SBRVICEAGREEMENT 13m Um Sums Dorm or HOMELAND 32am us. mountain commas mom: OFFICE OF DEMON AND REMOVAL mm MONM om COUNTY CORRECIIDNAL msm'tmort This Inter-Gomme Sal-vine moment (?Agreement?) is entered into betwoen United 3mm Department of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Monmouth County Cormotional Institution (?Service Provider") for the detention and care of aliens ("detainees"). The term artios? is used in this Agneemem to ICE and the Service vaider. The Service Provider shall provide detention services for dominoes at the following institutional: Monmouth County Correctional Instihrtion 1 Waterworks Road P.0. Box 5007 Freehold, NJ 07728 Articlo I. Purpose A. Emma; ?I?hioAgreement is for the detention, and care: detained under the authority of Immigration and Nation]in as amended. All pemns in the custody of ICE are considered ?admiz?stxative dominees?. The tom ?administration detainees? means the detainees are not charged with minimal violations and are only held in custody to assure their presence throughout the administm?vo hearing process and, if deberminod by a ?nal orderby the fumigation Court, the Board of homigxatiou Appeals or other Fedsml judicial body, the detainee?s removal from the United States. B. This Agreement sets forth the responsibilities and the Service Provider. The Agmemcnt states the services the Service Provider shall perfom satisfactorily to receive payment from ICE at the rate prescribed in Article I, C. C. Guidance; I?hisisa?xod rate agreement, nota costreimbursabieagroement, with respect to the detainee day rate. The detainee day rate is $105.00. ICE shall be responsible for reviewing and approving the cost: amociatod with this Agreement and subsequent modi?m?ons utilizing all applicable federal procurement laws, reguladons and standards in arriving at the detainee day rate. ICE . 1 Article II. General A. 395113;; The obligation of ICE to males payments to the Service Provider is contingent upon the availability of Federal funds. will neither present detainees to the Service Provider nor direct performance of any other sendces until ICE has the appropriate funding. Orders will be placed under this Agreement when speci?c requirements have been identi?ed and funding obtained. Performance under this Agreement is not authorized until the Contracting 0mm issues an order, in writing. The e?'ective date of the Agreement will be negotiated and spcd?ed ins delivery order to thisngreemeut that is supported by the ICE Contracting Of?cer. This Agreement is neither binding nor effective unless signed bythe ICE Contracting O?cer. Payments at the approved rate will be paid upon the return of the signed Agreeth the authorized Local Government o?dal to ICE. 3. The Service Provider shall notify and obtain approval from the ICE Contracting O?icer?s Tee-Juries] Representative (COTR) or ICE Designated O?ldal if it intends to house ICE detainees in a facility other than the Monmouth County Correctional Institution. If either that facility, or any ?tters facility is operated by an entity other than the Service Provider. ICE shall treat the entity as a subcontractor to the Service Provider. The Service Provider shall obtain the Contracting Of?cer's approval before subcontracting the detention and care of detainees to another entity. The Contracting 05cc: has the right to deny, withhold, or withdraw approval of the proposed subcontractor. Upon approval by the Contracting Of?cer, the Service Provider shall ensure that any subcontract includes all provisions of this Agreement, and shall provide ICE with copies of all subcontracts. All payments will he made to the Service Provider. ICE will not accept invoices from, or make payments to a subcontractor. C. 'Ihis is a ?rm ?ned rate agreement, not cost reimbursable agreement 'l'his Agreement is permitted under applicable statutes, regulation, policies or judicial mandates. Any provision of this Agreement contrary to applicable statutes, regulation. policies or judicial mandates is null and void and shall not necessarily affect the balance of the Agreement. Article Covered Services A. The Service Provider shall provide male/female beds on a space available basis. The Service Provider shall house all detainees as determined within the Sender: Provider?s classi?cation system. ICE will be ?nancially liable only for the actual detainee days as de?ned in Paragraph CofArticle 111. B. The Service Provider shall provide ICE detainees with safekeeping, housing. subsistence, medical and other services in accordance with this Agreemem. In providing these services, the Service Provider shall ensure compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, ?re and safety codes, policies and procedures. If the Service Provider determines that ICE has delivered a person for custody who is under the age of eighteen (18). the Service Providershall not house that person with adult detainees and shall immediately notify the ICE Designated Of?cial. The and levels ofservices shall be consistent with those the Service Provider routinely a?ords other inmates. ECE C. 'ihe unit of service is called a ?detainee day?and isd?ned asonepersonperday. Thedataineedaybeginsonthe date ofarrival. The Service Provider may hill ICE for the date of arrival but not the date of departure. The Service Pravider shall not charge for costs, which are not directly related to the housing and detention of detainees. Such costs include but are not limited to: 1) Salaries of elected of?cials 2) Salaries of employees not directly engaged in the housing and detention of detainees 3) Indirect costs inwhich a percentage of all local government costs are pro- rated and applied to individual departments unless, ?icse cost are allocated under an approved Cost Allocation Plan 4} dDetainee etainees 5) Operating costs of facilitiw not utilized by Federal detainees 6) Intermt on borrowing (however represented), bond discounts, costs of ?nancing] except as prescribed by OMB Circular A87. 7) legal or professional fees (sped?mlly legal expenses for prosecution of claims against the Federal Government, legal expenses of individual detainees or inmates) 8) Contingencies The Service Provider shall make special provisions for non- speaking, handicapped or illiterate detainees. ICE will rehnburse the Service Provider for the actual mots assodated with providing commerdal written or telephone language interpretive services Upon request, will assist the Service Provider in obtaining translation sewices. The Service Provider shall provide all instructions verbally either in English or the detainees? language, as appropriate, to detainees who cannot read. 'Zihe Service Provider shall include the actual costs that the Service Provider paid for such services on its invoice. Except in emergency situations, the Service Provider shall not use detainees for translation services. If the Service Provider uses a detainee for translation service, it shall notify ICE within twenty-four (24) hours of the translation service. Article IV. Receiving and Discharging Detainees A. TheService Providershallreceive and discharge detainees onlyto and from properly identi?ed ICE personnel or other properly identi?ed Federal law enforcement o?cials with prior authorimtion ?om Presentation of 11.8. Government identi?cation shall constitute ?proper identi?cation.? The Service Provider shall furnish receiving and services overtly-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. ICE shall furnish the Service Provider with reasonable notice of receiving and discharging detainees. The Service Provider shall ensure positive identi?cation and recording of detainees and ICE of?cers. 'lhe Service Prmider shall not permit medical or emergency discharges except through coordination with on-dnty ICE o?cers. - ICE the facility intothe custody of other Federal, state, or local o?cials for any reason, except for medical or emergency situations, without express authorization of ICE. ICE 09-FOIA-2482.000205 0 . 4 . 13?ngqu? I 3.. 5,561.5; '1 . from physical custody -- The Service Provider shall not relmse ICE detainees to any persons other than those described in Paragraph Aof Article IV for any moon, except for either medial. other emergency situations. or in response toe fodemlwritofhabeas corpus. Ifan state, or local proceedings, only ICE may authorize release of the detainee for such purposes. The Service Provider shall contact the ICE Designated Of?cial immediately regarding any such requwts. .2 The Service Provider rctainsthe right to refuse cceptance, or request removal of any detainee exhibiting violent or disruptive behaxdor, or thatrequiresmediml canebeyond the scope of the Service Provider?s health care provider. In the case of a detainee already remwal ofthe detaineefrom the Facility. 11:: Service Provider shall allow ICE reasonable time but not more than 72 hours to remove a detainee upon our request. E. In the event of an emergency requiring evacuation of the Facility, the Service Provider shall evacuate ICE detainees in the same manner, and with the same safeguards, as it employs for persons detained under the Service Provider?s authority. The Service Provider shall notin the ICE COTE or ICE Designated O??icial within two (2) hours of evacuation. Article V. Detention Standards The Service Provider is required to house detainees and perform related detention services in accordance with the most etc-rent edition of ICE National Detention Standards 1e- uu 0 1.. .--. 9. an"! . ICE Inspectors will conduct periodic inspections of the facility to assure compliance with the ICE National Detention Standards. - Article VI. Medical Services A. The Service Provider shall provide ICE detainees with on- site health care services under the control of a local government designated Health Authority. The Service Provider shall ensure equipment, supplies, and materials, as required by the Health Authority, are fin-nished to deliver health care Oil-Site. B. The Service Provider shall ensure that all health careservice providers utilized for 101% detainees hold current licenses, certi?cations, and /or registrations with the State and/or City where they are practicing. The Service Provider shall retain a registered nurse to provide health are and sick call coverage unless expressly stated otherwise in this Agreement. In the absence of a health care professional, non-health care personnel may refer detainees to health care resources based upon protocols developed by United States Public Health Service (USPHS) Division of Immigmtion Health Services (DIES). ICE AU C. W: The Service Provider shall ensure that on-eite medical and health carecoverageas de?nedbelow isnvailahle for allICEdetalnees at thefacility for atleast eight (8) hours perday. seven (7)daysperweek. The Service vaidershallensuzethat its employees solicit each detainee ?or health complaints and deliver the complaints in writing tothe medical Providerahall?uniahthe detainees instructions in his or her native language for gaining access to health care services as prescribed in Article Paragraph I). I D. W: The Service Provider shall furnish on~aite health care under this a nt. The Service Provider shall not charge any ICE detainee an additional fee or (Jo-payment for medical services or treatment provided at 5 the Service Provider's facility. The Service Providershallensurethat ICE detainees care audeenricesd-aan thOGeitprovidestolocal inmates. Orr-site health care eenrioes shall include arrival screening within wewa (24) hours of arrival at the Facility, sick call coverage, provision of over-the?couater medications, treatment of minor injuries (cg. lacerations, sprains, and contusiona). treatment of special needs and mental health assessments. Detainees with chronic 'l conditions shall receive prescribed treatment and follow-up care. Art-1315mm Arrhral screening shall include at a minimum TB screening, I planting of the Tubemdin Skin Test (PPD), and recording the history of past and present illnesses (mental and physical). The health care service provider or trained health care personnel may perform the arrival screening. . .0 u. -. Ifthe Service Provider tennines at an ICE detainee has a medical condition which renders that person 3 unacceptable for detention under this Agreement, (for mple, contagious disease, condin'on needing life support, uncontrollable violence), the Service Provider shall notify the ICE com or ICE Designated Metal. Upon such noti?cation the Service Provider shall allow ICE reasonable time but not longer than 72 hours to remove a detainee. 0- W: The Service Provider shall obtain DIHS approval for any non-emergency, off-site healthoare for any detainee. DIHS acts as the agent and ?nal health authority for ICE on all off-site detainee medical and health related matters. The relationship of the DEBS to the detainee equals that of physician to patient. The Service Provider shall release any and all medical information for ICE detainees to the DIHS representatives upon request. The Service Provider shall solicit DIES approval before proceeding with non?emergency, offnsite medical care (cg. off site lab testing, eyeglasses. cosmetic dental prosthetics, dental care for cosmetic purposes, prescription medications). The Service Provider shall submit documentation for non~rou?ne, off?site medical health services to DIHS. For medical care provided outside the facility. DIHS may determine that an alternative medical provider or institution is more met-e?ec?ve or more aptly meets the needs of ICE and the detainee. ICE may refuse to reimburse the Service Provider for aonemergency medical costs incmred that were not pro-approved by the DIHS. The Service Provider shall send all requests for pie?approval for non-emergent off-site care to: Phone: (888) 718-8947 FAX (866) 475-9349 ECE I i i Via website: The Service I'mvider is to notify all medical providers approved to furnish off-site health care of detainees to submit their bills in accordance with instructions provided to: United States Public Health Services Division of Immigration Health Services 1220 Street, NW PMB 468 Washington, DC 20005-4018 (Phone): (8883m8?947 (FAX): (866)-475-9349 Via website: H. W: The Service vaider shall furnish Monty-four (24) hour emergency medical care and emergency evacuation procedures. In an emergency, the Service Provider shall obtain the medial treatment required to pmerve the detainees health. The Service Provider shall have access to an o?vsite emergency medical provider at all times. The Health Authority of the Servim Provider shall notify the Managed Care Coordinator by calling the telephone number listed in paragraph above as soon as possible, and in no case more than seventy?Mo (72) hours after detainee receipt ofaueh care. The Health Authority will obtain pro-authorization {com the DIHS Managed Care Coordinator for oerviwfs) beyond the initial emergency simaticn. I. W: The Service Provider shall prwide guards at all times detainees are admitted to an outside medical facility. J. The Service Provider shall allow DIES Managed Care Cooxdlnators reasonable access to its facility for the purpose of liaison activities with the Health Authority and associated Service Provider demerits. Article VII. 0 Employment of Unauthorized Aliens Subject to laws, regulations, Executive Orders, and addenda to this Agreement, the Service Provider shall not employ aliens unauthorized to work in the United States. Except for maintaining persona] living areas, ICE detainees shall not be required to perform manual labor. Article Period of Performance A. This Agreement shall become effective upon the date of ?nal signature by the ICE Contracting Of?cer and the authorized signatory of the Service Provider and will remain in e?'ect inde?niter unless terminated in writing, by either party. Either party must provide written notice of intentions to terminate the agreement, Go days in advance of the effective date of formal termination, or the Parties may agree to a shorter period under the procedures prescribed in Article X. B. A?rm ?xed price with economic adjustment provides for 6 ICE 201 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. omww-p- i I ?l upward and downward revision ofthe Per Diem based upon cost indexes of labor and operating expenses, or based upon the Service Provider?s actual cost experience in providing the service. Article IX. Inspection A. The ail Went Inspection Report stipulates minimum requirements for ?re/safety code compliance, supervision, segregation, sleeping utensils, meals, medical care, con?dential communication, telephone access. legal counsel, legal library, visitation, and rem-cation. The Service Provider shall allow ICE to conduct inspections of the facility, as required, to ensure an acceptable level of services and acceptable conditions of con?nement as determined by ICE. No notice to the Service Provider is required prior to an inspection. ICE will conduct such inspections in accordance with the Jail Agreement Inspection Report. ICE will share ?ndings of the inspection with the Service Provider's facility administrator. The Inspection Report will state any improvements to facility operation, conditions of con?nement, and level of service thatwill be required by the Service Provider. ti Ifthe Service We: fails to remedy de?cient service identi?ed through an ICE inspection, ICE may terminate this Agreement without regard to the provisions of Articles and X. C. W: The Service Provider shall provide ICE copies of facility inspections, reviews, examinations, and surveys perfumed by accreditation sourcesposs ion, regardless of whether the Service Provider created the record, concerning any detainee held pursuant to this Agreement This right of access shall include, but is not limited to, incident reports, records relating to suicide attempts, and behavioral assessments and other records relating to the detainee?s behavior while in the Service Provider?s custody. Furthermore. the Service Provider shall retain all records where this right of access applies for a period of two (2) years from the date of the detainee's discharge {rem the Service Provider?s custody. Article X. Modi?cations and Disputes A. Wm; Actions other than those designated in this Agreement will not bind or incur liability on behalf of either Party. Either Party may request a modi?cation to this Agreement by submitting a written request to the other Party. A modi?cation will become a part of this Agreement only after the ICE Contracting O?cer and the authorized signatory of the Service Provider have approved the modi?cation in B. The ICE Contracting Of?cer and the authorized signatory of the Service Provider will settle disputes, questions and concerns arising from this Agreement. Settlement of disputes shall be memorialized in a written modi?cation between the ICE Contracting C?ccr and authorized signatory of the Service Provider. In the event a dispute is not able to be resolved between the Service Provider and the ICE Connecting 7 ICE Of?cer, the ICE Contracting Of?cer will make the ?nal decision. Ifthc Service Previder Headofthe Contracting Activity (H CA) for resolution. The ICE HCA may employ all methods available to recolve the dispute including alternative dispute resolution techniques. The Service Provider shall proceed diligently with performance of this Agreement pending ?nal resolution of any dispute. ArticleXI. Adjusting the Detainee DayRatc ICE shall reimburse the Service Provider at the ?xed detainee day rate shown on the cover page ofthedocumentArticlel. (C). (slyears pending an audit and/or the submission of actual costs. After the three (3) year period the Parties may adjust the rate ever twelve (12) months thereafter. The Parties shall base the cost portion of the rate adjustment on the principles of allowability and allocability as set forth in OMB Circular A457, federal proctmnent laws, regulations, and standards in arriving at the detainee day rate. The request for adjustment shall be submitted on an ICE Jail Services Cost Statement. IfICEdoes not receive an of?cial request for a detainee day rate 11th ?at is supported by an ICE Jail Services Cost Statement, the ?xed detainee day rate as stated in this Agreement win continue until an o?cial adjustment ?3 requested by theSexvice Provider. SeeArticleXA. ICE reserves the right to audit the amml and/or pmSpective coats upon which the rate is based. All rate adjustments are prospective. As this is a ?xed rate agreement, there are no retroactive adjustmen?s). Article XII. Enrollment, Invoicing, and Payment . .. L: . A -19; tr. a *1 The Service Provider shall provide ICE with inf ?on needed to make paym tsby transfer (EFF). Since January 1, 1999, ICE makes all payment: only by EFL The Service Provider shall identify their ?nancial institution and related information on Shinde Form 3881, Automated Clearing House (ACE) Vendor Miscellaneous Payment Enrollment Form. The Service Provider shall submit a completed SF 3881 to ICE payment of?ce prior to submitting its initial request for payment under this Agreement. lithe EFT data changes, the Service goat shall be responsible for providing updated information to the ICE payment cc. B. invoicing: The Service Provider shall Submit an original itemized invoice containing the following information: the name and address of the facility; the name of each ICE detainee; detainee?s A?number; speci?c dates of detention for each detainee; the total number of detainee days; the daily rate; the total detainee days multiplied by the daily rate; an itemized listing of all other charges; and the name, title, address, and phone number of the local of?cial responsible for invoice preparation. The Service Provider shall submit invoices within the ?rst ten (10} working days of the month following the calendar month when it provided the services, to: Department of Homeland Security immig'ation and Customs Enforcement Deportation Unit - New York Field Chloe 26 Federal Plaza, Room 1104 ICE lb .l i i i NewYork, NY 10278 Phone: 212-264~5085 Fax: 212-264-5939 C. menu ICE will transfer funds elecu-onicaiiy through either an Automated Clearing House subject to the bee?ng laws of the United States, or the Federal Reserve Wire Transfer System. The Prompt Payment Act applies to this Agreement The Prompt Payment Act requires ICE to make payments under this Agreement the thirtieth {303'} calendar day a?er the ICE Deportation o?ioe receives a complete invoice. Either the date on the Government's check. or the date it executes an electronic transfer of fluids, shall constitute the payment date. The Prompt Payment Act requires ICE to pay interest on overdue payments to the Service Provider. ICE will determine any interest due in accordance with the Prompt Payment Act. a. . - .ICEmayfumishFederal Government property and meat to the Service Provider. Accountable property remains titled to ICE and shall be retnmed tothe custody of ICE upon termination of the Agreement. The suspension of use of bed space made available to ICE is agreed to be grounds for the recall and return of any or all government furnished properly. The Service Pro?der shall not remove ICE property from the facility without the prior written approval of ICE. The Service Provider shall report any loss or destruction of any Federal Government property immediately to ICE. Article XIV. Hold Hat-unless and Indemni?cation Provisions A. ICE shall. subject to the availability of funds, save and hold the Service Provider harmless and indemnify the Service Provider against any and alliiability claims and costs of whatever kind and nature, for injury to or death of any person(s), orloss or damage to any prom, Which occurs in connection with or is incident to performance of work under the terms of this Agreement, and which results from negligent acts or omimions of ICE o?cers or employees, to the extent that ICE would be liable for such negligent acts or omissions under the Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 USC 2691 et seq. B. W: The Service Provider shall save and hold harmlew and indemnify federal government agencies to the extent allowed by law against any and a? liability claims. and costs ofwhataocver kind and nature for injury to or death ofany person or persom and for loss or damage to any property occurring in connection with, or in any way incident to or arising out of the occupancy, use, service, Operation or performance of work under the tenets of this Agreement. resulting from the negligent acts or omissions of the Service Provider, or any employee, or agent of the Service Provider. In so agreeing, the Service Providerdoea not waive any defenses, or limits of liability available to it under state or federal law. ICE AU I C. lathe events detainee ?les suit Provider contesting the legality of the detainee?s incarceration end/or When/citizenship status, ICE . . shall request that the 0.8. Attorneys Of?ce, as appropriate. move either to have the Service Provider dismissed from such suit, tohsve substituted as the proper party defendant; or to have the case removed to a court of proper jurisdiction. Regardless of the decision on any such motion, ICE shall request that the us. Attorney?s Of?ce be responsible for the defense of any suit on that: grounds. - D. The Service Provider shall do nothing to prejudice right to i recoveragninstti?rdpertiesfor anyloss?estmc?cncdordamageto US. Government - i. property. Upon request of the Contracting Of?cer, the Service Provider shall, at ICE's . . in the prosecution ofsuitenrl execution ofthe instruments of assignment in favor of ICE in obtaining recovery. Article XV. Financial Records i A. All ?nancial records, supporting documenm, statistical records, and other rewrds pertinent to contracts or subordinate agreement under this Agreement shallbe retained by the Service Provider forthree (3) years for purposes of federal examinations andaudit. The three year retention period begins at the end of the ?rst year of completion of service under the Agreement. If any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, or other action involving the records has been started before the expiration of the three year period, the must be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues widen arise from it or until the end of the regular three (3) year period, whichever is Intel: B. W: ICE and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their authorized representatives, shall have the right of access to any pertinent books, i documents, papers or other records of the Service Provider or its sub?connectors, which are pertinent to the award, in order to make audits, examinations, excerpts, and - transtn'ipts. The rights of access must not be limited to the required retention period. but C. W: ICE will hold the Service Provider accountable for my overpayment, or any breach of this Agreement that results in a debt owed to the Federal Government. ICE shall apply interest, penalties, and administrative costs to a delinquent debt owed to the Federal Government by the Service Provider pursuant to the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1982, as amended. Article XVI. Gunrd/?Ransportation Services A. The Service Provider shall be reimbursed for providing transportation and/or guard services at an area hospital and/or any other miscellaneous locations. The Service Provider shall be reimbursed for actual costs to be itemized on the invoice as needed. At least two quali?ed law enforcement or corrections] o?icer personnel 1.0 1U .?umwwuoumg Minors who are visiting the facility must be accompanied by an adult guardian (18 years or older). Minors must not be left unaccompanied in the waiting room, visiting room or any other area. Attorney Visits Legal representatives of detainees are authorized to visit their clients during the following hours: Everyday: 7 am. 7 pm. A list of pro bono (free) legal organizations will be posted in all detainee housing units and other appropriate areas. This list shall be updated quarterly. If a detainee wishes to see a representative or paralegal from that organization, it is the detainee?s responsibility to contact them for an appointment. Consular Visits Consular of?cials may meet with their detained nationals at any time. It is requested that prior arrangements be made with the ICE Supervisory Deportation Of?cer to the extent possible, and that consular of?cials bring appropriate credentials when they come to the facility. The ICE Su erviso Deportation Of?cer in charge of the facility can be reached at (973) 645-366? A Clergy Visits Clergy may visit detainees at any time, but must make prior arrangements with the Chaplain?s Of?ce at (973) 274-7819. Visiting Restrictions All family or other social visits are non-contact. No ?rearms or weapons of any kind are permitted in the facility. If visitors are or appear to be intoxicated, visitation will not be allowed. All visitors are subject to search while in the facility. Visitors are not allowed to pass or attempt to pass any items to detainees. Visitors are not allowed to carry any items into the visitation area. Search Procedures (prior to or during all visitations) All individuals requesting admittance to the facility or the visitation area are subject to a pat-down search of their person, an inspection of their belongings, and a metal scan search. Individuals refusing to cooperate with a reasonable search will not be admitted. No ?rearms or weapons of any kind are permitted. No electronic devices (cell phones, pagers, radios, etc.) are permitted in the secure areas of this facility. . employed by the Service Provider under their policies, procedures and practices will perform transport services. WM rtstion and/or escort/stationaryguardservices for ICE detainea housed at the Service Provider's facility to and from a medical facility for outpatient care, and transportation and/or escort guard services for detainees housed at the Service Provider's facility admitted to a medical facility. An o?cer or of?cers, shall keep the detainee under mustard supervision Monty?fem (24) hours per day until the detainee is ordered released from the hospital, or at the order of the 108 COTE or ICE Wanted O?cial. The Service Providers agrees to augmentsudi practices as may be requested by ICE to enhance speci?c requirements for security. detainee monitoring, visitation and contraband control. C. Furthermore, the Service Provider agrees to hold harmless and indemnify DHSIICE and its c?iclals in their omen and individual capacities from any liability, including third-party liability or worker?s compensation, arising from the conduct of the Service Provider and its employees during the course of transporting ICE detainees. D. The Service Provider shall not allow employees to use their personal vehicles to transport detainees. The Service Provider shall ?irnish vehicles equipped with interior security features including physical separation of detainees from guards. The Service Provider shall provide interior security speci?cations of the vehicles to ICE for review and approval prior to installation. I E. - I standards lists .1 t. aggro. rclatedtothe number of hours the Provider's employee may operate a vehicle. The transportation shall be accomplished in the most cconon?cal manner. The Service Provider personnel provided for the above services shall be of the same quali?cations, receive mining, complete the same security clearances, and wear the same uniforms as those personnel provided for in other areas of this agreement. F. Stem butting all transportation activities at least one o?ear shall be thesauresexasthe detainee Questions to the ICE OOTR or ICE Designated O?icial for ?nal determination. may the Service Provider to transport detainees to unspeci?ed, miscellaneous ocations. H. The itemized invoice for such stationary guard servi shall state the number of hours being billed. the duration ofthe billing (times and dates) and the name of the detaineeCs) that was guarded. ICE W. W, the undersigned, duly authorized o?icers, have subscribed their names on behalf of the Monmouth County Sherist Department and Department of Homeland Security, us. Immigration and Customs Enforcement ACCEPTED: ACCEPTED: U.S. Immigration and Cmtoms Enforcement Monmouth County Sheriff's omce hereby designated COTE for this Agreem When and if the amt-a an an administrative modi?cation will be issued to re?ect the changes. This desigmtion does not include authority to sign contractual documents or to otherwise I commit to, or issue changes, which could a?oat the price, quantity, or performance of this Agreement. The Intergovernmental Service Agreement Number is DE GIGS 14 ICE ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES PAGE OF PAGES IMPORTANT: Mark all packaes and papers with contract andIor order numbers. 1 I 3 HI. DATE OF ORDER 2 CONTRACT Ago. Ham 1? a. SHIP TO: 3. ORDER NO. 4. REOUISITIONIREFERENCE NO. I See Schedule ICE 5" Rem?va1 5. ISSUINO OFFICE {Address correspondence to) STRE ET ADDRESS ICE De tent Ion Detention IGSAS Immigration and Customs Enforcement Immig rat ion and Customs Enforcement 3 01 I Street I NW Office Of Acquisition Management Smite 900 425 I Stree: NW, Suite 2208 Washington DC 20536 STATE 9. ZIP CODE Washington DC 20536 7. TO: I. SHIP VIA 5. NAME OF CONTRACTOR COUN i 05' MONMOUTH 8_ TYPE OF ORDER b' COMPANY WE Ela. PURCHASE b. DELIVERY a. STREET ADDRESS REFERENCE YOUR. Emept for InaIImIIms on the PO BOX 1256 FINANCE DEPT 3RD FLOOR ?1.5 We?: mm to hstue?om contalned on this SIDS meoIIhIaIarma-Nisism Please furnish the forming on the terms 10 (he is?"15 mndib?s and commons spedIIad on both sides of the Bhovmbared mm this order and on the attached sham. If any, d. CITY 3. STATE I. ZIP CODE Mutt-nu ?New as WM FREEHOLD NJ 077281256 9. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA 10. OFFICE See Schedule ICE Detention Removal 11. BUSINESS CLASSIFICATION (Check Domes? i 12. F.0.B. POINT a. SMALL OTHER THAN SMALL - C. DISADVANTAGED [j a- 33?; I De 5 inat i on u. WOMEN-OMED e. HUBzma I. EMERGING SMALL VETERAN- BUSINESS OWNED IS PLACE OF 1-1. GOVERNMENT BIL No. 15. DELIVER TO ROS. POINT 16. DISCOUNT TERMS . - ON OR BEFORE (Date) a. INSPECTION b. ACCEPTANCE 30 Days After Awa rd Destination Destination 17. SCHEDULE {See Reverse forRQ?eOI?Ionsj QUANTITY ITEM NO. ACCEPTED (8) I9) T1 TOTAL (Com. mes) SEESILUNC INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE 17m GRAND TOTAL $1,949,168.00 22. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY (Signature) TITLE: CONTRACTINGIORDERIN FF CER ADTNORIZEO FOR LOCAL REPRODUCTION . 0mm? mm 347 Mm?) PREVIOUS NOT USABLE - by 532131.) 000421 ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES I I SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract numbem. DATE OF ORDER 08/04/2008 ITEM NO. (N Field Office Director: A 0 Period of Performance: 05/01/2008 to 04/30/2009 0001 FUNDS FOR CONTINUATION OF CONTRACT DROIGSAO7000014 132 BEDS $105 365 DAYS $5,058,900. Requisition No: FNY080031.1 Accounting Info: MULTIPLE MDLS SEE REQUISITION Funded: $1,199,168.00 0002 FUNDING Requisition No: FNY080031.2 0.999903%; Infra'L?u .- Funded: $750,000.00 Invoicing Instructions: Send one original invoice to the Program point of contact. The program official must determine if goods/service have been received and accepted before Dallas Finance Center can process the Invoice for payment. Please include Task Order Number on all invoices to expedite payment. All other terms and conditions remain the Continued NSN 75?0-ol-t52-8082 50348401 PAGE OF PAGES 2 3 1,199,168.00 750,000.00 ORDERNO. QUANTITY ACCEPTED JG) 1,199,168.00 750,000.00 TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO1ST PAGE (ITEM OPTIONAL FORM :46 (Rev. I ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES PAGE OF PAGES SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION 3 3 WANT: Mark an packages and papers with contract analorordar numbers. DATE OF CONTRACT NO. ORDER NO. 03/04/2008 ITEM NO. SUPPLIESISERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT AMOUNT QUANTITY ORDERED PRICE ACCEPTED (A) (B) (C) (E) (F) (G) All other terms and condi tions remain the same . The total amount Of awardThe obligation for this award is shown in box 17(1). TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO IST PAGE (ITEM 17(3)) NSN mum mums) mam .. .. ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES I With $150 $6313 0% ?1 DATE OF ORDER contract analor order number?. PAGE (N: a. NANE OF CONSIGNEE 05/1 4 2 00 '7 a omen no. 4. neamsmoumzrazavce no. FAT070231 8.3me Immigration and Customs anforcement 5. Issums omce mm mm to) Dept. Of Homeland Securi b. STREET ADDRESS ty 425 J: Street NW Immigration and Cysteine Enforcement Rm 3209 425 I Street. Rm 2208 Washington DC 20536 c- . ?1 "mm - DC 20536 1.10: r. SHIPVIA a. NAME OF mama . GASTOM COUNTY 8? WE aroma?. cm?? PURCHASE 5? in mm c. smear mamas: REFERENCE YOUR: Po Box 1578 m. this dam-momma unhindansz minus as cm: a. sure cone m- . landing delivery? #63 . NC 230531573 9. MD APWMN mm m. Reamsmonma OPHGE See Schedule 11. Wmmon rm mes? i2 19.0.5. 90m [3 a. 110114571 WSWL I: a f" mum Destination E: a. woman-0mm I: e. Huszons f- EMERGING SMALL Wm. ausmess 1a mucus or 14. comm BIL DELIVER T0 5 a. mm m. mscoum Teams ON OR BEFORE (ours) I: Inspecnon Multiple Destination Destination bZLow 17. SCHEDULE um oummw "a muses 0R seamss ORDERED um new: AMOUNT ACCEPTED (5) 5} Tax ID Number: 56-6000300 DUNS Number: 071062186. . This Task Order is issued against the Inter-Govermental Service Agreement (IGSA) o. for the following services: Continued . . . SHIPPING Foam 19. GROSS BHme WFIGHT 20. was no. 170:: mm. (60:3. mmworce 10: 95?? U.S. DEPT. OF HOMELAND SECURITY $657,000.00 seam 0.3 . IMMIG. AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT or DETENTION mm REMOVAL 801 I STREET, N. W. SUITE 800 GRAND TOFAL acm $657.. 000. no WASHINGTON . 22. unmsmesOme 3v (swam; WMMREPRW FORM 347mm 3m meam mm ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES use or moss 2 I 18 ORDER NO. H8CEOP07FIGOGOZ7 m: cumunrrunn W) m) UNIT PRICE 5) uumnnv (H m) MOUNT 0001 0002 1. Provide detention services in accordance with the attached 1838, to include housing, guards and transportation during the period of May 2007 through 09/30/2007 at the Gaston County Jail, 425 Marietta Street, Gastonia, NC, 28053. 2. Full funding is provided for the these services in the amount of $657,000. 3. The total amount of funding obligated under this Task Order is $657,000. (O 4. qge one Program Office POC is 202 06 S. The sition?Manaoement 900 is 202. 06 All terms and conditions of IGSA No, remain unchanged, Admin Office: Us Department of Homeland Seourity Immigration and_Customs Enforcament 425 I Street, NW Rm 2208 Washington, DC 20536 Period of Performance: 05/14/2007 to 09/30/2007 Cost of Bedspaco at the Gaston County Jail (50 beds 153 days 360.00 per diam rate) Delivery: 30 Days After Award Accounting Info; SEE ATTACHMENT A Funded: $459,000.00 Cost for Transportation of Detainees for IMay 2007 - September 30, 2007. Transportation Officer Rate: $16.29 I Accounting Info: Funded: $190,000.00 Continued .. 459,000.00 198,000.00 450,000.00 193,000.00 NSN 750001452000: 70710.. CARRIED FORMED T0 17ml ?ll-I D1 1 0' [mm Ill when numeric mum ORDER FOR SUPPLIES 0R SERVSCES PAGE OF PMES SCHEDULE - 3 1 IMPORT d: a and wih ?rumba; DATE or omen comm 1m ORDER no, 05/1? 4 /2007 man no. aumnw um um AMOUNT GUANTHY ORDERED mace ACCEPTED (A) (B) (G) (E) If} (0) Accounting Appropriation Data (Block 91 b2Low b2Low $109,500.00 'Tha total amunt of award: $657, 000.00. The . obligation for this award is shown in box 17 . Tom CARRIED mm T0181 PAGE mg; 1ng? usuvwm-m-m: emu-m om: magnum mam