PennsylvaniaDepartmentolEnvironmentalProtection Confidentlal lnvestigation Report cTs00111 page 1 ot 2 Comolaint lntormatlon EP DOGO NCDO Dstr Off ld: 295299 Municipality: DelmarTolvnship Entered 8y: RUIH E PRIESTER Source: Phone Call Date Received: 03/13/2013 Complht Related Corhplnt Countyt Conf td: 287014 ]ioga dentiat(Y/N): Y (Y/N): N Date Acknowl€dged: ERRetated Afler Hours tnd (y/N): N V. 1. 1 Abbrv. Description: bubbles in water and residue once il settles Long Description: Relaled complaint #287014. SWEP , LP notifed Department on 3/13/13 that complainant had contacled them with concems about her waler supdy, Complainant stated thal water has bubbtes in it and aRer it set es lhere is a residue. She also stated that hertongue would bum when she d€nk water to lake a medicalion. There is also a rust-cotored ring in the toitet. Sile Location: R€spondble Partv lnformation OP EN _S OU RC E Name: JAI\4ES SEWELL Home Phon6: Work Phone: 72+772€600 Company Name: SWEPI LP (FORMERLY EAST RESOURCES MGMT LLC) Address: zot-trtn2al 190 THORN H LL RD Moblle Phone; pA *ARRENDALE, 150g6 Permi6: Municipatity: A eqheny County: Response Informatlon PrioriV: Program: 2 ComplaintType: Date Date Date Date Date WaterSupply Assigned: 03/13/2013 Due: 03/2712013 Reponse: 03/13/2013 c/.109t2013 Resp Response Flrsl Oil & Gas Resolved: Referred: Referred To: Comments: lnsp€ctor: TERRA L TOKARZ Supervisor: JEREMY R DANIEL Ext - Pennsylvania Oeparbnent of Environmental Protection Confi denlial lnvestigation Report cTs00'111 Page 2 ol2 lnveEiqation lntormation Date lnve$n Asdgned: lnspeclor: eFACTS lnsp€ction ld: lnveEi gation Oescription: Oatelnve*igated: 03/13/20'13 Type: Phone Call 0u1v2013 .IERM Violalion(Y/N): lnvestigationld: L TOKARZ No 299220 On 3i13l13 SWEPI, LP notifed the Department that lhey had recei\€d a water supply complaint. The same day, I contacted the complainant. She siated that her water has bubbles in il thal attach to a side of a glass. She also said her water made her tongue bum when she took medication and that a rusttolored nng had deleloped in the toilel. V. 1. 1 The complainanl had pre\iously contacted SWEPI in February 2012 with similar concems. Dldng the 2012 in\,estigation (related complaini *F287014) SWEPI, LP sampled the water supply. At thal time. lhe water supply met dnnking wEter standards. As such, the Department determined lhat there was no impact and no further inlesligalion was necessary. On 3/18/13 I sampled the water supply for SAC 946 paramelers (2519-427), methane (251$428) and bacleria (2519429). T}le water was purged fiom the kitchen tap ftom 1317 - 1335 hou6. The water appeared clear and had no efien€scence or odor. Samples were collected at the kilchen tap (aerator remo\ed) as the€ was no open pod on the pressure tank. Melhane monitoring was conducted while purging, No deteclions \ /ere made, I obsened lh€ toilet. A red rng was noled in the bowi. The comdainant said it took about e week or so for the dng to delelop. A OP EN _S OU RC E rcvew of lhe 2/16112 and 3/18/13 postdrill sample results shows no primary or secondary l\raximum Contaminant Le\€ls (MCL'S)were erceeded. Methane was flol detecled in the Departmenl s sample. The water supply meets dnnking water standards for inoeanic parameters. Baclerialogical rcsults indicate that ron rcducing bacteia is present in a mode€le amount and the total coliicrm counl was 100/100 mL. The hetero plate count $€s 66/mL- The sample wtss absent icr e.coli and sulfile reducing bacteria. A non-impact delemination letter, copies of the sample results, lnformation on how to interpret the resulls and facl sheels on shock chlorinalion of ddnkinq water wells were mailed to the complainant on 4/9/13. '" End of Report'" pe nnsylvania OEPARTI,lENT OF ENVIBONI'lENTAL PROTECTION DISTRICT OIL AND GAS OPERATIONS Re: V. 1. 1 April9,2013 58 Pa.C.S $ 3218 Determination complaint No. 295299 Del$a! ToNoship, Tioga CouDtY OP EN _S OU RC E The Depallment h3s investigated lhe possible degndalion of your water sulply rvell locat€d at , in response io a complaint that rec€ff gas well drilling activities trlay hsve affect€d your water supply well. On March 18, 2013, lhe Depaiment collected samples from your home water supply. The saoples were submitted to the DepartEeDt's laboratory in Earrisburg fo! asalysis. The aaalytical reports for ihe samples arc includ€4 as well ss documeots that Ivill assist you vith interF€tilg the sarnple results, The saEpls results sholvcd all tested palametels met applicable Maximum Cortarniaenl Levels (MCts) for compourds which au MCL exisls. At this time, the D€paltment's investigatiou does mt hdicate that gas well dtilting has impacted your home wate. supply. shoutd }!u have aoy questions conceming this 6atter, plerse feel free to contact me at (5?0)662-0835. Sil1cercly, k:a4 Water Quality Specialtt Oil and Gas MamgemeDt Etrcloswes: l,aboratory AD.llytical Results "Hov to lnterpret A Water Analysis Rao!t'' Jeremy Daoiel William Kosmeq P.G. Colllplaint Fil6 # 295299 600 Gateway Drive I Mansfleld, PA 15933 570.662.0830 Fax 570.562.0843 .""*""".r".r**@ Date of Issue: 03/30/2073 O4;O3tO7 DEP Bureau Of l,aboratories - Harrisburg P. O. Box 1467 2575 lntelstate Drive contait Phone Nurnber: l'l!'l ) 346-'1200 Oil sample EOR And Gas lrgmt ID: 2579 421 status: conpleted of sample cdl.lector: Terra r, Tokarz Date sample lras Col-lected: 03/L8/20L3 02:09:00 Tloga Municipality: Delnar State: Samples PA TUP : wate! sample Meditrn Sample Medlum Tl4)e: water location: PM PE N_ SO UR CE Countyr 3 PA 17105-146? Analytical Report Natne I of V. 1. 1 Harrisburg, PAGE bollected at kj-tchen tap Reason: Colrplalnt purged at kitchen tap from 131? - 1335 h!s. No effervescence or odor noted, Sample collected at kj.tchen tap' Appearance: Water appeared clear, No effelvescence noted' laboratory sampfe ID: I2OL3OO?392 Standald Analysis: 946 Iega1 seal: 1044560 l,egal seal: f044561 legal Sealr f044562 htact: rntact: lntact: Test codes/cAs{ - Description conpleted YEs YES YES Reported Results Date And Time &1alyzed Analyst lest lvlethod Analytical Report FOR oif And Gas Mgnt sample ID: 25L9 Status: 421 2 of 3 V. 1. 1 PAGE ConpLeted Date And Time Test codes/CAS+ - Description Hardness T PH ** comhent ** sPc Tine ]-imitJ Eor Test 5.0 00095 00410 ALKALINITY 't 787 0 BROMIDE @ 2 LITHI!'I,I T* 00 92 9A SODIUM T 01092A 01055M 01007M 0104 5M 01082M ?0300 00940A 820'79 00s30 ZINC T Mn in MG/], 0114 7H 0100 2r{ 00 94 5A oo92't A 0110 5A C TURBIDITY T SUSP SOIID SEI,ENIUI,I T ARSENIC T SUIFATE T ALUMINUM T MG/L 11. 100 MG,/L <1.00 MG/II T 03/20 /20a3 09 22 t'Yi 03/79 /2073 04 :37 PM 03/2L/2013 03/79/2073 03/20/2073 03/2A/2013 03/20/2013 03/20/2073 03/20/2013 03/2a/201-3 <3.0 uclt, 03/24/2013 03/2A/20L3 03/2A/2013 a3/2A/2Ar3 03/L9/20L3 03/22/2013 03/19/20L3 a3/19/2013 a3/2'1/2Ar3 03/27 /20L3 <15.0 03/2L/201-3 0.1'1 MG/L 86 MG/L 2,'7 Mc/L CI{],ORIDE MAGN'SIW 41.2 5.380 MG/IJ 11.000 ucll, <0.01 MGIL a ,092 uG/L a.02 t4c/L MGIL TDS G180 118, ?0 unhos/cm <23 UG/L Ba in MG/j, Fe in MG/I sr in Exceeded