Travel Repert Summary Basic Infarmalian Di?! Jul 2t] 14 Traveller: FDRHENTT, Pierre 3. H. TI-arrel ltenuest TRTIIJ3153 Supervisar: ERG, 1Ir?liilliam Auguste Addiliand llumher: Traveller Itegien: HQ Urn Unit at Traveller: HSHPEDICED Travel Dates: D4 Jun 3314 - Jun EUH Destination?]: MHEA Genairnr afTratreI: Strategic meeting with the 3 le'reis ef Ihe erganizatien te review the status ef the Ebela eutlsreak raspense in Gina and de?ne strategic crientatiens liar lhe coming weeks. Travel ctr-Travellers: briands; chungengs; in'peumab Attachments: Obj actives This strategic meeting aims at 1. Reviewing the current situaticn and lemons leamecl since the cen?m'ratien of ?re Ebola eu?reak in GJinea [March 21], 2. Identifying the strategic primities fer the eutbreak in the earning weeks 3. De?ning raspensihilities at lhre 3 levels at the erganizatien ta ensure eptimal ceerdinatien. The Ebola ouliorealt started most probably in the region of Gueitedou beginning of January 2014. The event was noti?ed to WHD on March 21 after the laboratory con?rmation done by Institut Pasteur Lyon. Early June the situation is as hollows [as off 4 June}: I323 cases including EDS deaths. I3 differem sites have reported cases including the capital city Conakry. Three sites are not anymore reoorting cases fDabola, K'ssidougou, Dinguiraye}. New site [Kouroussa] reporting cases on 6 June 2014. IThe outbrealt is still evolving with a nurrber of lransnission chains not controlled. IThe population is resistant is many places due to local beliefs that the disease does not artist and that deaths are due to another cause. Ln addition some public health measures related to Funerals not respectfully implemented have generated open hostility from some communities. ThereforeI the implementation of control measures is sub optimal or impossible in many villages. Conakry, some large familiesiclans affected by the disease are not complying with the contact tracing {less than 50% compliance]. Ln addition, many con?ects who were attending large gatherings for funerals at the capital city are now back to their home in other parts of the country or in neighboring countries [Guinea Bissau and Shane Leone}. IMany partners are supporting Guinean National Health Authorities MSF, EGG, Institut Pasteur Dakar; University of Hamburgr etc. However given the length of the outbreak responser some partners are now facing dif?culties to maintain the effort. has deployed 11G staff so far through or other air pert networks and is also facing di?'ioilties to ensure the turn over. IThe National Authorities have been proactive and transparent at the start of the epidemic. Howeverr they have recentiy change their communication line. They are announcing only con?rmed cases and deaths. This attitude is based on the willingness to sirrolify communication towards rural committee but also to ?minimize? arti?cially the magnitude of the Ebola outbreak to reassure expatriates working in the mining industry- In addition, the authorities are concerned by the restrictions imposed by Saudi Arabia to the Guinean Muslim willing to attend the Hajj pilgrimage- Itteighbouring countries are also affected Liberia [1 death 11 contacts followed up] and Giana Leone cases. 5 dealhsi. Given the intense movement of populations across borders in the region, it is lilter that other countries in the subregion will soon report Eloola cases. The retreat was fnJitfuI, with open discussions on issues of concems. The group successfully identi?ed priorities and sli?ategiaed interventions. The WE organized a meeting with the National Health Authorities and the inter-ministenal committee for the Ebola response where the issue ofofftial communication on numbers was discussed. It?s critical to reduce and stop transmission of the disease- This will only be possible with the full engagement of the population and National Authorities- Four priorities have been identi?ed for the coming weeks 1. Improve communication and social mobilisation I Change social mobilisation messag?- Make them simple and focusing on 2 situations only: the funerals and the care ofpalients; I Support national health authorities for a pmactive and transparent communication {deploy rislt communicators}; I Understand and address the cause of raistance from the populalion in Conaltry and in remote villages. Continue and intensify the identi?cation of opinion leaders.It is important to prevent resistance in local population and increase compliance to pubic health interventions. I Engage dialogue about rislts and preventive WEESIJFE: with private sector especially mining industry 2. Enhance surveillance I Detect through small morgue at the mosques abnon'nal death in Conal-try to increase early detection of chain of transmission; I Increase of contact tracing by providing compensations and adapting modalities of information gathering; I Improve software at to enable easy and fast of various databases. 3. Improve clinical management and infection control in health care facilities I Continue to deploy Intensive Care experts to support treatment centres. {This intervention when well implemented can reduce mortality by I ?ccelerate training for infection prevention and control focusing on realistic and simple interventions; I Engage recognized national physicians as trainer of trainers to accelerate sensitization of health care workers on good infection control practices. 4. Intensi?y activities at borders and in the subregion I Foster collaboration with neighboring countries through cross border meeting every 2 weeks; I Envisage a sub-regional meeting of and UPC to increase awareness of the disease and adopt good practices since the very ?rst cases. eTFtIl WEED 3'3 The effectiveness Di lhe intewen?eris will be reviewed regularly in the caning weeks. The crite?a Dfsuccess will he: Ir Reduction in the number ef new tlansnissien chain - Reduc?un in the number at affected places I Reductien in Fepulatiens 'resistance in public health intewen?en [increased rate ufccintiact tlacing in Cdnaknr, better acceptance ef mobile tearrs in rernete villages} - Increased enntnunicalien Frum Hie Hatinnal Au?wenties abuut the epidem'c Ker persons visited His Exceth the Ministers-sf Health The Inter-Ministerial Cemn'iittee fer Ebola eutbreak centml ef Healthr cf Een'imunicalien and l'vlinistrir cit Cmpemtien] 1'raireller: Supervision FURM Pien'e E.H. PEREA EARS, William Auguste Submission Date Time: Date ETime: Jul 2014 16:40 US Jul EIJH DE: 1i]