State [If IlIirIeuit Ecru rt Mama-I: Gaunt}! STATE agency: US ?v'eterane Admm Paliee Slept FEaintilT. Case Mu: -ve- . eesgned Lindsey lv'ienebrbel-ier finer: Ha; EH1 iE-EI-rl?r 1 SUE-T751 Item-r e. Linea. acme Caae Latin :?aaf 'v'atarana Street ATM: I Tarrah, WI 54560 DDEI: Criminal ?amplaint '1 - Sea'Ftaee: tare Baler." Blue Hair I:alar: Brawn LITE Hm h: 5 9 in Mar: en 35.5" Weight". 1'55 let .t'aearlallt Aliae: False Knawn Ive Kevin Ear Ladarv-rt: ad nun -- -uShanit Peter H. E'ui'i'l at the lvia'tr-a-e Gaunt-g.- She?llT'a thtarlrnanl being ?-ai duly tavern, atatea that: Gaunt EIF DRUG REPEATEH Tte abate-named eefendan'. er ar abauL via'ecmeedav. December EH. 2:313. Manrae CaL-nzv Wia??r?lair?l. it'ie'ruinglv ar ape-aeaa with he pr:mary rntent :a use. dI'Lg paraphernalia ta alar?t. Edie-fate. grew. Enrnanrlti, Brenner-E: teat {trad-'28. reliant. File-?e. eal'lair'. injeat. trgeat. inl'aie ar pE?Ienviae infra-:iuae late the 'Illrili-JI' badv a eanballeel eat-stance, ta wit: a evrnge.. aantrarv :a sea. 95? 5.73:1} Wia. State. a l-Jtiademeanar, and upal' annvietian may be fined net 'T'rJ'e than Five Hundred Eatiare- ar irrprieal?ed fa? vat mare than rty.r ttava. er :a-tb. r'tl?fl irwahirlg the prev aipna at aea. Wis- State: the defendant is a IanHtr-J", having ajnvieted at at least?. felany in the preview 5 years, which aanvietianfal rerna:n a-f reaa'd ard unrevereed, the maximum term at mti'leanment far tte underlying crime may ae inareaeed ta net mare than veers. Add the Emu-t ma}.r auapanu' the defendant's, ape'ating privileges Tar nat tl'a'1 an: [53 martha nar 'nare than years. tthe clefendal't'e. diving privileges are already.r sue-pended: anv aLIapene-ian mpaaed m'Jaf be aetved PHGEAHLE CAUSE: Earrpleinan'. relates that he hae reviewe-tf raidenl rape". aurnrt'arriea prepared by Lieutenant [til Carpenter a: the if?? Flu-{ice Depanment. a Iavr enfareem ant a?ilaer believed ta are tutnftil and reliable waial': reparta are madltiea Ir part and quated wereiv: lnveatigatian Summary: tzttatt tram building 43-3- Ft Fart": ward aantaated the 'v'Pt .Jallae reterenae paaefble erg paraphernalia innatnd timing a tandem: heath and welfare I'aam [3 E'L'el'? Ul- le'litLUhHIh-I - 17F: - idle-sin ef petient Kevin Lt. Underweed'e DUE. 3 29-7?! re?'h. St??adt'i??tt 313'! iIZJIZIi-Jiliitii grey hidder' in eteeh ef Underweedie elethee i'1 the lfes?ft?l reern. alell eeitl :rlu?: epenee the hep end w.1er ehe leehee' ineide ehe eew whiLe weel?eleth a syringe en: .3 5pm? w'll- while reeiriue ?n the eerter. 5511:! she immediately te he drug perepherneiie end the hee er'd tie the ward nurs-ee Eietieh and the We Peliee- Staff the. game he the hag en: lee-tree at the eenle'lle whieh fi'em Try Irenan and experience I believed te 'ee drug perepl'erheI-e e?iert time later w'ien rredieel etefl-ihieher. epeeking te .Ineerweed. 5 henteet with him i-1 the we-de pel'eht ehiing ereefleunee. I here was he ene elf-re in the men" while Eli-?rth Underweezl INTERVIEW WITH iulmdueed myeelfte end eehed if he anew why I was there- Liedemeed he did. I then eemtt I-irf'. eheut bee eerteir rte the drug peraeherneiie which I had in my heed end he eeid he wee heldii'g in his teem te' enether petient Iwhe hed traveled he the iuledieen eel-zed I'i'n whet wee- .hei-Ei-E It?? IJEIQ and he eeid it wee. epeeh ene eyringe i'er eheelirig up drugs. I eelteel hew he Irnew tt'a'. are he eeld hfedieel etef? held tel-:l m. I then eelerd ihe white euhete r-ee er. the epeer? wae end he eeid "Dry". I eel-red him how he knew lilweentih er: he fireteeid rredieel eteh' bald him are then he eeid he hee 'ehet DryeenEn he? held?.- with end eyrirge end that wee iuef what he th-nght i1 weeld he. Ithe'i him why he weeld hide the ier ehether petient and he ee he did net knew. I nerd eehed was en Ethel he said he wee end He egeht wee Lee'a Tern-eh. lle elee eeid he wee en fer illegal drug nee end 'Iieh eeid he had been "eheeting Lie Degree-min?. HERE: him it he {new it were illegelte the iLerne euen if he eeid they were net he. end he said he did jUSi had het wanted te ea;r me. elee him when ht: had leet 5th up Ulf?f??'ltit'l end he 'e'eui: nel enewer. ARREST: Ither teld Llnderttreed he wee under erreetfer e'erue eerepherifelie em; I hie iheieent te erreetwith ?'tding?E- that 55 itt'ltr Flt-i he remained meherel we when: net herrjeuh' him until we arrived et the patrel 'tre'liele te epere him he eeid he wele he l'1t'tt?r waited fer Deputy l:?Ihief :e erriue et r11; an we D?uli U?dEthW?tt lli- VENEIE 'nereperl re the we Pelee ISift ee- When we E?r'i'u'Ed at the petrel ire-fiele Llederweed the: behind the bed-r. eheeltin; them fer El and eeuhle leekine them I?m HH'elf- He was ther. trelleh We the e: the petrel uehlele Elhd teens-pelted te tl'e phlier: miliee. When we errhed e1 :ile dinee we him te the peliee i'iefeiht-g end hih? 'neide while I eel?releted Ty pepeumh'lr. IEff eer Eirien Hehmeh ther' eempleted heidieg eeli beeki'Ig feim fer Llederweed erel Diepeteiier Eleven Hilly-er Iheinteined eamere watel? Irill?- Llnderweed while he wee In the heldi'ig eell. FIELD TEST SUBSTANCE Ell-J THE I then attempted ie letal the white he'll-leery the epeen .Jut due te the smell emeunt ef reeid'Je erflg.r get I'eeLtlte. THAHEFUHT: then Terheh Pxehetien end l-'erele and ep-elte te Laure Callahan end ehe she would he eleein; held en Underweed are well. I then eereaetee' Set. Eeett Perhisre wilii the I-Jienree Ueunty Sheriff's Department 1whe said he weuld eehd :Ieth'f te treneperl Linden-mm: [e Ihe .Jeili heere Deputy ?mung ?-mn Mgnh?e Chum},- an'i'pe-ij and Linden-greed tut-1:5. t?dnepel'i til the JaiE. [Jill 12-5 3113 "ii Edi: Cl: 5-13. ECLET 'Fal??lhi?tl 2 STATE - - Isis-silt Enters-see ADDITIDNAL Nurse Heilinsiti whe- ss ii was sieening Linden-reefs rserrl after his arrest they fennel IsL:rn the 'n'r'ds-w sill in his then made with Sta-if Hisilinst-ii an the war-2' sne' she he merits and here espearelzl te eurn merits as wel: es seme white e'umlz-les substance eerie stent with the ?tlh?i??if?? en the that wee. ts ken intn evinenee. There was nel erngh sf the ts ee still-s Le test It. EVIDENCE: The grey Munster lsrend drew string eletla 'esg and its Ineludirg 2 small pisses efeetten. 1 si 1-'er sneer, wizl'l whlte 'es'clue in the lam-xi en'tiun arid marks the tstt-sm and 3.13 :ilsbetis- syri'lge were EIEIGEHII Inte temp-sues; euisense lesiter #5 with the eernplete-s evidenee term. ?trrihe.? Helium. ?r?eur semple nent relstes he has Iseen interned et i-Jierlre-e Lieunty' Liese NU. 2-31 State 1.I. Hen-in L1. Lindemreed. in which the tlefenzient ?te'u'in LL dudes-wed. wee een'uiste: en sheut Heserntler 21. 3 en'- Pessess en :ri Heresiie Drugs: te site! Er: vieletien efWis. Stet. El?ieii?nmtem]: r: Glass f-slenf. E'sid errwietielt remains ef resend end litt! Ii::il:rltier" i?1Hi2Iiilri-Ili pursuant law. [in err-:i belief the abs-are ineisent in 'e'u'iseer?ls Essen" en the isrerising. t'rls sempls'rt-snt believes semisth is be true err-? current. Suese'it-ed err-s swern te setere and Ell?li'lr?'u'?l'ii inr Fling . I I a .II . ,1 Dates: J: wart? e; x?;fi?i??ij 'r?'sterli ?uisn' Cernpleinar: ilk-?3- ?gs-s? Meneh eker hss'stent Fitterney Etete Her HE. HUB jsu .I Em . Hut-u- m: e: :eler Is:er II I I 3