cTs00111 Pennsylvania Departnant ol Environmantal Protaction Conlid€ntial lnvestigallon Report Page 1 ot 4 Complaint lnfofmation EP DOGO NCDO Hr Off ld: Complnt ld: Municipallty: 274235 Relatod Colnplnl Delmar Twp County: Enbred By: BARBARA L SANTONICO Other Confidential(Y/N): ogt1312010 Date ER R6lated Yes (Y/N): N Afrer Hourslnd (Y/N): Wilhin lhe past monlh the complainants water has become turbid and has a bad taste. TheyE noticed a bmwn precipitale settl€ oLrt in their weter. Hor.eowner says that well was sampled in past. Water is from a ddlled $€ll. Complainant belie\€s water has been impacted by nearby drilling acti\ity. Site Locatlon: R6spondble Partv lnlormation Ert: - Home Phone: Company Name: Mobilo Phone: Permltf: CounV: OP EN _S OU RC E Municipallty: Resgonse lntormation Priority: Program: Complaint Typ€: Date Resp Asdgned: 2 Oil & Gas Water Supply 09/1:/2010 DatE Reaponso Du€i 09127t2010 Dab First Relponso: 0911312010 Date Resolved: Date Reiorred: Refarrcd To: Comments: 01130t2012 lnspector: -lnspector .TERM N Acknowledged: 09/13/2010 V. 1. 1 Source: Date Receiv€di Abbrv. De5criptlon: Long Delcriplion: Mne lloga scheduled to sample the lyater suppty on 9/16. L TOKARZ Supewisor: JOHN W RYDER crsool11 Pennrylvania Dopartnent ot Environmonlal Ptoteclion Confi deniial lnwstlgalion R€port Page 2 ol1 lnvedoatlon lntorma0on Date lnvestn As.lgned: lnlpec{or: aFACTS lnspoc{on ld: lnvestigation Descriptlon: Ddt lnveClgat d:09/13/2010 Typo: Violation(Y/N): No lnvestigatlonld: 271588 OS/132O1O TERM L TOKARZ Phone Call On $1310 the complainant \isiled the Mansfeld ofice lo log his complaint. Ouring his (sit, I scheduled to sample his w.ter supply on 9-16-10. On 91G10 I sampled the complainant's waler supply (ddlled well) iv SAC V. 1. 1 942 parameteG, MBAS, tubldity. and methanelethane. The $/ater appeared slightly cloudy. ln addition, the complainant statod lhal his uiater supply is di;ini;hed and he's noticed a b@r/wvblack ptecipitaie in bathroorn fixtures l inbmed the homeolvner that we would contact him once samde reslrlts are .ffir ela An.r q.molind the comolarnanl's eraler v,ell w-as obset\€d The well cap was secured on the well at lhe FolloMnq the sampling, Jon Pennrngs and lconducted an inspection noled were Volations No n"rr.st iett tocation, tle Sl@k 144D \1'7'2A224) at this location. methane On 924-2010 the methandethane results we€ reve*ed- The concentElion was 12.8 mgy'L. him of the On $2&2010 I called Matt Mccui€, Easl Resources' to inform well ele\ated methane results in the complainants wdter OP EN _S OU RC E abod his sample On 1G1$10 the Complainant contacted me and inquired his water supply The in concentration methane resuiG. iinor.ea r'im or$€Iwould inc-s+z t"tg",""urt" u/erc noi complete ltold the complainant l results once I recei\ed them emailed Meti or t'" J"ia li. "ample "opila about mv methane results at tt'"lG iiE.i., i"!ii""*,"o, on lGlS1O East collecled a gas sample at analysrs. East also sampled thef lhee €sidence for isolopic water supply (4143 On 1G21lO Ir€Vewed the finished 942 sample results Chlorjde dnnking all abo\€ w€re (970 mgy'L) TDS yri and e"ti". 12j26 nglL) i *i- "r""i"'u"]" socrr:m (258 mdll and slrontrum (2 061 mgy'L) "aaitr-on. On 1G21-10 Penn E&R sampledlD water supPly' results fo' the On 11-$10 East Resorirces emailed the isotopic analysis *:::,;"gll inii-"ti* ;l",T1IH#';:j":J: atirring it l-,',ff'HT ffi 4i tt'e stock 144D site The stock 144D Decemb€r 2008' was ddlled in ""tivti"s \ertical ,r,elt "uout their 1G21_10 On 11-1110 East sent a copy of the samp{e rcsults from J".oiino *enr. chloride (332 mg/L) and IDS O84 mgr'L) are abo\'e Me's r'i"iii""J *. 9.7 mgy'L Sodium (229 mg/L) badum (1 83 mgy'L) and strodium {1.69mg/L) emained ele\ated. on 111t10 lsampled the cornplainant's \ /ater supply for SAC 942 Pennrylvenia Dspartnani of EnvlronDontal Protection Confi dential lnv€clgallon Report cTs0011l Page 3 of4 parameters, tubidiiy, and methane/ethane. I pro\ided copies ot the 91$10 and 1G2110 samde results cornpleted by the Departmenl and East Resources. I relieu/ed the sample lesults with the co.nplainant and explained immediately falling to 0% LEL. V. 1. 1 that baium, chlonde, and TDS u/ere abo\€ the ddnking urater standads. I also explained the safety concems associated wilh methane. A copy of the Department's fact sheet on methane in water wells M/as pro\ided lo the homeowner. ln addition, ser€€l PSU CoopeEti\€ Exlension publicalions vvere pro\ided to the homeowner to assisl with sarnple results inlerpretation, Fdlowing the sampling e\€nt, the home was monitored for methane. The basenrent, kiichen tap, and \€ll headspace t€re monitored. No methane was detected by lhe meter in lhe house (LEL €adings '{ere 0%). Upon remoing the u,sll cap, the meter had a \ery bnef detection of 0.1% bebre On 11-2+10 I re\ei,\cd the methane results frorn the 111S10 sampling e\€nt- The methane concentration v/as 11.7 mgr'L. On 12+10 lreliewed ihe completed SAC 942 sample results iiom the 11' 1t10 sampling eEnl. Chloride (436.7 mgt/L), Barium (2.067 mgy'L) and lDS (932 mg/L) r,!€re all abo\€ drinking water standads. ln addition, sodium (307 mg/L) and strcnlium (2.085 mg/L) were ele'Eted. On 12-1+10 East Resources emailed a copy of the v€ter well drilling records ftom Germania Well Ddlling. Germania Well Ddlling dnlled l w'ater rvell in 1965. ln the email, East stated that a drill pit is still !- OP EN _S OU RC E pad. The drill pit wtss €ncapsulated, howe\er present at the Stock 144 '.tcll no record u/as in the p€mit file to indicate that East had requested appm\El to solidiry the contents. A request to land apply the cultings was denied. On 12-1t10 Penn E&R collecied a second sample of the complainant's On 12-3G10 ldiscussed the complaint with our Depadment Geologist and requested assistance br idestigating this complaint. On 1-5-11, East emailed a copy of the sample results from th€ 12-1t10 sampling e\cnt. Ct oride (411 mg/L) and mS (873 mg/L)are abo\e MCL'SMethane wEs 4.4 mg/L. Sodium (250 mg/L), baiurn (1.78 mgr'L), and strcntium (1.gemg/L) remained ele\ated. On 1+11 I spoke with ths complainant. He requested a copy of East's sampl€ results, which lmailed to him later that day. On 1-7-11 I sent an ernail to my supeiiso. and an O&G Prcgram g€ologist summarizing the complaint inestig6tion so br and requesting assistance in turther in!€stigBtion egBding the w€t€r supply. on +1&11 I sampled the comdainant's M€ter supply br SAc 946, turbidity and methane/ethane. The complainant said that he had noticed a slight impolemenl in ihe clarity of his wator supply. I requested expedited sample lesults to determine whether the complainant's u/ater supply met ddnking $€ter standards. Alter sarnpling, I went to the Stock 1rl4 and conducted an inspeciion. A down gBdier monitodng ,r€ll has been installed b€lo$/ tho P€nnq'lvanla l)r!6rti6nt ot E Mronnantal Protac'tlon Conidand.l lnvEcigrdon R.Fo.t GTS0oi I Pag. 4 I ot,l Stock '1,14 u,€ll ped. Fdlouing ihe inspection. a Sh€ll employee in chargE of site construolio.l conirmed tha tho €ncapGulated cuttin$ fit vras €rno\cd in D€c6mb€. of 2010. On $911 I r€i6,r€d th€ sample re6ults and mailed coFies, along with a data V. 1. 1 summary table, to th€ comdainant. Oudng the psst t\^o sanpling e€nts (1215110 end 4/1&11) the barium concer ratioi was below th€ MCL. Mo€t Gc6ntty, it $/es '1.68mqy'L. IDS (802 mgr'L)and chlo.ide (305.8 mgr'L) remaln €le\,at€d, although lo er than preuous sampll4 er€nts. The methane concedralio.l u/as 11.4 mgy'L. I sern an email lo Shell and cofied Petm E&R irquidng vit€th€r th€ monito.ing vrell had b6en samd€d and rcqu€sted a cow ofthe rcsllts. On 97-1 1 SMI b^6ded the satnde rcsults frD.n the d.^^/r g -adient mohitodrE r€ll irEtalled Horv ttE Stock u€ll 9ite. The moiitorirE well rcsults exce€ded th€ Meximum Contaminant LeEls (MCL'S) fur ilDn and mang6nese, ho/veler u/as within ddnking water stgndarG for batium, chlodde and 1DS. On 1€G'12 a nonimp€cl determinatioo letter li€s senl to the complainant along with copi6 ofthe samde €sults. * OP EN _S OU RC E h End of R.po.t ffi pennsytvania 'oaoo^r"a", ot t*utao"t4ENTAL PBorEcrloN DISTRICT OIL AND GAS OPERANONS le: I V. 1. 1 1t1ol2ol2 Act 223, Section 208 Determination ComPlaintNo. 274235 DeLoaJ Township, Tioga County )err OP EN _S OU RC E degradation of)our watei supply w€ll located at The DeDarnoeDt has itrvestigared tbe possible ro a 9/1312016 clmplai.lt $x recent gas weU dilli-Dg ':: :es'poose Otr 9n 6i2010' I Ii 15/2010 and 4/18/201l ' the acdvities may have #ected your water well' submitted to the supply The s'mJ'les DeDaftldelt collectod sa$plas aomyo]lr hotrle watel ^w€{e rhe samples are ir Harrisburg for aralysis Tbe alalt'tical ft'?orts for ;#;#;lrb;;" -".-a;;ents rs' "rliia*"alt i,.u assi s! yor'r wir-b Dterpredng rhe ss'pl e r€sul $al ;u abov€ DE artoleqt st'ttdard'! Barirm The samole results sbowed several compouods elevated sample in the 9n6l2b10 s"nple and at 2 06? mg& in-the-11/15/2010 end rotal tevcl (l'{cl) of 2 me[- c}'loride "-u-i"ute int€rrted to reflect exceeded secondary McLs lrunarv^Mcls de tbe warrr (i.e, bealfr, wtile sJodary MclJ refl€cr rhe aesthetics of [di1ooallv, the mostecat saople results ftotn 4718/2011 showedyour 'ehane watet The lresence of dissolved metbade in f i.+ -g'I- in yort wal€t $PPly "t a u" tira"a to background maditioos At this time' the Departoent's yo* watet supplv' haicare tnx las wol ar rig has impaoted ;: ".,Xfi;;;;--,L ;il# ?;.Ji#ff; -*i-"#;;ildsiiDS) ;#ff#;;ffiaa ;;":;"ilil; ** i.**i ll.i"i""*** #H;;;ilt; gas Fedet:alwater staldard limitztioDs have Moffane is tle piedominant coroponert oftrahnal merhatre, ;netlqne g:as. The.level of coDcsrD. begil1s above 28 '1gA pressrne' tbe ataospheric normal rnder u:e sat':.-ation tevel At fis level' of the out gas cooe ro mettrane io sohrtioo Ttis may allow Se daager of ^aa."onal in tbc air space of you: home or building. Tbo e is a physical aDa-*o*"*" iuto soils d* r.le nigratron of r'anrral gas inro water wells or-througb ft1t are presor in most bomes'ibuildirgs Na'rural of aqhyxiatioD' alfiough rlis is extroely rae' i*-"^-a"l "-"" " geate! \an ? mg4' we lotify the water js WheD the Departmelt made awate of meth-a:rr levels u"r.a" sssociarEd Fidr methatre i! tleir \oaier supply. Please be awue *"r"r" lwel c*E fluctuate This E€arrs that ev€a wi& a relativelv low l"iTil Ju'.lJo, ;;;; ;;; t* ii*"Jr_.ii"ii #ii t ;;.;;;;; il--Jl"?J#; ;;a-u.Gatv **""' **" L "r".'J #.#i,;, ;; ;;.rbilvels 5oO GatE$6y Drive 570.662.0830 Far 570 662 0843 P@d I $ansneu, PA s Revd.i bea \5d 16933 wW.dePweb.sLale Pa us -2- lBoDot2 ofmethanq po shouftl be vigilant of cb@ges iD wa1€( thal could itrdicate a[ itrGease itr DethaDe ootrceatratiol ',o1lr V. 1. 1 ft is the Deparfmcnt's recoomendation tbat alt wat€r n'ells should. be €qui?ped wi$ a wo*itrg venl This wiJl help allEyiate tlc possibility ofcoDc€otatilg tlese gas€s ia areas whae iguition would pose a tlreat to life or property, Pleasa mte tlat it is Dot lrossible to coEpletely elimiD,aie thelEzEds ofhsvilg aatEal gas itr youl watls supplyby simply vurtiug your wcll. Should )ou have ally quqstions conceraitrg this Eratler, pleasg feel Aee to coDtart me &t 570662-0835. Sinccrely, ' .4 0 zr -'t -JillA4.J)bt44< 0 I OP EN _S OU RC E Ttr'a Tokgz Wat€( Qudity Spcsialist Oi-l @d Gas Merg.o.at Enc,losurcs: I$oratory Alalytical Rcsqlrs 'How to Ide[p!€t A Wstet A$lysis RAod' : cc: Jertmy DoieJ. SWEPI, LP Wllliarn Kosrlct, P.c. Cooplabt File