I Wlacnnlin languid Creden?llinl ml Infurumeni Hem 5 ite ap Luguut Gents Credentiilg Bail-d5 AIR Hilteninpe Millage Complaint Manage Cam plaint and Traci: Elem plainte 3 Sum mary-I Events Notes Ticklers Billing Evidence Documents Templates Cowhth ID: Status: Glee Received Date: File HeHer: Case Due Dete[s}: 15 MED ["32 Open for Investigation Max:015 Matthew Parties l'hme Rule Source D?ed Rams DAVID HOLILIHAH respondent 35991-20 active Opened fer Investigation if 4E Ether 302 3 complainant USPS all" JASON SIMCAKOSKI patient if Cenmhint mmplaint Gategeriee: Current Pre Preacriptive practice Unproteeapnel conduct Add?ess Lab-eh": I- Complainant Shaw ??ng Labelis}: Track: II: em plex Primitv: ID - El eath nfpatient Bypass: ICem panien CemplaintteEx?a-ting Dpen Files- ?ese Reesen: Select Screening Decisipn: IDpen fer Investigation Team: Il'ui Beards Referred From: Dn I External Case Number: Referred Te: IN nne [Te 5tatutes3?odes Current Previous Legacy 'y'iolations Type Chapter E: Section WELAW Publish Date Added to Case Remove Code Med 93132009 13232015 Any practice or conduct whid'l tends to constithe a dangeer the healih, welfare, or safety of patientor public. Code MED 103132013 13232015 Departing from or ?iling to conform to the smndard of minimally competent medical practice which creates an unaccepmble risk ofharm to a patientor ihe public whether or notthe act or omission resulted in actual harm to any person. Code MED 10.0332jl?ell 103132013 13232015 Administering, dispensing, prescribing, supplying, or obtaining a controlled substance as de?ned in 5. 961.0134], 51313., other ?ian in the course of legib'mate professional practice, or as otherwise permitted by law. Code Med 10.023330] 93132009 13232015 Failure to inform a patientaboutthe availability ofall alternate, viable medical modes aboutthe bene?ts and risks ofthese trtmenis, including the bene?ts and risks associated wiih the use cfextended wr contactlenses. Code MED 10.0332jlfj] 103132013 13232015 Performing an actconstithing the practice of medicine and surgery wiihout reguired informed consent under s. 443.30, 51313. Code Med 10.023233!) 93132009 13232015 1iliolating or aiding and abetting the 1.riolation ofany law or administrative rule or regulation ihe o'rcumances of whidi subs?mntially relate to the ciroJrns?G nces ofthe practice of medione. Code MED 10.033330] 103132013 13232015 Exceptas prouided in par. a yiolation or conyiction ofany laws or rules ofthis slate, or ofany other slate, or any federal law or regulation ?iatis subslzintially related in the pracb'ce of medicine and surgery. Code Med 10.033333] 93132009 13232015 Failure by a physician or physician assisiantto maintain patienthealtn care records consistent with the requirements of ch. Med 21. Code MED 10.033313e] 103132013 13232015 Failing b: esiziblish and mainiziin timely care records, induding records of prescription orders, under 5. Med 21.03, or as otherwise required by law. Eode MED l?j'lj'ZEllB I Prescribing, ordering, dispersing, administering, supplying, selling, giving, or ob?eining any prescription medication in any manner that is inconsistent I.Iirith the siandard of minimal competence. Code Med sweeps usaaols Administering, dispersing prescribing, supplying, or obiaining controlled subsiances as de?ned in s. 961.01 Eats? o?d?rerwise than in the course of Ieg'timate professional pracb'ce, or as o?d?rerwise prohibited by law. Case Associates Current Previous ?ame Role Date Assigned Rermve Ilo ck. iv1adzl'ie'.'r- Inyestigator 1I.iasude1.'an Sridhar Case Fidyisor GO Hr ND Pi ey if 221' EU 15 a Balasubran?ianianr Meena Paralegal Hl?z?l? Damiath Description {Intake} Current Previous Last Edit EV: Kelley Foster Last Edit Dn: liezieo 15 2:11:2o PM (lowlath Text: Allegations ofoyerprescribing, with suspicions that this practice led to at least one patient's death. Donpanm Cases Hespomdants Stains {else He. Margaret Hyde Dpen for Investigation 15 PHM IZIIZI1 Deborah Frasher, Deborah Frasher Dpen for Investigation 15 HLJR D19 David Houlihan Dpen for Investigation 14 MED 3 ]2 (E) 2015 Integrated Credentialing and Enforcement Version 331 Databa?: