DB Enlered by Referral BDO TSM REVIEW I SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMATION SPOT REFERRAL REPORT Version 4.0 Rsviud 021232009 PART I: Behavioral Observation SPOT Tum umber (Ln-t. HM): SPOT Team Member First): I 1 SPOT Tum ?snubs! (Lust, First]: W- mtm. ?ts-sum? lnIlIal Obsorva?on Rspomd Em and WM I 2 Points leach): FEAR Factors 3 Points (each): DECEPTION Factors Illa 2040 yum old traveling whonNOTpsnofsf-mlly 1 Point (each): STRESS Factors Mm Ih Io! known Avalon mumy Will or LEO Exam-Inna ylvang - m- IndIvIdud m- procu- Esau?. ?ag-hug. clock mung, had-Inning, Ming full. by shaking mm In Fm pals Iran "on! shaving [and Full Mung mu sen-mug Fm Mink run when Inividull mm In submit to why Mm Ming MW Obviou- 'Adsm?s jump whon Md to ml to scram-Inn woo-Guru Bug was to ho than sup-cud or hymn-mummuwm Bung- In clothing CoId Wing sun hollan st emu luv-Ion at will n. the Iocdion such an em 21mm law. at chaugr - Mum What-?th on int-ting chockde av .mnn?nq to scanning pines-s who sit Idsnliul or luggag- Rl?d podun. minimal body mm Mm ann- close In shes Scar-am Shows unusual I'm-nut in security onions and the" snarl tom"! App-usual:- mm o! App-nah Incl-cults Asks ms BOO locality-Id? quss?ons Doss Msintains cw.? tits nth-s (maid-?ning SWIM with im. uhibK'Ing hind Mm In no." uMwoMbw-n) W1 upwbodym hands (no! objects! X-nyo' Wall mung!- Maul (MIDI 1 Point: SELECTEE Banning pass In?cnu SEILCTEE Deduct 2 Points: MEMBER OF FAMILY Member at 1 Funny Deduct 2 Points: MARRIED COUPLE OIqu arrogance-namedqu Rubbing at mm- WurIng Inlpvopnr like luv Ioc?Ion Deduct 1 Point: LOW RISK Snooghodyodor quems?ycmadu?dcmasyunud Mum Tumbling _um' the scram-Inn puma-n Section 2 Sub?Total: IIm-?-Jpoinu. PART II: SPOT Resolution Ramon lot Hahn-I {select one): We! Comps!qu bun-vim to Mm ?mid- m- u: I 300 Incl liqu'dl. gals. at some") 1 Almanacs unum ads (in nests of 3.4 at or 100 ml) Bluepnm Numsrous pnpaId cale cards at call pm 0W postllonlng (GPS) unIt Photograph-labors": of high pto?le lug?: Twining such ss Nam. scuba. Rona. Mn. and up. loos. m. loos- sprosIvs. or uncut-i: comm 0mm If (2) or ugns o' thunk-an are during casual emanation. nautical" initilh LEO non?ction. 'Mun'sAppIs'jump r' l? mu. fr _nono Cw In voice pncn. m. volume. 61 Flu boon-nos flushsd Sans n. Apps-mu to look hr sscunl'y [annals-Id LEO wart. dry mom Fast vy- innk rm of vala- at body Conmy looulna a at!" my: at was Gazing down o: Bully-dme Gunmen-wan Dim at Inability to pry dilution to pour! skunk-an blunting Isle. dwing tho pvocoss Doss not mum-l signi?m Inch mm mm qua-(Ions dsh?s about put-pots a?trIu of sign'r?um has win-n Im??g quantum Mov-nsn may Mun If. of?cial Ian-Ids uxn Evuivn o! vsgus muons? No or mm almci rye mutant Essay-rm yminu Ovony speci?c mm: mm ma now! a I . . Elm complain? am If. to India-I2 In: Intel-Indian Is mound 0" 24 "31? MAW WARNING THIS RECDRC CONTAINS ORV-WISH THAT IS UNDER ?9 PARTS ?5 IN: ?520 NO THIS MAY PARTS 15 AND 1532 FKCEFT THE JJR DERMISSION THE OR OF THE SF-ZURITY ADMINISTRAT ON OR 37 ZEZ- ASE IN OR ACTION FOR .. 5 AGENCIES DISCLOSURE GUVPRNEL LI 5 55: 49 5 I72 PARTS ?5 AND 15x 1M2 REV 2 DB Entered by Referral 8 BBQ TSM REVIEW SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMATION SPOT REFERRAL REPORT l? Vorllon 4.0 Revised OZIZJIMB PART II: SPOT Resolution (continued) Won totde 6 points "tom Sodium 1-3! Wol- vac-pan. lunrdoul of r. llam CWW of wicidn illde bomb" mm. or uplouve uncover-d Sum?lm activity A or - . Lame um: a! mole Inning U3. Sap-cud unlawful drugs diumnd mm naming Lug- Ium a! monk: no (locum-m Dupqu (1) 91 mote 019n- of meg-mun mason to possess companion refund to LED ("om Sochon 4) PM will"! to album to naming PART Data Collection um": I f? airport: Non Ilrpon: Flight numbnl I Final 4 nlrpon; 1 X-RAY BAG SEARCH SURRENDERED (BEFORE CHECKPOINT) 1 X-RAY BAG SEARCH SURRENDERED (BEFORE CHECKPOINT) . . gm Aw? I ReIqution: LEO mpondodh?d mien MM by TSA Dar-I'd boating by curb! 0mm Ind IN by Gunmen-d Ind ma by LEO hr Investigation by LED LED did not mm (pvvidl Mail: blow) Idonul'lod by LEO or pump! as: Son-duper?ng - LEO: Rem" In! Arrest: - ATF Wing wan-m Una-clam nun-my Slum drug. ma Inca-I (- Frnudubm documm ICE List on.? LEO: 6 0mm Banning Mun-gar Nam-a: . Cops-d: YES NO SENSITIVE sECuRm WARNING TNHS RECORD IS UNDER 45 PARTS 1520 NC PART nNQw' A5 Danna: PARTS 15 AN: ?520. WITH THE 0: 0F YHE TRANSPORTATIGN SECURITY OR THE SE CRETARV or TRANSPORTATION UNAJTHORIFFC EASE MAV RESLIJ IN awn vENAnIes 0R CIHER ACTON FOR L. 5 GOVERNMENT AGENC ES DISC.OSURF 5" r- AND :9 v: nuns 15 ANE1520 2M2 REVZ