81x?25r?2882 15:3? 3238818888 EDB PAGE Blf?d 761551N25A - SHHAD (11/90) FROM: SUBJECT: COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT A Tradition of Service Since 1850 DATE: January 5, 2015 OFFICE a FILE NO. -- CAPTAIN NCY OPE P?rnons BUREAU GEORGE E. ZAGURSKI. LIEUTENANT RESPONSE TEAM I ERGIE RESPONSE TO CALIFORNIA PUBLIC RECORDS ACT REQUEST The purpose of this correspondence is to respond to the California Public Records Act request by Mr. Aaron Mendelson regarding data sets on the Long Range Acoustic Device possessed by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. The Emergency Operations Bureau, Sheriff?s Response Teams, possess one (1) LRAD model 500 Long Range Acoustical Device which was obtained through our Asset Acquisitions Team on February 14, 2012? The LRAD model 500 has not been deployed operationally since its acquisition in 2012. The Sheriff's Response Team?s unit order is attached. 81f25f2882 15:3? 3238818888 EDB Pri?rGE 82f84 Sheriff?s Response Teams Unit Orders Long Range Hailing Devices 12 -2010 December 9, 2010 The ur ose of this order is to provide guidelines for the use and deployment of the LRAD or long range hailing devices utilized by the Los Angeles County Sheriff?s Department. AUDIO ANNOUNCEMENTS DURING CIVIL DISORDER USING LONG RANGE HAILING DEVICES The Department maintains several long range hailing devices by different manufacturers. These devices can be used to deliver routine messages, announcements. warnings and dispersal orders as needed. The devices primary use is for audio notifications. Operators of these devices should be cognizant of the fact that the sound emitting from the device is loudest at the source and should ensure that Deputy personnel or civilians are not standing near the front device when operated at full power. Long Range Hailing Devices concentrate a focused sound cone so it can be heard at a greater range with clarity. When crowds are massed, their width needs to be taken into consideration and the device moved across that width to ensure the message or warning can be heard. DISPERSAL ORDERS DURING UNLAWFUL. ASSEMBLY USING LONG RANGE HAILING DEVICES The Department?s long range hailing devices, if present, can be used to deliver declarations of unlawful assembly to mobs or during riotous situations. Declarations of unlawful assembly should be delivered in accordance with established crowd dispersal protocols ensuring the message can be clearly heard by those the message is intended for. It is advisable that law enforcement personnel be placed on the fringe of the massed crowd to have con?rmation that the announcement can be heard at the rear of the crowd. 81x?25r?2882 15:3? 3238818888 EDB PAGE 83f84 USING WARNING TONES FROM LONG RANGE HAILING DEVICES Long range hailing devices have the capability of delivering warning tones. sirens and other audio input recordings. Warning tones are normally directed into a crowd by the Sheriff's Response Team Lieutenant as a warning to the mob and as a method to disperse a mob or modify its criminal behavior. Operators need to be aware of the proximity of Deputy personnel and civilians when delivering the warning tones ensuring they are not immediately adjacent to the speaker array when delivered at full power. Personnel who use the device should be familiar with its use, capabilities and limitations prior to its use. Please direct any questions to the SRT Administrative Lieutenant.