Business Information Establishment Name .. Street Address Wm m/ Citle own Is Licence Posted? YesE/Nolj Licence Number Date of Inspection DD MM YY Ita?cs-f Reason for Inspection If follow-up, date of previous inspection Routine Inspection Complaint El Illness Follow-up Inspection El I Based on the inspection performed today, the critical items identi?ed below are violations of the Food Premises Regulations and/or the Eond . Critical items must be corrected at the time of inspection or controlled in a manner that Will not pose a food safety threat. Failure to immediately correct or control critical items may result in closure of your establishment. COMPLIANCE STATUS Time/Temperature of Potentially Hazardous Foods cm a road? water and me from Approved Sources cm 101 Cold holding temperatures 3 (DH NA N08 301 Food ohm ned from approved sources NOB a ?r 102 "Wm ?eWe'al'J'es 50 (i A ?03 302 Food in good condition. safe a. unadunerated f) nos, 103 Wm? NA ?03 303 Food properly labeled I NOB 2' 104 Proper cool ng time 8. temperamres mN NA NOB ?0 105 Adequate equipment to maintain food NA NOB Potentially Hazardous Foods Protected our 11? temperatures - 106 Proper monitoring of temperatures ?70 NA nos ?01 F??d separate? ?meme? ?03 9 402 Foodlcontactsuriaces cleaned and 6) NA NOB 107 Proper reheating procedures for hot hold ng I) NA NOB sanitize 103 pmperlhawing pmedmes NA NOB 403 Facility free of pests {vermrn &insects) ~03 404 Texrc chemicals properly labeled. stored or used r) . . to prevent food contamination NOB Personal Hygiene of Food Service Workers cm a . 201 Hands clean properly washed NOB Other Adequate hand washing faculties 202 supplied a. accessible N03 001 Food handlers free of disease or 203 condition that may spread through food ~03 002 Food handlers usin proper utensils to I 204 avoid unnecessary and contact with ?03 cookedlprepared food Food Temperature Observations 4 Item/Location ltemILocation item/Location Item/Location $31? ItemlLocation 3 r1?- \1 T's Esq c: ?11- 1'5 eri- ?2 tr- LL. Corrective Actions Eli or HD- 0043 2010 08 5 "3:33, Observations and Corrective Actionls) i?g Lt .73 twat-Fr. x. hex Arc-5c. . TX awash-sake . ms: 3k N. 5? 11> mtg??Na?x?b mas; m- kx?ew 4R m? finals; Q?s. ?xes-sq ?x \h?CL?unz- xx. cm '25 Ex Ck? %\w\0q . r255 'l .- p-J?v- 79-4?; '6 6 Based on the inspection performed today, i?l 31ii~ Ed'?li'li: the non-critical items identi?ed below are violations of the Food Premises Regulations and/or the mo Retail and F990 services Qgge Qf Canada. Non-critical items must be corrected before the next routine inspection, or by a date speci?ed by inspector. Failure to comply with any time limits for corrections speci?ed may result in closure of your establishment. COMPLIANCE STATUS Food Equipment and Utensils cm a General Sanitation cm 3 Ad ate fac I'ties available to wash, rinse Garbage 8: refuse properly disposed and - 501 antelqstanitize andlorequrpment ?03 701 facilities maintained NA ?03 Non-food contact surfaces properly Appropriate procedures fot?owed for 702 ted?l gum . nd i N08 502 mechanical andfor manual dishwashing NA N03 703 cons at ?re?gd sea" 503 Proper storage of frozen food items NA NOB a" 9'5 or?? ya N05 704 Adequate protection from and insect f; NA N08 504 Food storage containers not used for other NA NOB pests purposes . Living or sleeping quarters separated from - - 705 food senrice area 03 505 Equrpment and that contact food NA NOB are 'es'sm'? r05 Premises free or live birds and animals NA 3405 506 Egg?gsnt in good repair, cleaned and (Y NA NOB . . I Testing of Temperatures col location or thermometers and Phys'c?l Facumes cm 301 thegnometers working accurately Li)? N08 - pressure 3 Food contact surfaces properl constructed 302 womng d'Shwasmnemperam'e a" NA N03 501 or lodete'iercceptable material used ?03 gauges 803 Chemical test kits andlor rs rovided i602 Hot E?a?jwater available. adequate pressure (at NA NOB I .pape NA NOB 5-1 '1 804 li?nmpg?ai?l?'?ig?gg?u??fg G) NA Nos 693 Proper disposal of sewageaiwaste water let fact-ties: properly constructed. supplied NA N03 cm 5&4 and cleaned Other 15335 Adequate lighting: lghting protected :9 NA nos 901 NA nos $66 Adequate mechanrcaI ventilation Y) NA NOB 902 NA NOB Obser'xvations?and Corrective Actions .3 tie Correction Date in . ?hhber Observations and Correctrve Actionls) (if applicable) 'r I I: 3 '1 {:5qu Q. \c-w 1443? :14 - r. N. s. shah w? 133.31: ??gx 1? . \w 4 Run ?iiqu? t: 6 CM. (:53 - i -- ml." 3 . CZ \h r- Circle the appropriate letter to indicate whether: - in compliance - not in compliance NOB - not observed NA - not applicable indicate with a check mark whether: - repeat violation CDI - controlled during inspection Inspection Results Enforcement Action critical items Number of Number of non-critical items Number of. repeat critical items Number of repeat non-critical items ls another re-inspection required? Yes Approximate date of re-inspection I I Other Yes Yes Yes Is the establishment closed? NOD Has food been discarded? Have food samples been collected? NO 10 Veri?cation I Sigriattlreof person in charge 'h m. Inspector's signature 'r Date xv; Irene-J .2. 7 mm . 5 Business Infonnatlon Establishment Name Street Address City/Fawn Is Licence Posted? . Licence Number Date of Inspection Yes No El Reason for Inspection I If follow-up, data of previous inspection Routine Inspection Complaint [3 Illness Follow-up inspection I Based on the inspection performed today. the critical items identi?ed below are violations of the Food Premises Regulations and/or the Eden Critical items must be conected at the time of inspection or controlled In a manner that will not pose a food safety threat. Failure to immediately correct or control critical items may result in closure of your establishment. COMPLIANCE STATUS Time/Temperature of Potentially Hazargous Foods CDI Food, water and me from Approved Sources cm a 101 00'? 5 4'9 IY-L "03 301 Food obtained from approved sources N03 102 Hm ?ding 3 50.0 NA "05 302 Food in good condition, sale unadulterated NOB 103 Proper coollingofrawfood ofanimal origin NA NOB 303 Food property Iabeled NOB 104 Proper cooling time attemperatures NA NOB 105 gene'quaataleglpmentto maintain iood NOB Potentially Hazardous Foods Protected cm a - 106 Proper monitoringoitemperatures Iii" NA NOB 401 [museum and Olmsted . . NA N08 402 Foodcontact surfaces cleaned and - NA NOB 107 Proper reheating procedures for hot holding m. NOB 7. 108 Pm? lures NA NOB 403 oflpests (verlInln alnsects) sad NOB CB 5 abeled. Sth'Bd or 404 topleirent food congm nation N03 Personal Hygiene of Food Service Workers cut a 201 Hands clean 8: WHY washed NOB Other Adequate hand washin facilities 202 "03 001 NA nos Food handlers free of disease or 203 condition that may spread through food N03 002 NA NOB Food handlers usin proper utensils to 20? avoid unnecessa ?end ?03 003 NA NOB cookedlprepared Food Temperature Observations Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Its ocation It mlLocati mlLocatl (.0) ItemlLocati (ac) nilLocatl (cc) i Observations and Corrective Actions Item Number Observations and Corrective Action(s) L4 020130004!) 201201 6 Based on the inspection performed today, 7 i?ilfizi 21H [Hui the non-critical items identi?ed below are violations of the Food Premises Regulations and/or the Egg! it i Non-critical items must be corrected before the next routine inspection, or by a date speci?ed by inspector. Failure to comply with any time limits for corrections speci?ed may result in closure of your establishment. COMPLIANCE STATUS Food Equipment and Utensils cm a General Sanitation cm a Ad ate facillti available to wash. rinse Garbage a refuse properly disposed and . 5?31 andeqsuanitize ute?glls andror equipment ~05 701 facilities maintained "03 Non-food contact surfaces property NA NOB 502 ?emi?r?i? NA ?03 702 mmw?d' "mm" . Adequate protection from vermin and insect NA no 504 Food storage containers not usedforother NA NOB 70? pests purposes A 105 Livingorsleeping quarters separated from . N08 505 Equipment and utensils that contact food 5. NA NOB f??d 59?? are mm mutant and non'twc . T00 Premises free of live birds and animals NA NOB 508 lngood repair. cleaned and - NA NOB Testing Deviceleogging of Temperatures col fthermo te nd a Physical Facilities cm 301 139g; up NA NOB Working dishwasher temperature and pressure 601 02% used NA Nos 802 eves ["93 602 Hotdtcoldwater available. adequate pressure NA NOB 803 Wed 'fp) NOB .. . 804 Temperature logs maintainedforrefrlgerated NA NOB 603 Proper disposai of sewage drwasta water NA NOB MW Him" 504 lg?eglfeaglgaes: properly constructed. supplied v- NA nos Other cm cos Adequate lighting; lighting protected NA NOB 901 NA NOB 606 Adequate mechanical ventilation NA N05 902 NA NOB Observations and Corrective Actions Item Correction Date Number Observations and Corrective Actionisv-my; the appropriate letter to indicate whether: Indicate with a Qh?k mark whether: - in compliance - not in compliance NOB - not observed not applicable - repeat violation cm - convened during inspection Inspection Results Enforcement Action Number of critical items ls another re-inspection required? Number of non-critical items -- Number of repeat critical items Number of repeat non-critical Items Other Yes Approximate date of re-inspection 07 lot? I is the establishment closed? . Yes Has food been discarded? Yes No Have food samples been collected? Veri?cation Signature of person(I? charge to Date Inspector?s signature Date I I Business Information Establishment Name Street Address C?yfiown ls Licence Posted? rug/Nu: Licence Number Date of Inspection DD I YY I MA Reason for inspection lffollow-up, date ofprevious inspection r'v Routine inspection plaint Illness El Follow-up InspectionD I I . Based on the inepection performed today, the critical items identi?ed below are violations of the Food Premises Regulations and/or the End Critical items must be corrected at the time of inspection or controlled in a manner that will not pose a food safety threat. Failure to immediately correct or control critical items may result in closure of your establishment. COMPLIANCE STATUS Time/Temperature of Potentially Hazardous Foods col Food, water and me from Approved Sources col 101 Cold holding temperatures 5 4'0 .?j?lu NA . NOB 301 Food mm, mm 6W mm fin, 102 H01 baldi?dtemperamreszsonot; 303 WWEW NOB 104 NA Noa 105 ta ate erg?ripmentiornaintainfood NA NOB Potentially Hazardous Foods Protected a col 105 Propermonitoringofternpemmres NA NOB 401 m?mg?gmm and N03 107 Proper LEN m. mg 402 grim . 15 ?0'3 108 mmwn? procedures warmest micro-Wm i: 1 Personal Hygiene of Food Service Workers cor 201 Hands cleari&properiywashed in NOB Other Food Temperature Observations 4I iternlLocation ng?f item/Location 733?? item/Location itemrLocatlon 133? Itel'rrlLocation ?Observations and Corrective Actions 5 Observations and corrective Actionis) 0201me 201201 6 Based on the inspection performed today, 7 :r [-"Jr1 a ?llies-Lea ?J?tf?ddt- . the non-critical items identi?ed below are violations of the Food Premises Regulations andlor the Em Wilma. Non-critical items must be corrected before the next routine inspection, or by a date speci?ed by Inspector. Failure to comply with any time limits for corrections speci?ed may result in closure of your establishment. COMPLIANCE STATUS Food Equipment and Utensils CDI a General Sanitation car it Aden iI bl to wash. it . Garbage a: refuse property disposed and 501 and NA "03 701 facilities ma:ntained ?03 Non-food contact surfaces properly Appropriate procedures followed for ?21. 702 strum I I l: NA NOB 502 mechanical andfor manual dishwashing N05 703 2; ha dl . in good mpamrn; cean NOB 503 Properstorageoffiozenfooditems v; NA NOB '1 ?F'Dpewa A F. 704 Adequate and insect NA NOB 504 Y?i NA NOB P9513 . . "um 705 Uvingorsleeping quarters separatedfrom NA NOB food service area 505 Equipment and utensils that contactfood NA NOB . . . mm" ?mm roe Premises free or live birds and animals it up NOB 506 Equipment In good repair. cleaned and NOB 58" um - a Testing Devices/Logging of Temperatures cor Pro rrnom rid - Physical Facilities car it 801 ?Emma mtg-35,8 NA NOB - Woridng dishwasher temperature and pressure r. El 601 _mmil??i?r used 2Chemical test kits provided 602 Hotecold water available. adequate pressure :35. NA NOB 303 ?Wimpy? . "08 u, - - 804 Temperature logsmalntaned forrefrigerated NA NOB . ,r storey units (non regulatory requirement) 603 water .32} NA NOB Toilet facilities: prope constructed. su piled car it 604 am- gl?egmg NA NOB Other 605 Adequate liy'lting; liming protected at?? NA N08 901 NA N05 606 Adequate mechanical ventilation NA NOB 902 NA NOB Observations and Corrective Actions Item Correction Date Number Observations and corrective Actionis) 0' aPP'lcablei .3.- - I: "ix Circle the appropriate letter to indicate whether: Indicate with a chem whether: - in compliance - not in compliance NOB - not observed NA - not applicable - repeat violation - controlled during inspection inspection Results Number of critical items Number of non-critical items Number of repeat critical items Number of repeat non-critical items Enforcement Action ls another re?lnspection required? YesEl N0 Approximate date of re-Inspectlon 0 0 I I Is the establishment closed? Yeslj NOD Has food been discarded? Yea No Have food samples been collected? Yes NOD Other Veri?cation 10 Signature of person in charge Date 5 Inspectors signature Date BN3- I I \Qx Business Information - if: -- 1 Establishment Name i U: r. i StreetAddress I City/Town 0W a . - Is licence Posted? Licence Number Date of Inspection 9 COMPLIANCE STATUS YES NO I I II Food Equipment and Utensils General Sanitation din ODI 1 Reason for Inspection 501 .. NA Nos 701 ?We? NA NOB Non-food contact surfaces property 2 Iffollow-up. date of previous Inspection 9 502 Appropriate procedures followedfor It NA N03 702 mm, 1.1m repairs? clean Yrjil??h NOB Routine Inspeme Complaint El IllnessEl Follow-up Inspection El I I I 703' NA N03 503 or matterPlime 705 Living or sleeping quarters separatedfrom {if NA NOB Based on the inspection performed today. the critical items Identi?ed below are violations of the Food Premises Regulations andlor the Eood 505 Emigan and nit-?nal? "gap food in NA NOB - 1. . Critical items must be corrected at the time of inspection or controlled In a manner that will not pose a 705 m'mm 0? W5 and Emmafood safety threat. Failure to immediately correct or control critical items may resort In closure of your establishment. 506 33mm ?mm .. Nos - Testing Devices/Logging of Temperatures col It COMPLIANCE STATUS Physical Facilities 00' 801 11'? NA "03 Time/Ten: erature of Potentiall Hazardous Foods car can Working dishwasher temperature and pressure a I. Food, Water and Ice from Approved Sources 601 NA N08 802 gauges It; NA NOB 101 'hlsr?? 9.92Hot [arman 302 safeaiunedulterated FY iN NOB . 804 Tempe'am?'water NA NOB store} un (non-regimenr requ rement) 103 Proper rt}; rill. NOB 303 labeled If Y- i" NOB F'm' [ad {3.3 . . I tlUCle. I 104 Propercooiingtimeittemperamres i NA NOB 604 sup? KrY-xt? NA NOB Other cm 105 e'gsuipmenttomaintainfood NOB- Potentially Hazardous Foods Protected cor a 505 Adequate ?siting; Ilmtingprotected NA NOB 901 i. N08 106 Y1. N08 401 Foodsapalated andprotected NA- NOB 606 Adequate mechanical ventilation NA NOB 902 NA NOB - 402 Foodcontactsurfacescleanodand I NA NOB 107 Properreheatins procedures forhotholdins NA. N25 sanitize? Observations and Corrective Actions 103 PTOPEfthawing procedures 403 ?rmveT'Eeg'm? used ?05 . .. 7 ?a Correction Date 404 a vsm'e?m y?iN N03 (if applicable) mun food tio servatl rrective Personal Hygiene of Food Service Workers col to "ma [La?4' N?m'be' Ob ms and co Amen?) 0 201 Nos Other ?Kimble ?05 001 NNANOB . I .r - :rr- .II It r! Foodhandlersfreeofdiseeseor Foodhandlersusl -. . .204m mm 003 I I ru urtneceaseqr00d NA NOB . I.Ill I I i Food Temperature Observations . itemlLocatlon 193? ItenrlLocation 733? itemlLocation 133' ItemlLocation 733? ltemlLocatlon as": 'l?rf? frthe appropriate letter to Indicate whether: Indicate with a whether: Observations and Corrective Actions - In compliance - not in compliance NOB - not observed NA - not applicable - repeat violation cor - controlled during inspection 5 ?m~mmcm?mm Inspection Results Enforcement Action Veri?cation 8 9 Is another re-lnspection required? NumblroiApgmgimat: date Sl'gnat'ure 0fpersoh'h1o?urge? Numbsrof I I non-critical Items Date 3) Is the establishment Erased"Pat Has food been discarded? 'r orltlosl Items . i . a Yes No Inspector?s signature - q_ Havefoodsamplesblf'encoliec?non-critical Items Date 6 .r - - 9 Other