I TO: I DATE: 12-10-2010- not! . sumo-c forEmer'genoy PO tr Wino. Bangers-i Summem' - The-purpoee ot her-tem- tooecumeht and approve the vetoetchanoerorcer to PO 40.5.5151?e00878?olv?eh. ?LeeltTaxaB? Han on?aBPrOXImately?OctOber6.; 20,1 o; 9598 than" and Nevet?nber are complete- end:eooepted The? acetone?oenver?abtec Texas Ranger not change t9 lneotlone of meoontfo'otor.? Abrams Sy For modmcatlone ?are made: The con us to actions or nets-during smearing deliverawa matgweteoetemm requirements. contraotby the . deliverablee: me changes to stems (ALIS), Inc. requeeted deletions to the convertibles for suhtaek 2.1 and 22; the doournehte-provlded for the October 2010 dellvetfable did not include these documents. emu-imam Plaus-' 317309.16 SW 21 sweet-Ir India! Of? '60: M?pmmamoacomopt $54,722? The schteehe that-were not noted In the origlnal contract that the Contract con ottocted for delivery (to Include dlrected modi?cations of existing Subtaeke) are In red below: swag-me - Mot- of +5 I 9.0! 7.23 - g?msJJ-cmsumng - '33:.195' 17f" 11990:! 9. mn?m?q ?gmme ,u?l 'i I J. plum-W" M: 1345 4? I nunBelow [3 a reviseqdanv?rmg October from aboya: 7 I n" It i ??n-50m SW33 md?and'mncdoniwiem ?9,652.65, Sum-um W359 .5 . - . windmills?! $5334.47 . . WW am Maui?Mic mm public'lifumuion' ?yum an 314.0939 thcOumIdn 1m? 41- $3,576.93 Elisha-cm Tahs~Cm isubmkilJ-?Ourc 83!. .71' Inhalation Stuf?ng Soppon obi:an Ind for Operation WI. - . . it .- .t-ruu it tr 551337.09 91mins Ind Motrin: Plan broomnlim?. and Spent-Imports I - -. own'eteentroll??tli?fqrm t, "335326-92 . .t Mn. wsmto?c?m wowed W. . . r: 1m plum-lea um. .I I m_e?_m We: sun $17,435.19 . - Monaural WWI-Develop $24,313.21 suction technician concepts) manly new miwl?lncludebw tv taunted: a 31356.25 1 Sub-Total 8387.89130- .:,Revbad Sub-m For November 201 O, the following modifications were made: The Contract COR drected deletions to the dellverablee for Subteek 2.1, 2.3 and 4.1; the documents provided for the Novemberzmo deliverable did not Include these documents. 511,909.16 i?cP . . -- Submit 2.3 Mime mutton Develop SOP forBorder Operations Plats Omnp Sl'l.l63.9 of BordeOpcntiom?Hus SM - Public informdon Dunlap Border Security Public Dumb Strategy (drift). $4,089.39 and on The Subtaeke that were not listed in the contract that the Contract COR directed for delivery (to Include dlrected modi?cations of existing Subteelre) are indicated in red below: - meson MIMEW 81mm?) vii"! and/or Concept of Opaadmn "Ewan?Mm "Em 4.: 5mm?: waummoh 1*?an v1.1 ind/or of - 8th wig; and mm support $31,796.71 5mm form Mlsm'if?w follows ?dawn: and smu-mmuw I 1an hi; and mm, Submit 5: - stiff 11nd running mm? Below Is a revised deliverable chart with the changes Included for November from above: Du? ?rug _1 Li ~ij?ct $738.68 MW Midm i sum 2.: Dcvolop My (IngldenUBmtV Specl?c) . . 2.4 ?Fnci?lm Mop the ?nal venion of the 1393 Many 823.158.26 creation of DPS Strategic Plan. hand on humane Budget Bond fut WI. 3m 3:1 ?m mm SOPI: Develop anf?sop?mw). 32 - Pigs? v? initi? 9mm: Mexico . ., Web aw mm_?_cm This-Conduct [dbl-mm -Com Suiting Suppon will the BSOC with leadership and Mao mammals for'ahe??ill mm of the foilowing 331.196.?! Submit 5.2-Conducl llOplm?nglud My. Rqaom 3.4 - RRTdizwt i uddm . 357337.09 will. II44.6 SWSJ-JOICM andSu Tau-Plan. 090ml Information 1mm cum ?mm Imnmif?s physically located within each JOICs. The ml JOIC staf?ng will Include one BLD fut (My. alga: hem I tiny. live an a weak, ?eluding holidays. 517335.59 TM small-Identify Mamiawmw Imam mm mum ammo. to implove buds nullity MW and ?my. wiles will comm emu-cqu $12,403.25 mld-dlcelpllaaiy aim to address and . inherita- seem-immune. Submit 1.4-8upport momentum loztatica', technical training 87.56.25 Mme-m:- town-totnuuhem'mm stint-st; 75- Momentum 531324.00 Conceptuailu I Scalar Plan. (Di-alt) . Mentor no: forth! Border Sub-Total Wit For December 2010, the tottowtng modificatione were made: The ConheotCOFl dlrecteddeietlone tothe delivereblee'ior Subtaek 2.1. 2.2. 2.3 and 4.1: the documents provided?ior theyDeoember 2010 deliverable will not include these documents. weakens? Border Develop (mt $17,909.16 stem MiopMlig-adoa mm). 554.7223 (Incident/B, mSpeci?cf 1m. andlw. swan Jacuth Develop SOPforBonlerOpemtomPlaasOtottp "1,153.9: or Plans Si4.009.39 The that were not listed in the original contract that the Contract COR directed for delivery (to include directed modifications of existing Subteeke) are indicated in red below: WM 2.2 - Develop Specialty Support development of Regional Annexes to Terrorist Attack and 7 (Incidentf?vent Speei?c) pl Signi?cant Criminal Attack COMPLAN by providing planning In?qu ofOpentlone assistance as required and providing Regions with a summary of major potential My. in their areas. Submit 3.21- Special Develop special topic Binder Security'reports and analysis. Widget Plans Sam - Paulo information and Conmatnlculon mppon Suhtuk 4.2 - Web Based $125.21 Qttreach - Submk directpron Tm?lnm 1:59.39th Mandate vendor. ?i it! u. tut! In.? I 1; . i. - Submit]; 3.: ?1016" and Inc! My ms. pun}. wr?cuhm, and mun, Below Isa revised comma chart the changes Includedfrom above: M31 1 1rd] i Submit -.-Core Staf?ng swoon 5mm $3 .543.68 m"m'wsln 350:: and; W?mm Why)?ch {or the mm mm Submit 5.2 - cm planning and man; - 3800 Daily. Weekly and Special Reports Mp1?! Same.? The magnum mutiny 300M I Wu plan 1?0er [Mauritian was. Papas daily. mam. lat-weekly. and ?lat:an nation buds 351837.09 . . "wannabes mam? I, Minced" mm Lem-16E 7 tenement Ham'. sewer?3w - 1 mam-a; the - wok. enema: Mam om tun will: each ofthe decimated toms. The JOIC staf?ng wit] Include one 310 forrdity. eight boon e'dey. ?ve thy: a ma?a sl In sum: fie:- Develop technology concepts) lulu; 3116,0078. This orde?ofu loluvetleblctech mayhun for. border security ope-atone 324.8182! Submit ?1.4qu . ou-xologtech I maintenance and PM plea-em Providemm . -'udecmical wuss-ppm 37.15625 Site." Tout The contractor provided the updated documents (plan components) as requested by and a result. accepted the October and November 2010 dellverebtee. The December 2010 dellvereblee will be based on this change document. Signature Date Novanbet'2010