Jae Walker To: aw-msmm Tm cc: Mm .Dva? emu! cams: Edema mandamus Plan Malawi:de Phase yam-m ma 'M?mose mama mm. . My. mica.? Tham?lbeanhemm diam-an W17. Again. thanks foryuurhaguwockm-mig pm call orfax mewith Wham mam. Regards. Joe Walker April 3. 1998 Global Climate Science Communications Action Plan Situag?o'n $2xe In 1997. the Clinton Administration agreed in Kyoto, Japan. to a treaty .to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to prevent what it purports to be changa in the global climate caused by the continuing release of Such emissions. The. A greenhouse gases have many Sources. For sample, water vapor is a greenhouse gas. But the Clinton Admix?stra?on's action, if eventuale approved by the US. Smamvwill mainly affect emissions from fossil fuel (gasoline. coal. natural gas, etc.) mmbua?on as the climate change debate has evolved, those who oppose action have argued mainly that a'gning such a treaty will place the US. at a competitive disadvantage with most Other nations, and will be my expensive to implement. Much of the cost . will bebomebyAmea-icanconsumers who will payhighe: prices fox-mos: energy and transpozhtion. The climate change advanced by the treaty supporters is based primarily an fOrec-as?ng models-with a very high degree of uncertainty. In fact. it not known for sun: whedte: climate change actually is occurring, or if it is, We: humans really have any in?uence on it. - Despite these wealm in scientific understanding, those who oppose the - treaty haw: donelit?e to build a case against precipitous adieu on din-Late change based on the scienti?c uncextainty. As a. result, the Clinton Administration and gran asen'tially have had the field to themselves.- They have conducted an effective pu?d'c relations program to cox-wince the Amencan public that the climate is changing. we humans axe at fault, and we must do about it before calamity strikes. The envirmxmental groups know they have been successful. Commenting after the Kyoto negotiations about recent media coverage of climate change, Tom Wathen. executive vice president of the National Trust, wrote: important as the extent of the coverage was the tone and fame: of it. In a change ??om just six months ago, most media stories no longer presented global as just a theory over which reasonable could differ. Most stories - described predictions of global warming as the position of the Overwhelming number Of man-stream scientists. That the environmental commxity had; to a great Extent; sewed the scienti?c issue with the US. media is the other great-success that began - several months earlier but became apparent during Kyoto.? I nn 4? new?! 7?3ng f" 7' 2 Because the science Imderpinning the global climate change theory has not been dullenged effectiver in the media or through other vehicls reaching the Amencan public, there is widespread- ignorance, which worls in favor of the Kyoto and against tlxebcst interests of?the United Statm. Indeed, the public has been'lughly - receptive to the Clinton Administration's plans. There has been little, if any, pobllc resistance or pressure applied to Congress to reject the treaty, except by those ?made the Bella-lay? with vested interests. - Moreover, from the political viewpoint, it is dif?cult?for the United Stems to oppose the duty solely on economic grounds, valid as the economic issues are. It . maks it too easy for others to portray the United States as putting preservahon of This eneintumforcesmir negotiators to make concessions that have not been well thought throughfar more ham than good. This is the process that unfolded at Kyoto, andzs very likely to be repeated inBuenos Aixes in November 1998. The advoatzs of global warming have been success?zl on the basis of shuftu misrepresenting the sdence and the extent of agreement on the-Science, while industry science and fought on the economic issues. Yet if we can show that science does ot support the Kyoto treaty - which most mellmate sdentists believe to be thecase - puts the United States in a Stranger moral position and {res itsnego?ators from the need to make concessions as a. defense against Perceived economic concerns. . . - Upon this ableau, the Global Climate Ede-nee Team developed an action plan to inform. the Amarican public that science does not support the precipitous actiors Kyoto would dictate, thereby pro?ding a climate for the right policy decisions to be made. The team comidcred results from a new public Opinion survey in developing the plan. Charlton Raearch?s survey o?1,100 "informed Americans" suggests WEIR Americans may perceive climate change to be a great threat, public opinion is open to change on climate sdence. When informed that "some scientists? believe there "is not enougx evidence to suggst that [what is called global climate change] is ?1 Ions-mm. change due to. human behavior and activitis,? 58 percent of those surveyed said they were more likely to oppose the Kyoto treaty. Moreover, half the respondents harbored doubts about climate science. GCSCI members whoconmbuted to the development of the plan are A- 101?? Adams, John Adams Associates; Candace Crandall, Science and Environmental 1? 013:? Project: David Rothbud, Committee For A Tomorrow Jeffm' Samm- The Marshall Institute; Lee Ganigan, Environmental Issues Cotmcil: Bouchey and Myron Ebell,? Frontiers of Freedom: Peter Cleary, Americans for Tax Reform: Randy Rarxdol, Exxon Corp; Robert Gem-L The southern Company; Sharon Kati?SS: Chevron Corp: Steve Milloy, The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition; and Joseph walker- Amexican Petroleum lrutimte. The action is detailed on the following pages. .r ?2 ?59" Global Science: Cuminunica?on? 4 ?at?m?mt ammgam CW) Willie isimplemutbed.? HEM ?fill 152? Ag him ?ag; . mange d?mns 5mm" unnamed: indiuute adm- of We mm part of me?*canvui?ona1 Wm? Media (W) in c?mgte edema. a Medial?overagae m??ctsbalame on clinuhe?scienm and of 05 fhat challmg? the cui?zmt "(Wm??nal Wisddm" . 1mm Wham in awn same, making them SW antbassadorh to $03: Who 5111116 dimam policy - (malty on thebasis oft-:th appear tu'be an: cf, mm reality. UM ?Climb?: changu".hccomesa 11': de?ated and. (1in the ?ier: may no mm We cau'dedm victory f6: uur?et?zm. Itw?lba to establish Wis (at the We e?'ort to 3mm the goal and Wand Tactics 1, National Media Relations Develop and implement a nationalmedia relations. progam to inform the media. about uncertainties in to generate national, regional and local media coverage on the scienti?c uncerhin?es. and thereby educate and inform the public. s?mula?ns ?"31 ?9 raise questions: with policy makers. Tactic-51 Maui: thenext climate meeting in Bumos Air?rArgen?-ru. in November 1998, and will be continued magni?er, .as appropriate. Activities will be launched as soon as the plan is approved. ?andmg Obhin?. and the resources public relations counsel) arranged and In an C3525. tactical inrplementa?on will be fully integrated with. other 81513335 0? this ?$503 Plath most especially Straitgy II (N a?onal Clinute Seance Data Center). - 6 Identify, recruit and train a team of ?ve independent sdm?ss to participate in media outreach. These will be individuals who?do no to have a long l-ustory of . visibility and/or participation in the climate change debate Rather, this ?22131 Will consist of Qnew faces who will add their voices to those recognized scien?sb who already are vocaL . - Develop a global climalz science information kit for media including Peer-reviewed papers that undercut the "conventional wisdom? on climate sdence. This kit also will include understandable commur?cations. including simple fact sheds that scienti?c. uncertainties in language thatthe media. and public can underst - - Conduct brie?ngs by media-Haired scientist: for science Writers. in the top 20 media markets, using the infatuation kits. Distribute the information kits to daily newspapers m?onwide with offer of sdent?uss to brief reporters at each paper. Develop, dissendrxate radio news releases featuring scientists nationwide. and Offer to appear on radio talk shows across the country. I 0 Produce. distribute a steady stream of climate Science infatuation via? facsimile and e-nuil to Science writers around the country. - - Produce, distribute via syndicate and directly to newspapers nationwide a steady stream OP?td columns and letters to the editor authored by scientists. '0 COan one of the major news national TV journalists John Stooscl) ho .Pmduce 3? It?? eanmini-mg the scienti?c underpim?ngs of the Kyoto treaty. - Organize. prompte'end conduct through grassrooborg-anizations a sefics of campus/ community workshops/debates on climate science in 10 most iml?m? states during the period mid-August through October. 1998. Ihv \Yn "1'101 i211 . I. if,? 3, w. . Consider advertising the scien??c uncertainties in select markets to support national. regional and local workshops debates)! as appropriate- Nah?onal Media Program Budget - $600,000 plus paid advertising Global Climate Science Information Source: Develop and implement a - program to inject credible science and Scienti?c accountability into the global climate debate, thereby raising questions about and undercutting the - 'prevaillng scienti?c wisdom.? The strategy will have the added bene?t of providing a platform for credible. criticism of the opposi?on?s position on the science. Tactics- A5 withthe ational-Media Relations Program. these activities will be between now and the next climate meeting in Buenos-Airs, Argen?na, in November 1998, and. will continue thereafter. Ird?ativs will be launched as soon as the plan is approval. ?mding obtained. and. the necessary resources arranged and I deployed. - Esublish a Global Climate Science Data Center. He will be sizblished in. Washington as a non?pro?t educa?onal foundation with an advisory board of - respected dimate sdentists. It will be staffed initially with Professionals on loan fromVarionu companies and associations with a major interest in the climate issue. . Thse executbles Will bring with them knowledge and experience in the folloWing areas: 3 -- "Overall history of climate reSearch and the IPCC process; Congressional relations and knowledge of where individual Senators stand on the climate issue; . -- Knowledge of key climate scientists and Where they stand: Ability toiden?fy and recruit as many as 20 respected climate scientists to serve an the science edVisory' board; Knowledge and expertise in media relations and with escablished relationships with science" and energy writers, commists and editorial writers; Expertise in grassroob organization; ahd organizatiori The will be led by. a dynamic senior executive with a major personal . eminent to the goals of the campaign and easy areas to business leaders at the CEO levcl. The Center will be run on a day-today basis by an executive directm' responsibility for ensun'ng targets are met. The Center will be funded at a that Will permit it to succeed, Including funding for research contract that my be deemed approPriate to fill gaps in climate science (12.3., a complete scienti?c critique of the IPCC research and its condusiom). I 00/01 [(11 rhan 11.110 If)" n?'701 y?al?72 6 i The will. become a. one?stop resource on climate science for members of Congress, the media. industry and all others concerned. It wille in consant contact with the best climate sdm?sts and. ensure that their ?ndings and Views receive appropriate attention. It will pro?de than with the support they have been lacking. In short. it will be a sound scimb'?c alterna?ve to the IE functions will include: V, - Providing as an easily accssible database (including a Website) Of an mainstream climate sdenoe information. - Identifying and atablishing cooperative relationships with all major scientists - whose research in this ?eld supports our position -- Establishing cooperative relationships with other mainstream scienti?c organizations meteorologists, geophysicists) to bring their Perspective-S *0 . bear on the debate. a appropriate. . - - - Developing oppornmities to maximize the impact of scienh'?c views consistem with ours with the media and other key audiences. -- Monitoring and serving as and early warning system for scienti?c dmlopments with the potential to impact on the climate science debate, pro and con- Responding to?claims from the sdenti?: alarmist; and media. Pro?ding grants fOr advocacy on climate sdenee, as deemed appropriat- Global Climate Science Data Center Budget - (spread oirer two A I - mo .0 1 I11. National Direct Outreach and Education: Develop and implement a direct outreach program to inform and educate members of Congress, Shit 0555315- industry leadership, and school teachers/students about uncertainties in I climate science. This strategy will enable Congress, state and industry leaders will be able to raise Such serious questions about the Kyoto treaty/s scienti?c underpinnings that American policy-makers not only ?in refuse to endorse it, they will seek to prevent progress toward intplem?nh?'ln at the Buenos Aims meeting in November or Enough other Ways- Informing 2: teachers/students about uncertainties in climate science will begin to Erect 3? barrier against further efforts to inxpose Kyoto?like mcaruzes in the future. Tactic: Informing and educating members of Congress, state of?cials and industry leaders will be undertaken as soon as the plan is approved, funding is obtained. and the necessary resources are arrayed and will continue through Buenos Aires and for the foreseeable future. The teachers/ students outreach program will be developed and hundred inearly 1999. Inall cues, tactical implementation will be fully intestated With other elements of this action plan. - Develop and conduct through the Global Climate Science Data Center science brie?ngs for Congress, governors, state legislators. and Industry leaders by August 1998. - Davelop information kits on climate science targeted spaj?cally at the needs of government of?cials and industry leaders, to be used in conjunction with and ?separately from Err-person brie?ngs to further dissmuxute on climate uncertainties and thereby arm mese in?uential: to raise sc?Du-S questions on the science issue. I if jg; {53.1% . 9w n?g-?uf; ass?, x. e543. we ?ww7 - Organize under the a "Science Edua?on Task Group" that will serve as the point 05 outreach to the National Science Teachers Association A) and Other influential stience education organizations. Work with NSTA to develop school materials that present a credible. balanced picture of climate science for use in class-cant: rationwide. Distiibute educational materials dinectly to schools and through grassroots - organizations of climate science partner: (companies. organizations that participate in this effort). . . - National Direct Outreach Pro-gram Budget $300,000 Puntiinyrund Allocation: Develop and implement program to obtain . funding. and to anacate funds to ensure that the program it is carried out effectively. W. Tactics: This strategy will be imglemented as soon as we have the go-aheecl to proceai - Potential funding sources Were iden??ed as American Petroleum Instimte its members; Busines Round.- Table (BIG) and its members. Hectic and if: members; Independent PetroleumAssodation of America (IPAA) and its members-and the National moda?on (NMA) and its members. - Potential. hand. allocators were identi?ed as the American Legislative Exchange Council (AI-EC). Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). Compe?EVE Enterprise Institute, Frontiers of Freedom and. The Marshall Institute. Total Funds Required to Implement - $2,000,000 (A- signi?cant portion Program through November 1998 of funding for the will be - deferred until 1999 and beyond) Measurements Various metrics will be used to track progress.? These measurerrlems will have to be determined in ?shing out the action Plan and may include: 0 Baseline public/government of?cial opinion surveys and follow-up sin-trey: on the percentage of Americans and government officials who recognize mgm?cnnt uncertamties in climate science. - Tracking the percent of media articles the: raise questions about climate science- - Nuntber of Members of exposed to mterials on climate science. - Number of communications on climate science received by Members of Congress gogrtheir cons?tucqts. - . Nf'urfbaiot? rac?i-iO tall: Show appearances by sdm?ss questioning the "prevailing "n1 Fl"va 4 a a a rm?r \Tn . I .u ?4?9 "if-5?""77 :33Iln.tv wilt-z; if 1? ., '62 .V Number of school walkers/student reached With our on climate sdhzuzz NW of science writer: briefed and who repdrt upon climate science Wes. Total audience exposed to nmpapef, radio. television caving-age of ?dmVoz/m/m THU 11:42 94781 a: 1 E: . :r I