552.1 '10 as marked thrnughqut .pd't ?33-?11. 5.12] pl" ., 12 all 3111311 .h?l Ilulu" 1 r; AGREEMHT CHEWDLET GENERAL LLC Am! LLC This Amusement. dined at: uf the date of the 1m numb], 1. anti!er mm by m! haw-man Chml? Mun-tar Diviaim ILC, a Del-um limited liability W3, having a pile:- nf business at Rmhnuce Center, Detroit, 43265 and MG LLC. a Delaware limited liability company, having a place nf humans It Nm'lh Trade Sim-at, ?rm?sum, Hun-H1 Carolina, 1m In ?fth: pmmises hemhm?er Inn-lie to anal: cum, the parties hereto agree as fallnwa: 1- WW BIVISION signal: to pm?de the unnaidmtiun Harlan! on Exhibit A. attached hereto. for its part, amen to providr the WI and. 01h: con?dm?an to HIVISIGN Hahn! on Exhibit attached herein. Hwhickal are 1mg! tau apart of the WHun identi?ed on Exhibit A {?le ?Vehinlem?, than ?n?mr agree: to the ?owing term and candi?m: . It at} a A. ages In ubmin Ind ita own new, enmprehensiva Vehicles identi?ed in Paragraph EM) of not lass than $510903?? PEI aPRDMUIERwi?aEnupmu?eeumpgehmw (?raan?the?)andca?ision_ thaco??uteofmmem?inmgandf?dmmg Ionnyu?nerinmmca' afthe Vehicle 3 PROMOTER will ?make and deliver a 513! ofimmpegida Terms an; and Vahinle Refeipt (nth-mild C). 11253 0mm agreed to in writing. theVehmlem will Why grits omens, ?reman, ?111mm,. agents 01W DIMVMWEE driving the Valdefs) while on [when related to ?otiv?l?l _mtemph_1ted sealant. PROMOTER agrees to obtain from each penna?ed?to drive anmle a :edcopyoqumlmm SafeDI-iving andwi? i 535 "a 3' $13.223354 595 stead E3 liar lfmqu? - i a; the term of the In?ll. D1 mm], aha-1mm!- 55 Emma A. . Cl im??i) mmandtearmt?l W?de '9 mm?? in than me cmdiliun an dc?med, Emma: its - claim! udminiatratur. Dim}: Him in 11.5mm: of ?an Vehicle?) 131mm I IWEEVB ?tment at Ema." mm! anW?un u?ha Val-idem I i w: at 1h: mum 91? *hn impaction If f-iln tn hm '1 ma the results ui'?m 335%. puma?m $3,131mama: Vanna? mun IE: than PRUMQTER p91, pmsl?? ?m com 13:3 mg dealer. War We smith? in? mavehi?e If; in cwhi 1 palm)" for WW mad 1m and the will pay DIVISION the Vebnii-E: . 1 madam Sta?meet- WWm?emhamlm (i?thf?yg demn?nod ban-don competitive a?wyb1?f( $4,000 ifthefe mun salvage do not apply tn vehicle: identi?ed in ?n display mum only C?Sta?e Diaphy Vehiclaa?). Static Display Vehiqlgg, WW. PROMOTER nekwwledgea that the the ndometu; ?:1qu FM, eachparm gummy..th to D. LB. and LCfEf?Lis A as 1am to PROMOIER for up! mural-J; mam mm an! i certainnmnu, hum,nuvimm1b,cop}ui3htl (miinihu 2. Ay?mwt Ind whim! the {mm and conditions hereinafter set forth, solely . . . in mm with and promoting any event or at:th mcldeulal hereto. Ethan MDTER and HIVISIUN must agate-o in with: as to the form and Emma E?au?ml m- nd?tt?'ti?i?g Emmi-1'51: and the mcd?l Ill Win-1:11 aueh?materiala are be $3311.33 to their use. which approval the parliee shall not tmreaaonahly mtm?ldi and Such may b: 1' subject to melt reasonable condition: as either potty may annotate, but um limited eonditione n?'ording the parties and the Untiteimtjt of Tenet] adequate m?tim nf in Mark; Upon termination or expimtiou of this 1mm P511955 3'13? ?Hill: 1511 use of the Mh?cn of I the other party and the of Texas as soon as practicable. hot 111 my Wt mm do}: unless the particular media which has been approved requnee a longer lead that: but in no event longer than ninety (90) days. Neither party will i?tpuglt, ehallenge or assist an?! challenge to the 1.1'a1itiityr of the am? Pmta or the Univa of Texas?s Merit-9, all}? fh?l??fa far the ownership amt party will be solely responsible f?f taking "Inch ?Elm 3?5 It dam EPPEUptiate to obtain service mark or copyright regieheileu f0]? 1?3 Re?ective Math (and, in the can {if PROMDIER, the University of Texas'a Mattie). all naee of or to the mm ?lm? imam to the bene?t of their respective rte-met. and ?ll right?- With reapeet to the Marks mt speci?cally granted in this Ageement shell be and are hereby to theix respective owner. Neither arty is granted an}r right or Home under this to eel! or othemriae Gish-?} for sale fey of the promotional or advertising materials or Home related thereto. If a party gait: to sell, or distribute for sale, any of auoh materials or ether nierohendiaing meek? hm: hearing the namee, h'adematha, copyrights or Intellectual property um?, (?her party, it shall IEQIIGH 10 do 30 ?le {Iin 9311'}, and the negotiate in good fai?t eepamte licensing agreement eottenng one]: mateuale or items. before they maybe sold or distributed for sale. 3. ?i 'i?oi it!? PRDMOIER is responsible for providing pil?slon spaee or 3pc: aw looa?ona {0 WW spammhip ieeogl?tion or a prepare BN. mete production, video ot? graphics pmduetion, talent charges and if any, m? coveted under this Agreement and remain DIVISION: sole m?p??slbl?i'y, but one he obtained for an additional eereioe fee. DIVISION it! reopeneible ?n timer submitting to PROMOTER its edm?eeme?s, promotionalr'apoaeomhip recognitions, graphics, LED design, view 1mm foam: or Jittemet displays, an applicable, for elements listed in this Agreement MM Materials"). Spontomhip Materials provicied by or on behalf of DIVISION shail be subject to PROMOTER approve], which, hereunder, shall not be deemed an approval on to conformity with any federal, mic or local laws or regulations. approval shall not be or delayed. not applicable Spoonotahip Mutatiah DIVISION for publication, distribution or display by the deadline date (to he m'ifcopyommc?ons ateeubmittetla?ex?ndeadline oronreeted WW, Whmmayhe uncommon arme due to hometan ._ll 1? 9. i u- . a. a MINIMAL 1mm Edi-rm M??l??lt 11mm, GENERAL LLC And IMG COILEGE, LLIEI II A. DMSIQH agrees 10 the I. ?1112 mm nfthis ahall on :11: date at Eigllitlg by hath patina: and and an June 30, 201-5. DIVISIDN will spana?r The Univm'aily af Athletics: (the "Spunaurahip'?, iunhx?ing, 1:11.11 1101? limited in, the fn?awiug emu at follawing wanna MAgwementwi?bu mu the I a. July I. 2014 Hannah June 30, 2015 ("Yew and is July 1, 201:5 through June 30, 2016 ("Year Thee"). map-m .wm? hath 53?; in mm. The me'? bu WW a a . he Paw? am will ?50110 invoices for each gamut 00 ?0110?; p?jm?nt.PRDM $1,000,000 0mm: received during Y?r Elna. 1:0 he ?lm $400,000 I0 :im'aieed on 01' after August 1, 21113; (H) to be mieed 011 0r a?ernewnber 1. 2013; 34110300 to be inmicad 011 0r a?er?p?i 1, 2014; and $400,000 to be invoiced an 01? mar maipt an?r Due 1)!qu binder, 10 DMIDN 00 mm in Exhibit B. $1,600,000 [01- bandit: mind din-bl: Year Two. to be hunted follows: (I) 0400,00010 be invoiced 0n ara??ar?ugmt 1, 2014:.- (ii) $400,000 in be Need 011 0r n?ar Dweth-I 1, 2014; Elf .. . . $400,000 t0 be invoiced an 0: ??m?Ap?l 1, 2013?th $400,000 to In Need an 0r*0i;t00 receipt of Year p100!? 0f pafome hinders an dumbed in Exhibit IL (0) $1,000,000 for bene?ts WEN Y?r Till-005I to 110 invoiced as follows: (0 $400,000 to be August 1. 2015; .00 (ii) $400,000 t0 bein? 005011 1, 2015; (ii) $400,000 tu?be'?rmicednnura?et April 1, 2010; and (iv) $400,000 to be invoiced 011 0: after DIVISION: meeipt of Year Three proof 0f 3.1L Daily the farm of this Agreenm?. DIVISION will. pmvide 2014 model-year. ?re?y-equipped Chemlet 8&1!!me HD vehicle humnlogated tn United Staten speci?na?m, withamn?chm'n SuggestedRein?P?mfmofupto Hm?ed Eighty Five Dollars (563.385) "Tm: 100311010: Vehicle'?. 0111011001300. B. It; duetomoducf DIVISION, the T0300: LonghodeJicleinnut available, 01101111000111: tighito WVMH C. BE to as the -fth TER, er a person rdentfed In try be ibl? far all recipien Texas Vesicle wall Mted tn Imew??e tra? casts related tnitlle Texas Warns Velnele, but net mm In? seem: as detemnn' ed by DIVISIDN. PE Up on 3- or Desist-es will take rlislirs'erj.F and nwnerahip ef the Tessa Vehicle at 5 Mellie date and time in be m?hl?ll]! agreed ripen by the parties (the ?Bellamy er Designers will take delivery and nwnership nf the Texas Inngherns Vehicle at a speci?c dealership within the United States to be selected by PROMGTER er Designee. subject to If wishes tn designate a Designee, men will con?nn in DIVISHJN in writing the name and eentaet infernsatien fer the Designee en er before August 1,2013, and if Designers dues net take cleli'rrewr and ownership of the Texas Longhorns Vd?ele an er befere ?fteen (15) days alter DIVISIDN er its an?rsrized dealer all necessary nnti?es PEDMDTER er Designee that the Texas Irmgherns Vehiele and paperwork ere at the dealership andresdyforpielr?np,?1enDMSI?N shallbe relievedofrta to provide the Texas longtime Vehicle tn the Denim, and ownership efthe Tessa Longhorn Vehicle, and all righ Iiil' t, title and interest marsh, 1will transferred entirely to .r u: Lil Ill-[i ?it 1-, Lawn r. 1' I. I - ENTER, Ill W?s :1le ?les inns-crimes: