Case Document 48-1 Filed 06/27/14 Page 1 of 3 PagelD 193 see i. a} Florida Clvu Commitment Center 13619 Southeast Highway 7?0 Arcadia. Florida 3-3260 863 491 4800 mi: 053 49! 4950 April [8,2013 Honorable Jessica Recksiedler [01 Bush Boulevard Seminole Courthouse Sanford, FL 32773-6707 Re: Ronald Hood Caseit: Dear Judge Recksiedler: This letter serves as Florida Civil Commitment Center resident Ronald Hood's treatment progress report, as required by section 394.9 1 Florida Statutes. The resident was evaluated initially in July and August 2000 by the Department of Children and Families? multidisciplinary team under section 394.913, Florida Statutes. Salvatoc M. Blandino, reported Mr. I-Iood met diagnostic criteria for Pedophilia, Sexually Ara-acted to Both, Exclusive Type, Gender Identity Disorder in Adults, Sexually Attracted to Both (Provisional), and Bipolar Disorder, Unspeci?ed (Rule out). Dr. Blandino concluded the resident met criteria as a sexually violent predator. David J. reported that Mr. Hood met diagnostic criteria for Pedophilia, Sexually Ant-acted to Both, Gender Identity Disorder in Adults, Sexually Attracted to Both, Polysubstance Dependence in Sustained Remission in a Controlled Environment, Dissociative Disorder NOS (Rule out), Antisocial Personality Disorder with Schizotypal, and Narcissistic Traits. Dr. Partyka concurred with Dr. Blandino?s Opinion that Mr. Hood rnet commitment criteria as a sexually violent predator. Ronald Hood 990304 Facet of 4 Case Document 48-1 Filed 06127114 Page 2 of 3 P619910 194 Mr. Hood was originally admitted to the Martin Treatment Center continuous with the on 10-01-2000. The court found Mr. Hood met commitment criteria as a sexually violent predator and committed him to the on 05-01-2002. records indicate that Hood consented to participate in the GEO Comprehensive Treatment Program (CTP) for men who have sexually offended on 03- 13-2007. He subsequently withdrew from treatment on 03-15-2008. He submitted a letter requesting to return to treatment on 03-05-2010. l-Iis consent for treatment was approved on 03-09-2010. On 04-02-2010 he began participating in Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT). Although MRT serves as part of PHASE I of the CTP, it is also a voluntary group offered to all residents regardless of their legal status. MRT assumes that much of substance abuse and antisocial behavior is mediath or caused by inadequate reasoning. That is, offenders make their judgments about behavior based upon hedonism (pleasureipain). The system uses a series of structured exercises and tasks to foster development of higher levels of reasoning as well as addressing other important treatment areas: confrontation of personal beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors; assessment of relationships; facilitation ofidentity development; enhancing self-concept and self-esteem; decreasing hedonism and development of tolerance of delay of grati?cation. Mr. Hood satisfactorily completed the MRT program on 01-06-201 1. Having graduated from MRT, Mr. Hood decided to continue with treatment. He began participating in Thinking for a Change (T4C) on 02-28-2011. This group is comprised of exercises that build problem-solving skills. Residents learn how good decisions are made and how to use good decisions to get along better with their Friends, family, and others. The goal is for residents to quickly identify and understand how reevaluating their thinking, belief systems, and their personal and interpersonal values and attitudes can help their lives. Residents begin to organize their thoughts using thinking and problem- solving skills and methods applied in an objective and systematic way. He completed the T4C group on 02-13-2012. While enrolled in the NC program, Mt. Hood began attending Treatment Readiness for You (TRY) groups. The TRY program helps residents identify things that might stand in their way of making changes as a natural part of the process of personal growth. During TRY, clients confront the reasons for them being in their current life circumsrances being at the being required to do treatment, etc.). They are introduced to new ways of behaving and learn to deal with their con?icting thoughts and emotions. They are taught to identify short and long-term barriers to making positive lifesryle changes. They then use these skills to develop a personal roadmap for change to be used in treatment groups. This process is intended to develop their sense of hope?ilness while decreasing hopelessness and helplessness. Mr. Hood entered the TRY program on 05-20-201 1 and graduated on 08-05-2011. Prior to completing his Phase I groups, Mr. Hood was provided a Needs Assessment completed by Shawn B. Duffee, on 12-27-2011. This assessment provided relevant data related to Mr. Hood?s developmental history Ronald Hood 990304 Pace 2 of 4 Case Document 48-1 Filed 06/27/14 Page 3 of 3 PagelD 195 relationships, education and employment), personality and intellectual functioning, and treatment recommendations. Additionally recommendations from this report were used to identify areas of treatment focus for him. Based on test assessment ?ndings and his behavior in the facility, it was recommended that Mr. Hood be treated in the Corrective Thinking track. For details of this assessment please refer to his previous Annual Review progress report. Shortly after completing Phase I of the CTP on 02-13-2012, Mr. Hood withdrew from treatment. His ?Withdrawal of Consent For Treatment? was received on 04-06-2012. He cited ?Personal issues" as his reason for discontinuing treatment. At the time of his withdrawal from treatment, Mr. Hood was housed on Wing Restriction in the Behavior Management Unit due to his having been criminally charged with Possession of Child Pornography. On 05-18-2012 he was picked up by the Desoto County Sheriff?s Of?ce (D.C.S.O.) to attend proceedings related to his charge. He returned to the on 05-23-2012. On 08-30-2012 the DCSO transported Mr. Hood to the Desoto County Jail where he remained until he was returned to the on 09-13-2012. He remained at the until 02-15-2013 when he was again tranSported to the Desoto County Jail. He returned to the on 02-22-2013, only to return to jail on 02-28-2013. On 03-04-20 13 he was sentenced to 3 years 10 months and 20 days in the Department of Corrections (DOC). Records indicate that he was transferred from the Desoto County Jail to the Central Florida Reception Center (Male) East Unit on 03-21-2013. He was released from the census on 03-22-2013. At the time of his release, Mt. Hood had yet to fully address relevant treatment issues sexual interests, distorted attitudes and behaviors, socio-affective issues and self- management) that are associated with his offending history. In the event Mr. Hood is returned to the Florida Civil Commitment Center upon completion of his current sentence, is recommended that he re-engage in the Comprehensive Treatment Program. Submitted by: 1 .al 9 ore-rat. . Du?ee.?Ph.D. Date (1 PY6334 Florida Civil Commitment Center This report has been administrativer reviewed by the Clinical Director or designee. Ronald Hood F0008 990304 Pace 3 of 4