cTs00fi1 Pennsylvanla Department ot Environm€ntal Protection Confi dential lnvesligetion Report Page 1 of 3 Colnplaint lnformation EP DOGO NCOO Dstr Otr Entered By: Source: Date Received: Abbrv. Description: Long Description: 290934 Rslated Compint ld: DelrnarTownshlp RUT}.] E PRIESTER Phone C€ll Countyl Confidential(Y/N): ER Related (Y/N): 07t2312012 Date Acknowledged: sirong sultur odor in waler supply Slrcng slltur odor in water supply \ery red and he had sand n hrs Pa rtv Informatjon JAMES SEWELL Home Phone: Company Name: - Work phone: SWEPI LP (FORMERLY EAST RESOURCES MGI\,47 LLC) 190 THORN HILL RD Att€r Hours lnd (Y/N): 724-77246A0 2A1-731-3287 WARRENDALE. PA 15086 Mobile Phono: Permit#: Municipality: N Complainant also stated that his water is heater when he drained it Site Location: Responsible 276266 'Iioga V. 1. 1 Complht ld: Municipality: Allegheny County: OP EN _S OU RC E Response Infonhation Priorityl Program: Complaint Type: Dat€ Resp Assigned: Date Response Due: Date Fird Respons€: Oate Resolved: 2 Oil & Gas Waler Supply 07t23t2012 o8to612012 o7123t2012 09t1912012 Date Referred: Referred To: Comments: ,a** , to**, Supervisor: JEREMY R DANIEL Ext: - cTs00111 Pennsylvanla Departnent of Environmental Ptotsc{ion Conf dentia I lnwsdgation Report Page 2 of 3 lnveciqadon lnformatlon Dale lnvostn Asjgned: loapec{o.: eFACTS lnsp€cton ld: I nvedigation Descripiionl o7l2a2o12 L TOKARZ 'IERM DaG lnvedigated: 071232012 Violaton(Y/t0: No 291685 lnvesligationld: ls Type: Phone call concems with his waier suppty. He st€ted that since May he's had a strong sulfur odo' lhat hasnl gone away. His waler also looks red. Recently he drained the hot water ;nk and ;and came out. The complainant stated that he has shock I spoke wirh the compleinant on 7123112 rcgatding chlodnated th€ w€ll twice since June V. 1. 1 enanoed to sanole the water supply on €l/1/12 1 contacted Shell to make them ;/are of the complaint and lo inbm lhem ol lhe sample dateltime' I On 8/1/12 I conducted a site \isit and sampled the w€ter supply Samples water is193t 1315 ,,"ere coltecled fiom the outdoor spigot aner purging the ard a clear ftor ogOo hrs - O93O hrs The ! rater supply apo€ared .rrJ" stiitrt' mrneratlaciAic odor was presenl Tl'e complalnant showed me a nnrch he had drained from hrs hot water -i"n;mai a.ounr of "anA sand was laQe grained and inegular in shape lank The the water supply twice The complainant stated that he had shock chlo'inated He also mentioned that approximately 2 *iiii"-t''" i""t se\eral mofilhs OP EN _S OU RC E vsit that the water had been \ery red with a 'thick' ,*"r" pi"il" tv at.ng sulfur odor accompanied tl'e rcd waler' He seid ,oo""lan"". I i v"r," iiiiJot"r,t". tr'i *ur-appears more clear and has almost a grav healy /ell vrhtch was drilled in 1982 by '26 During a sepaBte complaint' ctl ol lnio*'w"'i oi'ri"g to " i.pth had alwavs had a high iron water supplv the that skLd li" years ago The loicent;tion anO that a iton remo\61 system $€s installed ;;mplainant had limited predillsampling co'npleted on 10/31/'10' The comolainanls waler sripply is {rom a \ llipi"i"-t 466 operdted The closest oas $€ll pad lo lhe w?ter supply is the Boadb€n( rocalion: the 1v (117lhrs al @lrs ha€ been dnlleo -"",.1 on 9/9/10; lhe sHB (117-21414) was .:;:;;;;i-it iitiiitl r; 6/r4i 10 ard d'illed bet\'€en 4;20/12 ."ri i,iirri.-orr"J *,,v spnng 2012 and stimuraled srte lo tl'e complainanl's iiii i.-lpp.ti."* cabinislD t oi"unce 6m B'oadberl well comoleted sarrple rgsulls were recer\€d on .tandards br rron and 8/1912 Jle water suoplv rron \a€s 0 35. marsanese ;;;;";;d;; ;. Maxir1um cortarrinant Le\€l (sMcL) ol secordary -"i. "li.i t"is".L; whrch exceeds the sMcL ol 0 0s ij.i'"lii.- "i)o*ta";s o oo mgr' nucl' lower than molL."Both fne-iron anC manganese concerl€t:ons $€'e bv the conducred elem #;;".rt";;;; i; Ge sizzt t samptins tr-e'-tron v/as with a seoarate complairt At.lhal t t'* ii,'s,ivras""2.38 l'[TlJ Thewasslanoaro or frTlJ"J sample o"li.lnt i. "".o"iai* mansanese 1 I jli, ffi..{ft:J; surtace water sources' presence absence of e coli colilorms but The bactedolog:cal @sults Indicate ','"-': iiiffi. lerroomt) *":".?" n:,::J:::[:!ilXifi: fi: btlt absent related bacteria in a low amounl Pennrylv.nlaDopattnantolEnvironmentalProtec{on Confi dantial lnvedgadon Repo.t CIS()O111 Page 3 hetero plate count was 3(ymL. E.coli and total colilbams ,,\€re abs€r{ in preddll sample co.nd€ted on l0/31/10. ol3 tt€ b Although there appoaF to a sohe frucluatjoi in sereral pa.Emeter concentratio[s, the ml2 results indlc€te b€tter uat6r quality than the 2011 samdg. Although the comdaint ras r€cei\ed within a year of ddlling and stimulatioi acti\ities at the Brcedbent 466 well site, the location of the r €ler suppty is beyond the pr*umpti\€ distance qllD complainant on 9/19/12. End of R.port t OP EN _S OU RC E * V. 1. 1 A non-impact d€tofinination letter, copies of the sahpte resutts and fBct she€ts to assist with int€n elation of the results u€re mailed to the WB,f-iln.ft[l-Y,il3;3,,"" Re: V. 1. 1 September 19,20t2 58 Pa.C,S $ 3218 Determination Complai l No,290934 Delmar Township, Tioga County Dear The Deparhncnt has investigated the possible degradalion ofyour water supply well located at in response to a July 23,2012 complaint tbat recent gas well drilling activities may harc affected your water supply rvell. OnAugust 1,2012, the Depar{ment collected samples from your secondaly residence water supply. The samples were submitted to the Departmenfs lsboralory in Harrisburg for analysis, The anal,,tic€l reports for the samples are included, as vell as documents tbat will assis( you with itterpreling the sample results. OP EN _S OU RC E The sample results showed several cornpoundA clcvated above Department siandards. kon wss prcscnt at 0.35 mg/L which exceeds the secondary maxidrum contaminate level (SMCL) ofo.3 mg/L. Manganese was preseBt at 0.06 mg/L which exceeds lhe SMCL of 0.05 mg/L. prirnary MCLS are intedded to t€fiect potcntial dangers to hurnan health, while secondary MCLS rcflect the aesthctics ofthe water (i.e. taste, sm€ll, etc.). At this time, ihe Depaim€nt's investigation does not indicate tbat gas we[ drilling has impacted your secondary residcnce water supply. Should you have any questions conceming tbjs m6tter, please feel fiee to contact me at 5?0-662-0g35, Sincerely, "ful-q CaAr^J Terra L. Tokarz Water Quelity Specialisl Oil and GEs Management EnclosulesI fu bomtory Anallticai Results '!Iow to Interpret A Water Analysis Report" Jerany Dsniet William Kosmer, P.G. Complaint File # 290934 60o.6atewargrtveFi!rtgfl 570,662.0830 eltr+Ft6933_ Far 570.662.0843 www.depweb.stat6.pa,us ",",.r""".*.rr.",s Date of rssue: 0B/19/2012 t2 OBt13 B'reau of IJaboratories - Halrisburg P. O. Box 1467 2575 Interstate Drive PAGE DEp pA 17105_1461 Cohtact phone Nunber: l:-llJ 346-7200 Analytical Report fOR Oif And Gas Mgnt rD: 25L9 3L3 sampte Nane of Sample Coltecto!: Terra L status: Tokarz Date Sanple was Colfected: OB/OL/2072 O9:30:OO county: Tioga Itunicipality: Delmar Tlrp Medium : Water sanple Medium Type: !{ater Location: Outdoor spigot Reason: Complaint rr.. ff;::3.':;:i AM state: pA compt eted PE N_ SO UR CE Sa&ple 3 V. 1. 1 Hatlisburg, I of suPPlv ffom outdoor spigot from ogoo - 0930 hrs. slisht acidic odor nored. sampte cotlecred Appealance: lvater appealed clear. Labolatoly Sample ID: I2OL2O2337O standard Analysls: 946 Iegal Seaft IO4424t Seal: f044242 legal Seal: f044243 Le9a1 Test Coctes,/CAS* Intact: fntac!: Intact: - Description comPLeted yES yES yES Reported Resu.Its Date Ancl Ti.me analyzed Analyst Test Method Ana LYllca I RePort fOR And Gas Mgmt OiI Sanple ID:2519 Test Codes/CAS* - DescriPtj'on OO94OA 00 937A !a 25.0 c ALKALINITY BROMIDE MAGNESIUM T ALUMINUM T CALCIUM T POTASSIUM T 0113 2A LITHIUM T* 00929A SODIUM T 010 010 9 2A 5 5M 01007M 0104 5M 01082M 10300 820'19 00530 0114 ?H 010 02H 00945A ZINC T Mn in MG/L Ba in MG/ L FE iN MG/L sr in TDS G MG/L 180 C TURBI DITY T rled SUSP SOLID SELENIUM T ARSENIC T SULFATE T l MGIL MG/L 7.1PH units 535.00 umhos/cm i ComPleted Date And Time Analyzed 08/10/2012 11:51 08 /03/2012 09:58 a8 /a2/2A12 06.48 I MG/L MG/L 0. 103 MG/L 30. <0,2 <200 uG/L o.26A MC/L <1.00 MG/L <25 \JG/L 124.000 MG/L 16.000 uclL 0.06 MG/L MG/L 0.35 MGIL <0.01 MG/L 422 MG/L <0.01 2. 38 NTU <5 MG/L <'t uGlL <3.0 uG/L 224 .6 MG/L Analyst PM CRADEK AM RWHEELER GDELONG PM Test Method sM 4 500-cL SM 234 O B sM 4500H-B 03:05 PM GDELONG SM 25108 06:48 PM GDELONG SM 23208 05:19 PM FVODOPIVECEPA 3OO. O 09: 58 AM RWHEELER EPA 200.7 09: 58 AM RWHEELER EPA 200.7 08 /a3 / 2012 09: s8 AM RWHEELER EPA 200.7 a8 / 03 /2012 09: 58 AM RWHEELER EPA 2OO. ? 08/03/2Ar2 09: 58 AM RWHEELER EPA 2OO. ] aa/03/20t2 09: 58 AM RWHEELER EPA 2OO. ? 08/03/2012 09:58 AM RWHEELER EPA 200.7 ae /a3/ 2412 09:58 AM RWHEELER EPA 200.7 a8/03/20t2 09: 58 AM RWHEELER EPA 200.7 08 /o3/2072 09:58 AM RWHEELER EPA 200.7 RIIHEELER EPA 200.7 aa /03 / 2012 09: 58 AI{ 08/02/2012 12:00 AM LWILKINSONSM 2540 C a8 /02 /2A12 12:59 PM TVOROBEYCHEPA 180.1 oa / 02 /2012 12:00 AM LWTLKINSONUSGS I-3765 o8 / t5 /2012 03:58 PIq DSOLENBERGEPA 200,8 0a / 15 /2012 03: 58 PM DSOLENBERGEPA 200.8 08 / r0 /2012 02tI5 PM BKROVTC EPA 375.2 0a/01/2072 a8 /02 /2412 o8 /a2 / 20\2 oa / 03/2012 08 / o3/2012 PE N_ SO UR CE 900 Hardness T 004 03 PH ir Comment ** Time Limit Eor TesE sPc Bepo Resul I s 13.6 CHLORIDE 00 0009s 00410 ?1870 00927A 01105A 00916A Sta!us 313 2of3 V. 1. 1 PAGE Analytical Reporl FOR oil And Gas ttgn! Sanple ID: 2519 373 3 of V. 1. 1 PAGE 3 Sta!us: Conpleted lesufts of Ehe analyses provided in this laboralory lepor! reLate only to the sanple(s) identified in lhe report. unless otherwise noted, the results presenled on this laboratory report nee! alI Ehe requireftents of The NELAC Institute (TNI). Sample !,,as in acceplable condilion uhen leceivecl by the Laboratory. Any excepiions are noted in the report. Tests noted with an "*" are not included in our NJ NELAP Annual Certified Parameter LisE. PE N_ SO UR CE The Taru Upadhyay, Technj,cal Djrector, Bureau of Laboratories Date of Issue: OB/I3/2OL2 OItOA:O3 DEP Bureau Of Laboratories - llarrisburg P. O. Box 1467 2575 Interstate Drive contact Phone Number: l'll'l ) 345-12OO I'OR Oi1 And Gas Mgmt sample status: conPfeled ID: 25Lg 3L4 of Sanple Collector: Terra ! Tokarz Date sample was collected: 08/Ol/2072 09:35:00 Alt Name Medium sLdEe: PA TwP : l{ate! Sanple Medium Type: water r Outdoor spigot Reason a Comp.laint PE N_ SO UR CE Tioga County: Municipalj.ty: Defnar Location 3 PA 17105-1467 Analytical RePort Sample I of V. 1. 1 Harrisburg, PAGE water suppty purged froh 09oo - o93o hrs fron outdoor splqot. No effervescence noEed. sligh! acidic odor present. sampl.e collected fron outdoor sPigot aftet Purging. Appearance: water appeared clear. laboratory Sample ID: O2O1-2OO'7549 suite: METH LegaI SeaI: I044244 Legal Seal: I044245 Intact: InLact: Test codes/cAs* - Descriptj.on 14ga6 74a2a ?4a4o p!opane Methane Erhane Compleeed YES YEs Reportecl Results t4.2 uc/L IUJ 2'1 .2 uG/L 1,2.4 tJG.L lu) Date And Tilne Analyzecl Analyst lest Method /2OI2 O2tO0 aI4 DACLEMENS BO! 8016019 /o't /201-2 o2:o0 r\M DAeLEMENS BoL 8016019 OA/O1/2O12 O2:OO I+t DACLEMENS BOL AOL60I9 Oe og /O'l PAGE 2 of 3 Sanple ID:2519 314 status: V. 1. 1 Analytical Report FOR OiI And Gas Mgmt Complelecl lesults of the analyses provided in this Iaboralory leport relate only to the sanple(s) identified in lhe reporE. Unless otherwise noted, the resul!s presenlecl on this laboratory report meet all the requirements of ?he NEIAC lnstitute (TNI). Sample uas in acceptable condition l\lhen received by the Laboratory. Any exceptions are noted in lhe lepor!. Tests noted wj.Lh an "*" are noi included in our NJ NELAP Annual Certified ParameEer List. The PE N_ SO UR CE Taru Upadhyay, Technical Director, Bureau of Laboralories Analytical Report FOR oil Ancl Gas Mgnt Sample ID: 2519 Slatus: 314 Compleled ORGANICS LABORATORY QUALIFIERS U - Indicates analysis uas perfolned fo! the compound but it The sample quantitaiion limil is reported. was N not delecled. but PE N_ SO UR CE J - Indica!es an estinated vaIue, below lhe quanLificalion Iinit, above lhe method deleclion linit. Indicales plesunptive evidence of a conpound. B - This flag is used uhen the analyle is found in lhe associated blank as uefl as in the sample. E - This flag identifies conpounds whose concentrations exceed the calibrallon range of the insErurnenL for that specific analysis. P This flag is used with a target analyte when there is greater lhan a 253 difference between the resufts oblained from the prinary and confirmation columns for dua.I column anal,ysis melhods (i.e. pesticides, triazines, PCBS, etc) . The reporled value is lhe average of the llro results. 0 - This flag identifies lhe average of multiple resu.lls fron nultiple analyses, or lhe average of the averaqes of dual colunn analysis nethods. _ 3 of 3 V. 1. 1 PAGA (Underline) - The conpound is presen! a! the anount reporied. No flag. X - Non-target analytes co-e]uLe v{ilh compound. Identification unabl.e lo be confirmed, Date of Issue: 0g/13/2012 Oi:OBt04 Laboratolies - Harrisburg PAGE DEP Buleau Of P. O. Box 146? 1 Of 2 Contact phone Nunber: l.tl].l 346-1200 Analytical Report Oil. And Gas FOR Mgmt sanpfe IDi 2519 3I5 Status: Conpleted of Sample Collector; Terra ! Tokalz Date Sampte was Collected: OA/OL/2OL2 O9:3?:OO Narne Sample AM State: pA Twp Mediurn i Water Iype: tfater Samp1e Mediurn Location: outdoor spigot Reason: Complaint PE N_ SO UR CE County: Tioga Municipality: Delnar V. 1. 1 2575 fnterstate Drtve Hallisburg, pA 17105-1467 water suPply at outdoor spigot flon 09OO - 0930 hrs. slight aciclic odor noted. Analyze for total - -Purged feca.I coliforms, iron/sutfur bacteria, ana hetero plate count. Exact count. and Appearance: t{ater appea red clear. Laboratory sample ID: B2AL2OA1B8G Standard Analysis: B01? Legal Seal: 1044246 Test cocres,/cAs# Intacti - Description Ecolr-cHR/FL ry9lcr 31751 HETER. Pour plate 'LATE methoct r,rith pCA yES Reported ResulEs