A United States Department at Agrisu?Jre mm, Animal and Plant Health lnspectien Service Irss Id Inspectidn Hepart Seattle Ehi drens Fissearsh InslilLt-E: ?l??t'fl - Fith Avenue 1253 wt? 95?? Esrtifisaie si-natiss {"31 deall L'rers Tyne INSPECTIUH Date 2-31 Hill Ill- Ii'-i in; INSTITUTIDHAL ANIMAL CARE AND LIE-E CEMMITTEE At least 6 pigs Lead In an lit-BUG unnssassartr pain and distress win-sh may have cc-ntrihuted tn their dea'.hs. Flesearch ccinducting surgical ardcedures an these pigs did adrnir-istsr 1hs apdidpnais sr analgss-a as spars-rad the IN: LIE. Current and Isn'r-sr s1al1 that the animals struggled dun ng part at the sIJr-gical insisic-ns and manipulatis-ns indicating that the animal 5 dduld real the ar'd. lhereldre. did have satin and distress apprs-priatelglr alleviated. inset-ring than pain and did not lat-LII: drums-at and the animals did ndi ?scan-a anesthesia sr anaigasia. With halting apprcipriete anes1hesia cur analgesia witheut scientific faaticin and apprdaal frat?i 1he IAELJC fur prduedures. rig dis-rs than mr?erilary dr slight and distress Ii?i rassarnh astisi1ias san Jaddardiae 1he wall'ara sf an mal subjects and ts pain sr dsath The W: U13 :his activity insulating arimals l'dr nun-cempliance with the appraised presedu'es and the pre1cucnl was terminated h5r1he lns1i1titiizi'1al ?ifisial. T-a be cs-rreslen 1rdrri th time lis-rward ?ur all IAEUC apprdu'ed a'1irrial ussI 131 mi ii:- INSTITUTIDHAL ANIMAL CARE AND USE timing the arsa used far nsn-s-Jn-i'tral sung rsal inu'stsing rags was ns-t maintained Lindsr aseptic cc-nalitinns. A thiclt layer at dust and debris has been allcuwed ti:i std-stimulate an the slit-lanes el ?1 surg dal lights asst-a this dpsrating lalsls. Mats-r spsratit-s had been snndustsd an pigs an 11923313 and 1 I 3 ss truss-s were in a facility that was nsi assist-s. pissing a risk ts animals is? sipssurs 1c- irilentsl due. at dlher rrialerials. Malar spar-arise an nan-redsnis Isill he snly in ?a-silitiss intends-:1 far that [Impass- whish shall Isa aparatad and maintained undar asapiis sandilidns. El . Prepared By: DIP-HE Ft FORE-ES D?i' Animal Care Data: Title: HlitIiitFt?ir MEDICAL EDES Jar-Wests Received 53: [till (th :l DE IE . Hal:- EI-LI-lsltin-slt: LJnited Elam D1 AgricunJre 931$ m, Animal and F'lan1 HeaHh a??m?qw?n Inspectiun Hepart T-n he nnrrezler: [151an 1hF! nnx?. main-r npnrative pummel-lure nn IF.- candnded. Em inlen- aw curldumed lhe IAEUC Chair and1hr-J Aherlding VE1erinarIHn tEk?Jphune an El .TIF . Prepared By: DIP-HE FIBRE-ES P-rllmal Care Date: Tltle: MEDICAL Inspectnr EDES Hecel'ured Ey: (th :l Date . Tltle: Rel:- Ii'f