cTsooi11 Pennqylvania Deparbnent of Envirohmental Protec{ion Conidendal ln\,€stigelion Report Page 1 of2 Complaint lnformalioh EP NE Rgnl Off WilkesBane Enbred gy: Source: Date Recelved: Abbrv. De 3aription: Long Descripdon: Site Location: Relabd Comdnt ld: CounV: Coffidenlta l(Y/N): ER Related {Y/N); Date Ad(nowledged: 2A0€.27 Meslpppen Tomship JAMES E MILLER Email Wyo.ning N Afrer Hours lnd (Y/M): N 06t292011 Water supply afrcted by drilling, s€diment. Water supply affected by dillirE, sediment. Resoonsible Park lnformation Name: Home Phone: Cohpany Name: AddresEi None WorkPhone: CHESAPEAKE APPALACHIA LLC (AKA CHESAPEAKE ENERGY) PO BOX 18496 oKLAHOMA CmY. OK 73154-0436 Munacipality: obile Phone: Pennllll County: Resonse lntonnation Priority: Program: Complainr Type: Oat Resp Agdgnedi Oil & Gas Water Supply c612A2011 V. 1. 1 Complnt ld: Municipal19: 40t935-4073 E:xt - Out Of State OP EN _S OU RC E 2 Date Response Oue: 07107t2011 Dob First Re*onse: 6/29t2011 Date Resolved: Date Reienedl Retened To: Comments: 09/30tm11 lnsp6ctor: tot r,a* Sup€wisor: " ""o"a I/ICHAEL T ODONNELL lnvesdoation lnfonhation Date lnvesh Aljgned: lngector: eFAGTS ln9ection td: lnvesligaton Oescription: 06t29/2011 MATTHEW P SHOPE Date lnvedlgated: Violation(Y/N): ld: 06/2912011 T!pe: No lnvedigafon 279386 l^conduclged a \is_il to colject samples, Chesap€ake Appalachta nad atready rnslatted a wEler tre€tnEnt system frr filtration. aeralton, anct chlodnatton. The w€ler source ts a spring located adjacenl to the rEsidence. lwas unabte ro cor€d a pre-trealed sarqple. I ha\€ scMuled to \isit the site to col€ct a se-trealed sampie wth Chesapeake Bryan Lden uou y waler had inslalled the rreehFnt *"'"- thr l-l\) -t of rri- Site Visit Penc?lvanla Departnent ot Envlronmant l Protection Collfi dental lnEsdgElon Reporl tbb lnr€lh Asdgned: MATTHEW P SIIOPE lnspecto.: eFACTS 06t2s/m11 lnYldqston lniorfiadon Dab lnwdgai.d: ln+.don ld: lnvtdgedofl Desipuon: 07Gy2011 Viol.tionMN): tlo lnveCigadon 2&3069 ld: crsooi 1t Page2of2 Typ€: site visil Water sample collected pre{t€tment system for dissol\ed gasses and SAC 946 parameteG. lnv€cioaton lnfomaton 946 p€ram€te6. lnve3doedon lnformauon Date lnv€&r Adgned: lmpeclor': eFACTS In?scdon ld: lnvesdgadon Desaalptlon: 0&0&2011 ERIC M ROONEY V. 1. 1 Date lnvBrdgst d: @0&2011 Typ€; S evislt 07tc.32a11 Oab lnErtl A3igned: Violalion(Y/t{): M MAT]HEW P SI-loPE In?ecnor: lnvealigatonld: 28:,1C70 eFAgTS lhspecflon ld: prstreatmer system ft. dissoh€d gasses and SAC lnvesalgadon Derctipdon: Water sample collected Oab lnwcigated: 0920/20'11 Vloladon(Y/t'q: No lnwrtiga0on 283071 ld: TYPe: Oltl€r p'eMemo Feparcd, p€sence ol d6€ted cmcertratiqE of Fe ard Mn in c.ofnplai;t rcsponse sampling e\€nts indicat€s urater €xhiblting a drill pre+illirE cordition. Heminatio.l letter of no impact dat€d 9/303011 mailed lo co.nPlainar{. a End of Reporr .. OP EN _S OU RC E * ffi \)caa FLE O.dt^lFhdf pennsytvania OEPARTI.4ENT OF ENVIRONIYENTAL PROTECTION NORTHCENTML REGION - SCRAIITON DIsTRtqT OFFICE September 30, 2011 Act 223, Section 208 Determination Complaint # 280927 Meshoppen Township, Wyoming County Dear V. 1. 1 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7009 1680 0002 0993 1072 The Depaftment has investigated the possible degradation ofyour water supply well located at ,roppen Township, Wyoming County, in rcsponse to a complaint that recent gas well drilling activities may have affected your water well. or'l/5l20ll and g/g/201t, the Deparhnent collected samples Aom you! home water supply. The samples were submitted to the_Depaitment's laboratory in Harrisbwg for analysis. Th" analytical repJrts for tne samples are included, as well as documents that will assist you with int.rpreting ttre s^ample ,esutts. OP EN _S OU RC E - The sanlple results showed manganese elevated above D€partment standards. Managnese exceeded the secondary Maximum Contaminant Level (SMCL) during the two samplilg eveots. An exceedance ofthe SMCLS does trot indicate a poteniial riskto huriar hea.lth, but rather reflect the.aesthetics of the water (i.e. taste, smell, etc.). Manganese had a concentration of 13.40 milligrams per liter (m grL) on l l5l20rl and 0.14 mgll on 8/8/20 t t exceeding the sMCL of 0.05 mg'rL. The information.available to the Department at this time has not demonstjated that gas well operation activities have impacted your water supply. The potential exists that a tempora.ry impact ftom gas well operations could have occrmed durin! drilling aclivities. However, analltical data available indicates that ifsuch an irnpact ocJrned, ti, *ut", quaity upp"*. to have rerumed to background condirions 101 Penn Av€nue I Room 400 Scrcnton, pA 1g503-2025 570.346.ss30 Fax 570.963.t4r1 "',*"-"**"-.& www.depweb.state.Da.us September 30, 20'l -2- I Should you have any questions concemiDg this matter, please feel ftee to contacl me at 570-346-5541. 'z=^-.-nt4* Eric M. Rooney Geologic Specialist Oil aod Gas Managenent .---.2 OP EN _S OU RC E Enclosures: Laboratory Aoalytical Results "How to lnterpret A Water Alalysis Report" V. 1. 1 Sincerely, \ Date of fssue: 0'1/15/2ol! PAGE I of 3 DEP Bureau Of O. Box 146? 72to'l L2 l,aboratorj.es - Halrisbulg P, 2575 Interstate Drive HarrlsbuEg, PA 17105-146? Contact Phone Number: (?17) 346-7200 ID: 3809 300 Sample Name of sample Collector: Date sahple was collected: tlyoni.ng County: MunicipalitY: Laceyville sanple Mediun Mathew ShoPe O'7 /05/201f Status: stafe: Boro (?RE-TREAT ) : sampfe Medium TYPe: Location: V. 1. 1 Analytical RePort FOR Oil And Gas l'lgml Completed PA NOT INDICATED OP EN _S OU RC E \ Reason: ConPIaint Laboratory sample ID: 02011005059 conpl.eted Suite: legaL Seal: 101318? METH Intact: YES And Time Test codes/cAs{ - Description Analyst Analyzed 14s2a Methane trM CI,IAO Erhene 74851 r'f,r CrrAO o7 loalzoM2to, Ethane ?4840 0?/08/2011 12:OO t\M CIIAO '14986 Propane 0?/08/2011 12:00 lw CIIAO 07108/2011 12:00 Date Reported Results Test Method 98.4 uc/r' BOl, 801,6019 BOl, 801,6019 BOI 8016019 BOl, 80],6019 19.8 UG/l (U) 19.8 UG/L (U) 14.2 UGl], (U) ,l .i PAGE 2 Of 3 Analytical Report FOR Oi1 And cas Mgnt ID: 3809 300 Status: Conpleted V. 1. 1 Sample results of the analyses provided in this laboratory report relate only to the sanple(sJ identified in the report. Untess othelrise noted, the resutts presented on this labolatory report neet aft the requj.letnents of The NELAC lnstitute (TNI). sample was in acceptabl.e conditlon when recej.ved by the Laboratoty. Any exceptions are ooted j.n the repoit. Tests noled with an,r*.'a!e not lncluded in our NJ NELAP AnDual Certified parameter List. OP EN _S OU RC E The Taru Upadhyay, Technical Director, Bureau of laboratories PAGE 3 of 3 sampl.e ID: 3809 300 V. 1. 1 Analytical Report FOR Oil And Gas Mqrmt status: conpleted ORGANICS I,ABORATORY QUAII EIERS U - Indj.cates anal.ysls lras perforned for the conpound but it was not detected. The sanple quantitation linit is reported. ;I - Indi.cates an estimated va1ue, below the guantification finlt, above the method detection f i-trdt. - Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound. OP EN _S OU RC E N but B - This flag is used rrhen the analyte is found in the associated bLank as lrell as in the sample. E - This flag identifies compounds $hose concentrations exceed the calibration range of the instrutnent for that specific anafysi.s. P - This flag is used with a target analyte when there is greater than a difference betrreen the lesults obtained from the prlmary and 25* confirmation for dual colurnn analysis methods (i.e. pesllcides, trlazines, etc) . The reported value is the average of the tno resuLts. coh]lnns PCBS; Q - This flag identifies the avelage of multiple resuLts fron muLtiple analyses, o! the average of the averages of.dual analysj.s nethods. _ - (Underline) flag. The conpound is paesent at the amount column reported. No X - Non-target analytes co-eLute with compound. Identification unable to be confirmed. Date PAGE of Issue: 1 of 01/28/20L7 12tO]t24 2 DEP Bureau Of P. O. Box 146? Labolatories - Harrisburg 25 ?5 lnterstate Drive Harlisburg, PA 17105-146? Contact Phone Nunber: l'1111 346-1200 Analytical Report EoR Nane of Sample Sample ID: 3809 301 Collector: Mathes Shope Date Sa.llrple itas collected: 01/O5/2OI1- County: Wyoming Municipafity: LaceyvlLle - V. 1. 1 Oj.I .And Gas Mgmt Status: State: Boro (PRE-TRAAT) Sample Mediun i Sample Mediun Type: Compl.eted PA OP EN _S OU RC E I,OCAIiON: NOT INDICATED Reason: conplaint Laboratoly Sanple ID: 12011018598' cotnpleted Standald Analysis: 946 Legal Seal: 1013189 Legal seal: T013190 Legaf Seat: I0131€8 And Tine Test Codes/CAS* Analyzed Intact: Intact: 'Intact: - Description Analyst YES YES YES Test Method Reported Results 70300 2r4 VG/t o094oA CHLORIDE 11.9 uc/L 00095 SPC C 25.0 C 01/1-2/20L1 03t23 Ptt cDEloNG sM 25108 336.00 umhos/ctn TDS C180 C 01/06/20)-1- L2:o0 r!*1 rrJrrKrNsoNsH 2540 c IrM CRADEK sM 4500-C! 00900 Ha.dness T L44 lriclL 0710712011 10:18 Alt RWHBELER SU 2340 B 00403 pH ?.0 pH unlts 0?/06/2011 03:2s P}! GDELoNG SM 4s00H-B a* Conment r* Tine T.i.mit Fot Test Exceeded 0?/13/2011 08:00 Date N4 l'rBRrNsER EpA 200.8 820'19 TURSIDITY 0'1/06/2011 02t2't PM IvoRoBEycHEpA 180.1 00530 T SUSP SOIID 01/19/20L! 72tOO 01/05/2077 a2tOO ptL'I. LHREHA UsGs r-3?65 PAGE 2 of 160.4 MG/r <.1 tJc/L <1 NTU <5 MG/L 2 .Analyticaf Report OiI Sample And Tine Test Codes/CAS* Analyzed 00945A And Gas V. 1. 1 00410 AI,KAIINITY 01/06/2011 03t25 P)-,! cDEroNG sM 23208 0114?H SEIENIIU T FOR Mgmt ID: 3809 30I Stalus: Conpleled Date - Description Reported Results Analyst Test Method SULEATE I <15.0 Mc/! OP EN _S OU RC E 0?/0?/2011 08:00 Au MESMDER EPA 3?5.2 OO92?A MAGNESIUI' T 0?/0?/2011 10:18 Ar4 RWHEELER EPA 2OO.? O11O5A AIJUI'IINUM T 0?/0?/2011 10:18 Alt RWHEELER EpA 2OO.? 00916A T AX 0093?A POTASSIUM T 0710?/2011 10:18 A 00929A SODIt'M T 0?/0?/2011 10:18 AM 01092A ZINC T 0710?/2011 10:18 AM 01055M Mn in MG/t 0710?/2011 10r18 AM 0100?M Ba in MG/r, 0710712011 10:18 Al,t 01045M Fe ln MG/L 07/0712011 10r18 AI', 01082M sr in lrcll 0?/0?/2011 I0:18 AM CALCTUri' 07/07,/2011 10:18 5.295 ME/L <2OO UG/L 48.?OO MG/L RWHEEIER EPA 200.? <1.00 UG/L RI4HEEI-ER EPA 200.7 4.683 MC/L RVTIIEELER EPA 200.? 14.000 uc/I, R'THEELER EPA 200.? 13,40 RIIHEELER EPA 200.? MG/L 0.096 uc/r RTiHEELER EPA 2OO,? RWIIEELER EPA 200.7 0.14 MG/L 0,08 MGIL RIIIIEELER EPA 200.7 lesults of the analyses provided in this faboratoly report relate only to the sanple(s) identified in the report. Unless otheririse noted, the results presented on rhls laboratory lepolt lneet all the The NELAC Institute {TNI). Sanple ras in accePtabfe condition rhen leceived by the Laboratory. Any exceptions are noted in the rePort. Tests noted r,rith an "*" are rlot incLuded in our NJ NELAP AnDuaI Certified Parameter list. requirements of The OP EN _S OU RC E V. 1. 1 Taru Upadhyay, Iechnical Director, Bureau of Laboratories , Date of Issue: 08/19/2011 12:08:31 PAGE 1of 3 DEP Bureau Of Labolatories - Harrisburg P. O. Box 2515 146? Interstate Drive Harrisburg, PA 17105-1467 Contact Phone Number: 117'7) 346-'7200 Analytical Repotl FOR sample ID: 3809 32? of Sanple Cotfecto!: Mathew Shope Date Sample was Coffected: OA/0A/2017 Name County: Wyoming Municlpality: windhan Twp V. 1. 1 Oi1 And cas !4gtit Status: Colipleted State: OP EN _S OU RC E ', pA Sample Medium Sanple Medium Type: Location: NOT INDICATED Reason: complaint Laboratory sanple ID: 02011006284 conpleted Suite: J,egal seal: I01324? And Time Test Codes/CAS* AnaLyzed METII Intactt - Description Analyst yES Test Method Date Reported Results .1A.6 1482A Methane UGIL 08/!2/2OM2t00 t*r DACTEMENS BOL BOt 6otg 74851 Ethene 67.0 UG/f, 08/12/201,1 72.tOO llt'l DACITEMENS Bo! Bor,E0t9 ?4840 Ethane 31.0 UclL 0a/)-2/2olt L2r00 I'*t DACLEMENS Bot BoL6o19 ?4986 Propane 1? .0 UG/r 08/72/2011 12100 I*4 DAcr,EuENs BOL 80r,6019 (u) lU) (U) PAGE 2 of 3 Samp]e IDr 3809 32? V. 1. 1 Analytical Report FOR Oil And cas Mglllt Status: Conpfeted results of the analyses prov-ided in this laboratory repott tetete only to the sample(s) identified iD the report. Unfess otherwise noted, the resuLts presented on ihis labolatory report meet aff tbe requirenents of The NEI-AC Institute {TNI). Sanple was in acceptable condition lihen received by the Laboratory. Any exceptions are noted in the reporc. Test.s noted vith an "r" are not included in our N;r NEIAP Annual Certified Parameter List. OP EN _S OU RC E The Taru Upadhyay, Technical Director, Bureau of Laboratories PAGE 3 of 3 Sample ID: 3809 32? V. 1. 1 Analytical RePort EOR Oil And Gas Mqtlt Status: ConPleted :iTl::-T:31:i:.-":il:::i: - Indicates analysj-s lras Perforrned for the conPound but it was not The sample quantitation limit is reported. J - lndicates an estjlated value, belon the quantification linit, but above the method detbctioD fimit. OP EN _S OU RC E U - Indicates presumptive evidence of a conPound. B - This flag is used when the analyte r.s found in the associated blank as weLl as in the salnpl,e. N E - This flag ideDtlfies cornPounds whose concentratlons exceed the caliblation ranqe of the instnment fo! that sPeclfic anaLysis. P - This ffag is used ith a target analyte wben there is greater than 2S* a difference between the results obtaj'ned from the Prjrary and confinnation coLumns fo! duaf cohrmn analysis methods (i'e' pesticides, triazines, PCBS, etc) . The rePorted value is the average of the tero results. Q - This ffag identlfies the aveiage of multi.Ple iesults from multiple analyses, or the average of the averages of dual cofumn andlysis nethods. - (underline) - The comPound ls present at the arnount rePorted. No f1ag. X - Non-talget analytes co-elute witb to be confirned. eonpound ' Identi.fication unable Date of Issue: 09/01/2011 12:09:26 PAGE 1of 2 DEP Bureau Of P. o. Box 146? Laboratorj,es - llarrisburg Interstate 25?5 Harrisburq, Dli.ve PA 17105-146? Contact Phone Nuniber: (?1?) 346-?2OO fD: 3809 328 Sampfe Name of Samp]e Collector: Mathew Shope Date Sanple was CoLlected: oA OA/2OII County: Wyoming Munlcipality: windham Twp V. 1. 1 Jrnalytical Report FOR Oil And Gas Mgmt Status: Conpleted State: OP EN _S OU RC E , PA sampLe Medium : Sample Medium Type: ],ocation: NOT INDICATED Reason: Compfaint Laboratory Sample ID: l21a1o2266l Completed Standard Analysis: 946 Legal seal: 1013249 Legal Seal: 1013250 Legal seal: 1013248 Intact: Intact: Intact: YES YES YES And Time Test Codes/CAS# Analyzed - Description l\nalyst Test l{ethod Reported Results 00900 Hardness T 156 MG/r, 08/10/2011 10r47 Al.l MOBERCASH SM 2340 B 00403 pH ?.0 pH units 0S/09/2OI1, L2tO6 Pu GDELONG sM 45OOH-B *r Cor nent ** Tine linit For Test Exceeded 00095 SPC G 25,0 C 08/10/2011 01:56 PM GDELONG sM 25108 a3?,OO umhos/dr Date OO41O ALKALIN]TY 123.2 MG/L 08/09/2011 12:06 PM GDEI,oNG sM 23208 ?18] O BROUIDE Wednesday, October 05, 201'1 9:58 A[4 Shope, Matthew; O'Donnell, Llichael; Rooney, Eric Coolev, Marc'S The sampling RE: eventfor ...- --..-. )ler supply previous residence has been cancelled. From: Cooley, Marc B lmailto:mcloley@pa.gov] Sent: Tuesda, Octob€r 04, 2011 12144 PIY To: lYatt Stetter Cc: Shope, Matthew; O'Donnell, Michael; Roonet Eric Subje.U RE: l. water supply V. 1. 1 From: Senl: To: Cc: Subjoct: Matt, I do not know ifyou alerted those named in the carbon copy distribution list of this sampling event. Matt, Mike, Iric, pleage see below. OP EN _S OU RC E Marc Cooley I Environmental Group IVIanager Depa.lment of Environmental Protection 208 WestThird Street, Suite 10'1, Williamsport, PA 17701 Phone: (570) 327-0553 lFa* (570) 327-3420 www.deoweb,state,!a,us Nolice: On "Fnday, July 29th", the comnanwealth wil be adding @pa.gov asthe pinary emaitdomain lot all state enptoyees. Fotexanpte: mcoolev@state.pa-us will now be !E!f9l9f@p4g9y. The email addresses ending in @slate.pa.us witl continue to tunction so that emajts wjJt never be intefiupted. We apprcciate your cooperction as we take a snall step lo increase the usabilily and consistency of he cammonweatth's online communications, Fromi l4att Stetter lmailto:matt.stetter@chk.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2011 11i27 AM Tor Goley, Marc B Subject: Mr. Cooley, water supply Asofoctober1,2011, i no longer resides on the oropeny. We are planning another sampling event at the watersupplyto previous residence tomorrow and want to extend an invitation to the PADEP to also sample or split sample, ifyou would like. Thank you, Matl Steftat Specialisl - EHS Chesapeake Midstream Mgmt. LLC dr k.ooln/lnd€oenderon Seo tl l pl€n, gpr€sd lfta legrd. V. 1. 1 Ofllce: (60O 84&3143 Mobiler(607) 3297617 Fax: (60D 8aG2570 E mail: Matt.Slener@d\k.com This ehaillard atachmenis il any) b intended only for the us. ofttE irdividBl or en0tyb wnich n k.ddr6ed, and may @d.in infomelion lhat is prlvileged, @.lidential and e:empI lrom disclosure under lppli€ble las. rtne reade, offiis email as not lhe i.nended Gcipiern, o. the employ€ or.qent Espon6ible for delive ng his m6$qe lo rhe lnrended @ipient you a€ h€@by norified lnar ant disninarion, disttibuton or copying ol communicailon ls srrictrl prohibned. lf you ha€ €celved Iiris @mmunicton h edor please nority the sender ihmedEr€ly by @tum emailand d€stroy all@pGs ol dp email(and atlachftnE if dy). fft OP EN _S OU RC E Thls email(snd at.chments il €ny) ls liteided only tor rhe use ofthe l.dlvldlelor entity to v,nich n is add6sed, e.d may @ntain inrom.llon lhal G privileged, co.fidenlial End erempl from disclosure under applreblE l3r. Fbe reade, ot rhis mall6 nor rh6 inidded eopienr, orrhe enploye o. aged @spdslble lor delive ng lhh mess€ge ro the intend.d recipient, you.e hereby notfied lhat Enydismlnalion, disnibulion o. @prng otlhis @nnunicalion ls dndv prohibiled li you have rece ved th s commlnlcalion h emr, prece no0t li6 send.. lmmediat6t by Etum 6nell and deskoy all copies ot lhe em.il (and atlachme.ls ll any). TestAmerico THE LEADER ]N ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING ANALYTICAL REPORT V. 1. 1 TeslAmerica Laboratories, lnc. TestAmerica Nashville 2960 Foster Creighton Road Nashville, TN 37204 Tel:800-765-0980 TesiAmerica Job lD: NUF3998 Client Projecvsite: Property lD# 908190 Client Project Description: EHS Special Project (PA) Fori Weston Solutions, lnc. (104643)/ CHK 1400 Weston Way West Chester PA 19380 Attni Beth Cody OP EN _S OU RC E 1^rr"tb-l* Authorized for release by: 07/05/2011 01:22:04 PM Tracy J Bisquera Analyst Tracy.B jsquera@testamericainc.com Designee tor Debbie LaValle Project Manager Debra Lavalle@testamericainc.com Review your proiqcl results through TotolArces Have a Question? /Ar*sk- flrhe I Exoert Resuts rctato onty to the ttens tested anrl the sanpte(s).s rc.etved b! the laboztary fhe test rcsLtts n this rcpad meel a 2oa3 NEUC reqonehents tot a,credned patame 66, exceptrans ae naled i.this rcpott Purstant ta NEL,AC, this tepotl nay nat be eprcdrced except inftll, andwthwden apprcval t@m tha tabatalor/ Fat questons pteaso c.htact the Prcject Managet 6t tha e hail arldtess at tetephane nDnbet tisted an ihis paga Vislt us at: fl.:s \rwwresiamericainc..om 's a-or - e :tan. t .gned a.tr 6rt10nzed d tn. s:a.ot.1 Ft-. +a1,c s,91dt ..e .-paa.rcr " ,rtend.d la be t\a te9c)1/ b o19.oL^atcft o!. kdr.ondt t tcldn elsgnat-,e Page 1 of A7tA5t2O1j 29 qbnt W.!bn ?odq,nsF J.D Solulirns. lrE (1(X61il) I CHK ftoj€./Slb: REp€rty lot lD: \UF39S8 9081S0 OP EN _S OU RC E V. 1. 1 Table of Gontents CoVer Page Table of Contents . . ; . . . . . ......... 2 Sample Summary ......... 3 ........... 4 Case Nanative ....... 5 Definitions Client Sample Results.. ............6 ......9 QC Sample Results.. ........... 20 QC Association ........25 Chronicle ......... 26 Method Summary ......27 Certification Summary . ....... .. 28 Chain of Custody Pag.2ol29 T.dAi.d.. Nrln t 07/()5f2ol'l Sample Summary Clbnt \,ileston Solulioos, lnc. (104643) / CHK Prcjecusil.: Prcpert l}l 90E190 T.slAm6nca Job lD: NUF3998 1air9 0412911 0!:50 00:01 0€/2911 0!:50 OP EN _S OU RC E V. 1. 1 oct3/11 0.i23/11 Page 3 ot 29 T$lAmerica Nashvile 07tost2it1 caao l{arr$Yo Cliltt Uh.bn Solrto.r. lnc' (llxt lll) Proi.dsh.: ProFly l $01q) Job lD: T..li\n dc. Job lo. luF3tor , CHX UF3008 blordct: T..l^naic. fbhl TL .od.r uitt ncdvld h lood att r od cdtlido tu fr. ftIowbt cooq.). h d. tdow!-&v.. Aly ooqdd *flld b locd od 6! C.ol6 lrlad@ !@r rod.i!.itbh.6r S.€ Scdbos - D.flnir / Olo..q 6. b d.fdbd ofrt h!cn;gditr"t *idhrtitttPoi- V. 1. 1 cadED.tLl@ 3Al orc dtt..lLclid Potdidv Flvidi!! n'!ll6qi!t toldils lih' ft' lh! MBAS En"i!' lr' sirA.rDo..trLb lccll tlG holdi{rit!.. tftb.toldilr *J..._t*n rL r.t.re.C"a t o,-et No fttk din sr &' hi!'r.Ddr' "Jfu.. ircory;rw3n tt.d 'ib !'tlf, 'quli6" tocrrrurnn rd.Lr Et r..!iwd lt tlod &v OP EN _S OU RC E Th. t .lAh.ric. t{llhvllb Pag6 4 ot 29 o7n5tfr11 Oeffnitiorcrclossary Clidnt wbslon Solutons, tnc. (1016,13) / CHK Projecuslt€: Prop€rty lD* 9061 90 TeslAn€rica Job lD: NUF3998 Qualifiol13 nr lfr3 RPD u6.rr.d lh. s.iFL n.d6d wnh ln th. .gd.E efrC., ln. MSilrSD c.lcuLis dd id pFltd. ardd.plt @v.ttnbnn hsunid..n hoBin! lrm. Gm.lnl.e t . Th. lEldlno dm tq tir. l.n L .Mttrlt io b. F.rrqftd rnHn tmh.dd., n@ultmnl, lh.rJ.B, .r.t Glossary 1h... cdm6nl, i!.d lbb.rnd6 r., d r.y nor !. p6t h 6b Endr lid.d !id.r rh.'l' dm ro d.aair. rhd th. Ell h o!..r.d 6 . Itry 6h ,t b.j._ Uin- 8.lq EnVMtuEl PEi.d.n Ao.nqy Nol o.bcl.d .bo6 th. Ep.. n, hvd. hdc.i.. . R.-!nrd.. or Ahd SCr. (LCS). $. crh.d. R..n.lyir ol th. nol b. .ult 'L h.tdl.! tq td Eqdltf^t] mdm ,uDo.a. rmrr.. OP EN _S OU RC E NO oa Se rh[, TCLP t{n- t V. 1. 1 OotoNOhLrdrol.n lyt Rddr P6r Dm.ci€, . ll1..te ol rh. d.u€ dr.@ b.t*tr two pdnr!, TestAfieric. Nashvill6 Page 5 of 29 07105t2011 Clisnt Sample Results Cli€nt weston Solutjons, Inc. (104643)/cHK Prcjecusib: Prcporty lDf TeslAnedca Job lO: UUF3998 9081 90 Client Samplo lD: 0523201'l l320t Lab Sample lD: NUF3998{l itarrir: Surface Water Date collecred: 06/23/,l l 14:49 Dat. R.ceived: 06/25/11 08:50 ethod: SW8a6 82008 - Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA .thod 82504 Pn9.t a An.ry!.d 05/25h113:33 05/23/1120r5 R.tun OlJmt 06/2sr11 13:!! 06/23/11 20:t5 06125/11 13:33 06,"b/r1 20:15 33 06/23111 20 15 A6.ttna Pup.'d &Ai113,33 6nu11,t1s 13:33 A6nA41 2aX5 o5a!1113:33 06n4/t12015 ocns/11 ot25/11 ilethod: RSK 175 - Me$ano, Ethan€, and Etheno by GC ^nrlyb M.lh.n. -Dissolved NO NO tl R.dn/r a!. 13:$ ocr2a1 1 Olt tuc 1no 1AA 2ots An.Jyr.d PnFd ofur.a-t M/111r! 0d2&11 0d:03 06123/11 1214 06/21/11 0l:0s 06/23/11 12ra O.O€05 slrrcr.r lc'ttla. E V. 1. 1 06/2111 13 ollfrc a".tt2.d Pip.6d 6,a5 6t s^1 1r,11 nn 1o2 - 7A 1r' aana11 1oo chrodd. I OP EN _S OU RC E r/rethod: EPA 300.0 - G6n6ralchomlstry Par.merers 5,to PEp.nd @lnt11 07:'3 06t7l11 1r:53 Method: sw8466otoc. ToralMetats by EPA 6010c 0.0301 A6.nlc Crdhiun Chrcniuh Magn€.llm rhng.n.le Por.$ium s.l.nlum 001@ NO 000100 NO 000500 NO 0 00500 a.22 o 06/,,/110625 osN 5,53 12,1 No 1.oo 0.0i07 NO 0 00500 t,62 o.o?6s I sJr!. ND M€thod: sw846 7470A - il.rcu.y by a lyL Mdo.y I llethod: I o rod EPA €thods 7.704tltla R..!h ou.rrfl.. NO RL ^nrly!.d 0 0@200 EPA 1E0.1 - Goneral Chem lstry ParamereG Turbldity 7.4 P.rp.6d 11io oa/rs/1r Anrlyr.d @tiiJid DllFrc ollr.c 1!o- TestArnerica Nashville Page 6 ol29 071o512011 Client Sample Results Cli€nt Weston Soturion!, tnc. (rb4643)/CHK Prcject/Site: Prcp€dy lBl 9081 90 TestAmene Job lD: NUF3998 Client Sampl€ lD: 0623201113201 Lab Sample lO: NUF3998.01 Dete collected: 06/23/11 14:49 Oate Receivod: 06/25/1'l 08:50 [ethodr Sr,23208 - Gen€6tchemlsrry pa..meters ^.rtyE Lc-fi ;rc.co3 ' llelhod: Slr 23208 - ceneEt -- R.jutr ou.rrfl.r - No Chemtstry ParahetsE. - RE1 RFuh I Blc.tbon.l€ Afi.nnhy -. A- 100 Aurul.r iilethodrSltl2sl0 B - General I Anr.r{. Chem tstry Parameters RL D- ceneratChmistry parameter3 i.r!n au.ler 1j, I rousu.ponded sorrd! I I Melhod: EPA i66.A -c€n€rat Chemisrry Par.m€rers ^n.lyr. di aEdaFEM - R..uh -ou.lfls No _ Dlr F.c -l-6 12i10 06/3U1r J6a1 07/Ot/11 06DU11 13:35 o6r2U11 11 3s oe4r1r 1s:55 o6/rr/fi5i5 l.0o A^.ry:.d . -- oo R! xoL s-oj Lrnfi ru"-- D = OP EN _S OU RC E I Amryrd ,1.0 -od2s1r Method: SM2540 C - Gen€ralChemlstry Pa.amereB - otssotved l^-.''. - ilerhod: Sf2540 Pnprrd s? 06/15111 1a RL C.co3 I r-rvr. o - V. 1. 1 ' Matrlx: Surtace Water d?.rd A^.r..d olr.. 16j0 o€/rrl11rrj6 1'oo oo/rtlr M€rhodtSttt5s:to C - cencEt Ch?mtstry peram€ters ^n.rn. MBAS (,"o s uq- R..w -au.M.r Fl- - - Ft F.rd A.:ty!.d o6asr1117i3 o64rii r7j3 - r-oo Method: EPA 170.1 - GaneratChehtstry palamsters I : ^n:r! rmr...lu. or pH i i -No R.:!n arrffi.r 2iO HTt 0d2911 13:50 06/2sX1 1d:30 06/25/11 13:50 0€/291r 1a:50 rrethod: Sll a500 H B - cen€ratChchtstry paramet€rs .Iry TestAtneric5 Nashville Page 7 of 29 07t05j/2011 Client Samplo Rosults Client W.ston Solulionb, lnc. (19643) / CHK T!3tAnedF Job lD: NyF3996 Proj€cUliite: Prog€rty lDt 908190 Client S.mpl. Lab Sampls lD: NuF3998{2 lD: Tdp Blank lratrl* Watsr Dato Collect d: O€r231'11 00:01 Date Re6ived: 0B/2tl I 08:!i0 luethod: sw846 E260a.Volstrl. Organlc Coilpounds by EPA M.thod 82608 i r-V" R..un ou.nn.r ' Em lE$tb.@ td6. xyr4F, br! NO ND N0 ND suDc.b xR@nt Auffi.t RL _ o6/it1i 1ri! -tan o5m 0611911 1!133 0.500 oatzrlr llr!3 rtl2rl11 20:45 0.540 rEa2tlr 13:3! o6l2a/1l2ora5 o3e 23rs 0€,2U11 20:,15 V. 1. 1 i P6e...d a^.rrd iiit -6nt/1lEii Lrtns rx-4it11 6t2511113t$ O3AU112t15 oe2a/11 2ta5 &21t/t1 2o.1s OP EN _S OU RC E Mst 1a3l 6125r'1 1 1t22 T€lwnedca Na.hville Paq€ I ol 29 07to5t2011 Qc Sample Results Te3LAmeid Job lD: NUF399E Client Weslon Solutionr,lnc. (1d4643) / CHK Proiecusite: Propeiy lDt 908190 M€thod: SW846 82608 -Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA lrethod 82608 I Lab sampls cll€nt Sample lD: lr€thod Blank lDr 1iF6s2+ELKl Prep Typo: Total PrsP Batch: tl F6525_P Analysls Batch: U011618 06/,5 11333 ojoo -6t t1tls-i- 1.oo- V. 1. 1 - An.tY..d ttftc Pnst d el,s/1l1!naa/Nl11g41oo C'612Y11 13:33 ou2a11 o6/2:,t113:33 o&as11 13 n ts:44 o6/2U11 1s o5na1t a. 19:11 Cli.nt Sample lD: Lab Control Sampl€ Lab Sample lD: 11F6525-BS1 Ptop Typo: Toial Analysb Satch: t orr618 Pr€P Batch: 1l F6525,P L I OP EN _S OU RC E D t R.c Lab Sampla lO: 11F6s2s-US1 analFls Batch: uolt616 x.rnr Sprk. [.rttr Udlt Client SalnplolO: Matdx Spike Pr€p Typ€r Total Prepgrtch:11F6525_P Spar. ND NO -A I Lab Sample lD: - 110 llF652tUSDl Cli€nt Sampl€ lD: ilatdrSpika Dupllcat€ Prop Typ.: Total P.ep Batch: 11F6525_P analysls Batch: uorr6rE TestAmedca Nashville Page I of 29 07105t2011 QC Sample Results Client Weston Solutions, lnc. (101643) / CHK Prcjecvsite: Property rD# 9081S0 TestAmedc5 Job lD: NJF3998 Methodi SW846 82608 - Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA l/l6thod 82608 (Continued) Lab Sampl€ lD: 11F6525-llso'l Cliont Sarnple lOr Matdr Spike Ouplicale Pr€p Typ€: Total Pr.p Eatch: I tF6525_P anarysi! aatch: u01'1618 tRc splk. t.tdr Splr.Dup 126 115 11S NO 157 05 12 61.15! 63.15r V. 1. 1 *.rntsplt Dtp tttitt spn( Dtp x R46v./f oatitt4 Lhrht 63 - lu Method: RSK175 - Methane, Elhane, and Ethene by GC f Lab Samplo lD: 11F6677-BLK1 Cllent Sample lOr f€thod Bla4k PEp Typ6: Dlssolved Plep Batch: '11F5677_P Analysis gatch: U01!433 PFP.iC A.{yr.d OP EN _S OU RC E o6/rs?11osls o6/rs ?oln 11or, An tnd -6611;;; OllFrc 1io Dl F.c ----7dn cli€nt Sa,nol. lDr Lab Control SamDl6 Lab Sample lD: llF6577-BSi Anarysis Batch: u011433 Prsp Typo: oi33olvod P.ep Batch:11F6677_P 0512 I Lab sample lD: 1 1F6677.lrsl analysis Batchr U01t433 rl.r Sprk n 0.25? ^t.r'IIsP/r. ^-lyl* t 'lr crienr samPle lD: iratir sPlks Prcp Typ€: Dbsolv6d Prsp Eatch: 11F6677_P sprh. m9^ tltt sP//i. T*tAhefc, Page 10 of 29 Nashville 07to5t2011 I QC Sample Results Client Weslo. Solulions, lnc. (104643) / CHK Projecvsite: PrcDerly lD* 908190 TestAnedca Job lD: NUF399E Method: RSK 175 - ltlelhane, Ethano, and €thene by GC (Continued) ] Lab samplslD: 11F6677-ilsDl Client Samplo lDr Matdx Splke Dupllcat€ Pr€P TyP.: Dissolved Prep B.tch: 1tF6677_P Analysls Batch: u01ta33 V. 1. 1 L R&' Method: EPA 300.0 - G€neral Ch€mistry Parameters Lab sampl€ lD: llF6655-BLKI Client S.mpl.lO: M€thod Blank Prep Type: Total Analysls Batch: U011413 PrepBatch:11F6655 P Ai.rr.d 06/171110713 06/27111 I OP EN _S OU RC E Analysls Baich: U011i 13 Lab Sample lD: 11F6655-ASD1 06,27111 1!o- ol:ao % R'c Client Sampl.lO: Lab Control S.mple Dup Prep Type: fotal Pep Batch: 11F0655_P Analysls Batch: U011413 Sl Analysls Batch: uolt413 07:13 Cllani Sanple lD: Lab Conl'olSanple P.ep Typ€: Tolal Pr€p Batch:11Fe655_P Lab Sample lO: 11F6655-AS1 Lab Sampl€ lD:11F6555- .tttr1 o-s-it x:lnrSrrr. .fitSprk. R..dr a!.nrlt lrnh Lab Sampls lD: 11F6555-DUP' Analy6b Eatch: t 011413 R.tuh o{.Dn.r unn RPO D *ir Llmh. Cllent Sample RPO lO: Llmlr arrlr Splte Prep Typ€: lotat P.ep Batch: 11F6655_P Cll.nt Sample lD: Oupllcata Pr€P Typ€: Prap Batch: 1 'l Tolsl F6655_P RPO Llnlr T€slqtned€ Nashvil€ Page 11 of 29 071o5t2011 QC Sample Results Client Weslon Solutions,lnc. (104643)/ cHK PrciecUsite: Prcperty ltX Method: SW846 6010C - Total Lab *mple TastAma4ca Job lD: N1,F3998 908190 t 6tals by EPA 6010C lD: 'llF6a93-ALKI CllenlSampls lD: Method Bl3nk Prep Typo: Tot l Pr€p Batch: I lF6493_P Analysl6 Batch:'l 1F6493 ^n'rEd 05/29/1r 03:25 06/29/11 06125 2s F.c 06/29,11 11:40 06/29/11 11:10 06/2911 1140 V. 1. 1 06/2el11 06 Dlr 03/2rl1i 06/29h1 o6/2eli NO 06:25 03:25 03/29/11 11:,r0 oirs 25 o6/ieli1 iliao 0629/1111:4 06.29/11 06 ND 061211106:2s 06/29111 11:ao rxr25 06/2S^r 06:25 05/29/11 06:25 0€129/11 11:40 064911 NO o6/28X106 05/29/11 25 05/2911 11:40 06/29/11 11:1o 06/29/11 1140 06:25 Client Samplo Lab Srmplo lD: t'1F6493-BSl 06/29/1r 11:40 0€D9/11 11:,r0 lD:bbcontrol Sanple Prcp Typs: Total Pr.p Batch: I IF6493-P OP EN _S OU RC E Anaty.is Batch:'t lFaa93 Lab Sample lD: 11F6493-MS1 analysls aatch:'11F5493 - j- -€o--;70- cll€nt SampletD: airll splke Prep Typ€: Total Pr€p Batch: l l Fo493_P nrr.h SPll. M.rrll sPrk. Testamedca Nashville Page 12 of 29 07t0512011 QC Sample Results Client Weslon Solutons, lnc (1 0.{643) / Proiecrsile. Prcpedy l0* 906190 CH TestAmede Job lD NllF39g8 K Method: SW846 6010C -Totat lletals by EPA 60.10C (Continued) LabSampl. lD: 11F6493-US1 Cli€ntSahpl€ lD: Matrlx Spike Prop Typ€: Tot l Analysls gatch: 1 1F6493 Prop Satch:11F6493_P f,.rll Srft. c.UUSprr. R..url Qu.rrn.r unfi 102 V. 1. 1 NO Lab Sahpl€ lO: 1l F6:193-llsol An.lysls Batch: Client SamplolD: itatrix Spike Dupticare Prep Type: Tot t Prep Batch:11F6493_p 1t F5493 ND s 'NO lo- 1 20 OP EN _S OU RC E NO NO Method: SW845 7470A - Mercu by EPA Methods 7470At4ZlA Lab sampte tD: 1lF664s,Bst I Cll€ntSampl€ lDr Mothod Btank Prep Typs: Totat Pr€p Barch: .t .t F65a5_p o6/rEl110715 Ai.ry:.d O[ F.c os/r9l11135r m cllant Sampl6 lDr Llb conkot Sampte Analysls Batcht 11F6645 l 120 Prep Typ.:Total p.6p Aarch: 11F6€a5 p 0.00100 TeslAmeica Nashville Page 13 of 29 07 to5t201'1 Qc Sample Results Tesltned!. Clieni: Weslon Solulions, lnc. (104643) / CHK Projecusite: Prcpedy lD* 9081 90 Job lO: N!F3998 Method: SW846 7470A - Mercury by EPA Method6 7470At,l7lA (continu€d) ClientSample lO: Lab ControlSamPle Dup Lab Sample lD: '11F6645-aSD1 PrePTyP€: Total Prep B.tch: 1'l F66t5-P Analysis Aatch: 11F6645 0.000977 crient sand€ lD: atnx spit€ Prcp Batch; sprk Add.d ----;6m M.th 6plk Mlursplk. Rr.uh Olrffis ooo1o3 Toial V. 1. 1 PreP TyP€: 11 F66!r5-P Unh mo{ Client Sample lD: Mat r Spite DlPlicate PTePTYPo: Total PrsP gatch: Sprk. t.trltsPlk.Dup rlnrsplr.out R.!un ourmr 0.00103 Method: EPA 180.1 - General Chemi i RFO D U.n tc Rc Llmls - -lni mqJL ?s,1r5 -or m client sample lD: lltothod Blank L5b s.mDle lO: 'llF65ls-aLK1 PreP lYPe: Total OP EN _S OU RC E I Anatvsis Batch: lr F66!5-P '11F6515 Prop 8.tch:11F6515-P ^n.lY!.coo E sllr r1.oo od,sllli 0llF.c r oo Cllent SamPl6 lO: Ltb Control SamPle PteP TYP€: Total Prep Batch: 11F6515-P I LabSamplo lD: llF65l5.DUP1 i anarysis B.tch: l1F651s 9( R€ Cll€nt SamplelD: oupllcato Pr€P TyP€: Total ProP Batch: 11F6515,P lrlethod: SM 23208 - General Chemlstry Parameters Lab sam pre lD: 1 1 F6583-BLK1 clienis Analysis Batch: 11F5583 C",n"."i"."C"CO3 PEp.r.d nple lD: ll!6thod Blank PreP TYPe: Total P.ap Batch: '11F6583-P l.rly:!d 06/211113.57 0&25i1120.11 Teswneica Nashville Page 14 ol 29 0710512011 QC Sample Results Crlent W€3ton Solutjons, lnc. (104643) / CHK TesBmede Job lD: NUF3998 Projecus e: Prcpe(y rDd 908190 Melhod: SM 23208 - cenealChemistry ParameteF (Continued) Lab S.mple lO: 11F6583-DUP' Client Sampl€ lD: Oupllcate P.6p rype: Total Prep Batch: ltF65E3_P Analysis Batch: t1F65E3 320 lO: €thod Blank V. 1. 1 Cllont Sample Prep Typ€: Totat PrEp Batchr ltF7033_p PEp.rd o3/isl1 Lab Sampt€ tO: tlFtO3S-DUpj I Analysb Aatchr erftad. 1 11F7033 L.b sempt. to: 11F7793-aLK.l OP EN _S OU RC E Cllont Sampte ahho/- Lab Sampl€ lO: 11F7793-BS1 r - o - Prp.nd 06130/11 1611 S.mpte rO: €lhod Btant Ar.tyr.d lrJO oitf.c o7l01/11 1-OO Prep Typ€: Totat PreP Batch: 11F7793_P '* i'c' ClieniSanpl€ lor Ouptical€ Prep Typ€: Totat Pr€p Batch:11F7793-p Analysis Batch: tlF7793 fl.b tD: CllentSampte tDr Lab Conr.ol Sampt€ Lab samPre tD: 11F7793-DUPI Method: SM254O C . lloo- Pr€P B.tch: 11F7793_P Analysls Batch: 1i F7t93 i ot F.c prep Typ€: Toret Analysts Batchr 11F7?93 I oezlrlliiit Client Sample tO: Dupttclro Pep Typ€: Total Prep Batch: tiF7033-p Atbtinit ar C.COI l A..V!.d 13:31 iPo untr G.nerarctr..EGE."rn"t"o 11F6901-BLKI analysis Barchr 11F69ol NO Clieni SamDta t0r M€thod Btank PEp Typ€: Dtssotved Prap B.rch: .t l F6sol -P PEplEdAn.lyt.d o8/?s/11 rs 35 06/2&1r '! 15 -T6- T€stAmedca Nashvitt€ Page 15 of 29 07t05t20.11 QC Sample Results TestAmedF! Job IDr NUF3998 Clienti Wsston Solutions, lnc. (104643)/ cHK Prcj€cusile: Propety l0# 908190 Method: SM2540 C - Genoral Chemietry PaEmeters (Continued) j Client sample lD: lrb Conttol SamPle PrepTyPe: Dlssolved Pr€p Bstch: llF6901-P * RE' D *Rto Llsh. Lab sampl€ lD: liF69o1-Bsl Anrrysls Barch: 1iF69o1 Lcs ou.rrfl.r unn Lrdc o"-,,.ds*A l=uu s..pt, 1m 10,1 !dnL Client SamplglD: Lab Control Sahple DUP to' rrrOsor-asOt Analysi3 aaEhr 11F6901 RPD Cll€nl SamPle lO: Duplicate Lab samPto lo: 1lF69O1-0UP1 Prep Typer oissolved PrsP Batch: 11F6901-P analysE aatch: 11F690'l _ Lab Sample lD: 11F6901'DUPz L anarvsE Batch: 11F6901 cllent SamPle lO: ouplicate Prep TYP€: Dbsolved Prep Bat.h: '!1F6901-P OP EN _S OU RC E i Batch:1lF69ol-P D xR- Lrmh. RPO ll6t - -1l/ --io-110 o ,o u.lr t4;- Amlyt Di.solved V. 1. 1 PreP TYPo: PraP m.ttroO: SffZSaO O _ Cgneal Chemistry Parameters Lab sample lo: 11F7024'aLKl I cliont SamPte loi Moihod Blant PreP TYPo: Total PreP Batch: I1F7024-P Analysis Batch: 11F7024 P..Prod Anrly..d ------;6 Client Sanplo Io: Lab Cont.ol Sanple PcP TYPe: Total Pr.p Balch: '11F7024-P Lab SamPle lD: 11F702+BS1 Analysls Balch: 11F7024 -SrL tot. susPo'd; s;iFr fLab sampt€ % - Clleni Sample tD: 11F702+Bso1 % R'c to_llo ot Sample Dup PrcPTYP€: Tolal lD:;bCont Pr€p Batch: 1 1F7024-P Analysis Batch: 11F7024 RPO O x Rlc s Lhlq 90 110 - a7 N Teswne ca Nashville Page 16 of 29 0710512011 QC Sample Results Client Wesfon Solutionst lnc. (104643) /CHK Prcjecusiie: Property lo# 906190 TestAnedd Job lDr NUF3S98 M€thod: SM2540 D - Gene.al Chemistry Paramet€rs (Contlnued) Lab Sampl€ lO: llF702+DUPi client Sample lO: Oupllcate Prep Typ€: Total Pr€p aalch: 11F7024_P analysis aarch: 1t F7024 Lab sampl6 lD: 11F7024-DUP2 Client Sample lO: Oupllcate Pr€p Typ€: fotal V. 1. 1 I Analysb Aakh: 11F7024 Prep Eaich: 11F7024_P NO Method: EPA 1654A - Gen€ral Chemislry Parameters cliont Samplo lO: Method Brank P.ep Type: fotat Pr€P Barch: 11F6883_P Pr.p.6d 01:16 _-g 06/23/1r Lab Sampl6 lD: 11F6663-BS1 h:ly..c 06/29/11 12:56 OP EN _S OU RC E CliontSample lDr Lab Controt Sampte Prep lyp€: Tolal aoalysls Batch: 11F6883 Prep Batch: 1'l F6863_P % R.c Cllent Sample lOrLab Conkol S.rnpt6 Dup Pr6p Type: Totat PreP Batch: 1tF68E3_P U.lt .!^ M nr Spfi. ir.rtr Sptk. t( ie. iPo O xR.c_ Ltrrll Rpo__Lhft - 93 7AJ1,t 3 1S Cfionr Sampte tO: M.trlxSptke Pr6p Type: Totar Prep Batch: 11F6883_P Method: SM5540 C - General Chelnistry paramete6 L.b s.mplo lO: 11F6551-BLK1 l cllent s.mpro I _-0j5oo ethod Btank Prcp Type: Iorat Prep Batch: 11F6551_P Analysis Aa&h:1lF555l I lD: o6/rriirru3 TestAmerica Nashvitte Page 17 of 29 07t05t2011 Qc Sample Results TeslAmelica Job lD: ItJlF3998 Client Weston Solutions,Inc. {104643) / CHK Prcjecvsile: Prop€ry lO# 908190 Method: SM5540 C - General chemistry Param€tors (Coniinued) Cli€nt Sampl€ lO: Lab Control Sam9le Prep Typ€: Total PreP Barch: ', 1F6551-P Lab Sample lD: ilF6551-BS1 I Anarysis Batch: 11F6551 L I --E _'ol,o-- l . Client Sampls lO: Lab Cont olSamPleDUP Lab Sampl€ lO: 11F6551-BSDI TyperTotal V. 1. 1 PreP PreP Bat.hr 11F6551-P anatysi! B.tchi I lF655l R..!n ou.tln.r u.n RPo ?. R.c. R.c Lhr! RPo LlmLr 10.4 SO- 7 1m ClientSamplo Lab Samplo lO: 11F6551-MSl Ana,ylb Batch: v. M$rr spu. rrirh srlk D XRG Un r 20 lO: .t.ixSPik€ Pr.p Typ€: Total PreP Batch: 11F6551 'l I F655',1-P Umfi, nEA Clisnt Sampl€ lor Matnx SPik6 Olplic5te PreP TYPe: Total Prep Batch: 11F6551-P s.npl. srEpr. OurlltL. sDlt l.lrhstlt.olp r.6rsPlk RGut Ourllfi.. n Dut OP EN _S OU RC E I R..uli R*. R?O RPD L]Mh 124 Unlr 0710 Method: EPA 170.1 - General Ch€mlstry Parameters Lab Sample lq 11F65?0_OUP1 analysls aa&h: llF6570 T.mp.Eru. o{ analysis Batch: 11F6570 R.rutr "r - -- !H derlmin.lon l-ab Sample lD: '11F6570-DUP2 rdP.,.r,. Client Sample lo: Duplicate Prep TyPe:Total Prop Batch: 11F6570-P pHd.l.'"rd6" ou.llfi.. 2,n Cllent Sample lO: OuPlicate PreP TYP€: Tolal PreP gatch: 1! F6570-P U.h 210 Method: SM 4500 H B - GeneGl chemlstry Paramete6 cllentSdde Lab sample lo: 1'tF657o-Bs1 Analysls Barch 11F6570 I t eH Udi lO: Lab Conitol SamPle P.ePTrP.: Total PrcP Baichr 11F6570-P o *R* 100 RE' '(Llmlts 95- r05 TsstArnedca Nashville Pag6 18 of 29 0710512011 QC Sample Rssults TellAmedc. Job lD: NUF3998 Clisnt W.slon Solutions, 1nc. 1104643) /CHK Prcied./Sit : Poperty ltx 9081(X) Method: Slr 4500 H B - Genoral Chemlstry Par.motoB (Continu6d) Cllont Sampl. lD: Lrb Conlrol Sanplo DUP Pr.p Type: Tot l Pr.p Batch: 11F6570_P *R-. RPO RPD 15- ro5 0J Tlnh 10 V. 1. 1 Cll.nt Sampl€ lD: Oupllcat€ Pr€p fyp€: Total P.op 8.tch: llFl570_P iPo R.t!h Ou.m.r 7.aO Unlt *l Ud. Cll.nt Sfid. lD: Dupll€t Pr€p Typ.: Totel Prip Aatch: llF6570-P RPO unn OP EN _S OU RC E R-!t oc.llnd LitAmedca Na6hvilL Page 19 of 29 0? 10512011 QC Association Summary T$lAme46 Client WeslonSolulions, lnc. (10,{643)/CHK Projec-t/Site: Prcpe.ty lDd 908190 Job lO: NUF3998 GCtils Volatil.s V. 1. 1 rlF6sdF Prep Barch: r lF6525_P Pesticidss Analysls AaEh: Uoll433 PE, a.&h M.h.d t r OP EN _S OU RC E RsK17s - 1G€6nj nalysls Batch: u01143/t I x.lh.d PEP €.bh 11F3377 P Pr€p Batchr 11F6677_P HPLC Pn9 Brth anarysls Batch: u011413 Batch:11F6655 P llF P-!l!!:- B ;k -aMd 1rF665; ioPRTestAneica Nashville Page 20 ol29 o7to5t201l QC Association Summary CIi€nr Weslon Solutonr, lnc. (104643) /CHK Pbjecvsile: Property tDt T*LAmedci Job lO: NUF3998 9081 90 HPLC (Continued) PbP Barch: r l F6655,P (Conflnued) WCg W.I.. sun@ NO PREP NO PREP wbra No PREP V. 1. 1 Merak w.tA !v.rk surew.t.r =iIE Crh S.nDl. sw!a6 6oloc 11F6,rr3_P swBr6 6oloc 1rF6.s3_P sw!465otoc sffi.6 ?170a 11F5€r5:P OP EN _S OU RC E ffi#;:_ swr.6 6010c tD ;;@;d- dd Tot, EPA3O1OA/- w.i.t - Tol.r W.r.r Su"* wd.r rep Batch: 11F65:t5_p i1r-Ea&fi1 fi.ur.dBr.-;"!-- - Wetchem I.rrod EPAt.?o- Fnp a.bh pnp s.t Mn'i; spik. Anatysis Batch: 11F6s15 lrFaslrELKl - Page 21 of 29 x.tnod EPA lior ePA 140.1 EPArlo.1 EPA 1!01 h 11F6nsJ 11F651s_P 11F6515-P 1lF65rs_P TestArnerica Nasnvi € 07105t2011 Qc Association Summary Tesqne.ica Job lD N!F3998 ClientWesion Solutons, lnc. (104643)/CHK Prci6cvsitoi Proporty lD# 908190 WelChem (Continued) AnalysiB Batchr 11F5583 11FS5s!-P V. 1. 1 sls Batch: 11F6901 Analysb aatch:11F7ozA r.niod strtr54a-- - wd- W.r.r frynd !!.rd Surf..! wnd D D SM251o D s 25400 SMz5ao D th -niozLP P'P E SM254o 11F7a21-P SM2s'ro 11F7ou-P 1rF702,1-P 11F1O21-P 11F7o21-P OP EN _S OU RC E Analysls Batch: llF7o33 5M rros - srrl232oB iito3aF 11F703r-P 11F7033-P Analysis Batch: 1'lF?793 PreP Batch: 11F6515-P .nDd Pdp Arth PreF Batch: 11F6583-P PreP Batch:11F6901-P Tes6merica Nashville Paga 22 ot n 07/05/2011 QC Association Summary Client Wesr-on Solulions, tnc. {104643) /CHK TestAmedca Job lD: NUF3998 Prcjecvs(e: Properly tDf 90E190 Wetchem (Continued) Pbp Barch: 11F6901 o@dEa- w.rs wrs sud4 sol Ds SOLIDS w.l.r soLlDs V. 1. 1 Prep Betch: I tF7024-p M.thod Br.nt w.i.r W.l.r w.tq sudae w3i.r Prep Barch: I I F7033_P l iH_rL_ w{d Su"Ewnd Extractions SOLTOS soLtos soLtos pnoB.t OP EN _S OU RC E ;H:F,##r_ soLlos no PRGP NO pREp - NOpREp Anatysis Batch: 11F65sl %t.i_-- Analysis Barch: t1F6E83 iLrbs.me'.'p Prep aaichr I t F655.t_p lubs.apr.rD 1rF6s51,BLkl .- n-_- Page 23 ot 29 T€sLArnei€ Nashvi[e 07t05t2011 h QC Association Summary Tesr.Amedca Job lD: NUF3998 Cli€ntWeslon Solulions, lnc.{104643)/CHK Projecvsile: Property lDl 908190 Ertractions (Continued) Prep Batch: 11F655'l-P (Continued) ztnr t wrr.'Sud.4 WLr stk. o'didrc sM55.oc SMssloC rep Batch: 11F66E3-P L- V. 1. 1 l wd.r HEM/SGTHEM 1364 HEMISG-THEM Su.lE Wtl.r HEM'SGTHEM TCLP an lysls Balch:11F6570 lLr!s.mPr.rD Er.l a5oo s.npl. tr- OP EN _S OU RC E -.! c;td Pr6P Batch: 11F6570-P r T1F657EBS1 ToslAhedca Nashvills Page 24 ot 29 07/0s/2011 Lab Chronicle Clienl Weslon Solutions, lnc. (104643)/CHK Prcjecusiter Prope.ry tD TestArno,ica Job lD: NUF3998 90E190 Client Sample lD: 0623201 113201 oate coll.cted: 06/23,.t r .t4:49 Lab Sample lOr NUF3998-O' Matrh: surfac6 wat.r Dato Rcceived: 06,2111 08:50 T 11F6525_P An.t{ PEf srvrr6 a260B RsKlTsBslo o6t s/rnlr3 uo1r51a l.0o r 1F6671_P u0114!a s.00 1.00 u011a13 Pr.9 ancyd. EPA3010A/6010 s1,!ar5 3010c 11FCa93 An$d. s1M.5 7.70 11F66a5 11F6.93-P LCA V. 1. 1 1rF88ss_P JHS JHS LIB oEa 1.00 11F63a3_P 1rF55t3 1.00 11F7793 1.00 1 0o I1F6SO1 11F6901_P OEB 11F7024 'l111a2a_P OP EN _S OU RC E 1.00 100 11F651s TCa 1iF3s15_P TCa t lFro33_P 1rF7033 Pr.p 1t6.t HEM/SGTHE t1F5ta3_P r.0o l'", 11FCta3 11F5551 11F€s51_P 11F6570 j .,*, NETIIOOPREP 11F8570_P 1.00 Client Sample lD: Trip Blank Date corl*ted: 06/23/1.t oo:ot Oate R€ceived: 06/2t11 06i50 AnCFi. TAL NSlr . T.d^nsh. N..hnf., SWsaB t26as 2960 Folr.r cr.tghton r.o0 1.00 Or 11F6s25-P Lab Sample lO: NUF3998-02 Matrix: wrter AMry!.d i^tNsH u011613 R..d, Nahnt., TN 3?204. TEL Am,765j.so TestAmeie Nashville Paqe 25 of 29 07t05t2011 Method Summary T*lAmeri.a Job lD: Client Wa3ton Solulions, lnc. tl0a643)/ CHK Pd6d/Sit6: Properv lof 908190 lt1JF3998 G*r.l Clsnldry P.Em.r.u G.ftnl Ch.rilrry PGdLn G..r.l chriJlry P.Emi.r. volnL crrlstc cona6urEt br E?A ll.0rod l,lsoa u.0le. Etf., .!n E r-. bt GC M.rury bt €PA rrdodt TatoAta?l^ iar G.rd cl*ilary P.dn i.i. G4d Cllnbt! Podl.o G.mrl Clntrt Pnnt td Odrd Cl.ndt' P.lrrb.r o.s.l ch.nlry PrUr... NsH - T.r ftric. r{-lfil.. 2iao Fd.r Ct lllrlon Rod, NthvL TN 37204, TEt 10C735-0010 Nsrr OP EN _S OU RC E ial V. 1. 1 c@r.l chqrJrry P.hdi.r. Tdl rl.ld. bt EPA 6010c T.dAnodca Nalhville Paqe 26 ol 29 0710512011 Certification Summary Clienl Wbsion Solulions. hc. (10,a643) / CHK Test&n€ica Job lDi NUF3998 1 V. 1. 1 Prcjecvsite: Prcperty lO# 908190 OP EN _S OU RC E 5 NELAi AcEdil.lio n€, i6l b. oi.Dd q 4tr.d rid or €ff.d r.thod. .id EquiEd tor Jt D.thodr ndt6. ..d sart r nt ,t d t^ thir r.d.!.. ptdr. qn d ydr pDird oi.o.r 219 td rh. t.bd.tory ! TestAm€d@ Nashville Page 27 ot 29 071o5t2011 TestAmerico Nashvilro, TN rflttililffiil COOLER R.8CEI NUF3998 Cooler R.c.tved/Opcn€d On 6/2512011 iA r-2351 colier: ElgEr rR Gun ro_9t!!!t2l 2. T.nper.ruro otFp. samptc orr.np btanrwh.noF.n. a:O. - 3. t / oeqaes cctsius ten *2i€mpeEture is 0"C o. t.3s, was rhe repr€..nt.tive sampte ortlop bt.nk ri@en? W6r. conody Eeals on out3tdE 6tc@ter? !1e.. lho 36.ts inbcl. sagmd, and daied.onEcuy? I ll€rc cuslody pap..s iosld..ooler? bA c6rtilvthatl oo...d th. cooler lnd..ss.red ouestions 1-6ltntial t, Werc.ustodr$.13 on cont.id.E: VeS @ YEs...NO.(g}. W.r. theB. lign.d.nd d.r.d con.crty? !. Pactinsmal us.d? e. cooringproces.: 6iiJ) 6) Q5g.ho.. ru ll rcs, how dany a.d wher.: 6. '..no V. 1. 1 1. rhckr.s OssO YEs...No.{trt rr""ri" t"q Q peanur3 v.rmicu '""-o""* ite Foam tn3.rt 1!i*pual P"o., On'., ory f6Z lce o$er tton. 10. Did all contai6.r!.riv. in good co.dltlon (unbrok..)? W.,. allconialn.r lab.ls coEplet. (r, dale, sisne.t, p..s., erc)? OP EN _S OU RC E 11. Y6i..N,r...NA 12, oid .ll contain€. l.b.ls .nd taEs agr.ewith cusrodyp.p€6? r€..r,>...u l3a, t@...no...u Were VOAvials r.c.lv.d? b. Was ther6 .ny ob3ep.bl. hea&p... F..3..t in anyvOAvtar? vrs..G...u 14. Wa5 there a lrip Brank h rhis c@t.r? @.-.nO...rU Itoutapl. c@t.6,3.quence t I c.nftvrhar lunload.d th. c6t.r.nd anMr.d ou.stids Tr4 n atr i5a. on p.es'd borrbs, dld px test skips sugge.t preseruation r.ached the.odect pH tevet? b. Did th€ bo(le l.b.l3 lndlcate thar th. con ci pre*tuartv$ we,. lsed 16, Was r.3ldual chlori.. p6s6trt? I ce.titvthat I cheted to. .htorine and oH .s o.r SOp and answered ouestion.15_16 atnti.t) 17. Were clslody pap. B prop.rly filled out {ink, 3is.€d, etc)? 1!. Old y6! sign rho cutlody papors i.the app.oprtat€ ptace? 19. W.r. coi.eci conI.ine.. !..d .::..' _ ves-.rio..r(? 6).ro...na YEs.. .N C4j__, f, f$..no .rr to. the an.trsi3 r.quesred? 20, W.. sulicient ahou.t ot aampte sent in.ach contat.er? 21. w.r. rh.r. Non-conrorhlnc. rs5les a osin? yEs..6twas. prp€g.n.r"ur ves.1@..t Page2B ol 29 0710512011 Or, oi' ij n 6l, tI tr?'