PennsrlvaniaDepertnentofEnvironmontalProtction Conlldential lnvestigation Report CTS001l'l Pag€ 1 of3 Complaint lnformalion EP DOGO NCDO Dst Of Complnl ld: 2817/4 Municlpality: Enler6d By: Related Complnt Source: Delmar To nship RUTH E PRIESIER Phone Call Dat6Received: 0712112011 County: ldi None lloga Confdential(Y/N): Y (Y/N): N Date Acknowladgedi ER Related Afrer Hours lnd (Y/N): Y al nejghbo/s tand that Terra Tokaz in\€stigaged Sito Location: q-lEF Rer.'oniblo Partv lnformaiion NAmoi IJNKNOWN Home Phone: 717-278-9056 company Name: SHELL oll 101 WESTHUNTING PARK Address: AVENUE PHILADELPHIA, PA 19140 Munlcipality: Work Phone: - Mobite phon€: _ PeTmiS: County: V. 1. 1 Abbrv. Descdption: Cislem is milky and bpring source s muddy Long D€scrlptlon: water fom his cistem is milky. His spdng source is muddy. Appalachia is ddlling a pipeline from one side of mountain to the other. Wo.k is-r from his house and cistem. Complainant stated Shell had bentonite release Priority: Program i Complalnt OP EN _S OU RC E Resgonse lnfoamation 2 Oil & Gas Typ€: Date Rosp Arsl9n6d Dat6 Re8ponso Due: Dat€ Flrst Response: Dat€ Rerolvod: Dato Refonod: Returrad To: Comm€nts: lnspector: Water Suppty 07/2212011 08/05/2011 07/2512011 0911512011 IERRA L TOKARZ Supowisor: JEREMY R DANTEL Ext: _ Penns lvania Doparlment of Environmehtal Frotoc'llon Confi denliel lnv6dgation Report cTs001'11 Page 2 of 3 lnvastl gatlon lnformalion Date lnvsdn Ai6lgnod: lnspector: 0712212011 ]ERRA L TOKARZ eFACTS ln96c1ion ld: 07/2t2011 Violalion(Y,N): lnvestigationldi Yes Type: Sitevisit 280226 On 7/21111 the Department rccei\€d a call f'om the comdainanl stating lhat his spring water had tumed milky in appearance. The call was ecei\€d afrer houls and handled by Em€r!€ncy Response. The complainant also contacted Shell to notifiy lhem of his impaired water supply. At the time, Shell w"s boring und€meath Heise Run as paft ot the Wellsborc Pink Pip€line PKiect (ESX1G1174137). On 7/19/11 the Department recei\€d an email fiom Shell had they had b€€n made aware ofa loss ofcirculalion 6\€nt on the Wellsboro Pink Pipeline. Tlis email notifcation was nol rece\ied by Departmenl steff untjl 7/25111. V. 1. 1 lnvedigation De3cription: tlate lnvestigaledi On 22211, Shetl stafi responded to the complainani's residence Pipeline bodng ope€tions werc ceased that moming around 1000 hrs. The same day Sanitarian Supenisor, Joe Sulikoski, sampled the water supply. l-le collecled (2) 1000m1 botll€s fi'om the kitchen lap. Oil and Gas Prcgram staffwe@ not a\ailable due to an out of the area training. Shell pm\,ided the complainant's with altemeti\e accomodations o\€r th€ g/eekend ur il a potable water supply OP EN _S OU RC E On 7/2y11 I contacted the comdainanl. He stated that he irsi noticed that his water was tutid Thu€day moming (7/21). Next I called Shell Bet\€en 'lhu6day O/21) ed Ftlday (7122), Shell had been contacted by two landovliers (one was the complainant) regarding water supply impacls The anO did not contact lhe second landolmer also li\es on G Depadment to inlestigate. The sarno day, I conducted a site isit to collect wdter samples lJpon afiivng at the residence, Bradlbrd Sanitation, Moody and Sh€ll peGonnel were there. Bradicd Sanitation was in lhe process of hooking up an altemati\e vvater supply to the home. Moody had collected a water sample from the spdng tank info$, and was taking lield tubidity tests. I sampled the water supply in two locations (basemenl ulility sink before sediment flter and spring tank iniow) hr SAC 946, turbidity and methane/eihane The ulility sink was pu€ed lor I minutes. The water was initially brolvn and then cleared up dudng plJrging. The spring iank is located in a u/ooded area upgradient of the residence. Bentonite v/as obse^ed in the le\el area where the spdng surtaces prior to being captured by a line which con\€ys the water to the spdng tank. I sampl€d the inffow line where it llo/vs into the spdng tank. Moody staffwere a\eilable,4hile sampling and estimated spnng no / to be around 1.5 gpm. The feld turbidity test completed by Moody was 22 NTU Following sampling, Matt Nuss, Water Quality Specialist, and I walked o\er the complainant's residence. to the Wellsbolo Pink PL pdect llD Boring operations lvere ceased. No e\idence of t€ntonite was obsened on the westem po.tion of the pipeline prqect abo\e Heise Run Estimated distance from the operation terminus and ihe complainant's spring is appmximately t, per Moody's GPs unit. The same day I transfened the semples collected by Joe Sulikoski into the SAC 946 analysis apppopriate bottleware and submitted the samples By the end of the day, Brdclford Sanitation had compleled hook up of lhe aliemati\e waier slpply to lhe codplainant's residence- i P.nnrylvanla Dapa.tnent ot Environmantal Prctacdon Conf dantlal lnvealigadon Repori On 7/2d11 Shell protided MSDS she€ts to stop the lo6s of circulation. brlhe additi\€s crs@l1l Pago 3 of3 used during boring Oo 7i27l11 lcontacted the seco.d landorner to inquie wfiether he M,!(lld llke the D€paftm€r to in€stigal€. The landovrier declined, saying that he wtss satisfed with Shdl's response. By that pdnt, Shdl had cleaned out both the la€e and srr all spdrE box€s at lhe second lando /r€/s rcsideice. V. 1. 1 Shell had also sampled the {6t0. supdy, p.o'id€d bottled ,.,/ater and contln!€d lo conduct field tlrtidity testing. t.,9as contacted by €nother lando\Nier who has uater dghts to th€ spdng omed by the second landowner mentioned abo\€. ll€ 6tat€d that h^/o hornes and '13 trailers utilize the spdng. Neither of the tv,! landowneB (b€sid€s the cornplainant) @qu€sted that the Departmenl in\€stigate, I plo\ided the narne and addrcss of th€ owner (second landowneo to o(lr Water Supdy pogram. The sahe day I co.rducted an insp€ctio.r of the Wellsboro Pink PL on the east side of Hsse Flun whe€ the boring operation had been. No one was a\ailabie dudng my inspection (#). FollowirE the inspection, I ficked up prs ddll data pro\ided by th€ corndainant.. On 712U11 I OP EN _S OU RC E The complainanl's wat6r supply ryas samded m 92910 and t31/1'1. gas€d upon the sample rcsults, th6 cornplainaht's w€ter supdy met ddnking wEter stendards both limes- 9/1t2011. A new \rell $€s drill€d and treatment was po\ided for the water supply. No d€terminatjon letter v/as sent, since this $/iater supply wEr afected by ftpeline actitties. The comdsinant w€s gilen copies of lhe sample lesults. This complaint is clo€€d. * End ot Report *