA L TOKARZ Sup€M3o.: JOHN W RYDER cTs@111 Pennsylvanla Departmont ol Environmental Protec{ion Conlidential lnvestigation Report Paq€ 2 ol3 lnveEdoadon lntormation Dalr lnvostn Assigned: lnsp€c{oa: eFACTS lnspec{ion ld: lnvestlgallon Descrlplloni Daie lnvosllgated: o5t2612011 ]ERRA L TOKARZ Violation(Y/N): lnvedgadon - Type: Phone Call No ld: 278268 On $1711 I contacted the complainant to gather additionel infurmation and to schedule a time to sample the wEter supply. On 5-1911 I sampled the complainanl's water supply itr SAC 946 parameters, tulbidily, melhane/elhane and TPH. While purging the water in V. 1. 1 preparation br sampling, a hydrocafton smell was noted, wilich 'rds slrongesl $hen the hot water was tumed on. The complainant had staled that her w6ter sm€lled like a'mechanics shop', \ /hich was \ery descdptile ol the odor The bmily has ceased drinking the weter or using it for cooking The waler u€ll w6s obsen€d. At one time, lhe well was appoximately 810 fuet lto.n the edge of lhe house. A porch addition on the eest side of the house now somewhat encloses the M/ell. The casing had originally be€n abo\e ground, but now the concete porch toor is llush with the top of lhe $€ll casing. A boad p€rtially co\,ers lhe lop of the u€ll. ln this condition. lhe ucll is able to freely \€nt. In addition, the location of the water well is 6mdsl .-at6lElGilfie of rhe casing and lr€s water vrell. water could be seer eslimated to be about 15 bel dovwl. ir ll'e w€ll OP EN _S OU RC E The complainant stated that they flst noticed the odor in their water around May 1, 2011, which r as shortly afrer lh€ hea\y rainfall dudng the last week in Apdl. Ihe l'amily has li\ed at the residence approximately 13 yeals No preSdll data was a\6ilable. There is no treatment on the wEter supply and no issues ha\e been noted \arth quality or quantity. The complainant was unable to pro\,ide much inbrmatiof on the well construction, depth date drilled or dnlling fm. On S1911 Iconducted a search lo detennine the acti\e gas wells in the area of the complainant's home. The closest ' ell is the Wi\€ll well pad' au"ay and is ope6lgd by Seneca which is approximately !- On S2&11 the methane/ethane €sults \ /ere rccei\€d. The methane concentration u/as 0.01 22 mgy'L. On &1-11 the TPH results u€re recer\ed. The TPH result was