Fri-42458115 SANTA PQGE MI 32 11:43 Tld?d??ll?. SANTA ma JAIL . I. 3 . Barnum-ms 5 11mm) 3mm Magnum OF H0 1.13. Immno? AND CUSTOMS UFPICE 0? Wm: I {in at mm; This mement is entered into behvean Uniwd States II tion and Enfuf?ment, hereinafter rderred to as and the (5 of Santa A111, hermafter referred to as the Eartha de?ant-Jon and afaliem {thereafter referred to as W: The PRUVEER shall provide detention services for at the ?allmving institu?on?a}: Santa Ana City Jail 62 Civic Cantu Plaza Santa Ana, CA 92703 I I W: - ?mfg hmmacmt?anmw?h the ?Hg u_ Haw 3.1.0. . 1L: Laue" LL14- L2. I Lil-Ha e. nun Lug6135350 - H. $11.11.! . SmACAatnndaxdsaJ-e augmented policy and/or rmedur?; In cases - a - other standards con?ict with DI-IBIICE Policy or Standards, Pdity and . ri .i - prevail. ICE Inapecturs W311 conduct periodic inspections ofthe facilityha assure - - m: an ac ofthe a?uaman?oned standards. I . Bin: signamehyICEandthe a??wtinde?nitely mew in w??ng, byeithar party. Either party must pmvida written of intan?m to termini the agreement, 120 dayg In advance ofthe effective date afformal termina?on. -. 71424581 IE as: 23 MA JAIL 33 aaxawms 11 43 7142453116. MA MA JAIL 3 2mm - - ?Agg?u?l? I ?e'l?erma and Condi?ana of this In mmw?ggm?th;ake payment to detainee amep?ed Thismteis?ngrerdiemzij theaupportafone Detainee relatedtomehousmgand deten?on of detainees. Such costs include, are n01: mil. to: A) Sala?es of elected o?cials. i B) Salaries ufemployees nudire?brenggellin the housing antidehm?onof detainees. Indirect coat! in In?del: 1 of casts are pro-rated and applied to individual I D) 13) Operating coats affn??i?? ndt' EBB. Interest on burrowing (hm rep bond discnunts, of and lag] or ml fees. W: ?I?hisAgl-aement, t'ormoda?edhyaignnm commute of the undersigned purines, or I P?ml sums. i W: In?ueeventofmemageucy,mammahan 11mg: medical treatment. In such event, the ICE medmnaly regardmg thanatureofthe transfaneddebaim?si?nmhorinjm_ Ii [type of ?tment pru?ded. custodymam?ndsafeheep?ng I I 2 1?23?883'2888 88:28 7142458118 SANTA Ilium JAIL WEE as} gamma 11: 43 7914245511. SMTA JAIL . PAGE 84 . i I I of detainees in accordance with the ami'local I as, pohues, procedures, or court orders applicable in the af?ne facihty. - ROVID aw provide ICE Weed! Wm} .elsvelaifmadical maria and 13%; as hoanCE as part of the i - per mam rate. T1113 rate includm: I . l. - Medicatinn (over the run In I . .r and ma?oal supp?a]; A health care Esta) sax-noes for transport to am I or non?aunwgancy . speci?cally nastedby ICE, -. a arrange for mdfur We 33131106 unsparta?onm?mta - 1! detainaesfmm one of?sxta 'cal care facility to annther. ICE wag. provide a- a Easement, over and above the Eidlmaay per diam rate, to PROVIDER for such :31 nlame nanspomlion aewims when the amt; are included with the. regal-,1- mummy - ?In- in: detention services. I The agrees to includehn mm r-r?ru - - 1&8! othealthcare services speci?cally 13va to any detain??s both 1115i 3 :u nuisida the facihty, with ICE mwmm. .- arrange-s forthq health carefadliq, mum-11mm, health mp?mdder. on -- to invoice ?ne PROVIDER ?ur entices at - - gin-ate): Emu those apphcable for non?ICE detainees in the custody of the PRCWIDER. a shall indude paymentfor hospitalfheal?: me muting provided ?ung-with the u' detean services. I [ori?ces-131131 .- - - a 31er {60} daysafterthe services were rendhiuad. Ina n? the ?alluwmg documentation costs: 1} Wm?a? withdiwharga .. attachedwhich includes diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and followup . 2] with note atladl . induchai diagnosis, meannent, and follow-up neededinvoke with mm a ICE detaineda) and list of services/supplies Handel-ad. I atthelomllmo?ce,when aowrdanaewithprocedurestobe -- made in advance of treatment The PROVIDER shall also notify the mated can an? reimbursabie medical care is a and 111111113113! 33236 upon. Nd??catinn In other than in mm situations. 88:23 Til-42458116 ANA REESE E15 35:35:22135 11:43 ?14245311. 5mm Wank . 55 . I "dammed law Went mm and With 9 uthoriza?on. Won and We: afFedenl detaineessha? befulljmistent I and procedures. 1 i ICE detainees shall mt be released from the?hc?ity custody of other Federal, state, or local of?cials for any mason, except for medical or cy situa?ons, arithmt express aumo?za?on of ICE. The 35mm to receive and disd?l?ge Fedzl?littahm only from and tn W: :i The PROVIDER am to allow Inspec?om Findings will be shared with fauility admis?mm in faciliw apmtim or wndi?una of detainmamt Why ICE inspectors. ?19 pit-mate impravmnta to I LBW-Invoicessha?itemimaach ?ljrnamamgistarmimbet, damsof any, and appropriate Mina?day rate. the actual numbaro?'detnineedaysused. .I I (13] MW- 5 Sigma Center Bldg. N. Mons Freeway Dallas, TX 75247 (214) 90543344 (C) mnf'aymenmw?lbemadeto?m complete invoice, which shall mm a ?1 can address. All transfexfa] will be nmomp?shed through mechanic Fun I Tmsfer (EFT) an a basis. The Prompt Payment Ant shall apply. i . i; . . the 11nd duly an I 35632, hm aubmn?bal their US. Immigration and 0mm: 121mm mambehdjofthemuviwl?r WJandU Enforce-meant. Ii A 88:23 7142453115 SANTA QNA JAIL PAGE E15 . mini JAIL PAGE E15 11:43 114245911; .