edit GCSB access For GCSB access GCSB have given us access to their KS deployments at a GCSB comsat site: which is rich in data for the South Paci?c region. Speci?cally we can access both strong? selected data and a full?take feed from this site. To data at these sites. you must ?rst take a brie?ng on the law that governs what GCSB can and can't do. To take this brie?ng= search for EDT on il?. There is a multiple-choice. open-book test at the end of the brie?ng that you must pass (much like for HRA and USSED-SPUU 1 8 training). At the end, if you have passed, copy and paste your results into a word document. You then need to navigate to ESS -Click ?Drder from the Products and Services catalogue" leave the 'Category' drop down list empty -In the 'For' ?eld type 'xkeyscore' and click Search ?Click the Xkeyscore Create' Form ?Dnce you have ?lled the required information click cAdd to Cart: ?Click qv'iew Cart-"Checkout: ?Click cSubmit Request: ?Choose a Protective Marking. and type a brief summary of your request in the summary box -Click Submit. you should then receive a ticket number on screen. GCSB suh'eet to auditin a GCSB suh'ect to auditin All queries against these databases must be NZ compliant (as well as HRA compliant) and will be audited by GCSB. [fyou you are unsure if your is compliant under New Zealand law then you can check the resources provided in the ilearn package. or contact the New Zealand Liaison Cl?'ice NELO