$11332 \m ?t?'nwlw?glpg 3111 "twin. - -, in" I I Wig-4Z1?- - 3.335717'?Jar . . was. If, I a I an. tlaft?ecks .- - .- in .. ll .1 An inSpector visited the facility on January 2, 2015 at 11:00 am and spoke with a crew member. (The owner, was not present} There was discussion about knives and sandwich preparation. The crew member was aware of a phone call to the owner regarding the incident, apparently the date was 12/14/2014. She believed that ifa knife was sent out with a sandwich, that it would have been wrapped between the papers surrounding the sandwich. She stated that she believed a new employee might have been working that day. She confirmed that employees had since been educated to keep track of their utensils. At 2:00 pm (on January 2, 2015) the store owner, was contacted by phone. He stated: The complainant contacted corporate first to lodge a complaint. -then heard about it from his supervisor at corporate. After learning about the complaint, they had reviewed the video footage from 121'14/14 several times and could not find a knife going missing. The video did not lead him to conciude that they lost a knife. To be proactive, met with the employees and the manager who worked on the night in question. They discussed proper procedures and accountability for utensils. stated that he had the manager make a sign between the sandwich line and the point of sale, the sign reads "Ensure no knives." Since the complaint, Subway?s corporate offices sent out kits to all 40,000 stores which include a sign for the interior drive-through area which state? Make sure all knives are accounted for." Stated that he spoke to the complainant on the phone to Show his concern for what may have been a bad experience. said: "The .said want five thousand dollars to give you your knife back.? I told the complainant that I would talk to my lawyer.? Based on the fact that the store and stafftake this seriously, and based on the new signage and employee training, this complaint is considered abated. An inspector called the com Iainant back at 2:30 pm on this date, January 2, 2015. The complainant was at work but the I. . $111113 {1:113ulnar'g'af5's 9'335;.1351$5372.13. . ?gm-1? ~11 Fir?ll}? 7.. 4 "1 3.1,44?th -- 125; gig, ?23"th . M. gag-3.: . guyyg?s?fr? 2? :3 Public Health District FOOD SERVICE Champaign County I'uhlic Health Department Investigatinn Report 20] W. Kenyon Road, Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 373-790(1 or (217) 363-3269 Datc:_l_ Received by: . I Name of 8pm 5 St?rcct Address: Lb}! ,r (31w: {5h} 'rru?rjmm' Permit (Dctcijl' Coilmy)? 111313.; Priority:__ r! 5/25? Nature [If?Compl?intm?y i941? . Contact Person. Phone; Comm l/b/IS? M?ch (14-me (9W. . . MU 1w Mug,? or a OWK Ly;- . i153}. Mai-9W Au . ?aw Cami}, 499-4 ?gm egg .31 Wm? Amm/. I Follow?up call rcqucsted? Ab?tEd date: 1 0MPLA INANT INF ORMA I ON (0 VER) 9 (Thampaign?Ih?bana Public Health District F001) SERVICE CONIPLAINT Champaign County Public Health Department A Iuvestigatinn Report 61820 1 I (217)373-7900 w? - .frcfu. mug} girl/J Dammit #2 I if 1? County)? Insp_:_ Prim-11yData: Received HWL Name @105] 7 Strecl Address: '30 Er; a?gri I City: Phone: 33 . 2 l: _?bn??e?rlpj?g 62; 877629 f?m. 7w Mug. 5' 77M 07?- 77716, . men/ts (5.177.771? 6&9'3520 ?(ED/Mano Amen Wm. 54w}; . We, ametmu BUT JaglmgAJAAWfYEQ-Cewmm/mmf 773) 777a F2797: T0. Wag A ?61:qu _?mm 7:7 Jam; Wm); 57: 77% Few 77> CWHD . P1101131 35:} hwestigation +0 ?Hm - . e; ,3 .Wmigci QWGUMJ mam 075W .I.an I. . I- a; 4. .3. sun E?lua3419 amid r2 r' ELL ML. .71 Fellow-up can requested? Sangev?cmmw? Inspector: Abated date: I IS COMPLA INAN INF ORMA TION (0 VER) ?9 Sent: Thursda ,January 08, 2015 3:46 To: Subject: Attachments: imagelJPG; AT ODOltxt; image3JF?G: imageSJPG; imageTJPG; imageEJPG; image4.JPG; image2JPG lam no good in English,l ope you understand me. Please check the picture carefully, The one in the egg foo youngthe blue paper with some word on it .which looks very smooth and foursouare,if is really from Chopstix kitchen,should be cooked by oil .sauce .and hot fire L. After cook the paper should be wrinkledc We do not even have that kind of paper in any where in Chopstik. The other one in the fried rice .which is a piece fortune cookies wrapper we always give fortune cookies to ever orders the piece of cookies wrapper looks very big when the cooker cooking it .he can see the biggest and much different thins .and also the piece cookies wrapper looks very clean too ,no oi .no sauce on it .and the wrapper very smooth .no wrinkled at all E. Shannon you are professional on Chinese food .yoo knew what will happen on the paper .and plastic wrapper after cooked .so please look at the picture carefully. Thank you very much for you time ,4 ?I.?lu1lvl1l1.ll1.ll .. . CImmpaign-Urhana Public Husith District FOOD SERVICE COMPLAINT Champaign County Public Health Department Investigation Report 20] Kenyon Road, IL 61820 mm - (217) 3734900 or (217) 363?3269 (Districi?tr)? Priority: 3 Date: isr'7~i6 ., Received by: of Establislnnent: l?o?f ddress: i City:_ 32kgng Own MP 11} we . Phonez??ip Nature Earn ht. Quit ?rth Whiz; \N?iddw Lk??fi? 131mb rims hqu \0 ?rm: hula: "Tm; Qum- (31.013 magi. mm. is; JAKE. nlxomse: mm am ?i Chi. ME. ?to he, . Ubbffi?v ?ned: what ?dmie Loin 0H ?us: sum - "Tm. hm shinith she?d Lt?ne Mummies ?md?h? prom: mod handeQ? heibfe it: Lt?m in tho?v jigging/q. Contact Person: Phone: Investigation Comments: [Mtg-1 JsM/Vii i0 3.9015? {UR/ix Nu .r . He mag alt/mob awom M?Ji?tw chaLM+ Th4 Chukke? is dial .. it? - i $1ng Hui (ii/Ham Lung; ((?iokmi MIR a?wfhl ifimi mxm?ca??mg Qinidf?n was i7: 7iu HHer b41193 ion Rit?pjf? Follow?up call requested? Inspectonwm Ahmed date: JAIME (OVER) 9 Champ alga-Urbano Public Health District FOOD SERVICE COWLAINT Champaign County Public Health Department Investigation Report . 201 W. Kenyon Road, Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 373-7900 or (217) 363-3269 9X (circle one} Permit (Dt or County)? Inspam Priority:_l__ Date: ?Q'f?s f0 Received by: ?Tanamu l/sz/ r) (i at Name of Establishment: Elam/#0400 .61ij 3 VIEW Street Address: ?7 l7) l?m Urine, City: Phone: 3f WI 398' 9/398 'Thul?fjclot}, ?Tonnarci Qty?foap-ms ?The complainant 00+, (1 Idiotaof road and 90m lm 41?min ?loncl a form blow/n hair, "fl-?10 Complainant 'Ctl%o {north to} Q?frmm' and Sam woman 42m urea and Wm Quid/ill} Mods rib bibles dicta o) Wee in Cman Silula rater gig/ho?: we leaf on a counter new no ContaotPersonz- 6% Phoneinspector visited the facility on 14 January 2015 and met with the manager, I i had no knowledge of the complaint. She stated that no complainant informed the facility of these issues. NaturcofCompIaim: ?The complainant Lung ocl \Hno scacilleu - 351.535?! Regarding the complaint about the hair in the food, stated that all kitchen and buffet staff wear hats or hair nets. She will make sure that all staff who handle food follow this rule. Regarding the complaint about the employee who rinsed their hands without using soap, stated that she was surprised. The staff has had meetings about proper handwashing. She will educate the staff about proper handwashing, technique [soap and warm water, 20 seconds of friction) and frequency. She will also educate them about using paper towels instead of aprons, cloths, or their clothing. Finally, stated that staff typically use sanitizer buckets for wiping cloths. During this visit, there were cloths in the sanitizer buckets. No used cloths were found outside of the sanitizer buckets. will educate staff about the proper use and storage of sanitizer cloths. Based on what was observed and discussed, and because the manager is going to rEmind and educate staff, this complaint is considered to be abated. In .v - ?34. . 1 -. Health District FOOD SERVICE (Ihampaign (Zeunty Public Health Department Investigation Report 20] W. Kenyon Read, Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 373-7900 01121?) 363-32159 Mi [ki'i'r'dr? out" Fennit it: (D@t 01' (_Iennty)? - 1115p;w Prierity:_ 62 Date: l/[Sl/f Ll? Received Maj W: Awe)- Nameefiistablislnnent: StreetAtidi-ess: {7575 5? lib City:__ Plione:_ Nature LB F444sz $0.145 Val-1y ?was . We, F?l65_g?? _mm .L. We Evens/Men _A?m?mzwrufl? J'P?lii. ?7sz Ne?e?b git/:13 A Few! meme ?Ute/11M 501m gamma: get-new MUWM . has 7W4) we'rai ?0355 wane, gazed{la-H .- -.., . bl? Contact Person: Phone: investigation Comments: it) The 'i?it?l Ceiling-71m; . (31:50th ?lt? 1'17;th at Willie: [09 also mammal ham db Mil/195p? FILM {mm Fellow-up requestede ?12 MM Inspector: - Abate-d COMPLAINANT MFORMA (0 VER) 9 From: Jim Roberts Sent: Monday/January12,20158z47 AVI To: Sarah Michaels: Tammy Hamilton Subject: FW: Your Messages Somplaint please. Jim Roberts, MS, LEHP Director of Environmenta' Health Shampaign?Urbana Public Heafth District 201 W. Keynoh Road Shampaign, IL 61820 foice number: 531-2909 Secure fax." 217-373?7905 roberts?-c-ughd org wmc-uphdoro "his message art-:1 any attachments are for the o?es:gnateo re ntherwise private or confidential information letete the original and any copies. tiny other use of the emai! or attachments by you are striotiy prohib'ted cipient only and may contain priyifeged proprietary. or If you have received it in error please notify the sender immediatefy and inal anuary 12, 2315 8:26 AM Y, "o .J.m Roberts iubject. Your Messages rlon 12~Jan-15 08:28a .. gamma imits Jessagei' is calling to report 00,45 779;}; Tag ilcdonald's at 7105 Phil-o in Urbene 51801..said the restaurant was Fir/?5 Wm ery sold. his fries were cold, and 1e fish sandwich he got was lukewarm tfter eating he went to speak to the tar-lager about his concerns. and he oticed ceiling tiles miss?ng There iere 5?6 miss'ng over the soda ostorners. if he has noticed the missing tiles before he ate he wouidn't have eaten the food He Message History Account: 3385 Taken Sat 10?Jan-2015 8:06p MSW Given: Sat 10?Jana2015 8:06p NSW Seriaie?. 3 Deiivered To: Gave Message to Jim Robe Mag D'spatch History Acct. 3355 #01: Sat 10?Janv2015 8:04p NSW Dia'ou?. 20293579175313386 Message History Account: 3385 Taken: Sat 9:49a DKL Given Sat 1DvJa'i?2015 9:49a DKL Seriel?. 2 Deiiverad To. Gave Message to- Diapatch History Acct. 338-5 #01. Sat?iU?Jan-Ems 9:483 DKL Diai-Uut #02. Sat 10-Jan?2015 9:493 EKL Message History Account 3388 Taken: Sat 10?Jan-2015 9:45a DKL Given; Sat 10-Jan-2015 9:46a DKL Seriei#. Deirvered To Gave calier dental is- iffxili??s "so; sass-rafts; some sass; so Erin, zeta J. Li's? Lars-1e J'sMisst?sieiws 353' s: I. . I -. I'nl . "Iv; - -. ?sags, .4.- awe,st my 19:: 5'12; 13%; assess-w :uJ .. . . 5-: wilt? - f? .. 1.;1 . ,1 a" - 45"" ha to? gum?, .5 1 v- ~m LEM, was '4 1" I I inexact, If; jetty?? .4 twat .9157. "?liffg'jffg'?--.-.- ., .i . - . {-35 - efyriif?f?. kiwi?3.3 Li?i?Cfijlfh . - - - - 7 - .. - ~Tr?rn'v?arr??r'. . f. Te" rurawmn I . .1 I sz'I-P? fig a; 1 WW?-rfw . fie-L saf?ot?; s. user?air?. 1?7 3261.? gift. bra} any?f. rrw-yfw- h' - - I q. Asia 3:57 - Eff W. .r {?J'fszEFf - 0' - Wyn-384T. w??HT'fvim'nFi . . - mnm-v? -. -.- rum?ru? . . JawMaw-w?. Inspectors visited the facility on 1/20/15 and discussed complaint with GM). stated that she saw the complaint on Facebook before the inspectors visited the facility. Upon seeing the complaint, opened three of the same sandwiches and found no mold on them. She then threw away the three opened sandwiches and the remaining sandwiches. inspectors checked expiration dates of the existing sandwiches {February 5] and con?rmed the walk-in cooler was being held at proper temperature Complaint is considered abated on 1/20l15. Champaign-Urbana Public Health District FOOD SERVICE COMPLAINT I 'll?mpaign (.Inunty Public Health Department Investigatinn Repurt 201 W. Kenyon Road, (Thampaign, IL 61820 {217) 373-7900 or (217) 363?3269 Wg/ (Jr'rt'e?r? (we) pennit (or County)? Date: Received ah?t . Name uFlislahlisimlem; fig?g . Street Address: 700 6 . a City: Urbgm Phone: 111-917-9000 Nature of Complaintji? Wm; Co mpJ?L?mcmt '13 ,agzlhaclihmeer mm? would.._.ba . T- :ihz? ?ihaf?. In My H'j mac} nwar 51+ ._ow I mark?.le cm Mr? and - m/iuxff? ?33er . 43. SL119, . QM 'Miu ,m_.arQUnd as- mm; ?gn rmtI?a?foa) Contact Person: investigation (?011111181113 1/3316". [mm - MM yaw. _5um?Mam-W, Abated date: fl 0M I NF TION (0 VER) '9 Hamilton n: Sarah Michaels at: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 9:04 AM .0: Tammy Hamilton Subject: FW: Caffe Eerie Rolls Sushi Please write as a complaint. From: Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 12:53 AM To: Sarah Michaels Subject: Caffe Bene Rolls Sushi Dear Sirs IJear Sarah I, -- Please see the below ?t I sent this to Caffe yesterday Kr I I copied you on the email, but It got returned as unclelirerablel! While on a visit to your cafe on Campus in Chantpaign?Urhana Illinois today I noticed you had Bcne Rolls Sushi In a stack ofat least a dozen in two piles other. I also noticed a major problem with them. This being they were not ll'hen I asked ifthey would he better chilled I was told its Fake Crab and they never stay out lotth ?i'i'hateyer lenglh of time they are out is irrelevant, due to the fact they have fish and rice in them I was in store. for at least an hour, they were on he counter when I arrived, so who knows how long they had been there And they wrre. still on the counter when 1 left. The Ambient Temperature in the cafe was at least 75-80": I respectfully ask that you train your staffin Health 8; Hygiene practices in line with current legislation in the state of Illinois In case you are. I am a Classically French Trained Chef with nearly so experience I'm from Edinburgh in Scotland and hold Santitation Certi?cates here in Illinois and in UKfScotland I have my own company, see website below. I have copied Sarah Michacls from the CUPIID on this email as I think this practice is highly dangerous, and could lead to somebody, possibly a Student getting Food Poisoning, I bring this to your attention as I'm sure. as a Franchised operation they haye certain guidelines to follow. You rs A Concerned Chef 1 Champs:ign-Urhanu Public Health District FOOD SEER-TUE COMPLAINT {"hampaign County Public Health 1.101331111113111 Investigation Helmrl Kenyon Road, (Ihzunpnign. IL 61820 (217) 373-7900 or (217) 363-3269 permit#;_ str' lnsp.:_ 1 AL . _jwy Hammu_--216-32 a: (15.. Wj?iia?td .. 455mg mama g; _?dmeL?B/f Mf?xb? .MdmI . . . . fig??1". -. -- a; - inwstigzuion 2 um_ WM @9434 . .szceoL.._BL5 . WP .. . . .m I-?nlluw-up call requested?? Ahaleddat61_ l, 1' . 011?! FLA INA NT TIGN (0 PER) 9 Champaign-Urhana Public Health District FOOD SERVICE CONTPLAINT Champaign Public Health Department Investigation 11911011 201 Kenyon Road, Champaign, IL 61820 0% (217) 373-7900 or {217) 363-3269 .z'rcln our?) Permit #1 I or County)? Emulat? Priority: Date: 1' Received byg?mgcaimk?ip Name m_ ($ng 5 a 00011:} City: rig?m? Phone:_ 17' Nature DmeTlplaint: nanjL wig; EL ?e i i?bh ?13, ?x?rjr' 1?35. Contact Phone: Lf 5 hwestiga?on Commants:_? Swazth 1% Maw mm phonL. D1304 $196141 - I I me- h?j?imm 331%Mcwdio hm: mmqu break Ma 0M wa?x hand; mm ?Emmf War/1L- Follnw-up cal] requestcd? Inspector: 5 Abatcd date:__ I 2W 5 0M IATOJDHATION 0 VER) 9 Public Health District FOOD SERV ICE Champaign County Public Health Department Iuveatigatiun Report I: - fr?? 201 W. Kenyon Read, Champaign, IL 61820 9 (217) 373?7900 ur (217) 363-3269 Permit 91 Tnsp: Priority: 3 Date: I I 5 Reecivedhy:_ Name of Esmhlishmenl: I, Street Address: City: Thbmo?bbrn Nature ofComplainl: Hf?? ?gm F) 1Q [ma gld' ?g ?jm g. If) WFWMEHW 93412431. . Contact Person: Phone: InvestigationComments: ,LauiJ-L 0.1.49 AM 4&3; LM A m? .i-?It Follow- up call requested? Inspector: Abated date: lliq? 0MPLAIAMN 1' TION (0 VER) 9 Champaigu County Public Health Department Investigation Report 201W.Kenyun Road, Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 373-7901] or (217) 363?3269 - {irate 0an r, Permit 2 I (Dis@ 01' County)? 1.381).: 5 Priority: I Date: L1 Champaign?Urbana Public Health District FOOD SERVICE CODIPLAE f? Received a . Name nfEstablishment: Street Address: 1, {:71 53!! :5 Phone: KH- me? City: tan NamreofComl??im: The complainant was va fad Hutu on UNIS and said :He bajhmomw. - Jimj?d?-L gagitma i Contact Person: (him/k Phone; hivestigation Comments: IW T0 I (ligand rHuz IIQanerJw 01W I I . . {11/157 72w wt.? WK QM [gr add/WM mg?/jj Mil/{47? 14mm an Fullnw-up cal] requested? Inspector: Abated date: Sb, 0 COMPLAINANTINFORMA TION (OVER) 9 FOOD SERVICE COM Investigation Report Champ aign-I irbana Public Health District Champaign County Public Health Department 20] W. Kenyon Road, Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 373-7900 or (217) 363-3269 (circle one) or County)? 1 Pennit#: ?7 41 Date: l- 45 11151344 by: Name of Establishment: 'le pm ,j?eetopmt Street Address: . (1qu ("Ch Phone: 7 Cityg?bmi??lj'?? Nature of ?anle {101111 e?/Lib my at "r - EMWM a I'll/or net and we ?nd her hatcjo?their 75004 The. tum also Malia loll ?w?H7 a swim and Lil/2m heap Moi/>0 79 - 5M, rm Thereie et for! tar/35' Nit) -. jug. We. (ii/ass emu/z 91w. 74017: {ce? Contaet Person? Phone: investigation Comm opt-s: Inspectors visited the facility on 1/?28/15 and discussed the complaint with Along with the inspectors discussed all of the issues in the complaint {hair nets, bare hand contact, using a customer glass as an ice scoop, using a spoon to taste food and then continue cooking with same spoon) and did a short education on how to correct/?avoid all of the issues laid out by the complainant. The inspectors did not witness any of the improper techniques that were stated in the complaint. Complaint is considered abated on Follow?up call requested? Inspector: Abated date: (OWE) 1) Ch?ampaign?Urbana Public Health District . . FOOD SERVICE COMPLAINT Champaign County Public Health Department Investigation Report 201 Kenyan Rnad, Champaign, TL 61820 (217) 373-7900 01- (217) 303-3269 0+ bg? (cirr'f? (we) Permit or County)? priority; 4- Date: 1' 2.9 45 Received byName DD I Z20. a. .2 ?r Street Address:__ Liv}? [1 End City} P110118: 5? - Nature of hm ?Hm H. wh?n puffed in?b 7% I zd?i 1?22 :7 lair w_ x7/ I but 17 is). Ff.? - a - 4 HZ-hajL v-m 75mm. m- Contact Personz- Mgunas?- REF?amcab HEmQPhone; 3:73:3?5909 InvestigationComme?ts: 5? 3275 V15 THE FA-CILITT TD Ameiss wva anaagp UFDM WE pasaew?t} AM EMFLDIEE au?i?Slbr? F?cm'i?w As Cm: ?rm; ran-cu..qu ?-Eczat-J?DS TUE am: By m9 Ft?? PrE?xcu: u? ME Uman?b (gm?msr~JT WPCS yawn Uigvau?r, We: ?0690557531? Harm?1:: w-C?r?i?Uwcq W-TH Mawaaga lacks-p {-91 {a "it-MT alt-Mr Hm: r-?u-s Follow-up cal] requested? 371:0 a: CHM-J Abath date; Bar - I 5' COMPLA 1M4 NT INFORM mw (OVER) 5} Champuign-l?rlmnu Public Health District FOOD SERVICE TNT Champuign County Public Health Department Investigation chu'rt 20] Kenyon R??ti? IL- 61820 (217) 373-7900 or (217) 363?3269- {?Cft?dr mm") . Permit it: (Dit or County}? I?ri01i1y:_ v__x Date: 5 . Received bya Scaman {Avg/a . Name ofEstablishment:__ . Street Address: QM thm:__g Nature _dfi?i/?htna fihame. Wad:st 0.21 a. 790k] Jp r3970 safface, Ala ??r?uw if Contact Ina-?csligetliun - Phone: .1) mice.-. in; Om WW. 19 (1M om imam. Am @414? _mii?i/ pm at (?mLPay status:? when hsmt?ud Follow-11p f@ Inspector: 6 Ahath date:__ NT TION (O FER) 9 _u Champ'aign?Urbana Public Health District - FOOD SERVICE COMPLAINT Champaign County Public Health Department hivestigation Rep?rt 2m WJKenyon Road, "Chelupaign, IL 61820 (217) 373?7900 or (217) 363-3269. 0&3 {Zr-i (circlepnej Permit 550 (Di tor County)? I 1113p; Priority: - 7\ Dale: - Received by: imwwm?+m_ Up L10 I Name of Establishment: ?a Street Address;_ . Curve; mkum . . City: I th1c:_% 1?1 - - Chi/1% NatureofComplaintjb? {mglg?mmi 933mm A?.m mmele?g gem-He Wm?ib. angulbgmephn push damn +msn "m nb?t? chame. 43ml? (RINSE meme . ??gmpwegs man drapeswwr?cb ina?edeen? En map La and Wan-n on . m_+m Lade feLeeLroom Es um my Lash/Dom 5472115; moo .. 1cin f) eewmm (grumpy/Meant a LL. pmw? movie. Jane: mme Contact Person: Phone: - lm?estigalmn Hash? ?1 mm {m "1 gee-MM 31;- a} UHF The cp. 01mm w- ?ed/0?25 ?511,me ww??m. in i . . . gig 1310?; emu/Leaf. T. 116;) Liz/O" Eollow-up ca - - lnspectOI'IE/? J, date-1 I COMPLAINANT LNFORMA TION (OVER) 9 (PW. 9.0031003 .nr?lgb'?ug mm pact Its 217-359?? Mag? Dr ORDER #3 51332 . 0mm WORK um: amms I PRODUCTS APPLIED Material M- 55 ?nished my Marimba Time EPA I Undurtd Qty Wm? mm WCWL Fl HT: GLUE 8mm 0.0m Hind Application or Pit-Mn: 2:28:53" PM nfa Set In place C?r?iqt?K 0.9109?5 2.00m Ounce aha-I 3 AEROSOL 2:28:45 PM If #9sz ?fa Crack {1 Crevice beiment - 618i0 (217) 373?7900 or (217) 363-3269 DH wrote one Permit 5 (I)ng or County)? Inst); I Priority: 1 Date: .. Received by: . Nettie of Establishment: Street Address: . l- Cite?hampaign Phone: 2, i7- ?356 59643 Natute ofC?omplaim: 1000M I, )2 in. Mfr} Ii?i ?mr rifflovee and ?utes not aware ofthe complaint. He stated that he knew of no problems with inseots or worms in food, or in the a I Itv. He produced receipts from DRKIN pest control from late December. He stated that he would call them again to tr at the facility. stated that he was worried about the reputation of his facility, and he wanted to make the food as safe as possible. He stated that he believed the rice to be safe and clean. During the visit, the rice was inspected. The hot rice {white and fried) was sound with no noticeable issues. There was no evidence ofany insects or worms. The bulk tub ofdrv rice was clean and contained only rice with no evidence ofanv or worms. The unopened bag of rice was still sealed shut, with no tears or openings. ?rated that he has never seen a worm in the food in the restaurant. He stated that he would examine all gredients in the facility, and he would keep a close watch on 'ce. ?takes this seriously, this complaint is considered An inSpector visited the facility GREEN JADE on February 4, 2015 at 12:10 pm and spoke with Based on the inSpection ofthe rice and the facility, and becaus abated. INANT INFORJIA TION (0 VER) 9