cTS001'll P6nnsrlvania Oopartnenl ot Environm.nt l Proteclion Confi dentiel lnvedgation RePorl Page I ot 2 Comolaint lnformation koff Abbrv. Descrlption: Long Descrlption: 287447 Delmar Twp RUIH E PRIES'IER Phone Call oao7lm12 R6lated Complnt ld: County: Confidenlial(Y/Nli ER Rolated MN): Dat Acknowlodged: N Afte. Hours lnd (Y/N): N methane in water suPPlY Methane in water supply. Shell sampled the wdter supply recently. Resulls sho €d an ele\ated melhane concentration Shell notiied the DePartment on 317112 Sit€ Loca0on: Resoondble Partv lnformation Namei Home Phon6: Company Name: Addres6: None Ioga arara Ert - o"ro*"^ Mobilo Phone: Permld: County: MunicipaliV: V. 1. 1 EP DOGO NCDO Complnt ld: Municipality: Enlered By: Sourc€: Dale Received: Priorit: OP EN _S OU RC E Regonse lntormallon Program: ComplaintTyPe: 2 Oil & Gas Water Supply ReT Aslgned: o3J0712012 Respons. Due: 0312112012 First Response: Rasolved: DalE Referred: R€ferred To: Comm6nts: 03t0812412 Date Date Data Date lnspoctor: 0310912012 i=** .. ro*o* Supervisor: JEREMY R DANIEL P6nnrylvanla Dopartnont ot Envlonmantal Protacdon Confi d.ntrl lnt,ldglton Rapon cTs00ltt P.ge 2 of2 lar'td.rrdon lniom.6on 090712012 TOKAM Irale lnve.b Aslgnad: ln-!pecloc oFACTS ln.pecdon ld: TERRA L lnverdgrdon Doerlpdon: On Date lnv.sdgated: 0308/2012 Typo: Phone Call Violadon(Y/Nl: tlo lnvedgadoo ld: 287l€2 3tl2012 Shell notif€d the Depsitment that the comdainant has tnethane ln hls water 6upply. Sh€ll hd s€mpled the \a/atsr supply as part of a water supdy samdi.E elb.t in associatlon with th€ Stock 144 u'dl p6d. the dt 2.U Stock 1,14 r4€ll pad. V. 1. 1 mglilr6than€ was Clgtected in the m€thane conc€fitratioi v€s n'€ll hesdsp6co at gr€at€r then 100% LEL l.lt pr€drill data !v?s a\eibue ftr th6 complainant's \ /at€r supply, which is apporlmat€ly 1900 ft€t from the ln €sponse to the methane concentrdtiol and headspaoe rcadirEs, Shell has installed methans m€ters in tho home and a \€nt on the water \ ,€ll Shell has initiated a runine mothano mo.itoairE Fog'am as pa of their on{Eing inFstig€tioar. On 3412 I contacted the complainant. HE !,/as pleased with Shell's Esponse and declined an inEstigation ry the Department. I po\id€d the cornplainaaf my ptlong numbea in the e\€rt he has questioals d concems End ol Rapo.f * OP EN _S OU RC E *