cTs00111 Pennqlvania D€partnent of Environmental Prolecdon Confi dential lnvosdgaton Report C6mblainl lnro.mation EP DOGO NCDO Dstr Off ld: Ralated Complnl Complnt ld: Municipality: 274235 Delmar Twp Count: Entered By: BARtsAM L SANTONICO Confiden0el(Y/N): Source: Other 09i13/2010 ER Related Date lioga Yes (YrN): N Acknowledged: AfrorHou6lnd (Y/N): 09/ 1:/2010 a Within the pasi month the complainar{s w6ter has become tubid and has bad taste. IheFe noticed a brolm precifitate sotlle out in theh $/ater' sais thai welluas sampled in past. Water is ftom a ddlled \ €ll' Comftainant Uetieres *ater has been impacted by neaby drilling acti\ity Homeorvner Site Location: Respondbl€ Partv lnioinadon Name: Home Phone: Company Name: Wo* Phone: - obila Phon6: AddresE: Permlt#i CoUng: OP EN _S OU RC E MunicipaliV: ResPonse lniofmation Priorig: Program: ComplainiTYPe: Dat6 Resp Aldgned: Dal€ Responre Due: Dale Fi.st R.lponse: Date Resolved: Dat6 Roferred: R6tored To: Conments lnspec{or: N V. 1. 1 Date Received: Abbrv. Description: Long Delcription: None 2 Oil & Gas Water Supply 09/13/2010 09127tm10 09/13/2010 01B0tm12 lnspector scheduled to sample the water supdy on 9/16' 'IERRA L TOKAM Supefllsor: JOHN W RYDER Ext - fis00111 Pennqtlvania Deparbnent ot Environmental Protec-tion C6nf dentlal lnvestiEation Report Page 2 of 4 lnveEioation lnformation Date lnv€dn Arign6d: lnspector: oqt13t2010 TERRA L TOKARZ eFACTS lnspeclion ld: lnvestigation Description: Dat€ lnv6digated: 09/132010 Violation(Y/N): lnvedigationld: No Typo: Phone Call 271588 On 91$10 the complainent \isited the l\4ansfield offce to log his complaint. During his lisit, I scheduled lo sample his water supply on 91e10. V. 1. 1 On 916-10 lsampled the complainanl's water supply (drilled well) for SAC 942 pa€meters, MBAS, turbidity, and methane/ethane. The water apf€arcd slightly cloudy. ln addition, the complainant slated thal his water supply is diminished and he's noticed a brown/black precipitale in bathroorn fixtures. I informed lhe homeowner thal l^e would contact him once sample results are complele. Afrer sampling, the complainant's w€ter well was obsen€d. The is located betw€en the weil cap was secured on lhe well. vv€ll Following the sampling, Jon Pennings and lconducted an inspection al lhe nearesl well location, the Slcfk 1MD 111720224). No liolalions were noted at this location. On $24-2010 the melhandethene results were re\,iewed. The methane concentration was 12.8 mg/L. OP EN _S OU RC E On $2&2010 I called Matl Mccuirc, East Resources, lo infofin him of the ele\€ted melhane results in lhe complainant's waterwell, On 1G1S10 the Complainant contacted me and inquired about his sample rcsulls. I infonned him ol the methane concentation in his water s u pply. The SAC 942 semple rcsults were not complete. ltold the compLainant lwould send him copies of the sample results once I recei\€d them. I emailed Matt I\,4ccuire, East Resources, about my methane €sults at ihe On 1G1&10 East collected a gas sample at theanalysis. East also sampled thelI water suppry: a-r. residence for isotopic On 1G21"10 I re\,iewed the fnished 942 sarnple rcsults- Chlodde (4'14.3 mgy'L), Earium (2.126 mgr'L) and TDS (970 mgy'L) were all abo\e ddnking water standards. ln addition, sodium (258 mgy'L) and stontium (2.061 mg/L) On 1G2l-10 Penn E&R sampledll water supply. On 11-$10 East Resources emailed the isotopic analysis results br lhe grcundwater near lne supply. The aralysis rrdrcated the ISlockwater '44D well sile s themogenic gas. -ln addilior, East prolioed inirrmation about drilling activties at the Stock 144D site. The Stock 1zl4D \edical vvell was ddlled in December 2008. On 11-'1110 East sent a copy of the sample results from their 1G21-10 sampling elent. Orlodde (332 mgy'L) and TDS C/84 mg/L)are abo,€ [.{CL's. l,{ethane was 9.7 mg/1. Sodium (229 mg/L), barium (1.83 mg/L), and strontium (1 .69mg/L) remained eie\6ted. On 1i-1S10 I sampled the complainanl's u/ater supply for SAC 942 Pennsylvania Departnent ot Environmental Protection Confi denllal lnvestigation Repott cTs00fi1 Page 3 of4 paEmeters, turbidity, and methane./ethane. I provded copies ofthe 9-1+10 and 1G21-10 sample €sults completed by the Departnent and East Resources. I reve\ /ed the sample results with the complainant and explained that barium, chlodde, and TDS were abo\€ the ddnking water standards. I also explained the sa€ty cdrcems associated with methane- A copy ofthe Department's fact sheet on methane in water wells was prolided to ihe homeolvner ln addition, seleral PSU Cmperati\e Extension publicatjons V. 1. 1 were po\ided to the homeo\,mer to assist with sample results interpretation. Follo',riing the sampling e\€nt, the home $las monitored for methane. The basement, kitchen tap, and well headspace \€re monitored. No methane w?s detected by the meter in the house (LEL readings were 006) Upon removng the $/ell cap, the meter had a \€ry brief detection of 0.1% before immediately blling to 0% LEL. On 11-2+10I re\eiwed the methane results from the 11_1S10 sampling elent, The methane concentration M€s '11 7 mgy'L. On 't2+10 I revewed the completed SAC 942 sample results i'om the 11_ 1910 samplino e\,ent. Chloride (436.7 mg/L), Barium (2 067 mg/L) and IDS mgr'L) were all abo\e ddnking w?ter siandards ln addition' sodium (307 mgy'L) and strontium (2.m5 mg/L) raere elevated. ($2 On 12-1+10 Easl Resources emailed a copy of the waler well drilling €cords fiom Germania Well Drilling Gemania Well Drilling drilled I wster well in 1965. ln the email, East stated that a ddll pit is still pit \/vas encapsulated, ho\']\€\er ;-resent at the Stock 144 \r.€ll pad. The drill East had requested appro\al permit that file to indicate no €cord wEs in the the cuttings was denied. land apply to solidiry the conteris. A request to OP EN _S OU RC E tll On 12-1S10 Penn E&R collected a second sample of the comdainant's water supply. On 12-3G10 ldiscussed the complaint wth our Depadment Geologist and requested assistance for inestigating this complaint. On 1-$11, East emailed a copy of the sample results fr'om the 12-1S10 sampling e\ient. Chloride (411 mqr'L) and IDS (873 mgy'L) are abo\€ MCL'S. Ivletkane was 4.4 mg/L. Sodium (250 mg/L), barium (1.78 mg/L)' and strontium (1.99m9/L) @mained ele\6ted. On 1S11 I spoke \/ith tho comdainant. He requested a copy of East's sample results, which lmailed to him later that day On 1-7-11 I sent an email to my slpenisor and an O&G Pmgram geologist summarizing the complaint ituestigation so far and requosting assistance in turther inestigation regarding the water supply. On 4-18-11 I sampled the complainant's water supply br SAC 946, turbidity and methandethane. The complainant said that he had noticed a slight impro\ement in the clarity of his water supply. I requested expedited sample Esults to detemine v\fiether the complainant's wEter supply met drinking water standards. Afrer sampling, I went to the Stock 1'14 and conducted an inspection. A do\m gradient monitoring well has been installed below the Pennsylvania D6partrnent of Environmental Proteclion Conf dential lnvedigation Report cTsool 11 Page 4 of4 Stock 144 \,,/ell pad. Following the inspection, a Shell employee in chaqe oI sits construction confrmed that the encapsulated cuttings pit was remo\,ed in December 0f2010. $911 I revewed the sample results and mailed copies, along with a data summary table, to the complainant. During the past two sampling e\ents 11?J15110 and 4hel11\ lhe barium concentralion was below the MCL. Most recently, it was 1.68m9/1. IDS (802 mgr'L) and chlodde (305.8 mgy'L) remain eletated, although lou€r than prevous sampling e\ents. Th6 methane concentration w6s 11.4 mg/1. lsent an emailto Shelland copied Penn E&R inquidng whether the monitodng '€ll had been sampled and requested a copy ofthe results. V. 1. 1 On On 9-7-11 Shell fcw€ded the sample results from the down grddient monitoring u€ll installed below the Stock r,rcll site. The monitodng well results exceeded the l\raximum Contaminard Le\els (MCL!) irr iron and manganese, howe\erwas within drinking w€ter standards icr baium, chloride and TDS. On 13012 a norFimpact determination letter \a€s sent to the complainani along with copies of the sampie results. * OP EN _S OU RC E * End of Report V. 1. 1 113012012 208 DetemiEation ConplaintNo 274235 Deloar Township. Tioga Counlt Re: Act 223, Sectioa Dear TheDeoartmedhasdvestigatedthepossibled.egrad'ationofyouwalelsulplyv{elllocatedat crroplai-ot tlal recent gal weU d"illi:rg , ;.; .dpoose to a e/t l/20 I 0 \ll7szol0 €ad 4/t8i20ll' the activities mav have affeoted your watet well Or'g/I6i2OIo' to the fr-]'""i-""1't-i.,ti*iJt^-"res ftom vorx home water $pplv The sadples were suhmitted are tle samples for Harrisbwg fo'ntpis Tle aoalvticel rspofis that it1 assist you witb inteerelbg the sample results. i.i"f,r;*"a *iff ^, ^-a";tr-*o . ^ ^^--i. ..o,lrc rh^werl seveml comDouods elevated above Depadmed stddards Badl]m and at 2 06? mg'/I- ia-th" 1171572s16 srmrle lo tt" slrozbt o 'uorpte ^tlt level (l\4cl) or2 msl-' chloride and rotal "qot"-io;" Primarv Mcts 6e inteoded to reflect ii"-*"rr"ilJa" tios) exce€d€d secon&rv MCIr'MCLs qater (i e reflec-t the aesthetics of the OP EN _S OU RC E #-#;;;;;"; ;;: *l*fi;;6 ;ff#;;; *-;ff; -*im* ;l ^ healt\ while setnodarv results ftor" 4/18/201I showed oesale fi#fi;; ;dufularv, tbe most reced sanple ff;;"fiil; The presaoce of dissolved Bethane i! your valer was Dresent al 11.4 og,{- rn your watrt $pPly At this time' the Depaltroort's lfr"i"li.^t r" u" tEL"t"a io uackgoui conditioDs has iopacted yo'r water zupply. ilJi.iffJ'i""r-""i ,oar*e thar as well driiJ:rg standard li$itatioDs have tle predomi'n't coroPoDent o{ trahnal gas Federal water The level of c,cncem begi$ above 28 rdg,{ methatre, *it*"* lJuTla r", inahane gas.level pr€ssue, the At this leve! urder oormal atrospheric 6e saturzrion ;#il ;;;;* out of the This may ailow the gas to com€ l##Jr""ii"iJ "aar"ooal methaae in solutior of oi yow lome or buildi4. Thele is a phlsical dzager wat€f, aDd cotrceot€te ia tr" au "p"", into soils wat€d wells oi tlrougl O*ir*"-il"rlr" J"" to fte roig;tioo of aatual gas intopiese'd inuostho'es/tuilditrgs Nahnal ft; are i;ted bv Methaae is ff"il;i;Ii i,;d-; t-6*J*"-"-"" "t** J;;s js of aspnydation' altnoogh Sis ex!-@ely ra(e' whentheDeDalbneelismadeawareofmetb.aaelevelsgreaterlrrnTmg/l,wenotifithewater be awace itr rlet wat€t swpiy Please #"n';;J"t;";"ttd" associated wi6 metiane low lwel i:t;#. ffi ;t"*;"*^"L*u can fiuctuate' This mears tlat even wiil a reLativelv 600 Gatewav Drive I Mansfleld, PA 16933 570.552.0830 I Fax 570 562 0843 .*,""*."""-{b wr^{.depweb state.Pa us :zofmetbaao, 1ou sbonld be vigilant of ehmges il tB0Do12 your wa&( $.al could iodicete au inclelse in me.ft atre cotrceatratioD- Should ),ou bav€ aay questiols conceoiag V. 1. 1 ft is the Dopartmeat's recomneodalion that all watq wells sbould be equipped wift a workiag Ihis will heb atlwiat€ th€ poss$ility of corce!ftaiing tleso gasrs ia reas whero ignitiol would pose a ttrcat to Afe or pro?qty, ?lease loto that it is lot possible to coBple*ely e.limiDat€ the nazrdo of having oafrral gas jn yoE wEl€r supply by simply veoting your wel1, ver1t. tlis oanet, plctse feel Aee to oodact Ee st 570{624835. Sincerely, J"re{'3rk*,4 Tqra Tok@ OP EN _S OU RC E WEie( Quslity Sp€ciafid Oi1 ard Gas Madage@eot EDa,logur€s: Laboratory Alsb'tioel Rcsqlb 'Ilos, to ljrt€(!tr€t A Watftr ADrltEis cc: JertnyDoid SWBPLIP Willim Kosoer, P.G. Cooplailt Fiie RAotf fssu€: o1n12ola 10:59:41 DEP Aureau of Laboratorles - Hanlsburg P.O. Box 1467 2575 lntoFtata Drivo Ha.rl!bur9, PA 17'105-1467 contact Phon€ Numb€r: of Sdd. ColLcto.: Tem L NJ OEP - Laboralory Numbor: PA059 PA DEP LAP - DEP Lab lD: 22-00223 346-7200 o.r. coll*red: S.mplelO:2519o47 .m 17171 I,{ELAP - accr€dit€d by 0s/16/2010 0s:30:00 aM L.bSrmplelO: TokaP Dat R.c.lv.di FacllltylP.rmltlD: F.clllty: 117-20224 FIXID: 707529 CHARLES STOCK 144D Sob+acmv: 117-20224 N.me: CHARLES STOCK 144D S.mpla M€dllm: Wal6r srmtt. s.dlum iyp.: w.t€r Loc.llon: Proj.ct Sult : S..l: S..l: F020623 F02O638 FIXID: 970a67 Collect€d 6.mpl6 frcm kitchentap, NOTINOICATEO METH O2010007497 PE N_ SO UR CE ilunlclp.llty: O6ha. Iwp V. 1. 1 ffi Dats of lnr2ct lnlact Yes Y€r AnalYtlc.l R.Port For Oil And Gas Mgmt Dr16 Lab samplo coll€ct€dr 09/16/2010 09:30:00 AM lD: 02010007497 pnor lo sampLing Homeowner said waler quanliiy has d m SaDple Comment Please snalyza for m6thane/elhane Renov6d aeralor, ran tap lor 5 minutes n shod naddilion1o bad taste and br@n,'black precip'iate V. 1. 1 Appesrance: W.lsr app€ated slighlly cloudv PE N_ SO UR CE ORGANiCS LABORATORY OUALIFIERS u - lndicalss a.alysis was p€rlormed for lhe.ompou.d but ( was noldelecled The samplo qlantilalon limil rs reponed J.lndicates an eslimated valu6, beow the quanlilation limit, bul above lhe melhod doteclion limil NB l.dical€s presumptive evidence of a conpound ' Thisnag is usedwh6n the snalyle is lou.d in the associaled b ank as wellas n lhe sample E - This flag denlities cohpounds whos€ concenlrations exceed lhe cahbration EnOe of lh€ rnslrument for lhal specific analvsis melhods p - Thisfiaq is usedwilh a targar anaty,re when lhe.e rs sroater rhan a 25% difteronca bet!!66n the resLlts oblalnedfiomlhe pimary and conlirmalion co umns for duaicolumn amlysis (s.q. pestic des,ldazines, PCBs etc) O This flag idonUfi€s ihe average of muLirpte results iiom mltrrpte analysEs, or (hs average ol tho avo.ages X - Non'larget analyi€s co-6lule wllh compound ld€ntifi€lion unable lo be confirmed ofdlalcolum. sna vsls me(hods. l$u€: OEP Burc.u ot P.O. Box 11187 01t072o15 1o',5s:,41 Laboratorl8 - Hanhburg ELAP . accr€dlted by l{J OEP - Lrbo.aiory ilumber: PA059 lnto]3LL Oilv. Hr]tbbrlrs, PA 1710$1447 2575 Contlct Phon. l{umbsr: 1717) 314-72oo Orb Coll.cbd: {,9rt62010 @:3C@ AM a.nrDl.It:251904€ Nrn. PA DEP LAP -OEP Lab Srmd. lO: of 8.mpl. collodor: T€m L Toksz FtcttttylP.ntl lgt F.clllty: 1 17 -20224 FtxtDt 707529 CIi,ARLES STOCK 14{D Stb+dlltt 117-M4 I.m.: CIIARLES sToc( l:Lo 8.mpl€ il€dlsm: Wd€r A.mDb rr.dluh ryp.: Wsi.r @l€cbd trm lrbh.n i.pNOT INDICATED u2 .tir L.g.l3..l L.!.1 3..1: a@o€17 FO2o€'24 120101,29309 PE N_ SO UR CE Mrrnlclprllly: D€lmarTwp llb , ctr Ys lnUct Y€5 tDt FD( lt: 970867 lD:22{0223 V. 1. 1 Daia ol An.lYllcal R.Po.t For OllAnd G{ Mgml D.r. colecr.d: Sampl.lD: 2511046 &mpl€ comm.D! P1646 anslf!! OO4i0 ALI(AJMTY REPORTEO for MBAS a.d lulbldlty. Remov6d aeEior; ra. * Tim 110.000 uG/L 0912U2010 09t22 AM 3l).000 uG/L 09/20120i0 09:22 AM 253-000 MG/L OOO2IIA SODIUM. TOTAL (WATER E WASTE) BY ICP o1o82A STRONTTUM, TOTA! (WATER e WAgTE) BY ICP ' 206t.000 ;-rori TNi ;;d;: sarrieb wa in aeprlbb c;diiion 'tm rc;iv€d '_ddot . !..t! lhel lho bboElory [s nol ad.dld to. LsboErory h .@!dlt€d by NJ NELAP, P.€m.r.r mi off.Ed updhy.y, T€.hniel Dl6clor, BuFau ot L.boratori€8 uol by PA ',AP bv lh. L.bqatorv anv 6x€Pti s '€ mt'd EPA 200.7 GDELONE 09D0n01O 09t22 aM RIVHEELER EPA200.7 09r2d2oi0 09:22 AM RWHEELER EPA200.7 LWfXINSON uscst-1750 0911712010 12tOO OTOMGL TOTAL OTSSOLVED SOLIDS @ 160C BY USGS- -1750 # RWHEELER 09/172010 05:07 PM Lhn Fot T6st EE.d€d sM 23208 GDEIONG 'OTA pH, Lrb {El€ctom€blc) Comh.nl 12010029309 5 minutes pdor to sampling. 46.40 tlG/L (WATER A WASTE) BY ICP to: PE N_ SO UR CE " ttp 21a,2 MGIL @ PH a 5 O1O55A MANGANESE. TOTAL (WATER & WASTE) BY ICP 00403 L.b s.mPl. watet apP€d€d slighlv doudy 00916A CAICIUM,IOTAL (WATER & WASTE) BY ICP IO45A IRON, AM V. 1. 1 App..6nc.: 09/16/2010 O9:30:OO ln lhe rcport t!,n presontod on lhls loboBtory cpo.t meat all €qohem€nts ot otls3ua: 01012015 11:OO:09 OEP Bursau of Laboratorlo6 - H.nisbu.g NELAP . accrodlted by P.O. Aox 1a67 l{J DEP. Labonlo.y l{umb..: PA059 2:t5lnt€fltrt6 D.lvc PA DEP LAP.OEP Lgb IO:2240223 Harrllhrrg, PA 17105-1467 ConLct Phon Numb€c Ol7} 346-7200 orr. cotLct d: l1l15/2oto li:so:(x)AM s.mpl.D:25i9082 N.n€ ol O.trtpl. l..b S5pl. lO: CdLdoi r.m L rd(e County: noga F*lllt/Poflnll lD: 117-20224 F.dlry: CHARIES SToCK t44o auFtclltyItm.: Loclilon: R.en: Pror.ct Aa.lldrd & y.l!: x.Hr L.e.l8€:t FON126 l-€!.13..1: FO2O727 FIX ID: 70752e 070467 117-20224 CIIARIES STOCK t4,lD s pl. L.llun: w.i.. $mpl. lr.dlum tyP.: W!i.r Coll€cl6d fw k tchon bp, Compklnl NOT INOICATED 942 W.l€r 12010035344 PE N_ SO UR CE &$lclD.lfu: O.llrs rwp V. 1. 1 Dato iruct l.bct Y€3 Y@ Analy{el Ropon For Oll s.met cqn l .nr Anstrze tor ADpe.r.n@: Wsl6t hsd s{c a 942 and Gr fgnr L.b samPl. lD: 11l15/201011:1,0:00AM t tidlty. somr sputt€rlno ctddy aPPoaEnc€ duo to nor6d at tap {h6n wat€. tuh6d on. Romovod .66tot pursed 5 minut.s Pdor ! WASIq BY rcP 01056A MAN6AI{ESE,IOIAL (WATER & WASTE) BY ICP TURBIOITY,NEPHELMETRIC tl012010 'r 0:46 Ar'l lcP' l111812010 10:46 AM PE N_ SO UR CE POTASSIUM, TOTAL (WATER & WASIE) AY 82079 1 11/r3/20101046AM 1O.l5A IRON. rOIAL {WATER A WASTE) AY lcP SPEC F C CONOUCTIVTTY @ 25.0 C " labmb.y b .c.r€dlb.l hry Ni NELAP. p€E Et r sM 25108 11l1cno10 02.17 PM ffiffi. ""!"d-lh*""rlt" ot**ted tlrs !*ty-" F-ld.d in thlF taboEklry r€adt €1.i6 onrv b tE s.mPl6(s) Idonun.d lh€6h- Unl€63 -"lttTNI"t sLnda.d, ss;pb was in .o.€prabb condhlon wh6n €6lvod bv lh. LaboElory' Any excepdons ab rh6 2ooo r d€not€! lesl. lhst ih€ l.bo€lory ls not .cd€dll€. fd Th. !o 6ampllng' €lt€'r@c' AU