- 4 Department of Toxic Substances Control Linda S. Adams Secretary for Environmental Protection Maureen F. Gorsen, Director 1011 North Grandview Avenue Glendale, California 91201 Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor CERTIFIED MAIL August 3, 2006 Ms. Diane Kennedy Compliance Manager Exide Technologies 2700 South Indiana Street Los Angeles, California 90023 Dear Ms. Kennedy: On May 30 and June 2 and 5, 2006 the California Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), conducted a Compliance Evaluation Inspection of Exide Technologies located at 2700 South Indiana Street, Los Angeles, California 90023. EPA ID Number CAD097854541. The enclosed report describes the findings of this inspection. You are required by section 25183 (c) (3) of the Health and Safety Code to submit a written response to the Department within 30 days describing the corrective actions that you have taken or propose to take to bring your company into compliance. If you dispute the violation, you should explain your disagreement in this written response. The issuance of this letter and report does not preclude the Department from taking administrative, civil or criminal action as a result of the violation noted in the report. All pertinent information derived from the inspection, including documents and photographs are included as attachments to the report. The report will become a public document; you may request that any trade secret or facility security information be withheld from public disclosure. (See Health and Safety Code Section 25173) If you wish to assert the trade secret privilege, please provide DTSC specific written answers to each of the following questions with ten days of receipt of the inspection report. • To what extent is there knowledge of the information conveyed by the photograph/document outside of your business? ® Printed on Recycled Paper Ms. Diane Kennedy August 3, 2006 Page 2 • • • • • To what extent is there knowledge of the information conveyed by the photograph/document, by employees and others in your business? To what extent have measures been taken to guard the secrecy of the information? Is the information valuable to competitors? If so, why? Has there been substantial monetary expenditure in the development of the information? Could the information be easily and properly acquired or duplicated by others? DTSC will review your response to these questions to determine if the information should be treated as trade secret and will notify you of its decision. If you have any questions regarding this letter, or if you wish to meet with the Department to discuss any questions or concern you have with the inspection, the report, the violations, or the proposed corrective action, please contact me at (818) 551-2908 or Ruth Williams-Morehead at (818) 551-2916. Sincerely, Mukul Agarwal— Supervising Senior Hazardous Substances Scientist Statewide Compliance Division Southern California Branch Enclosures Certified Mail No.: 7005 3110 0002 0075 2960 Return Receipt Requested State o f California - California Environmental Protection Agency Department o f Toxic Substances Control INSPECTION REPORT I. GENERAL INFORMATION: Company Name: Exide Technologies, Inc. Facility Address: 2700 South Indiana Avenue Los Angeles, California 90023 Telephone Number: (213) 262-1101 ext. 259 EPA ID Number: CAD097854541 Registration Number: 2157 Facility Type: RCRA Hazardous Waste Treatment Facility Regulated Units: The facility is currently operating under an ISD for their storm water retention pond, two lead smelting furnaces, their waste water treatment unit and six spent lead-acid battery and lead waste storage areas. Waste Streams: Polypropylene waste, furnace slag, rubber and plastic casing material, wastewater, filter cake sludge, lead contaminated wipes and rags, etc. Inspected by: Ruth Williams-Morehead, HSS Brian Wu, HSS Dates of Inspection: May 30, 2006 and June 2 and 5, 2006 Type of Inspection: CEIXX CME • O&M Limited i Transporter Facility Rep.: Diane Kennedy, Environmental Health and Safety Manager Carlos Pena, Plant Manager Rafael Perez, Material Manager Type of Business: Exide Technologies, Inc. is a secondary lead smelter that recovers lead primarily from lead acid batteries. The recycled lead is sold and reused in manufacturing new batteries. Focused Exide Technologies, Inc. August 3, 2006 Page 2 o f 7 II. CONSENT: Consent to conduct an inspection that involves: taking photographs, reviewing and copying records, questioning personnel and inspecting hazardous waste handling areas. Yes. Consent given by: III. Diane Kennedy, Environmental Health and Safety Manager DOCUMENTS REVIEWED: a. Manifests, Bills of Lading, LDR's, Exception Reports: No violations were observed during the document review. b. Contingency Plan: The facility has an adequate contingency plan, and no violations were observed during the document review. c. Training Plan and Records: The facility has adequate training records, but during the record review it was noted that not all of the hazardous waste management training given to their employees were noted in their training records. d. Incident Report: None reported. e. Waste Analysis Plan and Records: The facility has an adequate waste analysis plan, and no violations were observed during the document review. f. Operating Log: The facility has an adequate operating log; however the operating log needs to be updated to more efficiently track incoming and outgoing waste. • • Exide Technologies, Inc. August 3, 2 0 0 6 Page 3 of 7 g. Inspection Records: The facility has adequate inspection records, however on a few of the inspection records when discrepancies were found during an inspection, it was not noted how the discrepancy was corrected. h. Tiered Permitting Applications and Authorization Letters: N/A I. Annual/Biennial Reports: The facility submitted the annual report for 2006, and no violations were observed during the document review. j. SB 14 Plans: N/A k. Closure Cost Estimates and Updates: The financial responsibility review found closure and post-closure cost. that the facility has adequate I. Part A: An application was filed in 1981 by Gould, Inc. former owner of GNB. Exide purchased GNB in 2000, but the facility has never been issued a Hazardous Waste Facility Permit. Exide is currently operating under an Interim Status Document. m. Part B: Part B application is under review by the Southern California Permitting and Corrective Action Division. n. POTW Compliance Data: The facility has a permit to discharge treated wastewater into the Los Angeles County Sanitation District. o. Tank and/or Containment Certifications: The facility has adequate tank certifications, and no violations were observed during the document review. • • Exide Technologies, Inc. August 3 , 2 0 0 6 Page 4 of 7 p. Air Board Permits: The facility's Air Board Permits are current. q. Variances: Not currently operating under a variance. r. Recycling Records: N/A s. Other: N/A IV. NARRATIVE OF OBSERVATIONS/DISCUSSION WITH OPERATOR: On May 30, 2006, I, Ruth Williams-Morehead and Brian Wu began my Comprehensive Evaluation Inspection (CEI) at Exide Technologies (Exide). Exide is located at 2700 South Indiana Street, Los Angeles, Ca. 90023. I met with Ms. Diane Kennedy who is the new Environmental Health and Safety Manager at Exide. I informed Ms. Kennedy of the purpose of my visit and asked for permission to proceed with my inspection. Ms. Kennedy granted me permission to conduct the inspection and I told her that I wanted to begin with a walk-through of the facility. W e first visited the parking area that is used to stage trailers that contain hazardous waste plastic that is generated from the smelting process and is eventually shipped to KW Plastics in Bakersfield for disposal. Trailers that contained spent lead acid batteries that were received from off-site were also staged in this area. The trailers were stored closed and marked with labels that contained the dates the trailers were received from off-site and the storage had not exceed the ten day time from allowed under Health and Safety Code section 25200.19. (I asked facility personnel to open the trailers and took photos, 22 and 23, of the batteries inside of the trailers). Next we visited the Strom Water Retention Pond (photos 1 -4). The pond contained a large volume of water. Ms. Kennedy stated that the water inside of the retention pond is being pumped to the waste water treatment unit for treatment prior to being discharged into the sanitation district. Exide Technologies, Inc. August 3, 2 0 0 6 Page 5 of 7 W e visited battery storage areas 106-108 (photos 16-21) and during the walk­ through of area 108 we observed that used batteries were being stored in pallets, large metal bins and 110 gallon drums. The pallets, bins and drums were marked with a label that contained that date the batteries were received on site for recycling. Battery storage areas 106 and 107 were empty. W e also visited battery storage areas 103-105. During the walk-through of areas 103 -105, we observed that numerous pallets of batteries were stored in these locations. Two pallets of batteries in battery storage area 104 were not marked with a label that contained the dates the pallets were received on site for storage, and the there was inadequate aisle space between the pallets of batteries stored in battery storage area 105. We did not observe any leaks or spills from the batteries and before we exited battery storage area 104, labels had been placed on the two pallets of batteries. We noticed that the facility had 32 trailers (photos 5-15) parked in the west yard. During the walk-through of the west yard we checked the contents of each trailer and found that the trailers were empty. Next we visited the new waste water treatment plant. The old waste water treatment plant has been out of operation since 2000, but the tanks have not been removed. During the walk-through of the waste water treatment plant I observed that a leak was coming from a screw on the clarifier (photo 25) and that the sand filter tank (photos 26 and 27) was leaking. The clarifier and the sand filter tank are surrounded by secondary containment and the spill from the leak was controlled. Ms. Kennedy contacted Rafael Perez who stated he would have the leaks repaired immediately. We completed the walk-through of the facility at this time and concluded the inspection for the day. I told Ms. Kennedy that we would return and begin the record review on June 2, 2006. On June 2 and June 5, 2006,1 and Brian Wu returned to the facility and performed the record review. On both days Ms. Kennedy granted us permission to conduct the inspection. We reviewed the records and did not find any violations. On June 2, 2006,1 revisited battery storage area 105 and the waste water treatment plant, and on June 5,2005 I only revisited the waste water treatment plant. The batteries that were stored in battery storage area 105 on May 30, 2006 were removed and recycled, and the storage area was empty (photos 32-34). Facility personnel had painted yellow lines, two feet apart, on the floor of area 105 to outline where each row of batteries should begin. At the waste water treatment plant on June 2,2006, the leak from the clarifier was repaired but the sand filter tank continued to leak. Exide Technologies, Inc. August 3 , 2 0 0 6 Page 6 of 7 However, on June 5, 2006, when I revisited the waste water treatment plant, the leak from the sand feed tank was repaired. V. SUMMARY OF VIOLATIONS: 1. Title 22, California Code of Regulations (CCR), section 66265.35 The facility violated Title 22, CCR section 66265.35 in that on or about May 30, 2006, the facility failed to provide adequate aisle space between rows of pallets of batteries that were stored in battery storage area 105. This violation was corrected by June 2, 2006. The batteries that were stored in battery storage area 105 on May 30, 2006 were removed and recycled, and the storage area was empty. Facility personnel had painted yellow lines, two feet apart, on the floor of area 105 to outline where each row of batteries should begin (photos 32-34). 2. Title 22, CCR, section 66266.81 (a) (7) (D) The facility violated Title, CCR section 66266.81 (a) (7) (D) in that on or about May 30,2006, the facility failed to mark two pallets of batteries stored in battery storage area 104 with a label that contained the date the batteries were received on site for storage. This violation was corrected on May 30, 2006. The two pallets of batteries were marked with a label that contained the date that they were received on-site for storage before the DTSC inspectors exited the area. 3. Title 22, CCR section 66265.31 The facility violated Title, CCR section 66265.31 in that on or about May 30,2006, a screw on the clarifier leaked process water; and clear water leaked from the sand feed tank. Both the clarifier and the sand feed tank are located at the waste water treatment plant which is surrounded by secondary containment. The leak from the clarifier was repaired by June 2, 2006 (photos 28 and 29), but the sand feed tank continued to leak (photos 30 and 31). The leak from the sand feed tank was repaired by June 5, 2006 (photos 37 and 38). VI. EXIT INTERVIEW INSPECTION REPORT: On June 2 and June 5,2006,1 toured the facility and verified that the violations cited above had been corrected. I issued Ms. Kennedy a Summary of Violation # Exide Technologies, Inc. August 3, 2006 Page 7 of 7 (attachment 2), and noted that each violation I cited had been corrected. I also told Ms. Kenney and noted my comments in the Summary of Violations that I had addressed two areas of concern. During the record review it was noted that the person(s) who is/are responsible for conducting the inspections of the hazardous waste management units, did not record in the inspection log how discrepancy found on an inspection are corrected Also on a few of the training records for personnel who are involved in the management of hazardous waste, the hazardous waste training they received was not noted in their training records. VII. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Photos, 1-38 2. Summary of Violation Date Hazardous Substances Scientist S t a t e d California - California Environmenta Department of Toxic Substances Control SUMMARY OF VIOLATIONS On 'SI SO. b / j i - U f c j M the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) California Environmental Protection Agency, conducted an inspection at: Facility Name: Exide Technologies Facility Address: 2700 South Indiana Street. Los Angeles CA 90023 EPA ID Number: County Name: CAD 097 854 541 Los Angeles County As a result of that inspection, the violations of hazardous waste laws, regulations, and requirements listed on the attached pages were discovered. All violations must be corrected; the actions you must take to correct the violations are listed with each violation. If you disagree with any of the violations or proposed corrective actions listed in this Summary of Violations, you should inform DTSC. If you disagree with any of the violations listed in Section I, you must give the inspector who issued the Notice to Comply a written notice of disagreement. You must correct the violations listed in Section III: Minor Violations, within days. Within five working days of achieving compliance, you must sign the statement certifying compliance at the bottom of Section III and return it to DTSC at the address provided. A false statement that compliance has been achieved is a violation of the law and punishable by a fine of not less than $2,000 or more than $25,000 for each violation. DTSC may reinspect this facility at any time. DTSC will provide you a complete inspection report within 65 days of the date of this inspection. You may request a meeting with DTSC to discuss the inspection or the findings of the report. The issuance of this Summary of Violations does not preclude DTSC from taking administrative, civil, or criminal action as a result of the violations noted in the Summary of Violations or that have not been corrected within the time provided in the Notice to comply. Company Representative Accepting Summary Department Representative Name T - I I . r Date 6 / A / o lu///uan- a / * * / * v X Title Hazardous Substances Scientist State of California - California Environmental Protection Agency Facility Name: Department of Toxic Substances Control Exide Technologies Date:_ SECTION IV: MINOR VIOLATIONS CORRECTED AT THE TIME OF THE INSPECTION . o s k >> T / tLfr v i M !M~f sAvW / h blz-fab-fofciivS ^U- UsTS ^ { r a l f , ^ ^LeAOVy^e j p ^ l V l k i L ^USS &b4fa, (3) o < & < &. filMi of-4tCs f f t t-AtuJ o h ^ ~ ~ ( f e l t I 4 * EUR r ^ * W W " " " ' itoUi. w U - U ( i n t o \/z,tod-w<. t & f - f ~ w i (7/05) o I > M } r ^ ^ / i c / ' i DTSC nnc*iwJ ^ o f ^ fix*- e f t < W ~ V - 0s I1 vtyuSZ' * j l y V ^ &*-/(-- ' Ci)K^ k/\ ^ V ^ O ^ v 0 ~ 4 n i s & C s i d C , ^>*J~ fovyyipJ ( v P f c l i ^ d L w y ^ t M ^ lc2^ cc.^Je r g^ffru^y_^C drkieiM if Q) 0 " *4aO>AL. (LV*. iVAi/oWt^ VVV4K -\NX< A1A (^ f t CeV.viDTSC (7/05) o f w h v <$L f~0-U? o ^ lWK | Jj, cf-(MpJLj.c\u,,>r)e , Y&. tu t" ti>>W- 0v\ ^Wcwii ity ^ >vfe o Page of Spte of.CaJifornia - California Environmental Protection Agency Department of Toxic Substances Control SUMMARY OF VIOLATIONS Facility Name: Exide Technologies Date: b SECTION III: MINOR VIOLATIONS I NOTICE TO COMPLY (Minor Violation not corrected at the time of the inspection) You must correct the following violation(s) within / 5 days. Within five working days of achieving compliance, you are required to sign the certification below, and return it to DTSC at the following address: l o i t /V ; Q^i r *Jo (hk^ci^^ Q h i Crt- 1 I L V h l ^ L b ~ , U 4 ^ . Ct, p m o tuA^A (O* ' / / f a n * 'gV^ctA cfc CfJ.CoJe. e fl, a, V a n . \ r j i A i I certify under penalty of law that the corrective actions listed in SECTION III of this document have been taken and the violations have been corrected. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information. Signature Date Title DTSC (7/05) Page of