INVESTIGATION REPORT ffi;*p;;x["rlli:,-. 1129D015 2:30:32 PM Comolaini lnformation 8220 . EP DOGO SWDO Dstr Off Complaint ld: 275806 Related Complaint ld: county: Munlclpality: Amwel Township Afler Hours (YiN): N Entered By: PATRICIAA MEHALIK Source: ER Relatcd (Y/N): N Daie Receivdd: 'l1t1ana 0 Date Acknowledged: Abbr€viated Description: Waler affected by OG operations Long Descriptionl Complaina 1 noticed anodo. ro waterabo,t a year ago after sl,dge pond was put Problem gol worse pastAugusi. V. 1. 1 l above her Son has been genrng s.c< ano haung rver probte-ns, dog has died and.eghbor's 2 dogs a-d horse.avod€d. Ooas and son Biatosky was notified by a-s. serv. ar 5:02 ph. 1.1/tB and totd servic€ toiotd message lorthe a.T. comptai-t atso said son a1d animats have aGenic in urne. 2ND COIIPLAINANT SAtD BACK tN AUGUST HER DAUGHTERS DOG GOT StCK. Sho said she caled and rhis in A-eusr. she said she €rso cared y .:l i"pi,Gl"hl.Lo"v _ r llfo-il_"1_"1 "*,gj^e, navo n system so I lotd.her two- d p-t inro system €tonq wilh t-:s comptainr as rney tiue crose Oy. rne wouro r\e sorreole rotesl rer warer atso. Range ResoJ.ces se.r Kimbel to dr€w war;r. Thevtord herro ca' Micorbrch lab - wno iotd herto cal back Ranqe. Trey r.i anJtr,"v tomdrcw n"or- -s ar 9:00. a-d they are going to;ave Rdd "arreo Oa\ to drain wale'r o-t -'r" ,i"ilrl:".i delivered. aut shefeets shewoutd herwaterlesred by us. s;.."" i"p. a.e;ilil;;;;,w:;", il#, OP EN _S OU RC E County: Municipality: Respons€ lnformaiion Priority: 3 Programj Oit& cas Complaint Type: Water Supply Date Response Assigned: 1 Dato Resolved: 11/2312010 t/18/2010 Date Reponse Due: 1230/2010 Daie Firsr Response: I1l19/2010 lnsp€ctor: BRYON A [,4tLLER Supervisor: VTNCENT I\, yANTKo 1l2g?a15 2:3.c:32 PM PFoTEcnoN 11l1gl2o1 VINCENT M YANTKo Date Type: Other lnv€5ttgaled: violation (Y/N): N lnvestiqtilon ld: 273266 Ranoe is delivennq a watet buffalo today' complainant t6 invesriqate water complainant a€re also she stated lhat Bryon Milletwas livesl# "ii 11/19/2010 BRYON AMILLER 1946082 Dats lnv€stlgated: I 1/2312010 vlolatlon (Y/N): lnvestigatlon ld: 274831 Hffi s:#ri#n!i!i?.q!iG:'i!'!"{fi thalthere was any rmpaclrc r.crrits do not indicate N V. 1. 1 YiGt ffi lll,:,{lY"?li"?,-^. ;::$ifii;;r:i:"dfl1'il:' OP EN _S OU RC E # INVESTIGATION REPORT ""-'".''"