19/01/01 Meeting with Nan Miller, LEAA CPA (TD and ED present): Listing of LEAA entities: c(4) Law Enforcement Alliance of America, Inc. (LEAA, Inc.) -- EIN 54- 1798397 c(4) Virginia Law Enforcement Alliance, Inc. (VA-LEA) 3 1-1670817 0(3) LEAA Foundation, Inc. BIN 54-193 8655 PAC Law Enforcement Alliance of America Fund for Responsible Government (LEAA-FRG) EIN 31-1 677544 PAC VA-LEA Pae Non LEAA: PAC Americans Against Hillary Political Action Committee (AAH) Organization Background/History: - Dec. 1998 Board Meeting -name changes and new 13le proposed and Board approved resolutions; changes adopted January 1, I999 Reasons for changes: LEAA, Inc. was not properly set up. was in existence at the ?rm: and all related paperwork and business was properly exocuted. Therefore, all LEAA, Inc. assets, obligations etc. were transferred to VA-LEA and name changed to LEAA, Inc. (VA-LEA EIN became the new LEAA, Inc.?s new BIN). - A second entity named VA-LEA was created and a brand new assigned. The old LEAA, Inc. was de?inct and ?killed? by the state. The LEAA Foundation at the time was not properly set up as well; that entity went defunct, ?killed? by the state. A new LEAA Foundation was created and properly chartered and new supplied. IRS Determination Letters were applied for and are available for all new entities. .. Telemarketing ventures in Virginia were ?led under old BIN - this needs to be changed/recti?ed. . Account receives net dollars only; money is transferred out of this account, usually into LEAA, Inc. to pay for expenses etc. This account receives special donations for special projects to educate the public. Example: $175,000.00 donation is received into the Account for public education in money is transferred into LEAA, Inc. for payments andfor LEAA, Inc. receives funding from the following: Members (dues) Grantors (NRA) Merchandise (Logo items, books etc.) Others: Telemarketing (mil/gross LEAA, Inc. example: 16% $160,000.00) -- example: NJ Telemarketing: all funds go into an accbunt in NJ with LEAA gets a out This venture is managed by East Coast Production on behalf of LEAA Supporter Mail (LEAA uses other mail lists to market; after 1 year, names belong to LEAA. This is a national program, all revenue goes into an LEAA account with our program is managed by RTM Mail America Account-w; LEAA signs all checks and approves all disbursements and LEAA gets a cut of $2,500 per month this amount ?uctuates) Other Grantors/Snpport (US. Chamber of Commerce is an example: private, not federal, foundation, willing to donate 1.5 to 2.2 mil for VA Attorney General race in Nov. 01 to educate the public; ?rst installment already received); LEAA used to also have a mail ?program? with USA-Direct, which netted LEAA $25 ,000.00 per month, however, that venture is no longer in operation as of 2001. LEAA Audits and Payments for Nan: 1999 was the last time Nan did an audit for she is holding them because they are worthless for c(4) corporation; she will do both 2000 and 2001 audits together. . .. There are 9 months still open for 2001 Nan is asking for $10,000.00 for the year or $1,100.00 per month until entire amount is completed. She is also asking for $4,000.00 for the combined audits for 2000 and 2001. Nan would like a payment of $5,100.00 sent to her ASAP for entire audit amount and ?rst month installment of $1,100.00 for year 2001 work.